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[基础知识] Mechant Ship Construction Second Edition D A Taylor

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1The ship-its functions, features and types
2Ship stresses and shipbuilding materials
4Welding and cutting processes
5Major structural items
AKeel and bottom construction
BShell plating, framing systems and decks
CBulkheads and pillars
DFore end construction
EAft end construction
FSuperstructures and accommodation
6Minor structural items
8Oil tankers, liquefied gas carriers and bulk carriers
10Organisations and regulations
11Corrosion and its prevention
12Surveys and maintenance
13Principal ship dimensions and glossary of term
1 船舶的功能、特点和类型
2 船舶应力和造船材料
3 造船
4 焊接和切割工艺
5 主要结构项目
A 龙骨和底部结构
B 船外板、骨架系统和甲板
C 舱壁和支柱+
D 艏端结构
E 尾端结构
F 上层建筑和住舱
6 次要结构项目
7 舾装
8 油轮、液化气运输船和散货船
9 通风
10 组织和法规
11 腐蚀及其预防
12 调查和维护
13 船舶主要尺寸和术语表

The Ship-its Functions, Features and Types
Merchantships exist to carry cargoes across the waterways of the world safely, speedilyand economically. Since a large part of the world's surface, approximatelythree-fifths, is covered by water, it is reasonable to consider that themerchant ship will continue to perform its function for many centuries to come.The worldwide nature of this function involves the ship, its cargo and its crewin many aspects of international life. Some features of this internationaltransportation, such as weather and climatic changes, availability of cargo handlingfacilities and international regulations, will be considered in later chapters.
The ship, in itsvarious forms, has evolved to accomplish its function depending upon three mainfactors - the type of cargo carried, the type of construction and materialsused, and the area of operation.
Three principalcargo-carrying types of ship exist today: the general cargo vessel, the tankerand the passenger vessel. The general cargo ship functions today as a generalcarrier and also, in several particular forms, for unit-based or unitised cargocarrying. Examples include container ships, pallet ships and 'roll-on, roll-off’ships. The tanker has its specialised forms for the carriage of crude oil,refined oil products, liquefied gases, etc. The passenger ship includes, generallyspeaking, the cruise liner and some ferries.
The type ofconstruction will affect the cargo carried and, in some generally internalaspects, the characteristics of the ship. The principal types of constructionrefer to the framing arrangement for stiffening the outer shell plating, thethree types being longitudinal, transverse and combined framing. The use ofmild steel, special steels, aluminium and other materials also influences thecharacteristics of a ship. General cargo ships are usually of transverse orcombined framing construction using mild steel sections and plating. Mosttankers employ longitudinal or combined framing systems and the larger vesselsutilise high tensile steels in their construction. Passenger ships, with theirlarge areas of superstructure, employ lighter metals and alloys such asaluminium to reduce the weight of the upper regions of the ship.
The area of trade,the cruising range, the climatic extremes experienced, must all be borne in mindin the design of a particular ship. Ocean-going vessels require several tanksfor fresh water and oil fuel storage. Stability and trim arrangements must besatisfactory for the weather conditions prevailing in the area of operation.The strength of the structure, its ability to resist the effects of waves,heavy seas, etc., must be much greater for an ocean-going vessel than for aninland waterway vessel.
Considerations ofsafety in all aspects of ship design and operation must be paramount, so theship must be seaworthy. This term relates to many aspects of the ship: it mustbe capable of remaining afloat in all conditions of weather: it must remain afloatfollowing all but the most serious damage; and it must remain stable and behavewell in the various sea states encountered. Some of the constructional andregulatory aspects of seaworthiness will be dealt with in later chapters.Stability and other design aspects are explained in detail in NavalArchitecture for Marine Engineers, by W. Muckle (Butterworths.1975).
The development ofship types will continue as long as there is a sufficient demand to be met in aparticular area of trade. Recent years have seen such developments as verylarge crude carriers (VLCCs) for the transport of oil, and the liquefiednatural gas and liquefied petroleum gas tankers for the bulk carriage of liquidgases. Container ships and various barge carriers have developed for generalcargo transportation. Bulk carriers and combination bulk cargo carriers arealso relatively modern developments.
Several basic shiptypes will now be considered in further detail. The particular features ofappearance, construction, layout, size, etc., will be examined for the followingship types:
(1)General cargo ships.
(3) Bulkcarriers.
(4)Container ships.
(5)Passenger ships.
Many other typesand minor variations exist, but the above selection is considered to berepresentative of the major part of the world's merchant fleet.

General cargo ships
Thegeneral cargo ship is the 'maid of all work', operating a worldwide 'goanywhere' service of cargo transportation. It consists of as large a clear opencargo-carrying space as possible, together with the facilities required forloading and unloading the cargo (Figure 1.1). Access to the cargo storage areasor holds is provided by openings in the deck called hatches. Hatches are madeas large as strength considerations will allow to reduce horizontal movement ofcargo within the ship. Hatch covers of wood or steel, as in most modern ships,are used to close the hatch openings when the ship is at sea. The hatch coversare made watertight and lie upon coamings around the hatch which are set somedistance from the upper or weather deck to reduce the risk of flooding in heavyseas.
One or moreseparate decks are fitted in the cargo holds and are knows as tween decks.Greater flexibility in loading and unloading, together with cargo segregationand improved stability, are possible using the tween deck spaces. Variouscombinations of derricks, winches and deck cranes are used for the handling ofcargo. Many modern ships are fitted with deck cranes which reduce cargo-handlingtimes and manpower requirements. A special heavy-lift derrick may also befitted, covering one or two holds.
Since full cargoescannot be guaranteed with this type of ship, ballast-carrying tanks must befitted. in this way the ship always has a sufficient draught for stability andtotal propeller immersion. Fore and aft peak tanks are fitted which also assistin trimming the ship. A double bottom is fitted which extends the length of theship and is divided into separate tanks, some of which carry fuel oil and freshwater. The remaining tanks are used for ballast when the ship is sailing emptyor partly loaded. Deep tanks may be fitted which can carry liquid cargoes orwater ballast.
The accommodationand machinery spaces are usually located with one hold between them and the aftpeak bulkhead. This arrangement improves the vessel's trim when it is partiallyloaded and reduces the lost cargo space for shafting tunnels compared with thecentral machinery space arrangement. The current range of sizes for generalcargo ships is from 2000 to 15 000 displacement tonnes with speeds of 12-18knots.
Figure1.1 General cargo ships
Refrigerated general cargo ship
Thefilling of refrigeration plants for the cooling of cargo holds enables thecarriage of perishable foodstuffs by sea. Refrigerated ships vary little fromgeneral cargo ships. They may have more than one tween deck, and all holdspaces will be insulated to reduce heal transfer. Cargo may be carried frozenor chilled depending upon its nature. Refrigerated ships are usually fasterthan general cargo ships, often having speeds up to 22 knots, and they may alsocater for up to 12 passengers.
Thetanker is used to carry bulk liquid cargoes, the most common type being the oiltanker. Many other liquids are carried in tankers and specially constructedvessels are used for chemicals, liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas.etc.
The oil tanker hasthe cargo-carrying section of the vessel split up into individual tanks bylongitudinal and transverse bulkheads (Figure 1.2). The cargo is discharged bycargo pumps fitted in one or more pumprooms either at the ends of the tanksection or sometimes in the middle. Each tank has its own suction arrangementwhich connects to the pumps, and a network of piping discharges the cargo to thedeck from where it is pumped ashore. No double bottom is fitted in thecargo-carrying section of an oil tanker. Fore and aft peak tanks are used forballast, with often a pair of wing tanks situated just forward of midships.These wing tanks are ballast-only tanks and are empty when the ship is fullyloaded. Small slop tanks are fitted at the after end of the cargo section andare used for the normal carriage of oil on loaded voyages. On ballast runs the sloptanks are used for storing the contaminated residue from tank-cleaningoperations.
Large amounts ofpiping are to be seen on the deck running from the pump-rooms to the dischargemanifolds positioned at midships, port and starboard.
Hose-handlingderricks are fitted port and starboard near the manifolds. The accommodationand machinery spaces are located aft in modern tankers. The range of sizes foroil tankers at present is enormous, from small to 700000 deadweight tonnes.Speeds range from 12 to 16 knots. Oil tankers are dealt with in more detail in Chapter8.

Figure1.2 Oil tanker

Liquefied gas tankers

Liquefiedgas tankers are used to carry, usually at low temperature, liquefied petroleumgas (LPG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG). A separate inner tank is usually employedto contain the liquid and this lank is supported by the outer hull which has adouble bottom (Figure 1.3).
LNG tankers carrymethane and other paraffin products obtained as a by-product of petroleumdrilling operations. The gas is carried at atmospheric pressure and temperaturesas low as -164°C in tanks of special materials (see Table 2.3), which canaccept the low temperature. The tanks used may be prismatic, cylindrical orspherical in shape and self-supporting or of membrane construction. Thecontaining tank is separated from the hull by insulation which also acts as asecondary barrier in the event of leakage.
LPG tankers carrypropane, butane, propylene, etc., which are extracted from natural gas. Thegases are carried either fully pressurized, part pressurized-part refrigeratedor fully refrigerated. The fully pressurised tank operates at 18 bar andambient temperature, the fully refrigerated tank at 0.25 bar and -50°C.Separate containment tanks within the hull are used and are surrounded by insulationwhere low temperatures are employed. Tank shapes are either prismatic,spherical or cylindrical. Low temperature steels may be used on the hull whereit acts as a secondary barrier.
Displacement sizesfor gas carriers range up to 60 000 tonnes, with speeds of 12-16 knots. Liquefiedgas carrier, are dealt with in more detail in Chapter 8.

Figure1.3 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanker (W.B. water ballast tanks)

Bulk Carriers
Bulkcarriers are single-deck vessels which transport single-commodity cargoes suchas grain. sugar and ores in bulk. The cargo-carrying section of the ship is dividedinto holds or tanks which may have any number of arrangements, depending uponthe range of cargoes to be carried. Combination carriers are bulk carriersdesigned for flexibility of operation and able to transport anyone of severalbulk cargoes on anyone voyage, e.g. ore or crude oil or dry bulk cargo.
The general-purposebulk carrier, in which usually the central hold section only is used for cargo,is shown in Figure 1.4 and 1.5(a). The partitioned tanks which surround it areused for ballast purposes either on ballast voyages or, in the case of thesaddle tanks, to raise the ship's centre of gravity when a low density cargo iscarried. Some of the double-bottom tanks may be used for fuel oil and freshwater. The saddle tanks also serve to shape the upper region of the cargo holdand trim the cargo. Large hatchways are a feature of bulk carriers, since theyreduce cargo-handling time during loading and unloading.
An ore carrier hastwo longitudinal bulkheads which divide the cargo section into wing tanks portand starboard, and the centre hold which is used for ore. The high doublebottom is a feature of ore carriers. On ballast voyages the wing tanks anddouble bottoms provide ballast capacity. On loaded voyages the ore is carriedin the central hold, and the high double bottom serves to raise the centre of gravityof this very dense cargo. The vessel's behaviour at sea is thus much improved.The cross-section is similar to that of the ore/oil carrier shown in Figure 1.5(b).Two longitudinal bulkheads are employed to divide the ship into centre and wingtanks which are used for the carriage of oil cargoes. When ore is carried, onlythe centre tank section is used for cargo. A double bottom is fitted beneaththe centre tank but is used only for water ballast. The bulkheads and hatchesmust be oiltight.
The ore/bulk/oilcarrier has a cross-section similar to the general bulk carrier shown in Figure1.4. The structure is, however, significantly stronger, since the bulkheadsmust be oiltight and the double bottom must withstand the high density ore load.Only the central tank or hold carries cargo, the other tank areas beingballast-only spaces, except the double bottom which may carry oil fuel or freshwater.
Large hatches are afeature of all bulk carriers, to facilitate rapid simple cargo handling. Alarge proportion of bulk carriers do not carry cargo-handling equipment,because they trade between special terminals which have particular equipmentfor loading and unloading bulk commodities. The availability of cargo-handlinggear does increase the flexibility of a vessel and for this reason it is sometimesfitted. Combination carriers handling oil cargoes have their own cargo pumps, pipingsystems, etc., for discharging oil. Bulk carriers are dealt with in more detailin Chapter 8. Deadweight capacities range from small to 150000 tonnes dependingupon type of cargo, etc. Speeds are in the range of 12-16 knots.

Figure1.4 Bulk carrier
Figure1.5 Tansverse sections: (a) bulk carrier; (b) ore /oil carrier

Container ships
Thecontainer ship is, as its name implies, designed for the carriage of container.A container is a re-usable box of 2435 mm by 2435 mm section, with lengths of6055, 9125 and 12190 mm. Containers are in use for most general cargoes, andliquid-carrying versions also exist. in addition, refrigerated models are in use.
The cargo-carryingsection of the ship is divided into several holds which have hatch openings thefull width and length of the hold (Figure 1.6). The containers are racked in specialframeworks and stacked one upon the other within the hold space. Cargo handlingtherefore consists only of vertical movement of the cargo in the hold.Containers can also be stacked on the hatch covers where a low density cargo iscarried. Special lashing arrangements exist for this purpose and this deckcargo to some extent compensates for the loss of underdeck capacity.
The various cargoholds are separated by a deep web-framed structure to provide the ship withtransverse strength. The ship section outboard of the containers on each sideis a box-like arrangement of wing tanks which provides longitudinal strength tothe structure. These wing tanks may be utilised for water ballast and can bearranged to counter the heeling of the ship when discharging containers. Adouble bottom is also fitted which adds to the longitudinal strength andprovides additional ballast space.
Accommodation andmachinery spaces are usually located aft to provide the maximum length of full-bodiedship for container stowage. Cargo-handling gear is rarely fitted, as theseships travel between specially equipped terminals for rapid loading and discharge.Container ship sizes vary considerably with container-carrying capacities from100 to 2000 or more. As specialist carriers they are designed for rapidtransits and are high powered, high speed vessels with speeds up to 30 knots.Some of the larger vessels have triple-screw propulsion arrangements.
Figure1.5 Container ship
Passenger ships
Thepassenger liner, or its modern equivalent the cruise liner, exists to provide ameans of luxurious transport between interesting destinations, in pleasantclimates, for its human cargo. The passenger travelling in such a ship paysfor, and expects, a superior standard of accommodation and leisure facilities.Large amounts of superstructure are therefore an essential feature of passengerships. Several tiers of decks are fitted with large open lounges, ballrooms,swimming pools and promenade areas (Figure 1.7).
Aesthetically pleasinglines are evident with usually well-raked clipper-type bows and unusual funnelshapes. Stabilisers are fitted to reduce rolling and bow thrust devices are employedfor improved maneuverability. Large passenger liners are rare, themoderate-sized cruise liner of 12000 tonnes displacement now being the moreprevalent. Passenger-carrying capacity is around 600, with speeds in the regionof 22 knots.

Figure1.6 Passenger ship

1 船舶功能、特点和类型

船以各种形式发展以完成其功能,具体取决于三个主要因素 - 运载的货物类型,使用的结构和材料类型以及操作区域。
船舶设计和操作各个方面的安全考虑必须是最重要的,因此船舶必须适航。该术语涉及船舶的许多方面:它必须能够在所有天气条件下保持漂浮:除了最严重的损坏外,它必须在所有损坏后保持漂浮;它必须保持稳定并在遇到的各种海况中表现良好。适航性的一些构造和监管方面将在后面的章节中讨论。稳性和其他设计方面在W. Muckle(Butterworths.1975)的Naval Architecturefor Marine Engineers中进行了详细解释。


住舱和机舱位于尾部,在它们和尾尖舱壁之间通常还有一个货舱。与中置机舱布置相比,这种布置改善了船舶在部分装载时的纵倾,并减少了由于轴隧产生货物空间损失。目前杂货船的尺寸范围为2000至15 000排水吨,速度为12-18节。

图1.1 杂货船


用于冷却货舱的制冷设备使易腐食品的海上运输成为可能。冷藏船与杂货船差别不大。它们可能有多个中层甲板,并且所有保持空间都将绝缘以减少热量转移。货物可以根据其性质冷冻或冷藏运输。冷藏船通常比杂货船快,通常速度可达 22 节,它们还可以容纳多达 12 名乘客。


甲板上可以看到大量的管道,从泵房到位于船中部、左舷和右舷的排放总管。在总管附近的左舷和右舷安装有软管处理井架。住舱和机舱位于现代油轮的船尾。目前油轮的尺寸范围很大,从小吨到700000载重吨不等,速度范围从 12 到 16 节。第8章更详细地论述了油轮。

图1.2 油轮


液化石油气油轮运载丙烷、丁烷、丙烯等,这些是从天然气中提取的。气体要么完全加压,要么部分加压 -部分冷藏或完全冷藏。全加压舱在 18 bar 和环境温度下运行,全冷藏舱在 0.25 bar 和 -50°C 下运行。 使用船体内单独的容纳舱,并在使用低温的地方被绝缘材料包围。舱形状为棱柱形、球形或圆柱形。船体用低温钢,船体也作为辅助屏障。

图1.3 液化气船(W.B. 压载水舱)



图1.4 散货船

图1.5 横剖面 (a)散货船; (b)矿石/石油运输船
大型舱口是所有散货船的特点,便于快速简单的货物处理。很大一部分散装货船不携带货物装卸设备,因为它们在拥有装卸散装商品的特殊设备的特殊码头之间进行贸易。提供货物装卸设备确实增加了船舶的灵活性,因此有时会安装它。装卸油品的组合运输船有自己的货泵、管道系统等,用于卸油。散装货船将在第8章中更详细地讨论。载重量从小到150000吨不等,具体取决于货物类型等,速度在 12-16 节的范围内。


顾名思义,集装箱船是为集装箱运输而设计的。集装箱是截面为2435 毫米 x 2435 毫米的可重复使用的箱子,长度为 6055、9125 和 12190 毫米。大多数普通货物都使用集装箱,也存在液体运输版本。另外,冷藏型号也正在使用中。
住舱和机舱通常位于船尾,以提供集装箱装载的全体船舶的最大长度。货物装卸设备很少安装,因为这些船舶在专门配备的码头之间快速装卸。集装箱船的尺寸差异很大,集装箱运载能力从100到2000或更多。作为专业承运船,它们专为快速运输而设计,是速度高达 30 节的高功率高速船舶。一些较大的船只具有三螺旋推进装置。

图1.6 集装箱船


客轮,或其现代等价物邮轮,的存在是为了在宜人的气候下,在有趣的目的地之间为其人类货物提供一种豪华的运输方式。乘坐此类船舶的乘客付费并期望获得更高标准的住舱和休闲设施。因此,大量的上层建筑是客船的基本特征。多层甲板配有大型开放式休息室、宴会厅、游泳池和海滨长廊区(图 1.7)。

图1.7 客船
Ship Stresses and Shipbuilding Materials
Theship at sea or lying in still water is being constantly subjected to a widevariety of stresses and strains, which result from the action of forces fromoutside and within the ship. Forces within the ship result from structuralweight, cargo, machinery weight and the effects of operating machinery.Exterior forces include the hydrostatic pressure of the water on the hull andthe action of the wind and waves. The ship must at all times be able to resistand withstand these messes and strains throughout its structure. It musttherefore be constructed in a manner, and of such materials, that will providethe necessary strength. The ship must also be able to function efficiently as acargo-carrying vessel.
The various forcesacting on a ship are constantly varying as to their degree and frequency. Forsimplicity, however, they will be considered individually and the particularmeasures adopted to counter each type of force will be outlined.
The forces mayinitially be classified as static and dynamic. Static forces are due to thedifferences in weight and buoyancy which occur at various points along thelength of the ship. Dynamic forces result from the ship's motion in the sea andthe action of the wind and waves. A ship is free to move with six degrees offreedom - three linear and three rotational. These motions are described by theterms shown in Figure 2.1.
These static anddynamic forces create longitudinal, transverse and local stresses in the ship'sstructure. Longitudinal stresses are greatest in magnitude and result in bendingof the ship along its length.

Figure 2.1 Shipmovement – the six degrees of freedom

Longitudinal stresses

Static loading

If the ship is consideredfloating in still water, two different forces will be acting upon it along itslength. The weight of the ship and its contents will be acting vertically downwards.The buoyancy or vertical component of hydrostatic pressure will be actingupwards. in total, the two forces exactly equal and balance one another suchthat the ship floats at some particular draught. The centre of the buoyancyforce and the centre of the weight will be vertically in line. However, atparticular points along the ship's length the net effect may be an excess ofbuoyancy or an excess of weight. This net effect produces a loading of thestructure, as with a beam. This loading results in shearing forces and bending momentsbeing set up in the ship's structure which tend to bend it. The static forcesacting on a ship's structure are shown in Figure 2.2(a). This distribution ofweight and buoyancy will also result in a variation of load, shear forces andbending moments along the length of the ship, as shown in Figures 2.2(b)-(d).Depending upon the direction in which the bending moment acts, the ship willbend in a longitudinal vertical plane. This bending moment is known as thestill water bending moment (SWBM). Special terms are used to describe the twoextreme cases: where the buoyancy amidships exceeds the weight, the ship is saidto 'hog', and this condition is shown in Figure 2.3; where the weight amidshipsexceeds the buoyancy, the ship is said to 'sag', and this condition is shown inFigure 2.4.

Figure 2.2 Static loadingof a ship’s structure

Figure 2.3 Hoggingcondition

Figure 2.4 Saggingcondition

Dynamic loading

If the ship is nowconsidered to be moving among waves, the distribution of weight will still bethe same. The distribution of buoyancy, however, will vary as a result of thewaves. the movement of the ship will also introduce dynamic forces.
The traditionalapproach to solving this problem is to convert this dynamic situation into anequivalent static one. To do this, the ship is assumed to be balanced on astatic wave of trochoidal form and length equalto the ship. The profile of a wave at sea is considered to be a trochoid. Thisgives waves where the crests are sharper than the troughs. The wave crest is consideredinitially at midships and then at the ends of the ship. The maximum hogging andsagging moments will thus occur in the structure far the particular loadedcondition considered, as shown in Figure 2.5.
The total shearforce and bending moment are thus obtained and these will include the stillwater bending moment considered previously. If actual loading conditions forthe ship are considered which will make the above conditions worse, e.g. heavyloads amidships when the wave trough is amidships, then the maximum bending momentsin normal operating service can be found.
The ship'sstructure will thus be subjected to constantly fluctuatingstresses resulting from these shear forces and bending moments as the wavesmove along the ship's length.

Figure 2.5 Dynamicloading of a ship’s structure: (a) still water condition; (b) saggingcondition; (c) hogging condition

Stressing of the structure

The bending of aship causes stresses to be set up within its structure. When a ship sags,tensile stresses are set up in the bottom shell plating and compressive tressesare set up in the deck. When the ship hogs, tensile stresses occur in the decksand compressive stresses in the bottom shell. This stressing, whethercompressive or tensile, reduces in magnitude towards a position known as theneutral axis. The neutral axis in a ship is somewhere below half the depth andis, in effect, a horizontal line drawn through the centre of gravity of the ship'ssection.
The fundamentalbending equation for a beam is
M / I = σ / y
whereM is The bending moment, I is the second moment of area of the section aboutits neutral axis, σ is thestress at the outer fibres, and y is the distance from the neutral axis to theouter fibres.
This equation hasbeen proved in full-scale tests to be applicable to the longitudinal bending ofa ship. From the equation the expression
σ = M / I/y
isobtained for the stress in the material at some distance y from the neutralaxis. The values M, I and y can be determined for the ship, and the resultingstresses in the deck and bottom shell can be found. The ratio I/y is known asthe section modulus, Z, when y is measured to the extreme edge of the section.The values are determined for the midship section, since the greatest momentwill occur at or near midships (see Figure 2.2). A more detailed explanation ofthis process is given in Muckle's work, Naval Architecture for MarineEngineers, previously cited.
The structuralmaterial included in the calculation for the second moment I will be all thelongitudinal material which extends for a considerable proportion of the ship'slength. This material will include side and bottom shell plating, inner bottomplating (where fitted), centre girders and decks. The material forms what is knownas the hull girder, whose dimensions are very large compared to its thickness.

