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BC ordering picks up

发表于 2013-4-9 11:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏镇江

Amid a downturn in global shipping industry, although a bulker charter market still remains the lowest level on record, new orders for bulker have been on the rise from this year.

Major foreign shipowners have recently placed large orders for capesize series one after another and even orders for small-and-medium sized bulkers, which have been stagnant for a while, are getting active except for panamax.

With a thought that newbuilding prices hit the bottom, a Norwegian shipowner, John Fredriksen group placed an order for a large capesize series at Chinese shipyards, however, other foreign shipowners who plan to order for eco-friendly, high-efficient newbuildings are showing interests in Japanese shipyards, attributed to a weaker yen.

Alongside with an order rise in capesize, handysize and handymax bulkers which orders were low temporarily seem to gain orders, nevertheless, the panamax type is still seen stagnant.

Panamax sector set the largest record newbuilding delivery in 2012 and is expected to deliver the similar volume this year. Comparing with other types of vessel, it has been widely suggested that it takes a longer time to improve oversupplied tonnage that its depression is likely to continue for a while.

However, in such situation of the excessive tonnage, Callimanopulos group of Greece has placed an order for three Kamsarmax bulkers with two options at China’s Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding to take advantage of low newbuilding price with a somewhat late delivery due 2015 and 2016.

Regarding the recent notable increase in bulker orders, some industry players show concerns over a possible recession in the bulker market due to 'irresponsible' newbuilding orders.

Khalid Hashim, CEO at Precious Shipping of Thailand, has prospected that a vicious cycle of market recession will reappear in 2016 as shipowners have begun placing large orders for bulkers consecutively.

He added “I think 2013 will be challenging, 2014 will offer some relief, especially at the end of the year, 2015 will be smiles for owners, but 2016 will see the return of irresponsible vessel ordering again and so the cycle will continue.”

Published : April 9, 2013

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