本帖最后由 断线风筝 于 2011-7-21 10:41 编辑
公 司 简 介 上海恒波船舶技术有限公司是一个从事各类船舶设计的专业公司。 上海恒波船舶技术有限公司坐落在黄浦江畔的中国船舶工业总公司船舶工艺研究所内,置身于船舶科研的大环境,迈步船舶科技的最前沿,能迅速及时地获得船舶设计和建造的新理念、新技术,并将这些信息融于船舶设计当中,使公司的设计水平始终处在一个较高的水平。 公司的前身是2004年成立的远舟船舶技术有限公司,2007年经改制组建了上海恒波船舶技术有限公司,现有技术人员近60人。2008年又先后在江苏靖江组建了“上海恒波船舶技术有限公司靖江分公司”和在南京与江苏舜天船舶股份有限公司合资成立了“江苏舜天船舶技术有限公司”,技术人员的总人数达到160余人,形成上海—南京—靖江三足鼎立的支撑平台,使公司的发展得以进一步壮大。 公司拥有实力雄厚的设计队伍,既有享有国务院津贴的高级教授,也有具有高级职称、中级职称的各类大专以上学历的专业设计人员,设计专业涵盖了总体、结构、轮机、管系、电气、内舾装、外舾装、涂装等全部专业,设计人员具有多年的船厂工作经验,加上老、中、青设计人员的比例各占三分之一的合理配置,各年龄段设计人员的正确组合,有效的保证了图纸设计的质量。 公司先后参与和完成过多用途船,化学品船,集装箱船,油船,散货船、海洋工作船等各类船型的送审、详细和生产设计,同时还从事新型民用船舶的开发和设计。公司为适应船厂的需要,采取将送审、详细、生产设计一揽子做到底的办法,彻底解决工厂的后顾之忧。公司采用先进的船舶设计软件,从性能计算到线性光顺,从船体结构到轮机管系,从舾装、设备到电气的设计等,均采用三维图像实体建模,且直接生成详细的生产信息,为工厂提供完整的用于施工的设计图纸,并在客户需要的时候,直接深入现场提供技术服务,最大限度的解除工厂的后顾之忧。 公司本着“在和谐的环境中严格管理,在严格管理中体现人性化”的原则,为员工创造良好的工作氛围和企业文化,充分调动全体员工的**和潜能,为公司的发展愉快、尽心地工作,公司也赢得了更多的客户,结识了更多的朋友。公司综合管理的成果不仅得到同行们的认可,也顺利地通过了中国船级社ISO9000的论证。 上海恒波船舶技术有限公司将始终遵循“严格管理,优质设计,不断改进,用户满意”的质量方针,坚持用先进的技术,强有力的实力和高效率工作,以最大的热情随时为广大客户提供优质的服务。
Brief Introduction Shanghai Hengbo Ship Technology Co., Ltd. professionally specializes in various ship designs. By Huangpu River, Shanghai Hengbo is located in the Shipbuilding Technology Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. Surrounded by the environment of ship science and research, the company follows closely scientific forward which can promptly bring innovative idea and technology into ship design and building and merge the latest information into ship design, which secures the company’s design always at a higher level. Grew out of Shanghai Yuanzhou Ship Design & Technology Company founded in 2004, the company was restructured and registered as Shanghai Hengbo Ship Technology Co., Ltd. in 2007. The company presently has about 60 technicians. The company successively established Jingjiang Branch and Jiangsu Sainty Ship Technology Co., Ltd., a jointly ventured company. The whole technicians almost reach to 160. Tripartite system: Shanghai-Nanjing-Jingjiang has make more efforts to the development of the company. Shanghai Hengbo has a strong strength in design team, including advanced professors who gain the State allowance and professional designers with senior title or intermediate title who have many years of working experience in shipyard. The design team is composed by each age group from the youth to the aged which can efficiently make sure of the quality of design drawings. The company has successively participated in and finished concept design, detailed design or production design of multi-purposed vessel, chemical vessel, container vessel, oil tank, cargo-hold vessel and ocean engineering vessel etc., meanwhile has engaged in developing and designing civil ship. To satisfy shipyard’s needs, the company supply a package design ranging from concept design, detailed design to production design. The company uses advanced ship design software and builds entity models through 3D image from performance calculation to linearity, from hull structure to machinery piping and from outfitting equipment to electric design, which directly generates detailed production information for shipyard to construct ship according to completed production drawings. Whenever the customer needs service, we’d like to supply technical service on site and do our best to solve shipyard’s worries. The company holds the principle of strict management in harmonious environment, humanity connected with strict management to create a better work atmosphere and enterprise culture and explore staff’s passion and potential. Based on the above the company has healthily developed since the foundation. All these progress makes the company gain better development, more success and more friends. The company management results not only got professionals’ recognition but also passed national ISO9000. Shanghai Hengbo will all along follow the quality guideline of strict management, high-quality design, continuous improvement and customer’s satisfaction and insist in adopting advanced technique and working with high efficiency. We’re ready to supply high-quality customer service with the heartiest passion. |