Transverse stresses


A transversesection of a ship is subjected to static pressure from the surrounding water inaddition to the loading resulting from the weight of the structure, cargo, etc.Although transverse stresses are of lesser magnitude than longitudinalstresses, considerable distortion of the structure could occur, in the absenceof adequate stiffening (Figure 2.6).
The parts of thestructure which resist transverse stresses are transverse bulkheads, floors in thedouble bottom (where fitted), deck beams, side frames and the brackets betweenthem and adjacent structure such as tank top flooring or margin plates

Figure 2.6 Staticwater pressure loading of a ship’s structure


When a ship is rollingit is accelerated and decelerated, resulting in forces in the structure tendingto distort it. This condition is known as racking and its greatest effect is feltwhen the ship is in the light or ballast condition (Figure 2.7). The bracketsand beam knees joining horizontal and vertical items of structure are used toresist this distortion.

Figure 2.7 Racking

Localised stresses

The movement of aship in a seaway results in forces being generated which are largely of a localnature. These forces are, however, liable to cause the structure to vibrate andthus transmit stresses to other pans of the structure.

Slamming or pounding

In heavy weather,when the ship is heaving and pitching, the forward end leaves and re-enters thewater with a slamming effect (Figure 2.8). This slamming down of the forwardregion on to the water is known as pounding. Additional stiffening must befitted in the pounding region to reduce the possibility of damage to thestructure. This is discussed further in Section A of Chapter 5.

Figure 2.8 Pounding


The movement ofwaves along a ship causes fluctuations in waterpressure on the plating. The tends to create an in-and-out movement of theshell plating, known as panting. The effect is particularly evident at the bowsas the ship pushes its way through the water.
The pitching motionof the ship produces additional variations in water pressure, particularly atthe bow and stem, which also cause panting of the plating. Additionalstiffening is provided in the form of panting beams and stringers. This is discussedfurther in Section D of Chapter 5.


Heavy weights, suchas equipment in the machinery spaces or particular items of general cargo, cangive rise to localised distortion of the transverse section (Figure 2.9).Arrangements for spreading the load, additional stiffening and thicker platingare methods used in dealing with this problem.

Figure 2.9 Localisedloads tending to distort the ship’s structure

Superstructuresand discontinuities

The ends of superstructuresrepresent major discontinuities in the ship's structure where a considerable changein section modulus occurs. Localised stresses will occur which may result in crackingof adjacent structure. Sharp discontinuities, are therefore to be avoided bygradual tapers being introduced. Thicker strakes of deck and shell plating may also be fittedat these points.
Any holes oropenings cut in decks create similar areas of high local stress. well-roundedcomers must be used where openings are necessary, and doubling plates may alsobe filled. in the case of hatchways the bulk of the longitudinal strength materialis concentrated outboard of the hatch openings on either side to reduce thechange in section modulus at the openings. This is discussed further in SectionsB and F of Chapter 5.


Vibrations set upin a ship due to reciprocating machinery, propellers, etc., can result in thesetting up of stresses in the structure. These are cyclic stresses which couldresult in fatigue failure of local items of structure leading to more generalcollapse. Balancing of machinery and adequate propeller tip clearances can reducethe effects of vibration to acceptable proportions. Apart from possible damageto equipment and structure, the presence of vibration can be most uncomfortableto any passengers and the crew.
The design of the structureis outside the scope of this book. The various shipbuilding materials used to providethe structure will now be considered.


Steel is the basicshipbuilding material in use today. Steel may be regarded as an iron-carbonalloy, usually containing other elements, the carbon content not usually exceedingabout 2%. Special steels of high tensile strength are used on certain highlystressed parts of the ship's structure. Aluminium alloys have particularapplications in the construction of superstructures, especially on passengerships.


'Acid' or 'basic'are terms often used when referring to steels. The reference is to theproduction process and the type of furnace lining, e.g. an alkaline or basiclining is used to produce basic steel. The choice of furnace lining is dictatedby the raw materials used in the manufacture of the steel. There are three particularprocesses currently used for the manufacture of carbon steel namely the open hearthprocess, the oxygen or basic oxygen steel process and the electric furnace process.in all these processes the hot molten metal is exposed to air or oxygen whichoxidises the impurities to refine the pig iron into high quality steel.
In the open hearthprocess a long shallow furnace is used which is fired from both ends. A highproportion of steel scrap may be used in this process. High quality steel is producedwhose properties can be controlled by the addition of suitable alloyingelements.
In the oxygen orbasic oxygen steel process the molten metal is contained in a basic linedfurnace. A jet of oxygen is injected into the molten metal by an overheadlance. Alloying elements can be introduced into the molten metal and a highquality steel is produced.
In the electricfurnace process, an electric arc is struck between carbon electrodes and thesteel charge in the furnace. Accurate control of the final composition of thesteel and a high standard of purity are possible with this process.

Finishing treatment

Steels from theabove-mentioned processes will all contain an excess of oxygen, usually in theform of iron oxide. Several finishing treatments are possible in the finalcasting of the steel.
Rimmed steel is producedas result of little or no treatment to remove Oxygen. in the molten state theoxygen combines with the carbon in the steel, releasing carbon monoxide gas. Onsolidifying, an almost pure iron outer surface is formed. The central core ofthe ingot is, however, a mass of blow holes. Hot rolling of the ingot usually 'weldsup' these holes but thick plates of this material are prone to laminations.
Killed steel is producedby fixing the Oxygen by the addition of aluminium or silicon before pouring thesteel into the mould. The aluminium or silicon produces oxides reducing theiron oxides to iron. A homogeneous material of superior quality to rimmed steelis thus produced.
Balanced or semi-killedsteels are an intermediate form of steel. This results from the beginning ofthe rimming process in the mould and its termination by the use of deoxidisers.
Vacuum degassedsteels are produced by reducing the atmospheric pressure when the steel is illthe molten state. The equilibrium between carbon and oxygen is thus obtained ata much lower level and the oxygen content becomes very small. Final residualdeoxidation can be achieved with the minimum additions of aluminium or silicon.A very 'clean' steel is produced with good notch toughness properties andfreedom from lamellar tearing problems (lamellartearing is explained in Chapter 4).
The composition ofsteel has a major influence on its properties and this will be discussed in thenext subsection. The properties of steel are further improved by various formsof heat treatment which will now be outlined. in simplified terms the heattreatment of steels results in a change in the grain structure which alters themechanical properties of the material.

Normalising.The steel is heated to a temperature of 850-950°C depending upon its carboncontent and then allowed to cool in air. A hard strong steel with a refinedgrain structure is produced.

Annealing.Again the steel is heated to around 850-950°C, but is cooled slowly either in thefurnace or in an insulated space. A softer more ductilesteel than that in the normalised condition is produced.

Hardening.The steel is heated to 850-950°C and then rapidly cooled by quenching in oil orwater. The hardest possible condition for the particular steel is thus producedand the tensile strength is increased.

Tempering.This process follows the quenching of steel andinvolves reheating to some temperature up to about 680°C. The higher thetempering temperature the lower the tensile properties of the steel. Oncetempered, the metal is rapidly cooled by quenching.

Composition and properties

Various terms areused with reference to steel and other materials to describe their properties.These terms will now be explained in more detail

Tensilestrength. This is the main single criterion with reference to metals. It is ameasure of the material's ability to withstand the loads upon it in service.Terms such as stress, strain, ultimate tensile strength, yield stress and proofstress are all different methods of quantifying the tensile strength of thematerial. The two main factors affecting tensile strength are the carboncontent of the steel and its heat treatment following manufacture.

Ductility.This is the ability of a material to undergo permanent changes in shape withoutrupture or loss of strength. It is particularly important where metals undergoforming processes during manufacture.

Hardness.     This is a measure of the workability of thematerial. It is used as an assessment of the machinability of the material andits resistance to abrasion.

Toughness.This is a condition midway between brittlenessand softness. It is often quantified by the value obtained in a notched bartest.

Standard steel sections

A variety ofstandard sections are produced with varying scantlings to suit theirapplication. The stiffening of plates and sections utilises one or more ofthese sections. which are shown in Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10 Standardsteel sections: (a) flat plate; (b) offset bulb plate; (c) equal angle; (d)unequal angle; (e) channel; (f) tee

Shipbuilding steels

The steel used in shipconstruction is mild steel with a 0.15-0.23% carbon content. The propertiesrequired of a good shipbuilding steel are:

(1) Reasonablecost.
(2) Easily weldedwith simple techniques and equipment.
(3) Ductility andhomogeneity.
(4) Yield point tobe a high proportion of ultimate tensile strength.
(5) Chemicalcomposition suitable for flame cutting without hardening.
(6) Resistance to corrosion.

These features areprovided by the five grades of mild steel (A-E) designated by the classificationsocieties (see Chapter 10). To be classed, the steel for ship construction mustbe manufactured under approved conditions, and inspected, and prescribed testsmust be carried out on selected specimens. Finished material is stamped withthe society's brand, a symbol with L superimposed on R being of Lloyd’s Register.The chemical composition and mechanical properties of a selection of mild steelgrades are given in Table 2.1.




Developments in steelproduction and alloying techniques have resulted in the availability of higherstrength steels for ship construction. These higher tensile strength (HTS)steels, as they are called, have adequate notch toughness, ductility andweldability, in addition to their increased strength. The increased strengthresults from the addition of alloying elements such as vanadium, chromium,nickel and niobium. Niobium in particular improves the mechanical properties oftensile strength and notch ductility. Particular care must be taken in thechoice of electrodes and welding processes for these steels. Low hydrogenelectrodes and welding processes must be used. Table 2.2 indicates the chemicalcomposition and mechanical properties of several high tensile steel grades. Aspecial grade mark, H, is used by the classification societies to denote highertensile steel.
Benefits arisingfrom the use of these steels in ship construction include reduced structuralweight, since smaller sections may be used; larger unit fabrications arepossible for the same weight and less welding time, although a more specialisedprocess, is needed for the reduced material scantlings.
Cryogenic or lowtemperature materials are being increasingly used as a consequence of thecarriage of liquefied gases in bulk tankers. Table 2.3 details the propertiesand composition of several of these cryogenic materials. The main criterion ofselection is an adequate amount of notch toughness at the operating temperatureto be encountered. Various alloys are principally used for the very lowtemperature situations, although special quality carbon/manganese steels havebeen used satisfactorily down to -50°C.

Castings and forgings

The larger castingsused in ship construction are usually manufactured from carbon or carbonmanganese steels. Table 2.4 details the composition and properties of thesematerials. Examples of large castings are the stern frame, bossings, A-bracketsand parts of the rudder. The examples mentioned may also be manufactured as forgings.Table 2.4 also details the composition and properties of materials used forforgings.



Aluminium alloys

The increasing useof aluminium alloy has resulted from its several advantages over steel.Aluminium is about one-third the weight of steel for equivalent volume ofmaterial. The use of aluminium alloys in a structure can result in reductionsof 60% of the weight of an equivalent steel structure. This reduction in weight,particularly in the upper regions of the structure, can improve the stability ofthe vessel. This follows from the lowering of the vessel's centre of gravity,resulting in an increased metacentric height. Stability is discussed in detailin Muckle's Naval Architecture for Marine Engineering. The corrosion resistanceof aluminium is very good but careful maintenance and insulation from theadjoining steel structure are necessary. The properties required of analuminium alloy to be used in ship construction are much the same as for steel,namely strength, resistance to corrosion, workability and weldabilily. Theserequirements are adequately met, the main disadvantage being the high cost ofaluminium.
The chemicalcomposition and mechanical properties of the common shipbuilding alloys areshown in Table 2.5. Again these are classification society gradings where thematerial must be manufactured and tested to the satisfaction of the society.
Aluminium alloysare available as plate and section, and a selection of aluminium alloy sectionsis shown in Figure 2.11. These sections are formed by extrusion, which is theforcing of a billet of the hot material through a suitably shaped die.Intricate or unusual shapes to suit particular applications are thereforepossible.
Where aluminiumalloys join the steel structure, special insulating arrangements must be employedto avoid galvanic corrosion where the metals meet (see Chapter II). Whererivets are used, they should be manufactured from a corrosion-resistant alloy(see Table 2.5).

Figure 2.11 Aluminiumalloy sections

Materials testing

Various qualitiesof the materials discussed so far have been mentioned. These qualities aredetermined by a variety of tests which are carried out on samples of the metal.
The terms 'stress'and 'strain' are used most frequently. Stress or intensity of stress, itscorrect name, is the force acting on a unit area of the material. Strain is thedeforming of a material due to stress. When the force applied to a materialtends to shorten or compress the material, the stress is termed 'compressivestresses’. When the force applied to a material tends to lengthen the material,the stress is termed 'tensile stresses’. When the force tends to cause thevarious parts of the material to slide over one another the stress is termed'shear stress'.
The tensile test isused to determine the behaviour of a material up to its breaking point. A speciallyshaped specimen piece (Figure 2.12) of standard size is gripped in the jaws ofa testing machine. A load is gradually applied to draw the ends of the barapart such that it is subject to a tensile stress. The original test length L1of the specimen is known and for each applied load the new length L2can be measured. The specimen will be found to have extended by some smallamount L2 -L1. This deformation, expressed as
Extension /Original length
isknown as the linear strain.
Figure 2.12 Tensiletest specimens: (a) for plates, strips and sections (a = thickness ofmaterial); (b) for hot-rolled bar
Additional loadingof the specimen will produce results which show a uniform increase of extensionuntil the yield point is reached. Up to the yield point the removal of load wouldhave resulted in the specimen returning to its original size. Stress and strainare therefore proportional up to the yield point, or elastic limit as it is alsoknown. The stress and strain values for various loads can be shown on a graphsuch as Figure 2.13.
Figure 2.13 Stress/ Strain graph for mild steel
Figure 2.14 Stress/ Strain graph for higher tensile steel

If the testing werecontinued beyond the yield point the specimen would 'neck' or reduce in cross-section.The load values divided by the original specimen cross-sectional area wouldgive the sharp shown in Figure 2.14. The highest value of stress is known asthe ultimate tensile stress (UTS) of the material.
Within the elasticlimit, stress is proportional to strain, and therefore
Stress / Strain =constant
Thisconstant is known as the 'modulus of elasticity' (E) of the material and hasthe same units as stress. The yield stress is the value of stress at the yieldpoint. Where a clearly defined yield point is not obtained a proof stress valueis given. This is obtained by a line parallel to the stress-strain line beingdrawn at some percentage of the strain, such as 0.1%, The intersection of thisline with the stress-strain line is considered the proof stress (see Figure2.14).
The bend test is usedto determine the ductility of a material. A piece of material is bent over aradiused former, sometimes through 180 degrees. No cracks or surface laminations should appear in the material.
Impact tests canhave a number of forms but the Charpy vee-notch test is usually specified. Thetest specimen is a 10 mm square cross-section, 55 mm in Length. A vee-notch is cutin the centre of one face, as shown in Figure 2.15. The specimen is mountedhorizontally with the notch axis vertical. The test involves the specimen beingstruck opposite the notch and fractured. A striker or hammer on the end of aswinging pendulum provides the blow which breaks the specimen. The energyabsorbed by the material in fracturing is measured by the machine. A particularvalue of average impact energy must be obtained for the material at the testtemperature. This test is particularly important for materials to be used in lowtemperature regions. For low temperature testing the specimen is cooled byimmersion in a bath of liquid nitrogen or dry ice and acetone for about 15minutes. The specimen is then handled and tested rapidly to minimise anytemperature changes. The impact test, in effect, measures a material'sresistance to fracture when shock loaded.
Figure 2.15 Charpyimpact test

A dump test is usedon a specimen length of bar from which rivets are to be made. The bar is compressedto half its original length and no surface cracks must appear. Other rivetmaterial tests include bending the shank until the two ends touch without anycracks or fractures appearing. The head must also accept flattening until itreaches two and a half times the shank diameter.















M / I = σ / y
σ = M / (I/y)
是在离中性轴一定距离y处的材料中的应力。可以确定船舶的MIy值,并且可以找到甲板和船底外板中的合成应力。当y测量到截面的最边缘时,比值I/y称为截面模量Z。这些值是对于船中截面确定的,因为最大力矩将出现在船中或靠近船中 (见图2.2)。这个过程的更详细的解释在前面引用的Muckle的著作《海洋工程师的船舶建筑》中给出。




























正常化。根据钢的含碳量,将钢加热到850-950 ℃,然后在空气中冷却。生产出具有精细晶粒结构的高强度钢。


硬化。钢被加热到850-950 ℃,然后通过在油或水中淬火来快速冷却。因此产生了特定钢的最坚硬的可能条件,并增加了抗拉强度。
























图2.12拉伸试验试样:(a)板、条、型材(a = 材料厚度);(b)热轧棒材
拉伸试验用于确定材料在断裂点之前的行为。标准尺寸的特殊形状试样(图2.12)被夹在试验机的钳口中。逐渐施加载荷以拉开杆的端部,使其承受拉伸应力。本的原始测试长度L1是已知的,并且对于每个施加的载荷,新的长度L2可以被测量。通过将L2 - L1人们将会发现,这个样本已经延伸了某个很小的量。这种变形表现为





使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-18 23:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

Building a ship is a complex process involving the many departments of the ship building organization, the arrangement and use of shipyard facilities and the many skills of the various personnel involved. Those departments directly involved in the construction, the shipyard layout, material movement and the equipment used will be examined in turn.

Drawing office

The main function of the shipyard's design and drawing offices is to produce the working drawing to satisfy the owner's requirements, the rules of the classification societies and the shipyard's usual building practices. A secondary, but nevertheless important, function is to provide information to the production planning and control departments, the purchasing departments, etc., to enable steelwork outfitting and machinery items to be ordered and delivered to satisfy the building programme for the ship.
Closely following the basic design drawing will be the production of the lines plan. This plan (Figure 3.1) is a scale drawing of the moulded dimensions of the ship in plan, profile and section. The ship's length between the forward and after perpendiculars is divided into ten equally spaced divisions or stations numbered 1 to 10. Transverse sections of the ship at the various stations are drawn to give a drawing known as the body plan. Since the vessel is symmetrical, half-sections are given. The stations 0 to 5 representing the after half of the ship are shown on the left side of the body plan with the forward sections shown on the right. The profile or sheer plan shows the general outline of the ship, any sheer of the decks, the deck positions and all the waterlines. For clarity, the deck positions have been omitted from Figure 3.1 and only three waterlines are shown. The various stations are also drawn on this view. Additional stations may be used at the fore and aft ends, where the section change is considerable. The half-breadth plan shows the shape of the waterlines and the decks formed by horizontal planes at the various waterline heights from the keel. This plan is usually superimposed upon the profile or sheer plan, as shown in Figure 3.1.
The initial lines plan is drawn for the design and then checked for 'fairness'. To be 'fair' all the curved Lines must run evenly and smoothly. There must also be exact correspondence between dimensions shown for a particular point in all the three different views. The fairing operation, once the exclusive province of a skilled loftsman, is now largely accomplished by computer programs.
Once faired, the final lines plan is prepared and a table of offsets is compiled for use in producing the ship's plates and frames.
The traditional practice of drawing plans according to structural areas such as the shell, the deck, the double-bottom framing, etc., is inconvenient in many cases since the ship is nowadays built up of large prefabricated units. A unit may consist of shell plating, some framing and part of a deck. An expansion of a ship's shell is given in Figure 3.2, showing the positions of the various units.
Plans are therefore drawn in relation to units and contain all the information required to build a particular unit. A number of traditional plans are still produced for classification society purposes, future maintenance and reference, but without the wealth of manufacturing information which is only needed on the unit plans.
The planning and production control departments require drawing information to compile charts for monitoring progress, compiling programmes, producing programmes for material delivery, parts production and assembly and finally unit production and erection.

Figure 3.1 Lines plan

Figure 3.2 Shell expansion by units

Figure 3.3 Nesting of plans

Plan approval

The fundamental design plans and basic constructional details must all receive classification society approval and, of course, the shipowner's approval. Unusual aspects of design and innovations in constructional methods will receive special attention, as will any departures from standard practice. Progress is not hindered by the classification societies, whose main concern is the production of a sound and safe structure.
The shipowner will normally have clearly indicated his requirements from the design inception and his approval of plans is usually straightforward. Most large ship owning companies have a technical staff who utilise their practical experience in developing as near perfect and functional a design as possible.

Plan issue

With plan approval the ordering of equipment, machinery, steel section and plate, etc., will begin and the plans will be issued to the various production departments in the shipyard. The classification society, the owners and their representatives in the shipyard also receive copies of the plans.
During the manufacturing processes, as a result of problems encountered, feedback from previous designs, modifications requested by the owner, etc., amendments may be made to plans. A system of plan recall, replacement or modification in the production departments must be available. This ensures that any future ships in a series do not carry the same faults and that corrective action has been taken.

Steel ordering

The ordering of steel to ensure availability in line with programmed requirements is essential. It must therefore begin at the earliest opportunity, occasionally before plan approval where delivery problems may occur. The steel ordering is a key function in the production process, requiring involvement with the drawing office, planning departments, production departments and the steel supplier. The monitoring and control of stock is also important, since the steel material for a ship is a substantial part of the ship's final cost. Stock held by a shipyard represents a considerable capital investment.

Loft work

Loft work takes place in a mould loft. The mould loft is a large covered area with a wooden floor upon which the ship's details are drawn to full size or some smaller more convenient scale. Much of the traditional loft work is now done by computer but some specialist areas still require wooden templates to be made, mock-ups to be constructed, etc.
In the traditional mould loft operation the lines plan and working drawing information is converted into full-scale lines drawn on the loft floor. From these lines the fairing or smoothness of the ship's lines is checked and a scrieve board produced. A scrieve board is a wooden board with the body sections at every frame spacing drawn in. Once the ship's lines are checked and fair, a half-block model is constructed by joiners usually to about 1/50th scale. This model has the exact lines of the ship and is used to mark out the actual plates on the shell giving all the positions of the butts and seams.
The loftsman can now produce templates for marking, cutting and bending the actual plates using the full-size scrieve board markings in conjunction with the plate positions from the model. A table of offsets is produced finally for the various frames and plates, giving manufacturing information for the various trades involved in production.

One-tenth scale lofting

With one-tenth scale lofting the mould loft becomes more of a drawing office with long tables. Fairing is achieved using the one-tenth scale drawings. The scrieve board is made to one-tenth scale, perhaps on white-painted plywood. One-tenth scale drawings are then made of the ship's individual plates. These drawings may then be photographed and reduced in scale to one-hundredth of full size for optical projection and marking of the plates. Alternatively, the one-tenth scale drawings may be traced directly by a cutting machine head.

Figure 3.4 Production of numerical control machine input data

Numerical control

A numerical control system is one where a machine is operated and controlled by the insertion of numerical data. The numerical data is a sequence of numbers which fully describe a part to be produced. ln addition, the use of certain code numbers enables instructions to be fed into the machine to enable it to operate automatically. A reading device on the machine converts the numbers into electrical impulses which become control signals for the various parts of the machine which produce the finished part.
The input data for the machine is initially produced from drawings and offset information. The various parts to be produced are programmed and then coded or described in numerical terms. Punched card, punched tape or magnetic tape is then produced containing the numerical data. The card or tape information is then fed into a computer nesting program. The various parts are then ' nested' or economically fitted into a standard plate size (Figure 3.3). A final punched or magnetic tape as produced which is used for the operation of the numerically controlled machine. This process as illustrated by a simple flow chart in Figure 3.4.

Shipyard layout

The shipyard layout is arranged to provide a logical ordered flow of materials and equipment towards final unit build-up, erection and outfitting of the ship. The various production stages are arranged in work areas or 'shops' and as far as practicable in modern yards, take place under cover. The sequence of events is outlined in Figure 3.5.

Preliminary ship design

Drawing of detailed plans                Steel ordered                        Steel delivered
Approval of plans and issue

Loftwork and production of table of offsets

Issue or steel and production begun

Material preparation - shot-blasting and priming

Manufacture of plates and sections – marking, cutting, machining and shaping

Subassemblies and assemblies produced

Units fabricated and delivered to the berth

Units erected, faired and welded

Figure 3.5 Shipbuilding sequence of events

Steel plates and sections are usually stored in separate stockyards and fed into their individual shot-blasting and priming machines. The plates are cleaned by abrasive shot or girt and then coated with a suitable prefabrication priming paint to a limited thickness for ease of welding. The major areas of steel are therefore protected from corrosion during the various manufacturing processes which follow.
The plates and sections follow their individual paths to the marking or direct cutting machine which produces the suitably dimensioned item. Flame cutting or mechanical guillotines may be used. Edge preparation for welding may also be done at this stage. Various shaping operations now take place using plate-bending rolls, presses, cold frame benders, etc., as necessary. The material transfer before, during and after the various processes in shipbuilding utilises many handling appliances, such as overhead travelling cranes, vacuum lift cranes or magnetic cranes, roller conveyors, fork-lift equipment, etc.
The various steel parts in plate and section form are now joined to ether by welding to produce subassemblies, assemblies and units. A subassembly is several of steel making up a two-dimensional part which, together with other subassemblies, will join to form a unit. Subassemblies may weigh up to 5 tonnes or more and examples would be transverses, minor bulkhead and web frame (Figure 3.6). Assemblies consist of larger, usually three-dimensional, structures of plating and sections weighing up to 20 tonnes. Flat panels and bulkheads are examples and consist of various pieces of shell plating with stiffeners and perhaps deep webs crossing the stiffeners (Figure 3.7). The flat or perhaps curved panel may form part of the shell, deck or side plating of, for instance, a tanker. Units are complex built-up sections of a ship, perhaps the complete fore end forward of the collision bulkhead, and can weigh more than 100 tonnes (Figure 3.8), their size being limited by the transportation capacity of the yard's equipment.
The various subassemblies, assemblies or units are moved on to the building berth or storage area until required for erection at the ship. At this stage, or perhaps earlier, items of pipework and machinery may be fitted into the unit in what is known as pre-outfitting. Once erected at the berth the units are cut to size, where necessary, by the removal of excess or 'green' material. The units are faired and tack welded one to another and finally welded into place to form the hull of the ship.

Figure 3.6 Subassembly – web frame

Figure 3.7 Assembly

Figure 3.8 Unit

Materials handling

The layout of a shipyard should aim to reduce materials handling to a minimum by appropriate location of workstations or areas. The building of large units and the capacity to transport them will reduce the number of items handled but will require greater care and more sophisticated equipment. The building of a ship is as much governed by the shipyard layout as the materials handling equipment and its capacity.
An actual shipyard layout is shown in Figure 3.9. The progression of materials through the various production stages can clearly be seen. The various working processes which the plates and sections undergo will now be examined in more detail.

Figure 3.9 Shipyard layout

Materials preparation

Plates and sections received from the steel mill are shot-blasted to remove scale, primed with a temporary protective paint and finally straightened by rolling to remove any curvature.

Shot-blasting and priming

A typical machine will first water-wash then heat-dry the plates before descaling.
The plates are then simultaneously shot-blasted both sides with metallic abrasive.
The plate is fed in horizontally at speeds of up to 5 m/min, and around 300 t/h of shot are projected on to it. Blowers and suction devices remove the shot which is cleaned and recycled. The clean plates are immediately covered with a coat of priming paint and dried in an automatic spraying machine (Figure 3.10). A thickness of about 1 mm of compatible priming paint is applied to avoid problems with fillet welds on to the plating.


Plate straightening or levelling is achieved by using a plate rolls machine (Figure 3.11). This consists basically of five large rollers, the bottom two being driven and the top ones idling. The top rollers can be adjusted for height independently at each end and the bottom rollers have adjustable centres. A number of smaller supporting rollers are positioned around the five main rollers. The plate is fed through with the upper and lower rollers spaced at its thickness and is subsequently straightened. This machine is also capable of bending and flanging plate.

Figure 3.10 Automatic paint-spraying machine

Figure 3.11 Plate straightening

Cutting and shaping

Various machines and equipment are used for cutting and shaping the steel parts which form the subassemblies, assemblies and units.

Contour or profile-cutting machine

This machine is made up of a robust portal frame for longitudinal travel which is traversed by several burner carriages, some of which are motorised (Figure 3.12). A motorised carriage can pull one or more slave carriages for congruent or mirror-image operation. The burner carriages may be equipped with single burners or up to three heads which can be angled and rotated for edge preparation in addition to cutting, as shown in Figure 3.12. Fully automatic operation is possible with punched paper tape input under numerical control. Semi-automatic operation can be achieved by a photoelectric tracing table using 1:1, 1:2.5, 1:5 or 1:10 scale drawings. Complex shapes such as floor plates in double bottoms can be cut with these machines, and also plate edge preparation may be carried out while cutting shell plates to the required shape.

Figure 3.11 Profile-cutting machine

Flame planer

A typical flame planer can have up to three gantries which run on supporting carriages. The gantries are traversed by one or two burner heads – Figure 3.13(a). With triple-nozzle heads, cutting to size and edge preparation of one or more edges of a plate can take place simultaneously. The operation of the machine is largely automatic, although initial setting up is by manual adjustment. With a three-gantry machine, the longitudinal plate edges can be cut to size and also the transverse edges - Figure 3.13(b). The transversely cutting gantries will operate once the longitudinal gantry is clear. The flame planer can split or cut plates to a desired length or width by straight-line cuts. The use of a compound or triple-nozzle head enables simultaneous cutting and edge preparation of plates. All straight-line edge preparations, such as. V, X, Y or K, are possible with this machine.

Figure 3.13 Flame planing machine: (a) flame planer; (b) three-gantry operation of flame planer

Mechanical planer

Steel plate can also be planed or cut to size using roller shears, as in the mechanical planer. The plates are held by hydraulic clamps. Setting-up time is somewhat longer than for flame planning, although the actual mechanical cutting operation is much quicker. Modern machines use milling heads for edge preparation to produce an accurate high standard of finish far superior to gas-cutting techniques - Figure 3.14(a). These machines can also achieve high speed shearing on the lighter gauges of plating. The most complex edge preparations can be obtained by the use of the rotatable head and assorted cutter shapes - Figure 3.14(b).

Gap or ring press

The gap or ring press is a hydraulically-powered press which cold works steel plate. The operations of bending, straightening, dishing and swedging of steel plates can all be achieved by the use of the different die blocks on the bed and the ram (Figure 3.15). The gap press provides better access all round and is more versatile than the plate rolls.

Figure 3.14 Mechanical edge planer: (a) assembly; (b) mechanically cut edge preparation - (i) single bevel without nose, suitable for batches of plates; (ii) single bevel with sheared nose 15 mm (5/8 in) maximum or milled nose; (iii) double bevel and nose; (iv) J preparation and nose using 'circular' cutter; (v) double-J preparation; (vi) facing on flanges of structural sections

Figure 3.15 Gap press operations: (a) edge curving; (b) plate flattening; (c) plate flanging or bending; ( d) plate straightening; (e) plate swaging

Plate rolls

This machine has already been described with reference to plate straightening. It is also used for rolling shell plates to the curvature required. By adjusting the height of the top roller and the centre distance of the bottom rollers, large or small radius bends can be made. Bulkhead Ganging is also possible when the machine is fitted with a flanging bar and bottom block. These various arrangement are shown in Figure 3.16. Control of the machine is by manual settings and operations carried out from a console located nearby. A shaped metal or wooden lathe is used to check the finished shape.

Figure 3.16 Roll press operations: (a) sheer strake rolling; (b) half-round rolling for masts, derrick posts, etc; (c) 90-degree flanging; (d) bulkhead flanging

Punching and notching press

Air holes and drain holes required in many plates and sections can be cut on a profile burner or by a punching press. A fully automated press can be used to punch round and elliptical holes, as well as rectangular and semicircular notches, at preset pitches along a plate or section. The machine is hydraulically powered and fed. Setting up is against datum rollers on the machine. Manual operation is possible, in addition to the automatic mode.


Hydraulically-powered shearing machines or guillotines are used for small jobbing work. The plates are fed, positioned and often held by hand. Small items, such as brackets and machinery space floor plates, may be produced in this manner.

Frame bender

Ships' frames are shaped by cold bending on a hydraulically-powered machine. Three initially in-line clamps hold part of the frame in position. The main rams then move the outer two clamps forward or backwards to bend the frame to the desired shape (Figure 3.17). The clamps are then released and the frame is advanced through the machine by a motorised drive. The next portion is then similarly bent. Offset bulb and angle bar plates can be bent two at a time, placed back to back. in this way, port and starboard frames are produced simultaneously.
The machine can be controlled by hand and the frame bent to match a template made of wood or steel strip. Modern machines are now equipped for the numerical control of frame bending which enables fully automatic operation without the use of templates.

Figure 3.17 Frame bender operation: (a) bow flare bend; (b) initial position; (c) bilge turn bend

Materials handling equipment

Between the various machines and during build-up of the plates and sections into units, numerous items of materials-handling equipment are used.
Cranes. of various types are used in shipyards. The overhead electric travelling crane (OETC) will be found in burning halls and fabrication shops. This crane traverses a gantry which is itself motorised to travel along rails mounted high on the walls of the hall or shop. Using this type of crane the sorting, loading and unloading operations can be combined and maximum use is made of the ground area. Lifting is usually accomplished by magnet beams, vacuum devices or grabs.
Goliath cranes are to be seen spanning the building docks of most new ship yards. Although of high first cost, this type of crane is flexible in use and covers the ground area very efficiently. Some degree of care is necessary in the region of the rails which run along the ground. Mobile cranes are used for internal materials movement, usually of a minor nature.
Special motorised heavy-lift trailers or transporters are used to transfer units and large items of steelwork around the shipyard and to the berth or building dock. Fork-lift trucks, trailer-pulling trucks, roller conveyor lines and various other devices are also used for materials movement of one kind or another.

Panel lines

Most modern shipyards use panel lines for the production of flat stiffened panels. A number of specialist work stations are arranged for the production of these panels.
The plates are first fed into the line, aligned, clamped and manually tack welded together. The plate seams are then welded on one side and the plate turned over. The second side welding of the plate seams then takes place. Some panel lines use a one-sided welding technique which removes the plate-turning operation. The panel is now flame planed to size and marked out for the webs and stiffeners which are to be fitted. The stiffeners are now injected from the side, positioned, clamped and welded on to the panel one after another. The stiffened panel is then transferred to the fabrication area if further build up is required, or despatched directly to the ship for erection. The process is shown in Figure 3.18.

Figure 3.18 Panel line

Shipyard welding equipment

The equipment required for the manual welding of a ship's hull should enable the operator to use high amperages with large-gauge electrodes and yet still have adequate control of current for the various welding positions adopted and the plate thicknesses being welded. It should also be robust in construction and safe in operation.
Multi-operator systems, in which a three-phase transformer supplies up to six operators, are favoured in shipyard. Each operator has his own regulator and a supply of up to 150 A. The regulator is fed from an earthed distribution box on the transformer and provides a range of current selections. The regulator should be positioned fairly close to the welder both to reduce power losses and the time taken when changing current settings. Remote-controlled transformers, whose current can be altered by the welder through his electrode holder cable, are now fitted in some shipyards. The various welding processes are described in Chapter 4.





图3.1 线图

图3.2 按照各单元展开的外板展开图
图3.3 板套料













图3.3 输入数据控制机器的生产




详细图纸图纸 --> 订购的钢材 --> 交付的钢材











图3.6 子组件-强肋骨



图3.8 单元


图3.9 船厂布置




该板以高达5米/分钟的速度水平进给,大约300吨/小时的弹丸投射到其上。鼓风机和抽吸装置去除被清洁和回收的弹丸。干净的板立即涂上一层底漆,并在自动喷涂机中干燥(图3.10)。涂覆厚度约为1 mm的相容底漆,以避免板角焊缝出现问题。

图3.10 自动喷涂机
图3.11 卷板机







图3.12 轮廓切割机








图3.14机械刨边机a)组件;(b)机器切割边缘加工——(i)无前端的单斜面,适用于批量板材;(ii)最大15毫米(5/8英寸)剪切前端的单斜面或磨制前端;(iii)双斜面和前端;(iv) 使用“圆形”刀具的J 加工和前端;(v)双J加工;(vi) 结构型材折边上的面板




图3.16辊压机操作。(a)纯粹的列板辊压;(b)桅杆、吊杆等的半圆辊压;(c) 90度折边;舱壁折边














造船厂偏爱多操作员系统,其中一个三相变压器为多达六个操作员供电。每个操作员都有自己的稳压器和高达150 A的电源。稳压器由变压器上的接地配电箱供电,并提供一系列电流选择。稳压器应放置在离焊机相当近的地方,以减少功率损耗和改变电流设置所花费的时间。遥控变压器的电流可以由焊工通过焊钳电缆改变,现在一些造船厂安装了这种变压器。第4章描述了各种焊接工艺。

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Welding and Cutting Processes

In shipbuilding, welding is now the accepted method of joining metal. Welding is the fusing of two metals by heating to produce a joint which is as strong or stronger than the parent metal. All metals may be welded, but the degree of simplicity and the methods used vary considerably. All shipyard welding processes are of the fusion type, where the edges of the joint are melted and fuse with the molten weld metal. The heat source for fusion welding may be provided by gas torch, electric arc or electric resistance.

Gas welding

A gas flame produced by the burning of oxygen and acetylene is used in this process. A hand-held torch is used to direct the flame around the parent metal and filler rods provide the metal for the joint (Figure 4.1). Gas welding is little used, having been superseded by the faster process of electric arc welding. Outfit trades, such as plumbers, may employ gas welding or use the gas flame for brazing or silver soldering.

Electric arc welding

An electric arc is produced between two metals in an electric circuit when they are separated by a short distance. The basic circuit is shown in Figure 4.2. The metal to be welded forms one electrode in the circuit and the welding rod or wire forms the other. The electric arc produced creates a region of high temperature which melts and enables fusion of the metals to take place. Electric power is supplied via a.c. transformers which may supply one or more welding operations.

Figure 4.1 Gas welding with an oxy-acetylene torch

Figure 4.2 Electric arc welding circuit

In the actual welding operation the welding rod and plate are fust touched together and quickly drawn apart some 4-5 mm to produce the arc across the gap. The temperature produced is in the region of 4000 °C and current flow between the metals may be from 10 to 600 A. The current flow must be preset or adjusted, depending upon the metal type and thickness and the supply voltage. The voltage across the arc affects the amount of penetration and the profile the metal deposited. The current to a large extent determines the amount of weld metal deposited. A high quality weld is produced with several layers of weld metal, but it is less costly to use a single heavy deposited metal.
If excessive current is used weld spatter, i.e. tiny blobs of metal deposited around the weld, may occur.
For a satisfactory weld, atmospheric gases must be excluded and the control of arc must be easily achieved. This is done by shielding the arc during the welding process. A gas shield is produced by one of two basic methods, either by the burning of a flux or the provision of a gas shield directly.

Processes using flux

Manual welding

In the manual welding process a consumable electrode in welding rod is held in a holder and fed on to the parent metal by the operator. The welding rod is a flux-coated mild steel electrode. The metal of the electrode is normally rimming steel. This is a ductile material which does not contain silicon or aluminium, both of which tend to affect the electric arc. The rod coatings are made up of cellulose, mineral silicates, oxides, fluorides, basic carbonates and powdered metal alloys. The particular constituents used are held together with a binding material such as sodium silicate. The coating covers the length of the core wire, except where it fits into the holder.
Electrodes are classified according to their flux coatings as given in the International Standard ISO 2560:1973(E). The two basic types are the rutile-coated electrode and the hydrogen-controlled electrode. Rutile is an almost pure mineral form of titanium oxide and is the principal ingredient of rutile coated electrodes. It increases slag viscosity, decreases spatter and improves slag detachability. Rutile electrodes are general-purpose, giving a good finish and a sound weld. Hydrogen-controlled or basic electrodes deposit weld metal which is low in hydrogen content. They are used for the welding of highly stressed joints and the higher tensile steels. The coatings contain major proportions of carbonates and fluorides which are baked on to reduce the water content of the coating to a very low level.

Figure 4.3 Welding positions: (a) horizontal or downhand; (b) horizontal/ vertical; (c) vertical; (d) overhead; (e) inclined

Manual welding may be accomplished in any direction, the three basic modes being downhand, vertical and overhead, and some combinations of these modes are shown in Figure 4.3. The correct type of electrode must be used, together with considerable skill, in particular for the overhead and vertical welding positions. As far as possible, welding is arranged in the downhand mode.
The gravity welder is a device consisting of a tripod, one leg of which acts as a rail for a sliding electrode holder (Figure 4.4). Once positioned and the arc struck, the weight of the electrode and bolder cause it to slide down the rail and deposit weld metal along a joint. The angle of the sliding rail will determine the amount of metal deposited. At the bottom of the rail a trip mechanism moves the electrode to break the arc. One man is able to operate several of these devices simultaneously.

Figure 4.4 Gravity welder

Automatic welding

In the automatic machine welding process, travel along the metal takes place at a fixed speed with a flux-covered electrode fed on to the joint. The correct arc length and metal deposition is achieved by the machine, the specially spiralled flux coating providing the shield during welding. Only downhand welding of horizontal joints is possible with this machine.
The arc may be additionally sealed with carbon dioxide gas to permit higher currents for high speed welding. A twin-fillet version is also available for stiffener welding to flat plates or panels (Figure 4.5).
Another automatic machine welding process, submerged arc welding, uses a bare wire electrode and separately fed granulated flux. The flux melts to produce a gas shield for the arc and a molten covering. Large metal deposits at high speeds, without air entrainment, are therefore possible in this very efficient process. The process is shown diagrammatically in Figure 4.6(a). The unused flux may be recovered for re-use. This is a process for horizontal, i.e. downhand, operation only and may be operated normally welding both sides or as a one-sided welding process. in the normal process the downhand weld is made and the plate turned over or an overhead weld is made from below. Some veeing out of the joint may be necessary for the final run. In the one-sided process various forms of backing plate can be used, of which one example is shown in Figure 4.6(b). Any defects in the weld will then have to be repaired by veeing out and welding from the other side. This process is limited to indoor undercover use and is unsuitable for use on the berth.

Electroslag welding

The vertical welding of plate thicknesses in excess of 13 mm is efficiently achieved by this process. Initially an arc is struck but the process continues by electrical resistance heating through the slag. The weld pool is contained by cooled shoes placed either side of the plate which may be moved up the plate mechanically or manually in separate sections. Alternatively, shoes the height of the weld may be fixed in place either side. The bare wire electrode is usually fed from the top through a consumable guide and acts as the electrode of the circuit.
Run-on and run-off plates are required at the beginning and end of the weld and no stoppage must occur during the process. The arrangement is shown diagrammatically in Figure 4. 7.

Figure 4.5 Automatic flux-coated electrode welding using a twin-headed machine

Figure 4.6 Submerged arc welding: (a) submerged arc welding; (b) backing plate arrangement for one-sided welding

Figure 4.7 Electroslag welding

Electrogas welding

This process is particularly suited to shipbuilding since vertical plates of thicknesses in the range 13-40 mm are efficiently joined. Cooled shoes are again used but a flux-coated electrode is now employed. Fusion is achieved by an arc between the electrode and the metal, and a carbon dioxide gas shield is supplied through the upper region of the shoes. The arrangement is similar to Figure 4.7, for electroslag welding, with the carbon dioxide supplied through the top of the shoes.

Stud welding

A machine or gun as part of the electric circuit is used in stud welding. In one method the stud is fed into the clutch and a ceramic ferrule is placed over the end. The stud is placed against the metal surface and the operation of the gun trigger withdraws the stud to create an arc (Figure 4.8). After a period of arcing, the stud is driven into the molten metal pool and welding takes place. The        ferrule concentrates the arc, reduces the access of air and confines the molten metal area. Flux is contained in the end of the stud.       
Another method uses a fusible collar over the end of the stud which conducts electricity to create the arc and then collapses, forcing the stud into the molten metal pool and forming the weld. Welded studs are used for securing insulation to bulkheads and for other sheathings. Other types of stud, in the form of bolts, hooks and rings, are also available.

Figure 4.8 Stud welding: (a) stud and ferrule placed on plate; (b) arc drawn; (c) weld completed

Processes using gas

There are welding processes employing a bare electrode or welding wire with a gas shield. Automatic or semi-automatic operation is usual. With automatic operation, once set the process is controlled by the machine. In semi-automatic operation certain machine settings are made but the torch is hand held and the process is to some extent controlled by the operator.

Tungsten inert gas (TIG)

This is a process for thin sheet metal such as steel or aluminium. A water-cooled non-consumable tungsten electrode and the plate material have an arc created between them by a high frequency discharge across the gap. The inert gas shield is usually argon gas. The process is shown in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9 Tungsten inert gas process

Metal inert gas (MIG)

A consumable metal wire electrode is used in this process and is fed through the holder or torch from a feed unit (Figure 4.10). An inert gas is fed through the torch to shield the arc and the torch and plate are part of an electric circuit. The supply source is usually d.c. and the process may be fully or semi-automatic in operation.
In steel welding using this process, carbon dioxide may be the shielding gas and plating of any thickness may be welded. Controls within the wire feed unit enable a range of constant wire feeds related to the current to be selected. With carbon dioxide gas, the arc characteristic changes with the current from a short-circuiting (dip transfer) arc at low currents to a spray arc at high currents. Dip transfer allows all positions of welding, but the spray arc is downhand only. Dip transfer is ideally suited to thinner materials, since it produces less distortion effects. This process is being used increasingly in shipbuilding.

Figure 4.10 Metal inert gas process

Plasma metal inert gas

This is a further development of the metal inert gas process which incorporates a plasma arc around the MIG arc. The plasma is an ionised stream of gas which surrounds the MIG arc and concentrates its effect on to the metal. The plasma arc has its own set of controls for its electric circuit. It is initially ignited by the MIG arc and with both arcs individually controlled the process can be finely 'tuned' to the material requirements. Automatic and semi-automatic versions are available. The semi-automatic version uses a dual-flow nozzle arrangement, as drawn in Figure 4.11, with a single supply of gas, usually argon, as the shielding and the plasma gases. The torch used is no heavier than a conventional MIG torch and the process has the advantages of higher weld metal deposition rates and the use of a narrower vee preparation which may be as small as 30 degrees.

Thermit welding

This is a fusion process taking place as a result of the heat released in a chemical reaction between powdered aluminium and iron oxide ignited by barium peroxide. The parts to be welded are usually large sections, such as a stemframe, and they are positioned together in a sand or graphite mould. The molten steel and slag from the chemical reaction is first formed in a crucible and then run into the mould.

Figure 4.11 Plasma metal inert gas process

Figure 4.12 Butt weld preparation: (a) square butt joint; (b) single V butt joint; (c) double-V butt joint; (d) double-U butt joint
Figure 4.13 Fillet welds: (a) fillet weld, (b) lap weld; (c) fillet weld with full penetration preparation

Types of weld

A number of different welded joints are used, depending upon their situation, material thickness, required strength, etc. The depth of weld may require more than one pass or run of weld to build up to the workpiece thickness. Reversing the workpiece, gouging out and a final back-run will also be necessary unless a one-sided technique is employed.
The butt weld is the strongest joint when subjected to tension and is illustrated in Figure 4.12. The single-V type of preparation is used for the butt weld for plate thicknesses in excess of 6 mm up to a maximum of 20 mm. Below 6 mm, a square edge preparation may be employed and for very thick plates a double-V preparation is used. A U-weld preparation is also used which requires less weld metal and gives a better quality joint in return for a more expensive edge preparation.
Fillet welds are used for right-angled plate joints and lapped joints, as shown in Figure 4.13. Two particular terms are used in relation to fillet welds - the leg length L and the throat thickness T – as shown in Figure 4.13(a). The leg length is related to the thickness of the abutting plate and the throat thickness must be at least 70% of L. A full penetration type of fillet weld may be used where special strength is required. A full penetration joint is shown in Figure 4.13(c). The abutting plate is of V or J preparation to ensure full penetration when welding.
The fillet welds described may be arranged in a number of ways, depending on structural requirements. Fully continuous welds are used in important strength connections and for oiltight and watertight connections. Chain and intermittent welds are spaced sections of welding and are shown in Figure 4.14. Some savings in weight and distortion are possible for lightly stressed material which does not require watertight joints.
Tack welds are short runs of weld on any joint to be welded. They are used to initially align and hold the material prior to the finished joint. They are assembly welds and must be subject to a full welding procedure. They should not be less than 75 mm in length to ensure a sufficient heat input and should not be welded over.

Welding practice

Tile welding of the metal, because of the localised concentration of heat, gives rise to areas of plating which first expand and later contract on cooling. The effect of this, and the difference in deposited weld metal and parent metal properties, results in distortion of the workpiece. The appearance of distortion may be in one or more of the following forms - longitudinal shrinkage, transverse shrinkage, and angular distortion. Figure 4.15 illustrates these various effects.
The cause of distortion may be attributable to several possible factors acting individually or together. The concentrated heating of the welded area and its subsequent later contraction will affect the weld metal and the workpiece in different ways. As a consequence, stresses will be set up in the weld, the two joined workpieces and the overall structure.
The degree of restraint permitted to the welded joint will affect its distortion. Where welded joints are unrestrained their subsequent weld shrinkage will relieve any stresses set up. Restrained joints, by virtue of the rigidity of the structure or some applied form of damping, induce high stresses to the weld and cracking may occur if the correct welding sequences are not adopted.
The properties of the workpiece and the permissible stresses 'locked in' it due to manufacturing processes may be altered or affected by welding and lead to distortion.

Figure 4.14 Non-continuous fillet welds: (a) intermittent welding; (b) chain welding

Distortion prevention

Good design should ensure as few welded joints as possible in a structure, particularly when it is made up of thin section plate. Where they exist, welded joints should be accessible, preferably for downhand welding.
The edge preparation of joint can be arranged to reduce distortion, as shown in Figure 4.16. A single-V preparation joint with four runs of welding will distort as shown. A double-V preparation joint welded with four runs in the order shown will only exhibit slight shrinkage of the joined plates.

Figure 4.1.5 Distortion effects

Figure 4.16 Edge preparation to reduce distortion: (a) single-V preparation giving considerable distortion (1 first welding run, 2 second welding run, 3 third welding run, 4 final welding run); (b) double-V preparation giving only slight shrinkage

Restraint is the usual method of distortion prevention in shipbuilding. Where units are faired ready for welding they are tack welded to hold them in place during welding. The parts will then remain dimensionally correct and the rigidity of the structure will usually restrain any distortion. Strongbacks or clamping arrangements are also used on butt and fillet welds, as shown in Figure 4.17.
All welds ‘shrink’, so the use of the correct procedure in welding can do much to reduce distortion. The fewer runs involved in a welded joint, the less will be the distortion. Symmetrical welding either side of a joint with a double-V preparation will produce a distortion-free weld. Simultaneous welding by two operators is therefore a useful technique which should be practised whenever possible. Welding should always take place towards the free or unrestrained end of a joint. For long welding runs several techniques are used to minimize distortion. The back-step method is illustrated in Figure 4.18. Here the operator welds the joint in sections in the numerical order and direction shown. A variation of this is 'skip' welding, which is shown in Figure 4.19, and likewise progresses in the numerical order and direction shown. Distortion may then be controlled by balancing the welding as much as possible and allowing the weld shrinkage to occur freely. Welding sequences taking this into account should be well thought out before welding commences.

Figure 4.17 Damping arrangements

Figure 4.18 Back-step welding technique

Figure 4.19 Skip or wandering welding technique

Distortion correction

Despite the most stringent methods to eliminate it, distortion can still occur. Where the distortion in a joint is considered unacceptable the joint must be gouged, grooved or completely split, and then rewelded. Strongbacks may be placed across the joint to restrain distortion during rewelding.
Straightforward mechanical means may be used, such as hydraulic jacks or hammering on localised areas of distortion or buckling. Where such methods involve straining the welds, they should be examined for cracks after correction. Every effort should be made to avoid mechanically straightening structures for this reason.

Figure 4.20 Spot heating: (a) curved plate; (b) heated; (c) expansion; (d) levelled plate

The application of concentrated heat from a gas-burning torch may be used for correcting distortion in steels other than the higher tensile, quenched and tempered types. The process is shown in Figure 4.20. A small area is heated on the side where the contraction would bring about an improvement. The steel is heated to a 'red heat' and the torch slowly moved along a previously drawn line, at such a speed that the 'red heat' does not pass right through the material. The area heated wants to expand, but is resisted by the surrounding material. the recrystallisation absorbs the expansion and, on cooling, contraction occurs which brings about a favourable distortion, thus correcting the original distorted structure (Figure 4.21).

Weld faults

The weld

Faults may occur in welding as in any other process. These faults may arise from bad workmanship, incorrect processes, wrong materials used, etc. A good weld is illustrated in Figure 4.22(a). in such a weld a degree of fusion should have taken place at the sides of the weld. There should be no overlap or undercut at the toe of the weld. A slight reinforcement or build-up of material should be present at the top surface and there should be root penetration along the bottom surface.
A bad weld is shown in Figure 4.22(b). The absence of reinforcement and root penetration are the result of incorrect procedure or bad workmanship. Overlap is infused metal lying over the parent metal. Undercut is the wastage of parent metal, probably caused by too high a welding current. Porosity is caused by gases trapped in the weld. Slag inclusion is the result of inadequate cleaning between weld runs. Poor fusion or penetration between runs may be due to poor cleaning or incorrect voltage or current settings. The result of a bad weld is a weak or faulty joint. A bad weld can also be the starting point for a crack.

Figure 4.21 Distortion correction

Lamellar tearing

Lamellar tearing around welded joints has become a problem as plate thicknesses have increased and structures have become more rigid. Lamellar tearing is a brittle cracking in steel plate as a result of tensile stresses at right-angles to the plate. It is caused by the contraction of weld metal when cooling. Lamellar tearing is most likely to occur when thick plates, large weldments and high internal connection restraint are all present. The characteristic 'tear' occurs in the cross-plate of a T-configuration and may begin at the toe or root of a weld or at some point below the weld (Figure 4.23).
One method of reducing the problem of lamellar tearing is the use of 'clean' steels such as those produced by the vacuum degassed process. Other measures include the use of joint configurations which avoid right angle tensile stressing of the plate, or preheating the plate before welding.

Figure 4.22 Examples of welds: (a) a good weld; (b) a bad weld       

Figure 4.24 Examples of lamellar tearing

Weld testing

Several non-destructive techniques are used in the examination of welded joints. These include visual examination, dye penetrants, magnetic particles, radiography and ultrasonic method. Destructive testing of special test plates and their welded joints is required for certain classes of work but most shipbuilding weld testing is non-destructive.
The trained experienced inspector and surveyor can detect surface defects and flaws in welds by visual examination. He may also request more detailed examination of known problem areas or regions of high stress. His constant vigilance and attendance during the welding up of a ship ensures good work and satisfactory standard of welding.
Magnetic particle testing is a surface examination technique. A mixture of iron filings in thin white paint is spread over a welded joint. The joint is then magnetised by attaching a large permanent magnet to it. Discontinuities then show up as concentrations of iron filings, resulting from the distorted magnetic field.
Dye penetrants are spread over the surface of a joint and then wiped or washed off. The weld surface is then examined using an ultraviolet light. Any crack will contain the luminous dye and will be readily visible.
Radiographic inspection is a means of 'photographing' welded joints. A photographic plate is exposed to radiations from X-ray or gamma ray devices on the far side of the joint. Any inclusions or gas holes will then show up on the photographic plate.
Ultrasonic inspection uses pulses of ultrasonic energy which are reflected at any surface they meet. For the ultrasonic waves to initially enter the metal a coupling medium is necessary. Cellulose paste has been found to be effective and peels off easily after use. A cathode ray tube is used to 'read' the reflection patterns and very minor flaws may be detected with this method of testing. It is particularly effective for detecting plate laminations and the degree of root penetration in welds.

Classification society weld testing

The classification societies require various tests, some of them destructive, in order to approve weld materials and electrodes. Joints made between the materials and the electrodes are then subjected to various strength, metallurgical and other tests.

Cutting processes

The majority of metal cutting in shipyards utilises gas cutting techniques. Plasma arc and gouging cutting techniques are also being increasingly used.

Gas cutting

During gas cutting the metal is, in effect, 'cut' by oxidising and blowing away a narrow band of material. The metal is heated by the preheat section of the flame and then oxidised by a stream of high pressure oxygen which carries away the oxidised metal. A narrow gap with parallel ides remains along the line of the cut. Small amounts of alloying elements in the steel plate can be removed in the cutting process, but large amounts of elements such as chromium may prevent cutting. The introduction of an iron-rich powder into the cutting area overcomes this problem, particularly with stainless steel.
Acetylene or propane is usually used as the preheating gas, in conjunction with oxygen. A typical cutting torch is shown in Figure 4.24. Automated arrangements of cutting torches are used in various machines for edge preparation, flame planing, etc., as mentioned in Chapter 3. An edge preparation arrangement of torches is shown in Figure 4.25.

Figure 4.24 Oxy-acetylene cutting torch

Figure 4.25 Edge preparation: (a) triple-nozzle head; (b) plan view of nozzles showing order of operation

Plasma arc cutting

The cutting torch consists of a tungsten electrode located in a water-cooled nozzle which acts as one electrode in the circuit (Figure 4.26). The material to be cut is the other electrode and the circuit is completed by a stream of ionised gas which will conduct electricity. This 'plasma gas' is supplied around the tungsten electrode and constricts the arc formed between it and the metal plate.

Figure 4.26 Plasma arc cutting torch

A very high temperature region is created at the arc which melts the metal and cuts through it. The gas is initially ionised by a short electrical discharge between the electrode and the nozzle. Inert gases such as argon have been used but modern developments have enabled air or oxygen to be used. This is an automated cutting process which is much faster than other methods.


Gouging steel plate by 'arc-air' or by a special cutter fitted to a gas torch is a way of removing metal for the 'back-runs' of a butt weld. Gas or arc welding processes may be modified for gouging purposes. Arc-air gouging consists of a solid copper-clad carbon graphite electrode in a special holder which has a compressed air pipe attached. A stream of compressed air is blown from a jet on to the workpiece to oxidise and remove the molten metal at the point of cutting. Another arrangement uses tubular electrodes to provide the high temperature arc. The air is blown down the inside of the electrode. The solid electrode arrangement is shown in Figure 4.27.

Figure 4.27 Arc-air gouging









在实际的焊接操作中,焊条和钢板先接触在一起,然后迅速拉开大约4-5毫米,在间隙上产生电弧。产生的温度在4000°C左右,金属之间的电流可以从10到600 A。必须根据金属类型和厚度以及电源电压预设或调整电流。电弧上的电压影响熔深和金属沉积的轮廓。电流在很大程度上决定了焊接金属的沉积量。用几层焊接金属可以产生高质量的焊缝,但是使用单一的重熔敷金属成本更低。



焊条根据国际标准ISO 2560:1973(E)中给出的焊剂涂层进行入级。两种基本类型是金红石涂层焊条和氢控制焊条。金红石是几乎纯矿物形式的氧化钛,是金红石型焊条的主要成分。它增加炉渣粘度,减少飞溅,并改善炉渣可分离性。金红石型焊条用途广泛,具有良好的光洁度和焊接质量。氢控或碱性焊条熔敷氢含量低的焊接金属。它们用于焊接高应力接头和高强度钢。涂层中含有大量的碳酸盐和氟化物,通过烘烤可以将涂层中的水含量降低到非常低的水平。

图4.3焊接位置a)水平或平焊;(b) 水平/立焊;(c) 立焊;(d) 仰焊;(e)倾焊








厚度超过13 mm的板的垂直焊接可以通过这种方法有效地实现。最初,电弧被点燃,但是该过程通过电阻加热熔渣而继续。焊接熔池由放置在钢板任一侧的冷却板控制,冷却板可以在单独的部分中机器地或手动地沿钢板向上移动。或者,焊接高度可以固定在任何一侧。裸线电极通常从顶部通过一个可消耗的导向装置进给,并作为电路的电极。
























定位焊是任何待焊接接头上的短焊缝。它们用于在完成接合之前最初对齐和固定材料。它们是组装焊缝,必须经过完整的焊接程序。它们的长度不应小于75 mm,以确保足够的热量输入,并且不应焊接。







































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Major Structural Items


The bottom shell construction consists of the central keel of the ship, with the flooring structure and side shell plating on either side. Almost all vessels built today, with the exception of tankers, are fitted with a double bottom This is an internal skin fitted about 1 m above the outer shell plating and supports by the flooring structure.


The keel runs along the centreline of the bottom plating of the ship and for the majority of merchant ships is of a flat plate construction. At right-angles to the flat plate keel, running along the ship's centreline from the fore peak to the aft peak bulkhead, is a watertight longitudinal division known as the centre girder or vertical keel. Where a double-bottom construction is employed, the centreline strake of tank top plating results in the formation of an I-section keel (Figure 5.1). This provides considerable, strength to the structure and resistance to bending. The flat plate keel or 'middle line strake of plating' is increased in thickness of strength purposes and for a corrosion allowance, because of the difficulty in maintaining paint protection systems in way of the docking blocks during the vessel's life.
Some double bottoms have a duct keel fitted along the centreline. This is an internal passage of watertight construction running some distance along the length of the ship, often from the forepeak to the forward machinery space bulkhead. Use is made of this passage to carry the pipework along the length of the ship to the various holds or tanks. An entrance is usually provided at the forward end of the machinery space via a watertight manhole. No duct keel is necessary in the machinery space or aft of it, since pipe work will run Above the engine room double bottom and along the shaft tunnel, where one is fitted.
The construction of the duct keel uses two longitudinal girders spaced not more than 2.0 m apart. This restriction is to ensure that the longitudinal girders rest on the docking blocks when the ship is in drydock. Stiffeners are fitted to shell and bottom plating at alternate frame spaces and are bracketed to the longitudinal girder(Figure 5.2). The keel plate and the tank top above the duct keel must have their scantlings increased to compensate for the reduced strength of the transverse floors.

Figure 5.1 Flat plate keel

Figure 5.2 Duct keel

Double bottom structure

Where a double bottom or inner shell is fitted it is watertight up to the bilges, thus providing complete watertight integrity should the outer shell be pierced in way of the double bottom. The minimum depth is determined by rule requirements for the size of vessel but the actual depth is sometimes increased in places to suit double-bottom tank capacities. The double bottom may have a sloping margin leading to the bilge radiused plating or a continuous double bottom extending to the side shell. The sloping margin construction requires the use of margin plates to connect up with the side framing and provides a collecting bay or well for bilge water (Figure 5.3). The continuous tank top or flat margin must have bilge water collecting points or drain 'hats' fitted into it (Figure 5.4). The flat margin is connected to the side framing by a flanged bracket. The flat margin type of construction is much used in modern construction.
The structure is made up of vertical floors which may be watertight, solid or of bracket construction. The floor Structure is continuous from the centre girder to the side shell and supports the inner bottom shell. Side girders are fitted in the longitudinal direction, their number depending on the width of the ship. These side girders are broken either side of the floors and are therefore termed intercostal girders.
Watertight or oiltight floors are fitted beneath the main bulkheads and are also used to subdivide the double-bottom space into tanks for various liquids. Solid plate floors of non-watertight construction, usually lightened by manholes, are positioned in other places as required to stiffen the structure. Between solid plate floors, bracket floors are fitted. Bracket floors consist of plate brackets attached to the centre girder and the side shell with bulb plate stiffeners running between. The stiffeners are supported by angle bar struts at intervals and any side girders which are present in the structure.
The arrangement of flooring will be determined by the type of framing system adopted, which may be either transverse or longitudinal.

Figure 5.3 Longitudinally framed double bottom: (a) bracket floor; (b) solid floor

Figure 5.4 Transversely framed double bottom: (a) bracket floor; (b) solid floor

Transversely framed double bottom

When transversely framed, the double-bottom structure consists of solid plate floors and bracket floors with transverse frames. The bracket floor is fitted between the widely spaced solid floors. It consists of transverse bulb angle sections stiffening the shell and inner bottom plating. Vertical support is provided by brackets at the side shell and centre girder, any side girders and intermediate struts. The number of intercostal side girders fitted is determined by classification society rules. Solid and bracket floors for a transversely-framed vessel are shown in Figure 5.4.

Longitudinally framed double bottom

This is the system favoured as a result of tests and it provides adequate resistance to distortion on ships of 120 m in length or greater. Offset bulb plates are used as longitudinal stiffeners on the shell and inner bottom plating, at intervals of about 1 m. Solid floors provide support at transverse bulkheads and at intervals not exceeding 3.8 m along the length of the ship. Brackets are fitted at the centre girder and side shell at intermediate frame spaces between solid floors. These brackets are flanged at the free edge and extend to the first longitudinal. Channel bar or angle bar struts are provided to give support at intervals of not more than 2.5 m where solid floors are widely spaced. Intercostal side girders are again fitted, their number depending upon classification society rules. Solid and bracket floors for a longitudinally framed vessel are shown in Figure 5.3.

Machinery space double bottom

The construction of the double bottom in the machinery space regardless of framing system has solid plate floors at every frame space under the main engine. Additional side girders are fitted outboard of the main engine seating, as required. The double-bottom height is usually increased to provide fuel oil, lubricating oil and fresh water tanks of suitable capacities. Shaft alignment also requires an increase in the double-bottom height or a raised seating, the former method usually being adopted. Continuity of strength is ensured and maintained by gradually sloping the tank top height and internal structure to the required position. Additional support and stiffening is necessary for the main engines, boilers, etc., to provide a vibration-resistant solid platform capable of supporting the concentrated loads. On slow-speed diesel-engined ships the tank top plating is increased to 40 mm thick or thereabouts in way of the engine bedplate. This is achieved by using a special insert plate which is the length of the engine including the thrust block in size (Figure 5.5). Additional heavy girders are also fitted under this plate and in other positions under heavy machinery as required. Plating and girder material in the machinery spaces is of increased scantlings in the order of 10%.        •

Figure 5.5 Machinery space double bottom

Double-bottom tanks

Access to the double-bottom tanks is usually by manholes cut in the tank top. These manholes are suitably jointed and bolted to be completely watertight when not in use. Docking plugs are fitted in all double-bottom tanks and are a means of completely draining these tanks for inspection in drydock (Figure 5.6). Air pipes are fitted to all double-bottom tanks to release the air when filling. Sounding pipes are also fitted to enable the tanks to be sounded and their capacity determined. All double-bottom tanks are tested on completion by the maximum service pressure head of water or an equivalent air test.

Figure 5.6 Docking plug and pad

Structure to resist pounding

Pounding or slamming results from the ship heaving or pitching, thus causing the forward region to 'slam' down on to the water. Additional structural strength must be provided from the forward perpendicular aft for 25-30% of the ship's length. The shell plating either side of the keel is increased in thickness, depending upon the ship's minimum draught. The frame spacing is reduced, full- and half-height intercostal side girders are fitted and solid floors are installed at every frame space. With longitudinal framing the longitudinal spacing is reduced, intercostal side girders are fitted and transverse floors are installed at alternate frames.

Single-bottom construction

In oil tankers particularly, and some smaller vessels, a single-bottom construction is employed. The oil tanker bottom structure is detailed in Chapter 8. The construction of the single bottom in smaller ships is similar to double-bottom construction but without the inner skin of plating. The upper edge of all plate floors must therefore be stiffened to improve their rigidity.


Shell plating

The side and bottom shell plating provides the watertight skin of the ship. The shell plating also makes the greatest contribution to the longitudinal strength of the ship's structure. As a result of its huge area the shell plating is composed of many strakes or plates arranged in a fore and aft direction and welded together. The horizontal welds are termed 'seams' and the vertical welds are termed 'butts'. Several strakes of plating are usually joined together as part of a unit. A shell expansion by units was shown in Figure 3.2. The thickness of shell plating is largely dependent upon ship length and frame spacing. The final structure must be capable of withstanding the many dynamic and static loads upon the hull, as discussed in Chapter 2. Some tapering off of shell plate thickness towards the ends of the ship is usual, since the bending moments are reduced in this region.
The strake of side plating nearest to the deck is known as the 'sheerstrake'. The sheerstrake is increased in thickness or a high tensile steel is used. This is because this section of plating is furthest from the neutral axis and subject to the greatest bending stress, as discussed in Chapter 2. The region where the sheerstrake meets the deck plating is known as the gunwale. Two particular arrangements in this region are used and are shown in Figure 5.7. With the rounded gunwale arrangement no welding is permitted on the sheerstrake because of the high stressing which could result in cracks emanating from the ‘toes’ of fillet welds. Such welds reduce the resistance of components to cracking. Where such structure is butt welded the welding must blend into the parent plate. Towards the ends of the ship, as the cross-section reduces, the various strakes of plating will taper in width. Where these plate widths become small, a stealer plate or strake is fitted (Figure 5.8).

Figure 5.7 Gunwale arrangements

Figure 5.8 Stealer strake arrangement

All openings in shell plating must have rounded edges to avoid stress concentrations and usually some form of compensation to avoid a discontinuity of strength.

Framing systems

Figure 5.9 Framing systems: (a) transverse framing; (b) longitudinal framing; (c) combine framing

The bottom shell and side plating are framed, i.e. stiffened along their length, against the compressing forces of the sea. Two different types of framing are in use, or a combination of the two may he employed. These are known, respectively, as transverse, longitudinal and combined framing and are shown in Figure 5.9. Cargo arrangements may influence the choice of framing systems, but, generally, considerations of longitudinal strength are the deciding factor.

Transverse framing

Transverse framing of the shell plating consists of vertical stiffeners, either of bulb plate or deep-flanged web frames, which are attached by brackets to the deck beams and the flooring structure. The scantlings of the frame are to some extent dependent upon their depth and also on the nature of their end connections. Particular locations, such as at the ends of hatches, require frames of increased scantling. Very deep web frames are often fitted in the machinery space.
Frame spacing is generally not more than 1000 mm but is always reduced in the pounding region and at the fore and aft ends in the peak tank regions.

Longitudinal framing

Longitudinal framing of the side shell employs horizontal offset bulb plates with increased scantlings towards the lower side shell. Transverse webs are used to support the longitudinal frames, their spacing being dependent upon the type of ship and the section modulus of the longitudinal. This construction is described and illustrated in Chapter 8 with reference to oil tanker construction.

Bilge keel

With a flat keel construction there is little resistance to rolling of the ship. A bilge keel is fitted along the bilge radius either side of the ship to damp any tendency the ship has to roll (Figure 5.10). Some improvement in longitudinal strength at the bilge radius is also provided. The bilge keel must be arranged to penetrate the boundary layer of water along the hull but not too deep to have large forces acting on it.
The bilge keel is fitted at right-angles to the bilge radiused plating but does not extend beyond the extreme breadth line. It runs the extent of the midship section of the ship and is positioned, after model tests, to ensure the minimum resistance to forward motion of the ship. Construction is of steel plate with a stiffened free edge or a section such as a bulb plate. A means of fastening to the hull is employed which will break off the bilge keel without damage to the hull in the event of fouling or collision. The ends are fastened to a doubling plate on the shell, since the bilge plating is in a highly stressed region of the ship.

Ice navigation strengthening

lee class notations 1*, 1, 2 or 3 are assigned to ships which have additional strengthening as required by classification society rules. Various means of additional stiffening by increased frame scantlings, reduced frame spacing and increased plate thickness are required. The extent and nature of the stiffening reduces from 1*, which is the highest classification, to 3, which is the lowest. Some modifications to the stem and stem regions may also be required.

Figure 5.10 Bilge keel: (a) plan view showing arrangement at ends; (b) section through bilge keel


The deck of a ship is the horizontal platform which completes the enclosure of the hull. It must provide a solid working platform capable of supporting any loads resting upon it, and also a watertight top cover to the hull structure. The deck with its various forms of stiffening and its plating provides a considerable contribution to the strength of the ship. Where the deck is pierced by hatches, special coamings or surrounds to the openings must be provided. These large openings require special compensation to offset their effect on the structural strength of the ship.

Deck plating

The deck plating is made up of longitudinal strakes of plating across its width. The plates or strakes nearest to the deck edges are termed 'stringer plates'. They are of thicker material than the remaining deck plating since they form the important join between the side shell and deck plating. Towards the ends of the ship the deck plating, like the shell plating, is reduced in thickness.
The large openings in the deck for hatchways, engine casings, pump room entrances, etc., require compensation to maintain the section modulus of the material. The deck plating abreast of such openings is therefore increased in thickness. The plating between the hatches of a cargo ship is thinner than the rest of the deck plating and contributes little to longitudinal strength.
The plating of the weather decks is cambered towards the ship's side to assist drainage of any water falling on the deck. This camber is usually of the order of one-fiftieth of the breadth of the ship at midships.

Deck stiffening

The deck plating is supported from below in a manner determined by the framing system of the ship. With longitudinal framing, a series of closely spaced longitudinals are used in addition to deep web transverses. With transverse framing, transverse deck beams are used at every frame space. Where hatches are fitted to a ship, continuous longitudinal girders are fitted over the length of the ship running alongside the batches.

Deck beams and transverses

Deck beams are fitted across the width of the ship and are joined to the side frames by brackets known as 'beam knees'. Continuous longitudinal girders are fitted on the ship which run alongside the hatchways and the beams are bracketed to these girders. In this way the unsupported span is reduced. Deck beams are usually offset bulb plates. For the length of the open hatch space the beams are broken and bracketed to the longitudinal girder or hatch side coaming. The beams are likewise broken and bracketed to the longitudinal girders in way of the engine casing. A beam broken in this manner is known as a 'half-beam'.
Deck transverses support the longitudinally framed deck. These are deep plate webs with a facing flat or a flanged edge. They are bracketed to the side frames by beam knees. Small tripping brackets are fitted between alternate longitudinals and the transverse (Figure 5.11).

Deck girders

Deck girders exist in a number of forms, depending upon their location. A flanged girder with tripping brackets will often be used as part of a hatch coaming. Such a flanged girder is referred to as unsymmetrical and must have tripping brackets fitted at alternate frame spaces. The symmetrical girder is often used, particularly as a centreline girder. Brackets join the girder to the deck beams and are fitted at every fourth frame space. At hatch comers these girders must be additionally supported either by pillars or transverse girders. The symmetrical and unsymmetrical types of girders are shown in Figure 5.12.
The combination of longitudinal girders with transverse beams is much in use in modern ships. The deck longitudinal girders extend as far as possible along the full length of the ship on the outside of the hatches. This continuous longitudinal material permits a reduction in deck plate thickness, in terms of classification society requirements.
The deck between the hatches must be supported by longitudinal or transverse beams. Where side girders join transverse beams, particularly beneath hatch openings, gusset plates are fitted (Figures 5.13 and 5.14).

Figure 5.11 Deck beam

Figure 5.12 Girder arrangement: (a) symmetrical: (b) unsymmetrical

Local loading

On the deck, where concentrated loads are situated or likely, additional stiffening must be provided. Machinery such as winches, windlasses, etc., will also require seatings which are discussed in detail in Chapter 6. Also, any beams fitted in way of deep tanks, bunker tanks, etc., must have increased scantlings and perhaps reduced spans to be at least equal in strength to the boundary bulk heads.

Figure 5.13 Hatch corner gusset plate. viewed from below

Figure 5.14 Gusset plate used in machinery space construction

Figure 5.15 Insert plate fitted at hatch comer


A discontinuity, as discussed here, refers to any break or change in section, thickness or amount of plating material. Great care must be taken to compensate for any discontinuities in shell or deck plating resulting from doors, hatchways, etc. Where the loss of longitudinal material results, this compensation is of particular importance. Where changes in the amount of plating material occur, such as at bulwarks, the change should be gradual and well radiused.
Well-radiused comers must be used and sometimes the fitting of doubling plates or thicker insert plates, at the comers of all openings. Any sharp comer can produce a notch which, after stressing, could result in a crack. Figure 5.15 shows an insert plate fitted at the comer of a hatch opening.

Hatch coamings

The edges of all hatch openings are framed by hatch coamings. On the weather deck the coamings must be at a minimum height of 600 mm according to the load line regulations. This is to reduce the risk of water entry to the holds. Internal coamings, e.g. those within the superstructure or holds, have no height specified and in tween-deck holds particularly are often made flush with the deck for uninterrupted cargo stowage. The weather deck coaming must be a minimum of 9 mm thick, and where the height is in excess of 600 mm it must be stiffened by a horizontal stiffener and vertical brackets must be fitted not more than 3 m apart. An edge stiffener must also be provided which may be a preformed section where wooden hatch covers are fitted (see Figure 7.1. later) or a half-round steel bar as in Figure 5.16.
The side coaming plates, as an extension of the longitudinal girder, are of greater thickness than the end coaming plates and are extended beyond the hatch opening in the form or brackets (Figure 5.16). These brackets also serve to support the platforms used for the hatch operating equipment. Smaller vertical brackets are fitted around the remainder of the coaming structure to stiffen it (Figure 5.17).

Figure 5.16 Hatch coaming: (a) elevation of hatch coaming (steel hatch covers); (b) plan view of hatch coaming (steel hatch covers)

5.17 Coaming bracket



The vertical divisions arranged in the ship's structure are known as bulkheads. Three basic types are found, namely watertight, non-watertight and oiltight or tank bulkheads. Oiltight or tank bulkheads are watertight in their construction but are subjected to more rigorous testing than a simply watertight bulkhead.
The transverse watertight bulkheads subdivide the ship into a number of water-tight compartments and their number is dictated by classification society regulations. Oiltight bulkheads form the boundaries of tanks used for the carriage of liquid cargoes or fuels. Non-watertight bulkheads are any other bulkhead such as engine casings, accommodation partitions or stores compartments.

Watertight bulkheads

In addition to subdividing the ship, transverse bulkheads also provide considerable structural strength as support for the decks and to resist deformation caused by broadside waves (racking). The spacing of watertight bulkheads, which is known as the watertight subdivision of the ship, is governed by rules dependent upon ship type, size, etc. All ships must have:
(1) A collision or fore peak bulkhead which is to be positioned not less than 0.05 X length of the ship, nor more than 0.08 X length of the ship, from the forward end of the load waterline.
(2) An after peak bulkhead which encloses the sterntube(s) and rudder trunk in a watertight compartment.
(3) A bulkhead at each end of the machinery space; the after bulkhead may, for an aft engine room, be the after peak bulkhead.

Additional bulkheads are to be fitted according to the vessel's length, e.g. a ship between 145 and 165m long must have 8 bulkheads with machinery midships and 7 bulkheads with machinery aft.
Fitting less than the standard number of bulkheads is permitted in approved circumstances where additional structural compensation is provided. Water-tight bulkheads must extend to the freeboard deck but may rise to the uppermost continuous deck. The aft peak bulkhead may extend only to the next deck above the load waterline, where the construction aft of this deck is fully watertight to the shell.
The purpose of watertight subdivision and the spacing of the bulkheads is to provide an arrangement such that if one compartment is flooded between bulkheads the ship's waterline will not rise above the margin line. The margin line is a line drawn parallel to and 76 mm below the upper surface of the bulkhead deck at the ship's side. The subdivision of passenger ships is regulated by statutory requirements which are in excess of classification society rules for cargo ships, but the objects of confining flooding and avoiding sinking are the same.

Construction of watertight bulkheads

Watertight bulkheads, because of their large area, are formed of several strakes of plating. They are welded to the shell, deck and tank top. The plating strakes are horizontal and the stiffening is vertical. Since water pressure in a tank increases with depth and the watertight bulkhead must withstand such loading, the bulkhead must have increasingly greater strength towards the base. This is achieved by increasing the thickness of the horizontal strakes of plating towards the bottom. The collision bulkhead must have plating some 12% thicker than other watertight bulkheads. Also, plating in the aft peak bulkhead around the sterntube must be doubled or increased in thickness to reduce vibration. The bulkhead is stiffened by vertical bulb plates or toe-welded angle bar stiffeners spaced about 760 mm apart. This spacing is reduced to 610 mm for collision and oiltight bulkheads. The ends of the stiffeners are bracketed to the tanktop and the deck beams. In tween decks, where the loading is less, the stiffeners may have no end connections. A watertight bulkhead arrangement is shown in Figure 5.18.

Corrugated watertight bulkheads

The use of corrugations or swedges in a plate instead of welded stiffeners produces as strong a structure with a reduction in weight. The troughs are vertical on transverse bulkheads but on longitudinal bulkheads they must be horizontal in order to add to the longitudinal strength of the ship.

Figure 5.19 Corrugated watertight bulkhead: (a) section through corrugation; (b) elevation of bulkhead; (c) plan view of corrugations

The corrugations or swedges are made in the plating strakes prior to fabrication of the complete bulkhead. As a consequence, the strakes run vertically and the plating must be of uniform thickness and adequate to support the greater loads at the bottom of the bulkhead. This greater thickness of plate offsets to some extent the saving in weight through not adding stiffeners to the bulkhead. The edges of the corrugated bulkhead which join to the shell plating may have a stiffened flat plate fitted to increase transverse strength and simplify fitting the bulkhead to the shell. On high bulkheads with vertical corrugations, diaphragm plates are fitted across the troughs. This prevents any possible collapse of the corrugations. A corrugated bulkhead arrangement is shown in Figure 5.19.
A watertight floor is fitted in the double bottom directly below every main transverse bulkhead. Where a watertight bulkhead is penetrated, e.g. by pipework, a watertight closure around the penetration must be ensured by a collar fully welded to the pipe and the bulkhead.

Testing of watertight bulkheads

The main fore and aft peak bulkheads must be tested by filling with water to the load waterline. Subdividing watertight bulkheads are tested by hosing down. Oiltight and tank bulkheads must be tested by a head of water not less than 2.45 m above the highest point of the tank.

Non-watertight bulkheads

Any bulkheads other than those used as main subdivisions and tank boundaries may be non-watertight. Examples of these are engine room casing bulkheads, accommodation partitions, store room divisions, etc. Wash bulkheads fitted in deep tanks or in the fore end of a ship are also examples of non-watertight bulkheads. Where a non-watertight bulkhead performs the supporting function similar to a pillar, its stiffeners must be adequate for the load carried. In all other situations the non-watertight bulkhead is stiffened by bulb plates or simply flat plates welded edge on. Corrugated and swedged bulkheads can also be used for non-watertight bulkheads.


Pillars provide a means of transferring loads between decks and fastening together the structure in a vertical direction. The pillars which transfer loads, as in the cargo holds or beneath items of machinery, are largely in compression and require little or no bracketing to the surrounding structure. Pillars which tie structure together and are subjected to tensile forces are adequately bracketed at the head or top and the heel or bottom.
Hold pillars are usually large in section and few in number to reduce interference with cargo stowage to a minimum. Pillars are provided to reduce the need for heavy webs to support the hatch girders or end beams. The use of pillars also enables a reduction in size of the hatch girders and beams, since their unsupported span is reduced. Where pillars are fitted between a number of vertical decks they should be in line below one another to efficiently transfer the loads.
Hold pillar sections are usually hollow fabricated shape manufactured from steel plate. Typical sections are round, square and sometimes octagonal. Machinery space pillars are usually fabricated from sections and, while smaller in dimensions than hold pillars, a greater number are fitted (Figure 5.20). Additional structural material must be provided at the head and heel of pillars to evenly distribute the load. At the head a plate is used, often with tripping brackets to surrounding structure. At the heel an insert plate or doubling plate is used, with or without brackets depending upon the type of loading (Figure 5.21).
Solid pillars may be fitted in accommodation spaces or under points of concentrated loading. Solid round bar up to about 100 mm diameter is fitted, again with head and heel plates to spread the load.

Figure 5.20 Machinery space pillar arrangements: (a) sectional elevation looking aft; (b) elevation looking outboard

Figure 5.21 Tubular pillar arrangements: (a) pillar head connection; (b) pillar heel connection


The forward end of a ship refers to the structure forward of the collision bulkhead. The forward end is designed to provide a smooth entry to the water and a streamlined flow along the ship. As a result, resistance to motion is reduced to a minimum. The stern is the most forward part of the ship and runs down to the keel. It is constructed in two pans - a bar stem from the keel to the load waterline and a plate stem up to the deck. The plate stem usually rakes well forward providing pleasing lines to the ship, an increased deck area and a readily collapsible region in the event of a collision. The side shell plating is flared out to further increase the deck area. This arrangement also serves to deflect sea water and spray away from the ship in heavy weather. The forward deck area or forecastle houses the windlasses and winches required for anchor and mooring duties. The anchor chain is housed in a chain locker beneath the forecastle. A bulbous bow may be fitted, which is a protrusion below the waterline designed to reduce the ship's resistance to motion.


The stem is the terminating point of the forward shell plating. It is made up of a stem bar from the keel to the load waterline and a stiffened plate structure up to the forecastle deck (Figure 5.22). The stem bar is a solid round bar which is welded to the inside of the keel plate at the lower end. At its upper end the bar joins the stem plate. The shell plating is welded to either side of the stem bar.
The stem plate construction of curved plates is stiffened at intervals by breasthooks which are small flange plates fitted horizontally (Figure 5.23). A continuous bulb or flat bar stiffener may be fitted where the stem plate radius is considerable. Heavier than usual shell plating may be fitted at the stem plate region.

Figure 5.22 Fore end construction

Figure 5.23 Section through plate stem showing breasthook

Panting structure

Panting is an in-and-out movement of the shell plating resulting from the variations of water pressure as waves pass along the hull and when the vessel pitches. Special structural arrangements are necessary in the forward region of the ship to strengthen the ship's plating against this action. The structure must be strengthened for 15-20% of the ship's length from forward to the stem. This stiffening is made up of horizontal side stringers, known as ‘panting stringers’, fitted at about 2 m intervals below the lowest deck. Panting beams are fitted across the ship at alternate frame spaces and are bracketed to the panting stringer. The intermediate frames are connected to the panting stringer by brackets (Figure 5.24 and 5.25). A partial wash bulkhead or a series of pillars is fitted on the centreline to further support the structure. Perforated flats may be fitted instead of beams but these must be not more than 2.5 m apart. Perforations of at least 10% of the plate area are required in order to reduce water pressure on the flats.

Bulbous bow
The bulbous bow is fitted in an attempt to reduce the ship's resistance. Arrangements vary from a casting plated into the forward end to a fully radiused plated structure, or in some cases a cylindrical shape plated into the forward end. The effectiveness of the arrangement is the subject of much discussion but improved buoyancy forward is provided which will reduce the pitching of the ship.
The construction shown in Figure 5.26 consists of a vertical plate web which stiffens the free edge of the breasthooks fitted right forward in the bulb. Deep frames with panting beams are fitted at every frame space with a wash bulkhead on the centreline. The panting stringers consist of perforated plates running the full width and length of the bulb. Another vertical plate web joins the bulb to the fore end structure. A small stem casting connects the top of the bulb to the plate stem above the load waterline. The numerous manholes cut into the structure permit access to all parts of the bulb. The anchor and cable arrangements must ensure that the bulb is not fouled during any part of the operation.

Figure 5.26 Bulbous bow construction

Anchors and cables

The forecastle deck houses the windlass or windlasses which raise and lower the anchor and cable. Various items of mooring equipment, such as bollards, fairleads, etc., are also arranged around the deck edge. The anchors are housed against the forward side shell, sometimes in specially recessed pockets. The anchor cable passes through the shell via the hawse pipe on to the forecastle deck. It travels over the cable stopper and on to the windlass cable lifter drum. From the cable lifter it drops vertically down into the chain locker below.

Hawse pipe

The hawse pipe is fitted to enable a smooth run of the anchor cable to the windlass and to maintain the watertight integrity of the forecastle (Figure 5.27). It should be of ample size to pass the cable without snagging when raising or lowering the anchor. Construction is usually of thick plating which is attached to a doubling plate at the forecastle deck and a reinforced strake of plating at the side shell. A rubbing or chafing ring is also fitted at the outside shell. A sliding plate cover is shaped to fit over the cable and close the opening when the ship is at sea.

Cable stopper

The chain, cable or bow stopper is fitted on the forecastle deck in line with the run of the anchor cable. It is used to hold the anchor cable in place while the ship is riding at anchor or the anchor is fully housed. In this way the windlass is freed and isolated from any shocks or vibration from the cable. The chain stopper is not designed to stop the moving cable, but only hold it in place. One type is shown in Figure 5.28 and consists of a fabricate structure of heavy plate with a roller which the cable passes over. A hinged bar is designed to fall between two vertical links and hold the cable in place. The chain stopper is welded or bolted on to a heavy insert plate in the deck and is additionally stiffened by brackets.


The windlass is the lifting device for the anchor cables or chains and is also         used for mooring and winching duties. Various drums or barrels can be 'clutched in’ to perform the different duties. For raising the anchor, the cable lifting drum is engaged.
This is a barrel with specially shaped 'snugs’, which the cable links fit into and pass round before dropping into the chain locker via the spurling pipe. The anchor cable is allowed to lower under its own weight with the lifting drum declutched, while the brake band around it is used to control the speed of descent.

Figure 5.27 Hawse pipe

Chain locker

The chain locker is normally fitted forward of the collision bulkhead. It is of dimensions adequate to house all the anchor cable and still leave a considerable empty space above. Two lockers or a centrally divided single locker will be fitted for the port and starboard anchor cables. The chain locker should be as low as practicable to reduce the height of the centre of gravity of the considerable mass of the cables. A perforated false floor or grating is fitted at the bottom to provide a drainage well and keep the cable out of mud and water.
Figure 5.29 shows an arrangement of a chain locker. It consists of a plate structure with vertical stiffeners around the outside. Plate webs which form part of the ship's internal structure are also utilised for stiffening. A raised perforated false floor is fitted and supported by solid floors. The well thus formed is connected to the bilge system and should be emptied every time the anchor is raised. The forecastle deck forms the top of the locker with the spurling pipe at the centre. The spurling pipe is manufactured of heavy plate with a solid round bar as a chaffing ring on the lower edge. Brackets radiate from the spurling pipe to the chain locker sides to strengthen the forecastle deck and the spurling pipe. A U-section plate welded to the side with footholes cut in provides access to the bottom of the chain locker from a watertight door at the upper deck. Provision is also made for securing the final link of the anchor cable. The chain locker illustrated is one of a pair fitted port and starboard beneath their respective windlasses.

Figure 5.29 Chain locker

Clench cable assembly

The final link of the anchor cable is secured to the ship's structure by a clench pin. On most modern ships this pin is positioned on the outside of the chain locker and can be released easily and quickly. A situation may arise where the safety of the ship does not allow time to raise the anchor. By releasing the clench pin all the cable can quickly pass out of the chain locker, leaving the ship free to proceed out of danger. An arrangement is shown in Figure 5.30, where an insert heavy plate pocket is fitted into the chain locker side with a vertical pin holding the final link of anchor cable. A hand-wheel assembly on deck is used to raise the pin and release the link.

Figure 5.30 Cable clench arrangement


A thruster is usually considered to be a device which assists in docking, manoeuvring, or positioning of a vessel which is moving at a low speed. Some form of propeller-type device is used to move water either freely or in a duct. The propeller may be fixed or controllable pitch and the complete unit may be retractable or exposed, fixed in position or able to rotate (azimuth).
Probably the most common unit fitted on merchant vessels is the tunnel thruster using either a fixed pitch or a controllable pitch propeller. The fixed pitch unit would require a reversible drive. A controllable pitch type thruster is shown in Figure 5.31. A non-rotating servo motor located in the gear housing is used to change the pitch of the propeller blades. The force on the servomotor piston is transmitted by a piston rod inside the propeller shaft to the crosshead and crank mechanism in the hub. Water flow can thus be provided in either direction simply by changing the blade pitch angle. Any non-reversing prime mover can therefore be used, e.g. a single speed electric motor. The prime mover need not be stopped during manoeuvring operations since the blades can be placed at zero pitch when no thrust is desired. The drive is obtained through a flexible drive shaft, couplings and bevel gears. Special seals prevent any sea water leakage into the unit.
The complete assembly includes part of the athwartships tunnel through which water is directed to provide the thrust. Grids must be fitted at either end of the tunnel and this can reduce the thrust to some extent. The actual tunnel location is usually decided by model tests to ensure the minimum resistance when not in use. A tunnel construction arrangement is shown in Figure 5.32.
Gill jet thrusters utilise a vertical axis propeller in a T-shaped tunnel. Water is drawn in from both sides and leaves through the bottom of the hull. Rotatable gill fins direct the water in one of a number of fixed positions around a circle. The hydrojet thruster has a similar arrangement but draws water in from below and discharges it at the sides with vanes directing the thrust. Steering vanes in the diverging liquid path can also be used to maximise the thrust to one side or the other. Ducted jet thrusters operate somewhat similarly to a tunnel thruster except that the duct is usually curved. This duct may be located either on the ship’s side or the bottom shell and usually requires large openings.
An azimuth or rotating thruster usually consists of a dueled propeller which can rotate through 360°. The propeller may be fixed or controllable pitch. This unit is particularly suited for dynamic positioning and some propulsion duties. When fitted to ships, an azimuth thruster is usually retractable.

1. Tunnel section
2. Motor mounting stool
3. lnput drive shaft
4. Input drive shaft cartridge
5. Propeller shaft seal
6. Propeller blade
7. Blade palm seal
8. Hub body
9. Crank pin ring
10. Crosshead bearing housing
11. Taper roller thrust bearing
12. Crosshead
13. Propeller shaft
14. Propeller shaft thrust bearing
15. SpiraI bevel wheel
16. Pinon rod
17. Servo motor piston
18. Servo motor cylinder head
19. Feed back linkage
20. Servo motor cylinder
21. Servo motor end collar
22. Spiral bevel pinion
23. Drive shaft taper roller bearing
24. Gear housing

Figure 5.31 Tunnel thruster unit

Figure 5.32 Bow thruster tunnel


The aft end of a ship terminates the structure and is designed to provide a smooth water flow into and away from the propeller. The propeller and rudder are also positioned and supported at the after end and require certain structural arrangements in order to operate satisfactorily. The after end construction involves an amount of overhanging structure to accept the steering gear below deck and mooring equipment higher up on the weather deck. This arrangement leads to large slamming forces in this after region, and an adequately stiffened structure is therefore required.
Two major types of stem construction have been used to date - the cruiser stern and the transom stern. The cruiser stern is rarely used in modern construction but it is still to be seen in a large proportion of the ships at sea. The transom stern, with its straight-line form, lends itself well to current manufacturing techniques. It also provides a greater deck area aft and as currently much used for a variety of ship types.

Cruiser stern
The construction of the cruiser stern (Figure 5.33) ensures adequate resistance to any pounding stresses which may occur. Solid plate floors are fitted at every frame space and a heavy centreline girder is fitted below each of the decks in the stern. A centreline web as a continuation of the centreline girder is fitted at the after end shell plating and runs down to the centreline girder in the flooring region. Special frames are radiused around the after end and are known as ‘cant frames', since they are set at an angle to the centreline of the ship. These cant frames join cant beams which support the deck at the radiused after end. Horizontal stringers may also be fitted to stiffen up the structure by connecting it to the transverse frames further forward.

Figure 5.33 Cruiser stern

Transom stern

Deep solid-plate floors are also a feature of the transom stem construction, together with a centreline girder (Figure 5.34). The flat plate of the transom stem construction, however, allows use of vertical stiffeners around the shell plating. The vertical stiffeners are bracketed to the floor and to the deck beams which run transversely across the stem. A deep horizontal stringer can provide additional stiffening to the shell plating if required. A deep centre girder runs beneath each of the deck at the stern and is bracketed to the deep web at the centreline of the after shell plating. This web is likewise bracketed to the various floors in the stern and finally to the solid-plate floor construction below.

Figure 5.34 Transom stern

Rudder trunk

The rudder trunk is an open section which is left in the stern for the entry of the rudder stock into the steering flat (Figure 5.34). A horizontal platform is some times fitted midway up the trunk to fit a watertight gland. The trunking above is then constructed to be watertight and access to the upper section and the gland is provided by a manhole.


The shell plating at the after end is terminated by the sternframe (Figure 5.34). This is usually a casting, but fabrications and forgings are sometimes used. In single-screw ships the sternframe has a boss on the centreline for the tailshaft to pass through and an adequate aperture is provided for the propeller to operate in. If sufficient clearance at the blade tips were not allowed then serious vibrations would be set up in the after end of the ship. The lower part of the sternframe may provide a support for the rudder post or an overhanging section may provide gudgeons for the rudder pintles. Figure 5.34, 5.41 and 5.42 show different arrangements. Various sections of the sternframe, particularly above the arch, provide connecting points to the individual floors of the after end construction. The transom post and vibration post are two particular connections (Figure 5.34). Sound connections at these points ensure that propeller-induced vibrations are kept to a minimum. Twin-screw ships have a sternframe which is only required to support the rudder pintles and is thus much reduced in size. Larger sternframe, particularly those of cast construction, are manufactured in two parts with provision made for bolting together and, after careful alignment, welding at the suitably prepared joint.

Figure 5.35 Cast spectacle frame

A-brackets and bossings

Twin-screw vessels with their shafts set away from the centreline require support for the shaft overhang as it leaves the shell. Bossings are often used to increase the vessel's width and allow the shafts to remain within the hull while still retaining a streamlined flow of water to the propellers. The shafting is protected and internal inspection is possible with this arrangement. These bossings are symmetrical about the ship's centreline and give rise to the term 'spectacle frame' because of their appearance from aft of the vessel (Figure 5.35). Some modern constructions make use of A-brackets set out from the hull to support the shafts (Figure 5.36). The final A-bracket in addition to acting as a bearing, must support the weight of the propeller.
Both bossings and A-frames are led into the stern and solidly built into the structure with additional local stiffening where required.

Figure 5.36 A-Bracket

Stern tubes

The propeller shaft enters the ship through the stern tube which acts as the final bearing and a watertight seal to the sea. Traditional practice saw the use of lignum vitae and certain synthetic materials as bearing surfaces within the stern tube and these were lubricated by sea water. The increased loadings, as a result of slow speed shafts and heavier propellers on more modern ships, has led to the widespread use of oil-lubricated whitemetal bearings. With this arrangement wear down in service is much reduced but there is a need for more accurate alignment and for seals at each end of the stern tube. An oil-lubricated stern tube arrangement is shown in Figure 5.37. Additional details are given in Marine Auxiliary Machinery by D. W. Smith (6th edition, Butterworths Marine Engineering Series, 1983).


A propeller consists of a boss which has several helicoidal form blades. When rotated it 'screws' or thrusts its way through the water by giving momentum to the column of water passing through it. The thrust is transmitted along the shafting to the thrust block and finally to the ship's structure. The thrust block must therefore have a rigid seating or framework which is integrated into the ship's structure to absorb the thrust. The propeller will usually be either of the fixed pitch or controllable pitch type. ln addition some special designs and arrange men is are in use which offer particular advantages.

Fixed pitch propeller

Although described as fixed pitch, a solid single-piece cast propeller has a pitch which varies with increasing radius from the boss. The pitch at any particular point on a blade is however fixed and an average value for the complete propeller is used in all calculations. A fixed pitch propeller is shown in Figure 5.38, where most of the terms used in describing the geometrical features are also given. It should be noted that the face is the surface farthest from the stem and is the 'working' surface. A cone is fitted to the boss to provide a smooth flow of water away from the propeller. A propeller which rotates clockwise, when viewed from aft, is considered to be right-handed. Most single-screw ships have right-handed propellers. A twin-screw ship will usually have a right-handed starboard propeller and a left-handed port propeller.

Figure 5.38 Fixed pitch propeller

Cavitation is the forming and bursting of vapour filled cavities or bubbles and occurs as a result of certain pressure variations on the back of a propeller blade. The results of this phenomenon are a loss of thrust, erosion of the blade surface, vibrations in the afterbody of the ship and noise. It is usually limited to high speed, heavily loaded propellers and is not a problem under normal operating conditions with a well-designed propeller.
The propeller, when turning in the ship's wake, is a. potential source of vibration excitation. To some extent this can be minimised by having the leading edges skewed back. Skew back is an advantage when the propeller is working in a varying wake as not all the blade is affected at the same time. Variations in the thrust and torque are therefore smoothed out. Since the vibrations are blade excited, then the number of blades is significant and determines the vibration frequency. Where severe vibration problems exist it may ultimately be necessary to change the propeller for one with a different number of blades.

Propeller mounting

The propeller is fitted onto a taper on the tailshaft and a key may be inserted between the two; alternatively a keyless arrangement may be used. A large nut is fastened and locked in place on the end of the tailshaft. A cone is then bolted over the end of the tailshaft to provide a smooth flow of water from the propeller.
One method of keyless propeller fitting is the oil injection system. The propeller bore is machined with a series of axial and circumferential grooves. High pressure oil is injected between the tapered section of the tailshaft and the propeller. This reduces the friction between the two parts and the propeller is pushed up the shaft taper by a hydraulic jacking ring. Once the propeller is positioned, the oil pressure is released and the oil runs back leaving the shaft and propeller securely fastened together.
The Pilgrim Nut is a patented device which provides a predetermined frictional grip between the propeller and its shaft. With this arrangement the engine torque may be transmitted without loading the key (where fitted). The Pilgrim Nut is, in effect, a threaded hydraulic jack which is screwed onto the tailshaft, see Figure 5.39. A steel ring receives thrust from a hydraulically pressurised nitrile rubber tyre. This thrust is applied to the propeller to force it onto the tapered tailshaft. Propeller removal is achieved by reversing the Pilgrim Nut and using a withdrawal plate which is fastened to the propeller boss by studs. When the tyre is pressurised the propeller is drawn off the taper. Assembly and withdrawal are shown in Figure 5.38.

Figure 5.39 Pilgrim nut operation.

ControlIable pitch propellers

A controllable-pitch propeller is made up of a boss with separate blades mounted into it. An internal mechanism enables the blades to be moved simultaneously through an arc to change the pitch angle and therefore the pitch. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 5.40.
When a pitch demand signal is received, a spool valve is operated which controls the supply of low pressure oil to the auxiliary servo-motor. This moves the sliding thrust block assembly to position the valve rod which extends into the propeller hub. The valve rod admits high pressure oil into one side or the other of the main servo-motor cylinder. The cylinder movement is transferred by a crankpin and ring to the propeller blades. The propeller blades rotate together until the feed-back signal balances the demand signal and the low pressure oil to the auxiliary servo-motor is cut off. To enable emergency control of propeller pitch in the event of loss of power, the spool valves can be operated by hand. The oil pumps are shaft driven.

The control mechanism, which is usually hydraulic, passes through the tail shaft and operation is from the bridge. Varying the pitch will vary the thrust provided and since a zero pitch position exists the engine shaft may turn continuously. The blades may rotate to provide astern thrust and therefore the engine does not require to be reserved.

Special types

A number of specialised arrangements or types of propellers exist and have particular advantages or applications. The Voith-Schneider propeller, the Tip Vortex Free propeller and the use of a duct or nozzle are described here.
The Voith-Schneider propeller is a vertically-rotating device. The blades are vertically positioned around a disc and can be rotated by cams in order to change the blade angle at a particular point in each revolution. This results in a thrust whose magnitude and direction is determined by the cams. This, therefore, in some respects similar to a controllable-pitch propeller in that the disc is driven and the blades can be positioned independently of the main drive. This unit can effectively thrust in any direction and will respond rapidly to the pitch control mechanism. The complete assembly is unfortunately complex, noisy in operation and considerable maintenance is necessary. It is often used for main propulsion in ferries and vessels requiring considerable manoeuvrability. It may also be used as a thruster or propulsion device for drill ships or floating cranes which require accurate positioning.
The use of a duct or nozzle around the propeller can result in an improvement of the propeller performance. Furthermore the aerofoil shape of the duct can produce a forward thrust which will offset any drag it creates. The duct also protects the propeller from damage and reduces noise. It is usually fitted on ships with heavily loaded propellers, e.g. tugs, and has been used on larger vessels. One particular patented design of duct is known as the Kort Nozzle.
The Tip Vortex Free (TVF) propeller is a recent special design which results in much improved propeller efficiency. The blade tips are fitted with pieces at right angles to the plane of rotation. The initial impression is that the blade edges have been bent over towards the face. i.e. away from the ship. The attachments at the blade tips serve to generate thrust across the whole propeller blade and thus improve the propeller efficiency. A nozzle surrounds the propeller and a tunnel structure under the stern on either side is used to direct the incoming flow of water.


The rudder is used to steer the ship. The turning action is largely dependent on the area of the rudder, which is usually of the order of one-sixtieth to one-seventieth of the length X depth of the ship. The ratio of the depth to width of a rudder is known as the aspect ratio and is usually in the region of 2.
Streamlined rudder of a double-plate construction are fitted to all modern ships and are further described by the arrangement about their axis. A rudder with all of its area aft of the turning axis is known as 'unbalanced' (Figure 5.41). A rudder with a small part of its area forward of the turning axis is known as 'semi-balanced' (Figure 5.42). When in more than 25% of the rudder area is forward of the turning axis. There is no torque on the rudder stock at certain angles and such an arrangement is therefore known as a 'balanced rudder' (Figure 5.34).
The construction of modern rudders is of steel plate sides welded to an internal webbed framework. Integral with the internal framework may be heavy forgings which form the gudgeons or bearing housings of the rudder. The upper face of the rudder is formed into a usually horizontal flat palm which acts as the coupling point for the rudder stock. A lifting hole is provided in the rudder to enable a vertical in-line lift of the rudder when it is being fitted or removed. A special lifting bar with eye plates is used to lift the rudder. On the unbalanced and semi-balanced rudders shown in Figures 5.41 and 5.42 can be seen a fashion or eddy plate at the forward edge. This is welded in place after the rudder is fitted to provide a streamlined water flow into the rudder. After manufacture, every rudder is air tested to a pressure equivalent to a head of 2.45m above the top of the rudder to ensure its watertight integrity. The internal surfaces are usually coated with bitumen or some similar coating to protect the metal should be plating leak. A drain hole is provided at the bottom of the rudder to check or water entry when the ship is examined in drydock.

Rudder pintles and bearings

The rudder, depending on its type and arrangement, will turn on either pintles or bearings.
The balanced rudder in Figure 5.34 has rudder axle fitted at its turning axis. Upper and lower bearings are fitted in the rudder, as shown in Figure 5.43. The bearing consists of a stainless steel bush in the rudder and a stainless steel liner on the axle. The stainless steel bush is spirally grooved to permit lubrication. Other materials arc in use, such as gunmetal for the liner and lignum vitae or tufnol for the bush. The upper and lower pair of tapered bearing rings are fitted between the rudder and the stern frame. These are fitted with a small clearance but may support the weight of the rudder should the carrier fail.
The semi-balanced rudder shown in Figure 5.42 turns on pintles. Arrangements vary but the pintle consists of a bearing length of constant diameter and a tapered length which is drawn into a similarly tapered hole on the rudder or tern frame gudgeon. The pintle is drawn in by a large nut pulling on the breaded portion of the pintle. The pintle nut is securely locked in place after tightening. A locking pintle has a shoulder of increased diameter at its lower end which prevents excessive lift of the rudder. A bearing or heel pintle has a bearing surface at its lower edge which rests on a hard steel disc. This bearing pintle is only required to support the weight of the rudder in the event of the rudder carrier failing. Both types of pintle are shown in Figure 5.41. Liners of brass or sometimes stainless steel are fitted to the pintle hearing surface. The bearing material is held in a cage in the gudeon and is usually tufnol or some hard-wearing synthetic material. Lubrication is provided by sea water which is free to circulate around the bearing surfaces of both pintles.

Figure 5.41 Unbalanced rudder

Rudder stock and carrier

The stock passes through a gland and a rudder carrier before entering the steering compartment. The gland and carrier may be combined or separate items of equipment.

Figure 5.42 Semi-balanced rudder

Figure 5.43 Axle-bearing arrangement: (a) upper bearing arrangement; (b) lower bearing arrangement

Figure 5.44 Rudder carrier

The rudder carrier consists of two halves which provide an upper and a lower bearing surface (Figure 5.44). The upper part of the rudder carrier is keyed to the stock so that they turn together. The major part of the rudder's weight is transferred to the rudder carrier by either a shoulder, as part of the stock forging, or a collar filled between the tiller and the carrier. The rudder weight is thus transferred to the lower bearing surface of the carrier which is grease lubricated. A flat or conical bearing surface may be used depending on the particular design. The lower half of the carrier is bolted into a heavy insert plate in the deck of the steering flat and is chocked against fore and aft and athwartships movement.
A separate watertight gland is often fitted where the stock enters the rudder trunk. This arrangement provides access to a greater length of the rudder stock, removes the need for a watertight construction of the carrier bearing and reduces the unsupported length of the stock (Figure 5.45). A combined type of watertight gland and rudder carrier is shown in Figure 5.46. It is essential for ease of operation of the rudder that the pintles and rudder stock turning axes are in the same vertical line. Great care must be taken during installation to ensure this correct alignment.

Figure 5.45 Watertight gland for rudder stock

Figure 5.46 Combined rudder carrier and gland


The superstructure is that part of the ship's structure built above the uppermost complete deck and is the full width of the ship. Deckhouses are smaller structures not extending the full width and one or more storeys high. They may be built on to the superstructure or at the base of masts, etc. The construction of superstructures and deckhouses uses frames, plating, girders and brackets in a similar manner to the hull but of smaller scantlings. However. superstructures extending 15% of the ship's length are considered to contribute to the longitudinal strength of the ship. As such. they must have equivalent scantlings and strength to the main hull.
The most forward section of the superstructure is known as the 'forecastle'. Any section of the superstructure around the midships region of the ship is referred to as a 'bridge structure'. The deck area aft is known as the 'poop' and any superstructure located aft is likewise known. A raised quarter deck is a weather deck extending for some portion of the ship's length from aft and is positioned above the upper deck.
Most modern ships have most of the superstructure and accommodation situated aft above the machinery space. The superstructure and deckhouses usually total four or five storeys. The major part in this space, except for that lost to the machinery casing, is used for crew accommodation.


All ships must be fitted with a forecastle or an arrangement to provide a minimum bow height, as defined in classification society rules. It is usual to fit forecastles, and where this is done they must extend from the stem a distance 0.07 L aft (Where L is the freeboard length). The side plating of the forecastle, being a continuation of the shell plating, is thicker than the end plating. Adequate arrangements for stiffening of the forecastle plating must be provided.

Bridge Structure
Where a bridge structure exceeds 15% of the ship’s length, the side plating thickness must be increased by 25% above that of other superstructures. A heavily plated bridge front is required with the after end plating somewhat lighter. Stiffener scantlings will likewise be increased at the forward end and reduced at after end. Web frames or partial bulkheads must be fitted to support structure above, particularly at the corners of deckhouses above. House tops or decks in way of davits must be strengthened and supported from below.

Poop structure

The poop front must be adequately plated and stiffened as for the bridge front. The internal stiffening will include webs and partial bulkheads as required, particularly where deckhouses are located above. The after end of the poop, being exposed, requires a more substantial construction than that of the aft ends of other structures.

Raised quarter deck

The raised quarter deck results in a greater depth of ship over its length. Increased scantlings must therefore be provided for the frames, shell, deck plating and beams. Structures may be built on to the raised quarter deck as already described.


The ends of superstructures represent major discontinuities in the structure of the ship. Longer structures such as bridges and forecastles require considerable strengthening at the ends. Classification society rules require the upper deck sheerstrake thickness to be increased by 20%, except where the structure does not extend to the side shell. Deck plating at superstructure ends is also increased in thickness. Side plating forming part of The superstructure is well radiused at the ends towards the side shell (Figure 5.47).

Watertight opening and doors

Where doors are fitted into structures above the freeboard deck they must be of adequate strength and able to maintain the watertight integrity of the structure. The openings have radiused corners to reduce the stress effects of the discontinuity. A substantial framing is also fitted or additional stiffening to retain the strength of the structure. Doors fitted to the openings are of steel suitably stiffened, with a rubber gasket fitted to effect watertightness. The doors have securing clips or 'dogs' which can be operated from either side. The dogs fasten on wedges which pull the frame edge into the gasket, sealing the door shut. Details of the door construction and closing arrangements are shown in Figures 5.48-5.50.

Figure 5.47 Discontinuities: (a) forecastle deck plating break: (b) poop deck plating break

Figure 5.48 Door clamps: (a) gastight door clamp;(b) weathertight door clamp

Figure 5.49 Door hinges: (a) weathertight hinge;(b) gastight hinge

Figure 5.50 Steel doors


The superstructure will comprise several storeys of cabins, public rooms, offices, navigation areas and machinery rooms. A typical arrangement of cabins and rooms is shown in Figure 5.51. Stiffened steel bulkheads are used to support the structure above and provide subdivision for fire containment (see Chapter 10). Intermediate partitions are used to create individual cabins. Plastic laminates either side of a fire-resisting material core are used for the partitions. They are set into U-section light-plate channels at the deck and the ceilings. as shown in Figure 5.52(a) and (b). Ceiling panels are fitted on to wood grounds or battens between the partitions. Typical floor coverings comprise a bituminous coating with vinyl tiles fitted to provide an easily cleaned hardwearing surface.

Figure 5.51 Accommodation arrangement

Figure 5.52(a) Partition construction - head and foot details

Figure 5.52(b) Partition construction - deckhead beams

Figure 5.53 Crew cabin

Coaming strips are fitted at the edges to complete the arrangement. The cabins are provided with various arrangements of built-in furniture and fittings for crew comfort, as shown in Figure 5.53.


A节        龙骨和底部结构

管道龙骨的结构采用两根纵桁,间距不超过2.0 m。这种限制是为了确保当船在干船坞中时,纵桁靠在靠船墩上。在船体外板和船底板上每隔一个肋位交替安装加强筋,并用肘板支撑在纵桁上(图5.2)。龙骨板和管道龙骨上方的液舱顶部必须加大尺寸,以补偿横向底板强度的降低。
中底纵桁        双层底顶板的中心线列板

纵向加强筋 扁钢



图5.3纵向骨架双层底a) 框架肋板;(b)实肋板

图5.4横骨架双层底a) 框架肋板;(b)实肋板



重平扁钢加强筋        排水布置        连续的中底纵桁 边底纵桁 重板底座 边底纵桁 扁钢

柴油舱        隔离空舱        润滑油排泄舱        隔离空舱        柴油舱











肋骨间距通常不超过1000 mm,但在砰击区域和艏艉尖舱区域总是减小。

















所有舱口开口的边缘都由舱口围板围起来。根据载重线规定,露天甲板上的围板最低高度必须为600毫米。这是为了减少水进入货舱的风险。内部围板,例如上层建筑或货舱内的围板,没有规定高度,尤其是中层甲板货舱通常与甲板齐平,以便不间断地装载货物。露天甲板围板的最小厚度必须为9 mm,当高度超过600 mm时,必须用水平加强板加固,垂直肘板的安装间距不得超过3 m。还必须提供一个边缘加强板,它可以是安装木制舱口盖的预制型材(见后面图7.1)或如图5.16所示的半圆钢筋。



C节        舱壁和支柱



图5.18 平水密舱壁(S.板缝)

水密舱壁由于面积大,是由几块列板制成的。它们焊接在外壳、甲板和舱顶上。板列是水平的,加强是垂直的。由于水舱中的水压随着深度的增加而增加,并且水密舱壁必须承受这样的载荷,舱壁朝向底部必须具有越来越大的强度。这是通过向底部增加水平板的厚度来实现的。防撞舱壁的板厚必须比其他水密舱壁厚12%。此外,艉管周围的尾尖舱壁板必须加倍或增加厚度以减少振动。舱壁由间距约为760 mm的垂直球扁钢或趾部焊接角钢加强筋加强。对于防撞舱壁和油密舱壁,该间距减小到610毫米。加强筋的末端用肘板固定在舱顶和甲板梁上。在载荷较小的中层甲板,加强筋可能没有端部连接。水密舱壁布置如图5.18所示。






实支柱可安装在起居舱或集中装载点下方。安装直径约为100 mm的实圆棒,同样使用头板和踵板来分散负载。



D节        艏端结构




图5.24 首端横向剖面显示抗颤振(拍击)结构

图5.25        抗颤振纵材和横梁








图5.28 锚链止动器







12. 十字头


E节        尾端结构


图5.33 巡洋舰尾







图5.36 A字架

图5.37 油润滑的尾轴管

螺旋桨轴通过尾轴管进入船内,尾轴管作为最终轴承和防水密封。传统的做法是使用侧柏木和某些合成材料作为尾轴管内的支承面,并通过海水进行润滑。由于更现代的船舶上的低速轴和更重的螺旋桨,负载增加,导致油润滑白口金属轴承的广泛使用。通过这种布置,使用中的磨损大大减少,但是需要更精确的对准和在尾轴管的每一端的密封。图5.37显示了油润滑艉管的布置。D. W. Smith的《船用辅助机器》(第6版,Butterworths海洋工程丛书,1983年)中给出了更多细节。






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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-18 23:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
Pilgrim nut
•        The pilgrim nut provides a predetermined grip between the propeller and its shaft.
•        The propeller boss is fitted with a S.G cast iron internally tapered sleeve, which is secured (fixed firmly in position) into the boss. This sleeve is bedded to the shaft cone before mounting in the boss so that better fit is achieved which, combined with the pilgrim nut push up, ensure a good friction grip. No key is required.
•        The pilgrim nut is a threaded hydraulic jack, which screwed on to the tailshaft. A steel ring receives thrust from a hydraulically pressurised nitrile rubber tyre. This thrust is applied to the propeller to force it onto the taper sleeve.
•        Propeller removal is achieved by reversing the pilgrim nut and using a withdrawal plate, which is fastened to the propeller boss by studs. When the tyre is pressurised the propeller is drawn off the taper.
螺旋桨桨毂配有一个S.G .铸铁内锥形套筒,该套筒固定在桨毂上。在安装到轮毂中之前,该套筒被嵌入到轴锥体中,以便实现更好的配合,这与pilgrim螺母上推相结合,确保良好的摩擦夹紧。不需要钥匙。



图5.40 可调螺距桨












F节 上层建筑和起居舱室

所有船舶必须配备一个艏楼或一个以提供一个最低的船首高度的布置,如船级社规范中所定义的。通常安装艏楼,在安装艏楼时,艏楼必须从艏柱向后延伸0.07 L的距离(其中L为干舷船长)。艏楼的侧板是外板的延续,比端部的板更厚。必须提供加强艏楼板的适当布置。








图5.49门铰链a) 风雨密铰链;(b)气密铰链







Minor Structural Items

Minor structural items are now considered which, while not contributing greatly to the strength of the vessel, can nevertheless be considerable in size and have requirements for strength in themselves.

In reality the funnel is a surround and support for the various uptakes which ensure the dispersion of exhaust gases into the atmosphere and away from the ship. The shape of the funnel is sometimes determined by the shipowner's requirements but largely by smoke-clearing arrangements and the need for streamlining to reduce resistance. The owner's housemark or trademark is often carried on the outside of the funnel structure.
The funnel is constructed of steel plating stiffened internally by angle bars or flat plates fitted end on (Figure 6.1). Brackets are fitted at the stiffener connections to the deck and the plating of the funnel is fully welded to the deck. A base plate may be fitted between the funnel plating and the deck. Internal flats are fitted to the funnel and are made watertight with scupper drains to collect any rainwater. The number of flats fitted is dependent upon the height of the funnel. The various main engine and auxiliary uptakes are fitted within the funnel casing, usually on sliding feet to permit expansion. Some uptakes are arranged to stand proud of the funnel casing.
In the funnel shown in Figure 6.1 ventilation louvres are fitted on the after end below the upper rainflat. These louvres disperse the exhausts from the various ventilators led up the funnel. Fire flaps are fitted in the airtight flat beneath these ventilators and are used to shut off the air outlet from the engine room in the event of a fire. A hinged watertight door is fitted in the funnel leading out on to the deck upon which the funnel stands. Holes or grilles are cut into the forward face of the funnel towards the top, and the whistle is fitted on a small seat just aft of the opening.
Ladders and platforms are also provided inside the funnel for access purposes. Lugs are fitted around the outside top shell plating to permit painting of the funnel.

Engine casing

The accommodation or upper deck spaces are separated from the engine room or machinery spaces by the engine casing. Access doors are provided at suitable points between the engine casing and the accommodation. The volume enclosed by the casing is made as small as possible but of sufficient dimensions to allow maintenance and machinery removal from the engine room. The casing leads up to the upper decks, finishing below the funnel. Fresh air is drawn in through jalousies or louvres in small fan rooms off the casing and passes down trunking into the engine room. The hot air rises up the engine room into the casing and out of the funnel at the top.
The construction of a typical engine casing is shown in Figure 6.2. The casing is a lightly plated structure with closely spaced vertical stiffeners. These bulb plate or angle bar stiffeners are fitted on the machinery room side of the casing to ensure continuity. Swedged or corrugated bulkheads could also be used for the casing sides. Stringers and brackets are fitted at various heights, where no flats exist, to further strengthen the structure.
The casing sides are also used to support seats for certain auxiliaries and as securing points for pipe clips or hangars. The casing is supported on a deep girder running around the engine room. This deep girder is in turn supported by the pillars, transverses and bulkheads of the engine room structure (see Figure 6.2).
The casing top is of stiffened plate construction with deep girders and brackets around the openings for the uptakes. Heavy brackets connect the transverse beams to the vertical stiffeners. This arrangement ensures adequate support for the funnel which sits on the casing top.

Shaft tunnel
Where a ship's machinery space is not right aft an enclosed area or tunnel is provided to lead the shafting to the after peak bulkhead. The tunnel must be of watertight construction to provide integrity should the shaft seal cease to operate correctly. The forward end of the tunnel is fitted with a sliding watertight door to seal off the tunnel if necessary. The tunnel is made of sufficient proportions to enable access for maintenance to the shafting, and an escape route is provided from the after end.       
Two types of construction are used, either a curved top or roof, or a flat roof. The curved roof is stronger and can therefore be made of lighter plate than the flat-roof type. The flat-topped const ruction does, however, lend itself to more straightforward construction and provides a flat platform in the hold above. The plating stiffened by bulb plates usually fitted in line with the frames. A continuous ring of stiffener bar is fitted with the curved-roof type of tunnel. The flat-roof type has brackets connecting the roof stiffeners to the vertical stiffeners. Examples of each are shown in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3 Shaft tunnels: (a) curved-roof type; (b) flat-roof type

The structure must be capable of withstanding the water pressure should the tunnel become open to the sea. The scantlings must therefore be equivalent to those of a watertight bulkhead. The width of the tunnel is decided by access and maintenance considerations and will be reduced to the minimum necessary. A raised floor is usually fitted and pipework is run along beneath it. The shaft bearings which are positioned at intervals along the tunnel are carried on stools or seats. These stools are welded to the tank top and the tunnel structure to form a rigid platform. The tunnel is opened out into a larger area at the after end to provide an adequate working space for withdrawal of the tailshaft. The spare tailshaft is usually mounted on the shell in this open area or recess.
Shaft tunnels must be hose tested on completion to ensure their watertightness.


Bulwarks are barriers fitted to the deck edge to protect passengers and crew and avoid the loss of items overboard should the ship roll excessively. Bulwarks are considered solid or open - the solid type being constructed principally of plate, the open type being railings. Figure 6.4(a).
The bulwark makes no contribution to longitudinal strength and as such, in the solid form, is of relatively thin plate supported by stays from the deck. The stays are set back from the deck edge and must not be welded to the sheerstrake. This avoids the high stresses, particularly at the midships section, being transmitted to the bulwarks and possible cracking occurring.

Figure 6.4 Bulwarks: (a) open bulwark or railing; (b) arrangement of 'floating' bulwark

Where the solid bulwark meets the deck, freeing ports must fitted to allow the rapid drainage of any water shipped, which could seriously affect the stability of the ship. Sometimes a 'floating' type of construction is used to provide a continuous freeing port area. Figure 6.4(b). The depth of the freeing port must be restricted to 230 mm.
Open bulwarks consist of rails and stanchions supported by stays which again are set back from the deck edge. The lower rail spacing must be a maximum of 230 mm, whereas the rails above may have a maximum spacing of 380 mm.
Bulwarks of both types are usually 1 m in height. Bulwark plating, particularly in the forecastle region, is increased in thickness where it is penetrated by mooring fittings.

Deep tanks

Deep tanks are fitted in some ships for the carriage of bunker oil, ballast water or liquid cargoes such as tallow. The entrance to the deep tank from the deck is often via a large oiltight hatch; this enables the loading of bulk or general cargoes if required. A deep tank is smaller than a cargo hold and of a much stronger construction. Hold bulkheads may distort under the head of water if flooded, say in a collision. However, deep tank bulkheads which may be subjected to a constant head of oil or water must not deflect at all. The deep tank construction therefore employs strong webs, stringer plates and girders, fitted as closely spaced horizontal and vertical frames. Wash bulkheads may be fitted in larger deep tanks to reduce surging of the liquid carried. Deep tanks used for bunker tanks must have wash bulkheads if they extend the width of the ship, to reduce free surface effects of the liquid.

Figure 6.5 Deep tank: (a) plan view; (b) elevation looking outboard

Figure 6.6 Pump seating

The construction of a deep tank used for bunker oil is shown in Figure 6.5. The tank is one of two and extends for half the width of the ship. The strakes of plating which form the oiltight bulkheads of the tank increase in thickness towards the bottom of the tank where the loading is greatest. The after oiltight bulkhead is stiffened by closely spaced vertical bulb plates. The forward oiltight bulkhead is stiffened externally by a series of diaphragm plates. The diaphragm plates form a cofferdam between the bunker tank and the oiltight bulkhead of the cargo hold forward.
Three horizontal stringers are fitted across the tank, a transverse wash bulkhead and a longitudinal wash bulkhead. The stringers are bracketed to the stiffeners at the tank sides and to the wash bulkheads which they join. The whole structure is therefore stiffened by a series of deep 'ring' girders in both a horizontal and vertical direction. A very strong structure is thus formed with considerable restrictions to liquid movement within the tank.
Corrugated or swedged bulkheads may be fitted to deep tanks, particularly those intended for liquid cargoes which require the tank to be cleaned. Conventional stiffening could be positioned on the outside of small deep tanks to similarly facilitate cleaning. Heating coils may be fitted in tanks intended for cargoes such as tallow. Deep tanks must be tested on completion by a head of water equivalent to their maximum service condition or not less than 2.44 m above the crown of the tank.

Figure 6.7 Shell-mounted seating

Machinery seats

Main engines, auxiliary machinery and associated items of equipment are fastened down on a rigid framework known as a seating or seat. These seats are of plate, angle and bulb construction and act as a rigid platform for the equipment. They are welded directly to the deck or structure beneath, usually in line with the stiffening. The seat is designed to spread the concentrated load over the supporting structure of the ship. It may be extended to the adjacent structure or additional stiffening may be supplied in way of the seat. Steel chocks are often fitted between the seat and the machinery item to enable a certain amount of fitting to take place and ensure a solid 'bed'. The item can then be bolted down to the seat without penetrating the double bottom or deck below.
Seats in the machinery space also serve as platforms to raise the pumps, coolers, etc., to the floorplate level for easier access and maintenance. A typical pump seating as used in an engine room is shown in Figure 6.6. It is constructed of steel plate in a box-type arrangement for rigidity. A shell-mounted seating is shown in Figure 6.7.

Sea tubes and inlet boxes

Most valves having a direct inlet or outlet to the sea are mounted on a sea tube which is fitted into the shell. A sea tube is a thick-walled steel tube with a flange on the inboard side which is machined flat to form a watertight joint with the valve. The tube is let into the lower side or bottom shell and fully welded inside and out, Figure 6.8(a).       
A number of sea tubes may be fitted into inlet boxes which are usually fitted in the forward corners of the engine room below the waterline. A box-like structure is fitted to the shell and opens to the sea through one or more holes with grids fitted. Several sea tubes can be let into this box, or valves can be mounted on to flanges welded directly        to the inlet box. Figure 6.8(b).
The sea tubes or inlet boxes also serve to strengthen the shell plating around the discontinuity resulting from the hole in the shell.

Figure 6.8 Sea water inlet arrangements: (a) sea tube; (b) sea inlet box




图6.1 烟囱


图6.2 机舱棚






敞开型舷墙由栏杆和支柱组成,支柱由撑条支撑,撑条也从甲板边缘向后设置。下部导轨的最大间距必须为230 mm,而上部导轨的最大间距可为380 mm









图6.8海水入口布置: (a)海水管;(b)海水入口箱 
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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-18 23:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

Hatch covers

Hatch covers are used to make the cargo hatch watertight, to protect the cargo and to stiffen up the structure of the hatch opening. Two basic types are in general use - the wooden hatch cover fitted across hatch beams and the patent steel covers of various designs. The hatch covers fit on top of the hatch coamings, which have been described in Chapter 5. The weather deck coamings are at a height set by the load line rules (see Chapter 10). The tween deck coamings are set flush or almost flush with the deck to reduce interference with cargo stowage in this area.

Figure 7.1 Wooden hatch cover

Wooden hatch covers

A combination of transverse beams and longitudinal hatch boards make up the wooden hatch cover arrangement (Figure 7.1). I-section girders, the width of the hatch, are fitted at intervals along the length of the hatch and are known as hatchway beams, shifting beams or webs. The ends of the beams fit either into slots or carriers in the coaming side or lock into position on a trackway if they are of the sliding type. The beam ends are additionally stiffened by a doubling plate. The beams which take the ends of the hatchboards have a vertical flat fitted to hold the boards in place.
The hatchboards are fitted longitudinally over the hatch beams and are protected at their ends by a metal band. The boards are at least 60 mm thick and more for a span greater than 1.5 m. The roller beam arrangement of hatchboards is the same, the roller beam simply speeding up the opening and closing of the hatch. At least two tarpaulins must be fitted over the hatchboards and suitably fastened down around the hatch coaming. Battens, cleats and wedges are used to 'dog' down the tarpaulins. Steel locking bars or some suitable additional locking devices are required to secure each of the hatch cover sections after battening down the tarpaulins.

Steel hatch covers

Patented steel hatch covers of a variety of designs are available from several manufacturers. Most designs employ a number of self-supporting steel covers which completely enclose the hatch opening and closing arrangements utilise a 'single pull' via a winch wire or hydraulic or electric power. The covers run on wheels on a trackway along the hatch coaming top. The separate sections are either hinged together or joined by chains to one another. The covers finally stow at some point clear of the hatch opening.
A MacGregor steel hatch cover arrangement is shown in Figure 7.2. The hatch covers can be closed or opened by hydraulic power or a winch-operated single wire pull. A trackway is formed for the hatch rollers by a platform top on the coaming. A vertical plate is positioned each side of the coaming at        the stowing end of the hatch on the coaming trackway. The upper rollers on the batch cover ride up on this plate and the cover then tips into the vertical position. The covers are thus compactly stowed clear of the hatch opening. The hatch covers run on eccentric rollers which act as wheels in the raised position and are clear of the coaming in the lowered position to enable the covers to be fastened down.
The covers of fabricated steel plate with stiffeners or webs to strengthen the structure.        The ends of the covers overlap in the closed position. Grooves fitted with compressible packing surround the outside edges of the covers. When the covers are fastened down by cleats on to a raised edge on the coaming, a watertight seal is formed and no tarpaulin is required. The athwartship joints between the covers have a similar sealing arrangement. The cleating arrangement shown in Figure 7.2 is automatic. The cover wheels drop into slots in the coaming plate prior to cleating and are raised hydraulically after uncleating. Sliding bars are fitted along the side and end coamings under the top rail. Hooks are positioned at the cleating points and can pivot through a slot in the coaming rail. Double-acting hydraulic cylinders move the bars to raise or lower the hooks.

Figure 7.2 MacGregor steel hatch cover

Figure 7.3 Automatic peripheral cleating

Figure 7.4 Small watertight hatch cover: (a) section through hatch; (b) plan view of hatch cover

In the raised position the hooks engage cleat lugs which pull the hatch cover sections down on to the sealing strip. For transverse cleating a torsion bar arrangement is used. Lever arms on the end of the torsion bar. This presses cleating lugs on to pressure pad on the end of the adjacent hatch section. A peripheral cleat arrangement is shown in Figure 7.3.

Minor hatch covers

A number of small access openings, tank entrances, etc., are fitted with minor hatch covers of steel construction.
A typical small hatch cover is shown in Figure 7.4. The coaming edge is forced into a rubber gasket by a number of fastening clips or 'dogs' around the cover, a watertight seal being thus formed. The handles are arranged for internal or external operation on accesses. A counterbalance weight is sometimes fitted to ease the opening of the cover.

Mooring equipment and arrangements

The winches and windlasses positioned on the forecastle and poop decks and sometimes the upper deck perform the mooring and warping duties required by the ship when arriving and departing its various ports of call. Various fittings are provided on the deck and around the deck edge to assist in the mooring operation and provide a clear run or lead for the mooring and warping wires. Examples of these fittings are bollards and the various types of fairlead which are found on board ship.
The windlass as mentioned in Section D of Chapter 5, has warping ends which are used when mooring the ship. One or more warping winches are fitted on the poop deck aft for similar duties. Solid seatings, as mentioned in chapter 6, transmit the loads to the deck and also stiffen the deck. Larger vessels have mooring winches fitted on the upper deck also. Bollards or mooring bitts are used to moor the ship once it is alongside and are welded or bolted to the deck or to a box-like structure which is welded to the deck, Figure 7.5(a). Adequate structural support must always be provided in way of bollards and all mooring fittings, usually by additional stiffening to the deck beneath.
Fairlead are used to guide the hawsers or mooring wires to the bollards or mooring winches. Fairleads are attached to the deck, a raised seat or the deck and the bulwarks. Several different types are to be seen, such as the multi-angled fairlead, the pedestal fairlead, the roller fairlead and the panama fairlead, A multi-angled fairlead consists of two horizontal and two vertical rollers with the wire passing through the hole between the rollers, Figure 7.5(b). A pedestal fairlead consists of a single horizontal or vertical roller mounted on a raised pedestal or seat, Figure 7.5(c). A roller fairlead is one or more vertical rollers on a steel ba.se which may fasten directly to the deck or to the deck and bulwarks, Figure 7.5(d). The panama fairlead is an almost elliptical opening formed in a casting which is fitted into a suitably stiffened aperture in the bulwark, Figure 7.5(e).
The multi-angled fairlead is fitted at the deck edge and reduces the number of guide rollers or other fairleads required to give a clear lead of wire to the winch. The pedestal fairlead guides the wire across the deck to the winch clear of any obstructions. The roller fairlead is used at the deck edge to lead in the mooring and warping wires. A panama fairlead is fitted in the foremost position in the forecastle bulwark on the centreline of all ships which pass through the Panama Canal. Panama fairleads are also used in other positions around the deck edge as required.
For the various mooring and warping arrangements possible on a ship an 'arrangement of leads' drawing is provided. This shows the runs of the various wires through and over the various fairleads and winch warping drums on the decks of the ship. Such an arrangement for the fore end of a ship is shown in Figure 7.6.

Figure 7.5 (a) Fabricated bollard; {b) multi-angle fairlead; (c) pedestal fairlead;
(d) two-roller fairlead; (e) panama fairlead

Masts, derricks and deck cranes


The ship's mast acts as a lookout platform and a mounting point for navigation equipment such as lights, radar, aerials, etc. Access to the upper platform is by ladder which, depending upon the mast size, may be fitted externally or internally.
A foremast, as fitted to an oil tanker, is shown in Figure 7.7. Construction is of light plate stiffened by internal webs. A D-type cross-section is often used for its streamlined, reduced-resistance form. The upper platform is additionally supported by brackets to the outer plating of the mast. The mast is fully welded to the deckhouse on the forecastle deck and to the upper deck. A solid round bar is used to stiffen each of the free edges of plating and before erection the mast is coated internally with a bitumen solution.

Sampson posts

Some masts on general cargo ships also double as support posts for the derricks used for cargo handling. Sampson posts are also used more specifically for supporting derricks. Tied arrangements of Sampson posts, or bipod masts as they are sometimes called, are also used. The scantlings and construction of masts and posts used in cargo-handling work are given in the classification society rules and are dependent upon the safe working load (SWL) of the derrick boom. Most masts are self-supporting by virtue of their construction and attachment to the deck. Only special heavy-lift derricks require wire stays or preventers between the post top and the deck.
Sampson post construction is of tubular steel section, stiffened internally by webs. Thicker plating or doubling plates are provided where attachments are made to the post. Derrick booms are of seamless tubing usually with a greater diameter at the middle region where the bending moments are greatest. The various goosenecks and end fittings are welded inserts in the tube ends.
The post attachment to the deck varies but must always provide adequate stiffening and support. Mast houses are fitted at the base of some masts or Sampson posts and may or may not assist in stiffening me structure. Some posts are let into the tween decks or are attached to the corners of superstructure to obtain support. The greater the derrick load the more stiffening is required, often by fitting additional webs below decks and heavier than usual bulkhead stiffeners and brackets below the mast or post.

Figure 7.7 Oil tanker foremast

Derrick rigs

The derricks used for cargo-handling work can be arranged or rigged in several different ways to provide for different manpower requirements, cargo-lifting capacities or lifting cycle times.

Union purchase

The union purchase rig is a much used arrangement for cargo loading and discharging. Two derricks are used, one arranged to plumb the hatch and the other to plumb the quay or over the ship's side. The falls or wires from both derricks are shackled to the same cargo hook. Thus, by using the two winch controllers separately and together the hook is raised or lowered over the hold, travels over the deck and can be raised and lowered over the ship's side.
This arrangement is safe, in that only the load moves, and requires two reliable operators for the winches. It is, however, only suitable for light loads up to about 1 .5 tonnes. A union purchase rig is shown in Figure 7.8.

Figure 7.8 Union purchase rig

Swinging derrick

The fastest and most reliable method of cargo handling is achieved by the swinging derrick rig. A long derrick boom with a clear arc of swing is necessary for this arrangement. An adjustable span is usually arranged to facilitate the plumbing of the hatch and the quay over the ship's side. This is achieved by a topping wire and winch which is independent of the cargo winch. A swinging derrick rig is shown in Figure 7.9.

Figure 7.9 Swinging derrick rig

Figure 7.10 'Yo-yo' arrangement

1 Derrick head fitting.
2 Pendulum block fitting with guide rollers.
3 Upper cargo blocks.
4 Connecting flats.
5 Lower span block.
6 Span swivel.
7 Cross-tree.
8 Inlet for the hauling pan.
9 Lower cargo blocks.
10 Connecting traverse.
11 Swivel eye for flemish hook.
12 Flemish hook.
13 Ladder.
14 Gooseneck pin socker.
15 Fastening device for lower cargo block.
16 Heel fitting.
17 Derrick pin.
18 Gooseneck and gooseneck pin socket.
19 Winches.

Figure 7.11 Stűlken heavy-lift derrick

Heavy-lift derrick

For loads heavier than the safe working load of a single derrick, two derricks coupled together by a 'yo-yo' gear arrangement may be used, as shown in Figure 7.10. The derrick heads must be kept close together during operation and the central travelling block which equalises the load must have a safe working load greater than the cargo being Lifted. A special heavy-lift derrick is fitted to many general cargo ships, with suitable rig and purchase gear for its designed safe working load.
Various patent heavy-lift derricks are available, one example being the Stűlken derrick shown in Figure 7.11. The Stűlken derrick has a safe working load up to 300 tonnes and is positioned between two outwardly raked tapering tubular columns. Several winches are provided for the various hoisting, slewing and topping duties. The controls are all arranged as levers in one console, which can be operated by one man. This heavy-lift derrick can be arranged to serve either of the hatches forward and aft of it. Smaller derricks are also rigged from the tubular columns for normal cargo work.

Deck cranes

Derricks have been replaced on many modern large ships by deck cranes mounted on platforms between the holds (Figure 7.12). The deck crane provides an immediately operational cargo-handling device with minimal rigging requirements and simple, straightforward one-man operation. The safe working load of the crane is determined by its cargo-handling duties, and designs are available from 3-5 tonnes and up to 10-15 tonnes as required. Double gearing is a feature of some of the larger cranes to enable speedier handling of lighter loads. Three basic types of cranes are available - general cargo cranes, grabbing cranes and twin-crane arrangements.

The general cargo crane is for use on cargo ships and bulk carriers. The grabbing crane is for use with a mechanically-operated grab when handling bulk materials. It requires a multiple-wire arrangement for the operation of the grab. Twin cranes utilise standard cranes which can be twinned or operated in unison to lift heavier loads such as containers, if required. A single operator is usual with this system by utilising a master and slave control system in the two cranes. The use of a common revolving platform makes this arrangement possible.

Crane platform

The deck crane is located on a platform positioned some distance from the deck to provide the crane operator with a clear uninterrupted view of the hold and the quayside (Figure 7.13). The crane also revolves around this platform. The

Figure 7.12 General cargo crane

Figure 7.13 Crane pedestal and seat

seat on which the crane rests is usually circular and of steel plate construction with closely spaced vertical ribs or brackets. This seat is usually welded to or is an integral part of the raised post or platform which is welded to the deck of the ship. Adequate structural support and stiffening should be provided both around and under the seat.

Pumping and piping arrangements

For the many services required on board ship, various piping and pumping systems are provided. Some systems, such as bilge drainage and fire mains, are statutory requirements in the event of damage or fire on board ship. Each of the various systems will be examined in turn.

Bilge system

The bilge piping system of any ship must be designed and arranged such that any compartment can be discharged of water when the ship is on an even keel or listed no more than 5 degrees to either side. In the machinery space at least two suctions must be available, one on each side. One suction is connected to the bilge main and the other to an independent power-driven pump or ejector. An emergency bilge suction must also be provided and is usually connected to the largest capacity pump available. A diagrammatic arrangement of a bilge pumping system for a 26000 deadweight tonnes bulk carrier is shown in Figure 7.14.

Figure 7.15 (a) Bilge strum box; (b) bilge mud box

Strum boxes are fitted on all but machinery and tunnel space suction pipes. Perforations of 10 mm maximum diameter are made in the plate to provide a suction area at least twice that of the suction pipe. In the machinery and tunnel space bilge lines, mud boxes are fitted. The mud box fits between lengths of piping and has a perforated centreplate. The use of strum and mud boxes prevents the entry of large objects to the pipeline and safeguards the internal parts of the pump (Figure 7.15).
Suction valves for the individual compartments must be of the screw-down non-return (SNDR) type to prevent reverse flow. all other valves must be of the non-return (NR) type. The port and starboard hold bilge valves are usually grouped in distribution chests at the forward end of the machinery space. Bilge piping is made up of the fore and aft mains and suction branches to the individual compartments. Piping is arranged, where possible, in pipe tunnels or duct keels to avoid penetrating watertight double-bottom tanks. Bilge pipes are independent of piping for any other duties such as ballast or fresh water. Passenger ship bilge mains must run at least 20% of the ship's beam inside of the side shell; in addition, any branches further outboard must have a non-return valve fitted.
Bilge pipe suction lines are sized according to an empirical formula. Minimum branch and main size are 50 mm and 65 mm, respectively, and the maximum size is 100 mm for both. Bilge piping may be constructed of cast iron, steel, copper or other suitable approved materials. It is usual to employ galvanised steel piping in bilge systems.
At least four independent power-driven pumps must be connected to the bilge main. Most ships employ two bilge pumps and have bilge main connections on the ballast and main circulating pumps. Where possible these pumps should be located in separate watertight compartments. One bilge system pump must be capable of operation under reasonable damage conditions. A submersible pump, remotely controlled, would provide this facility. Pumps fitted to the bilge system must be self-priming or connected to a priming system or device.

Ballast system

Requirements for the ballast system of a dry cargo ship are largely similar to those for the bilge system. There must be adequate protection provided against ballast water entering dry cargo or adjoining spaces. Connections between bilge and ballast lines must be by non-return valve. Locking valves or blanking arrangements must prevent accidental emptying of deep tanks or flooding. Where tanks are employed for oil fuel or ballast, effective isolating systems must be used.
A ballast pumping arrangement for a 26 000 deadweight tonnes bulk carrier is shown in Figure 7.16.

Fire main

All passenger ships of 4000 gross tonnes and above must have at least three power-driven fire pumps. All cargo ships in excess of 1000 gross tonnes must have at least two independently driven fire pumps. Where these two pumps are located in one area an emergency fire pump must be provided and located remote from the machinery space. The emergency fire pump must be independently driven by a compression ignition engine or other approved means. Water mains of sufficient diameter to provide an adequate water supply for the simultaneous operation of two fire hoses must be connected to the fire pumps. An isolating valve is fitted to the machinery pace fire main to enable the emergency fire pump to supply the deck lines, if the machinery space main is        broken or the pump is out of action.       
A diagrammatic arrangement of a fire and washdeck system is shown in Figure 7.17. The system is designed to supply valves with hose connections on all the superstructure and upper decks. Relief valves are fitted at either end of the main to ensure that working pressure is not exceeded. The water may be supplied by the machinery space fire pump, the fire and tank-cleaning pump or the emergency fire pump located in the forecastle. Additional lines are led to the hawse pipe for anchor washing and the garbage tank for flushing.
The emergency fire pump in this arrangement is supplied by a booster pump fitted near the bottom of the ship. The booster pump is driven hydraulically from one end of the emergency fire pump, the other end having another sea water pump to further pressurise the water. A diesel engine drives the pumps fitted at either end.

General services

Many other pumping and piping services are fitted in ships for the various domestic, cargo and machinery requirements. For further details of these systems reference can be made to the previously mentioned work. Marine Auxiliary Machinery, by Souchotte and Smith.


Direct drainage of the open decks above the freeboard deck is achieved by means of scuppers. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 7.18. in enclosed spaces, such as bathrooms or galleys, the scuppers are led to the bilges. A scupper pot is fitted in a deck and acts as the collecting point for water. A pipe is connected to the underside to dram the water directly to the bilge (Figure 7.19).

Figure 7.18 Deck scupper arrangement

Figure 7.19 Accommodation scupper arrangement

Sounding pipes

Sounding pipes are fitted to all tanks to enable soundings to be taken and the depth of liquid present to be measured. Reference to the tank calibration tables will then permit the quantity of liquid present in the tank to be found.
Sounding pipes are made as straight as practicable and are led above the bulkhead deck, except for certain machinery space tanks (Figure 7.20). A minimum bore of 32 mm is required for sounding pipes. This may be greater where a refrigerated space is passed through to allow for icing up. Where the sounding pipe does not emerge above the bulkhead deck. Some form of self-dosing device should be fitted, e.g. a weighted cock. This would prevent flooding in the event of an overflow, contamination due to the entry or other liquids or the escape or hazardous gases from the tank. A striking plate is fitted at the bottom of an open pipe where the sounding rod falls; alternatively, a closed pipe arrangement may be used (Figure 7.20). A number of patent sounding devices are available and may, with approval, be fitted instead of sounding pipes.

Cargo systems
Cargo pumps and piping systems are installed on tankers to discharge and load the Liquid cargo. Separate ballast-pumping systems arc also provided for ballast only tanks which are filled during ballast voyages.
System choice and its flexibility depend upon the range of cargoes, the vessel's trading pattern and what the owner is prepared to pay for. The standard system employs several ring mains along the tank length with branches off to the individual tanks. Other systems are in use, for instance, employing large sluice valves to empty the tanks one to another. The pump suctions are then taken from the aftermost tank with the vessel trimmed by the stern.
An example of a ring main system for a very large crude carrier is shown diagrammatically in Figure 7.21. Three mains are employed to serve the various tanks. This arrangement also enables different grades of oil to be carried in the tanks served by each main. Branches are led off into each of the centre and wing tanks and are fitted with isolating valves. Cross-connections are arranged between the mains, and direct-loading pipes from the deck manifolds join the mains. Two stripping mains are also fitted and led forward with branches off to the various tanks. The stripping lines are used to discharge the last few hundred tonnes of cargo which the main suctions cannot handle.
The main cargo pumps are steam-driven horizontal or vertical single-stage centrifugal pumps. For the system shown in Figure 7.21 one pump is provided for each main. The driving motor or turbine is located in the machinery space and the drive passes through a gastight seal in the pumproom bulkhead.
The stripping mains arc connected in the pumproom to two stripping pumps which are usually of the positive-displacement type.

Figure 7.20 Sounding pipe arrangements

Deck pipework
A particular feature of tankers is the large quantity of piping seen on deck. A typical arrangement is shown diagrammatically in Figure 7.22. The cargo pumps discharge into mains which pass up through the pumproom and along the upper deck to midships. The mains branch into crossovers to port and starboard and are fitted with Y-pieces at the manifolds which are grouped near to the ship's side.

Products tankers
More complex piping arrangements with independent lines are necessary on products tankers to avoid contamination between the different cargo 'parcels'. More than one pumproom may be fitted on such ships, or individual pumps in all tanks with no pumprooms. Arrangements for flushing lines using water or a portion of the cargo may increase the flexibility of a particular system.

Ballasting arrangements

Many tankers operate in the ballast condition on every other voyage. A sufficient quantity of ballast sea water must therefore be loaded on board to provide the ship with satisfactory seakeeping properties. Certain tanks are designated ballast only and are filled by the ballast pump and piping system. Certain cargo tanks may be loaded with sea water ballast using the cargo pumps with a sea suction.


Thermal insulation

A ship's steel hull and structure will conduct heat very well. In way of heated tanks, refrigerated spaces and exposed accommodation spaces some form of insulation is necessary to reduce the beat flow to an acceptable level.
Various materials such as glass fibre, cork and some foam plastics are in use as insulation. Glass fibre matting or sheet is used in modern ships since it is easily fitted, is fire resistant, does not rot and does not support animal life. The amount of insulation fitted in a compartment is decided by the temperature which is to be maintained or accepted in the compartment (Figure 7.23).
Fastening is now largely by random pinning, using a stud gun to fix the pins to the steelwork. The pins penetrate the insulation, and caps fitted on the ends of the pins hold the insulation in place. Some slab insulation may be glued to the steelwork. Joins between sections of insulation are sealed, usually with an adhesive tape. In accommodation spaces, insulation will be behind decorative panels. ln places where it is exposed to possible damage, a protective cladding or lining, such as galvanised mild steel sheeting, may be fitted. Insulation on tank-tops must likewise be protected from possible damage or be of a substantial nature in itself. Over oil tanks a space must be left to avoid possible contamination of the insulation. This space is not required when a bituminous covering is placed over the steel surface.
Plugs over manholes in cargo tanks and also hatch covers must be insulated to avoid any areas through which heat might be conducted. Special scupper arrangements are necessary to avoid heat transfer in refrigerated holds. This is achieved by a brine seal in an S-bend trap. The bilges may thus be pumped out but the sealing liquid. although diluted, will not be removed (Figure 7.24).

Acoustic insulation

Sound results from the movement of all particles and travels in the form of waves away from the source. There are many sources of sound on board ship, such as propulsion engines, auxiliary engines, large fans and ventilation plants. These would have a cumulative disturbing affect on personnel if allowed to continue unchecked.
Various countries now have either codes of practice for noise levels in ships, or regulations relating to noise levels in ship spaces. Maximum noise levels are given for particular spaces using a weighted sound pressure level or db(A) value. Most ships at sea, however, would not meet these criteria. New ship designs will require consideration of noise levels in the very early stages if an acceptable noise environment is to be obtained .
Two approaches are made to the solution of the problem. First, rooms and areas which are occupied for any length of time are fitted out in such a manner as to be as sound absorbing as possible. The second method is to isolate or silence the sound from occupied spaces.
Increasing the sound-absorption capacity of a room is achieved by using a variety of sound absorbers. These include membrane absorbers such as thin panels, resonant absorbers such as perforated ceiling boards and porous absorbers such as mineral wool. Sounds can be isolated by the use of flexible connections in ducting, flexible mountings on machinery, and sound insulating the surroundings of a noisy space. Air-conditioning plant noise can be eliminated by the use of duct and baffle silencers and sound attenuating supply and exhaust fittings. Figures 7.25(a) and 7.25(b) illustrate the problems to be found in a ship's accommodation and the various solutions that can be adopted.

1 Sound from fan through unit.
2 Sound from duct system
3 Throttle sound in unit.
4 Sound transmitted through duct system.
5 Airborne transmitted sound.
6 Sound from fan.
7 Hull vibrations.
8 Sound transmitted through accommodation.
9 Echo sounds.
Figure 7.25(a) Sound insulation - accommodation with bed sound comfort

1 Silencer after fan.
2 Duct system without sharp edges.
3 Quiet throttling and silencer.
4 Flexible connection.
5 Vibration insulation.
6 Vibration damper (sound from fan).
7 'Floating' floor.
8 Sound insulation.
9 Sound absorbing ceiling.
Figure 7.25(b) Sound Insulation - accommodation with good sound comfort

Figure 7.26 Horizontal sliding watertight door

Watertight doors

Watertight bulkheads are, of course, specifically designed and constructed to ensure their watertightness. Where openings are necessary in these bulkheads special watertight doors must be fitted. On cargo ships with a shaft tunnel, the tunnel entrance will have a watertight door fitted. On passenger ships, with their large areas of accommodation and access requirements, a greater number of watertight doors will be fitted.
Where openings are cut into bulkheads they must be reinforced to maintain the strength of the bulkhead. This is particularly so in the lower regions of watertight bulkheads, where the greatest loading occurs. Where stiffeners are cut or increased in spacing in way of a watertight door, adequate reinforcing is required. The watertight door has a heavy framework which further stiffens the bulkhead in way of the opening. The size of the opening is kept as small as possible.
All doors fitted below the waterline are of the sliding type, either horizontal or vertical in operation. It is usual to use horizontal sliding doors, except where space limitations require the vertical type.
The sliding door must be able to close against a list of 15 degrees to port or starboard. It mut be operable from the vicinity of the door, in addition to a point above the bulkhead deck. The remote operating point must have an indicator showing the door position.
A horizontal sliding watertight door of Stone Manganese Marine Ltd manufacture is shown in Figure 7.26. A stout door frame is fitted directly into the bulkhead and provides the trackway along which the door slides. The door is moved by a hydraulic cylinder which may be power operated or hand pumped. A special solenoid spool valve which may be remotely or manually operated provides the basis of the control system. Bridge operation, local manual over ride operation and local emergency control of the door are possible. Operating the hand pump together with manual movement of the solenoid valve provides local or remote emergency operation. Powered operation is possible from the bridge or by manual movement of the solenoid valves at either the local or remote pumping stations.
Bridge operation is only usual on passenger ships where there may be a large number of watertight doors.
Watertight doors are pressure tested under a head of water corresponding to their bulkhead position in the event of the ship flooding. This usually takes place at the manufacturers' works.
Above the waterline, in certain approved positions, hinged watertight doors are permitted. These will be similar in construction to the weathertight doors described in Section F of Chapter 5.
A Door-operating cylinder.
B Door-control valve, solenoid/manual operated.
C Power unit comprising:
Pump and motor unit
Motor starter
Door-control valve (manual)
Relief valve and pressure gauge
Red and green light indication
Hand pump (emergency remote)
Supply tank
Level gauge (dipstick)
Oil filter and strainer.
D Hand pump (local).
E Stop valve (servicing).
F Combined alarm closing limit and indicator light switch.
G Operating limit witch.
H Switch strikers.
J Door stop sited behind door cylinder
K Warning plate.
L Alarm.
M Bridge controller/indicator.
N Key-operated isolating switch (1 each side of the bulkhead).
P Non-return valve.


The motions of a ship in a seaway can result in various undesirable effect, examples of which are cargo damage and human discomfort. Only the rolling or a ship can be effectively reduced by stabilisation. Two basically different stabilising systems are used on ships - the fin and the tank. Both systems attempt to reduce rolling by producing an opposite force to that attempting to roll the ship.

Fin stabiliser

One or more pairs of fins are fitted on a ship, one on each side, see Figure 7.27. The size or area of the fins is governed by ship factors such as breadth, draught, displacement, and so on, but is very small compared with the size of the ship. The fins may be retractable, i.e. pivoting or sliding within the ships form, or fixed. They act to apply a righting moment to the ship as it is inclined by a wave or force on one side. The angle of tilt of the fin and the resulting moment on the ship is determined by a sensing control system. The forward speed of the ship enables the fins to generate the thrust which results in the righting moment.

Figure 7.27 Fin stabiliser

The operating system can be compared to that of the steering gear, in that a signal from the control unit causes a movement of the tin which, when it reaches the desired value, is brought to rest. The fin movement takes place as a result of a hydraulic power unit incorporating a type of variable displacement pump.
The effectiveness of the fins as stabilisers depends upon their speed of movement, which must be rapid from one extreme point to the other. The fins are rectangular in shape and streamlined in section. The use of a movable flap or a fixed and movable portion is to provide a greater restoring moment to the ship for a slightly more complicated mechanism.
The control system is based upon an acceleration sensor. This unit provides a signal which after electronic integration provides a measurement of roll velocity and angle. These various parameters are all used to bring about a suitable fin movement which will oppose the roll.
Fin stabilisers provide accurate and effective roll stabilisation in return for a complex installation which, in merchant vessels, is usually limited to passenger ships. It is co be noted that at low ship speeds the stabilising power falls off, and when stationary no stabilisation is possible.

Tank stabiliser

A tank stabiliser provides a righting or anti-rolling force as a result of the delayed flow of fluid in a suitably positioned transverse tank. The system operation is independent of ship speed and will work when the ship is at rest .
Consider a mass of water in an athwartships tank. As the ship rolls the water will be moved, but a moment or two after the ship rolls. Thus, when the ship is finishing its roll and about to return, the still moving water will oppose the return roll. The water mass thus acts against the roll at each ship movement. This athwartships tank is sometimes referred to as 'flume'. The system is considered passive, since the water flow is activated by gravity.
A wing tank system arranged for controlled passive operation is shown in Figure 7.28. The greater height of tank at the sides permits a larger water build up and thus a greater moment to resist the roll. The rising fluid level must not however fill the wing tank. The air duct between the two wing tanks contains valves which are operated by a roll sensing device. The differential air pressure between tanks is regulated to allow the fluid now to be controlled and 'phased' for maximum roll stabilisation.
A tank system must be specifically designed for a particular ship by using data from model tests. The water level in the system is critical and must be adjusted according to the ship's loaded condition. Also there is a free surface effect, resulting from the moving water which effectively reduces the stability of the ship. The tank system does however stabilise at zero speed and is a much less complex installation than a fin stabiliser.











图7.5 (a)预制系船柱;(b)多角度导缆器;(c)基座导缆器;











11 Flemish钩旋转眼。
12 Flemish钩。
图7.11 Stűlken重型起重井架
The two most common types of slings used in material handling applications using single part six-strand wire rope are the mechanical spliced Flemish Eye Sling and the mechanical spliced Returned Loop Eye Sling. Some people call the Returned Loop Eye Sling a Turnback Eye Sling.
在使用单股六股钢丝绳的物料搬运应用中使用的两种最常见类型的吊索是机械拼接的Flemish眼吊索和机械拼接的Returned Loop Eye吊索。有些人称之为返回环眼吊索折返眼吊索。
Visually, the two methods of termination look somewhat different when viewing next to each other. The Flemish Eye Sling normally has a swaged steel sleeve that is tapered down on one end, where a Returned Loop Eye Sling has one or more, straight non-tapered steel or aluminum sleeves. However, due to different fabrication methods and types of sleeves used by some sling manufacturers, the differences are not always so visually evident to the untrained eye.
Although both types of slings use one or more metal sleeves swaged over the rope juncture, the fabrication method to produce each type of sling is different.
The Wire Rope Technical Board Sling User’s Manual describes the different fabrication methods as follows:
“The returned loop is fabricated by forming a loop at the end of the wire rope, sliding one or more metal sleeves over the short end of the loop eye pressing these sleeves to secure the end of the rope to the sling body.” (See picture below.) Having one metal sleeve at each eye is the most common practice.
“The Flemish eye is fabricated by opening or unlaying the rope body into two parts, one having three strands and the other having the remaining three strands and the rope core. The rope is unlayed to allow the loop or eye to be formed by looping one part in one direction and the other part in the other direction and laying the rope back together. The strands are rolled back around the rope body. A metal sleeve is then slipped over the ends of the splice and pressed (swaged) to secure the ends to the body of the sling.”

It is worth noting that the termination (splice) efficiency or the available strength of the wire rope sling after the fabrication method is complete is typically 90% or higher if fabricated correctly for each of the two methods described above, depending on the diameter of rope and other variables involved in producing the splice. Example of efficiency: A 94% nominal splice efficiency would mean you have 94% of the minimum breaking force (MBF) of the wire rope left after the termination or swaging method is complete.
Now let’s hit a few key considerations for both types of slings being discussed.
Flemish Eye Sling 佛兰芒吊眼带

•        The Flemish Eye Sling is the more popular of the two-wire rope slings. This is mainly because of its rugged capabilities and ability to withstand abuse coupled with the fact that users prefer the backup splice under the swaged sleeve.
•        Normally, a steel sleeve is swaged on a steel wire rope. Thus, no dissimilar materials are in contact with each other that can quicken corrosion attack.
•        ASME B30.9 DOES NOT require a proof test for Flemish Eye Slings unless the user requires it.
ASME B30.9不要求对Flemish吊环进行验证试验,除非用户要求。
•        The Flemish Eye termination has a more streamlined profile that does not get as easily snagged on obstructions.
Returned Loop Eye (Turnback Eye Slings)

•         Typically, these slings are quicker and cheaper to manufacture, excluding proof test time and costs.
•        The strength of the sling depends entirely upon the integrity of the swaged sleeve. If the sleeve fails there is an immediate loss of load. Users in the field need to inspect the sleeves closely before each use.
•        If aluminum sleeves are used on carbon steel wire rope, then the user may experience quicker deterioration due to the electrochemical reactions between the different metals. Saltwater and corrosive environments are particularly damaging.
•        ASME B30.9 DOES require that all Returned Loop Eye Slings (Turnback Eye Slings) be proof tested by the sling manufacturer or a qualified person.
ASME B30.9确实要求吊索制造商或合格人员对所有返回环眼吊索(折返环眼吊索)进行验证试验。
These are just some of the main differences between these two most common types of wire rope slings.








图7.14 货舱舱底水系统

图7.15 (a)舱底滤盒;(b)舱底泥浆箱

除了机器和隧道空间吸入管之外,所有设备上都安装有舱底滤盒。板上有最大直径为10 mm的穿孔,以提供至少两倍于吸入管的吸入面积。在机舱和隧道舱底管路中,安装了泥浆箱。泥浆箱安装在管道长度之间,有一个穿孔的中心板。使用滤盒和泥浆箱可防止大物体进入管道,并保护泵的内部零件(图7.15)。


图7.16 一条散货船的压载水系统


图7.17消防和冲洗甲板系统(H. 液压;G.V. 闸阀)










图7.23 舱内货物管路

图7.22 甲板上的货物管路






图7.23 住舱绝缘布置

图7.24 冷冻货舱排水口弯管



1 风扇后有消音器。



A        开门的液压杆。
B 门控制阀,电磁/手动操作。
D 手泵(本地)。
E 截止阀(维修用)。
F 组合报警关闭限制和指示灯开关。
G 操作限位开关。
H 开关敲击。
J 位于车门锁芯后面的车门挡块
K 警告牌。
L 报警。
M 驾驶室控制器/指示器。






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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-18 23:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
Oil Tankers, Liquefied Gas Carriers and Bulk Carriers

Oil tankers, because of their sheer size and numbers at sea. are worthy of special consideration. The liquid nature of their cargo requires special forms of construction and outfitting of these vessels. Gas carriers for the bulk transport of liquefied gases are also an increasingly important specialist type of ship. The bulk carrier in its many forms as increasing in its unit size and numbers such that it too is worthy of individual attention.

Oil tankers

Longitudinal and transverse bulkheads divide the cargo-carrying section of vessel into a number of tanks. ln addition to separation of different types of oil, the individual tanks also reduce the effects of the liquid's free surface on the stability of the ship. Since oil contracts and expands with changes of temperature, tanks are rarely completely full and movement of the liquid takes place. The bulkheads, decks. etc., must therefore be oiltight even when stressed or loaded by the movement of the oil in addition to the normal static loads. Longitudinal stresses are considerable in tankers and great strength is therefore required to resist bending and stiffen the hull structure.
Fire and explosion are an ever-present hazard on tankers and special systems of ventilation are necessary. Void spaces or cofferdams are also fitted in places to separate the cargo tank section from other parts of the ship, such as pump-rooms and fore peak tanks. Cargo-handling equipment is provided in the form of pumps located in a pumproom, usually positioned between the machinery space and the cargo tanks. More than one pumproom may be fitted depending upon the cargo carried or the piping arrangements. Suction pipelines run through the cargo tanks, and discharge lines leave the pumproom and travel along the deck to the crossover lines and manifolds situated at midships.
Two main types of oil tanker are to be found at sea today. The very large crude carrier (VLCC) and the products carrier. The main difference is in size and the products carrier has a larger number of tanks with a more complex piping system. This enables the carriage of many different cargo 'parcels' on any one voyage. The various aspects of tanker construction will now be examined.


All tankers are constructed using either the longitudinal or the combined type of framing system. Ships greater than 198 m in length must be framed longitudinally. A fully longitudinal system of construction will have longitudinal stiffeners along the ship's sides throughout the tank length. These longitudinals are usually offset bulb plates of increasing dimensions towards the bottom shell of the ship. Built-up stiffeners, consisting of webs with symmetrical flat plate flanges, have also been used. Side transverses are fitted in line with the bottom transverses to support the longitudinals against compressive loadings (Figures 8.1 and 8.2). The combined framing system uses side frames with intermediate deep transverse webs. A number of longitudinal stringers are fitted, depending on the depth of the tank. Brackets and knees are used to tie the side frames to the underside of the deck, the bottom plating and the stringers (Figures 8.3 and 8.4).

Figure 8.2 Elevation at centreline of tank (longitudinal framing)

Bottom structure

The bottom structure is longitudinally framed over the cargo tank length. Bulb plates and built-up T-sections are usually employed. The bottom transverses provide support and are spaced at intervals of around 3.8 m on smaller ships and up to 5 m on longer vessels. The longitudinals are continuous and pass through notches cut in the transverses (Figure 8.5). Flat bar make-up plates are fitted to the transverses where the longitudinals pass through. At watertight bulkheads a fully welded collar is fitted (Figure 8.6). The longitudinals are also bracketed to the transverses. The transverses are usually a plate web with a heavier flat bar flange. Horizontal stiffeners are fitted where a considerable transverse depth is employed (Figure 8.1).
A centre girder is fitted, except where there is a centreline bulkhead. Various arrangements of continuous or intercostal longitudinal side girders are also sometimes fitted. The arrangements used will determine the scantlings of the members employed in the construction. The centreline girder is stiffened and supported by vertical docking brackets fitted between each transverse (Figure 8.7). A heavier plate flange is fitted at the upper edge of the centreline girder. Additional stiffening of the centreline girder is provided either by horizontal or vertical flat bars.

Underdeck structure

This is largely the same as that for the bottom structure, with transverses fitted in line with those below. A continuous centreline girder and perhaps intercostal n continuous side girders are fitted beneath the deck.


Three types of bulkhead are to be found on tankers - longitudinal, transverse and wash.

Longitudinal bulkheads
Flat stiffened or corrugated oil tight bulkheads may be employed. The stiffening is largely the same as that of the side shell, i.e. horizontal stiffeners along the bulkhead where longitudinal shell stiffening is used. Brackets fasten the stiffeners to the transverse bulkheads at the ends. Where side transverses are fitted to the shell, correspondingly positioned vertical webs are fitted at the bulkhead. Horizontal stringers at the ship's side are matched by horizontal stringers on the bulkheads. A continuous ring-type structure of considerable strength is thus built up within the tank space.
This ring-type structure is further braced by the use of beams known as cross-ties fitted between the transverses or side stringers and the longitudinal bulkheads.
Where corrugated bulkheads are employed the corrugations must run horizontally. Vertical webs are fitted at every bottom transverse, in order to support the bulkhead.

Figure 8.4 Elevation at centreline of tank (combined framing) (T, transverse: D, docking bracket; B, bracket)

Figure 8.5 Notch arrangement

Figure 8.6 Continuous longitudinal arrangement through a watertight bulkhead

Transverse bulkheads
Transverse bulkheads are similar in construction to longitudinal bulkhead and may be flat with stiffeners or corrugated. Vertical webs must be fitted to transverse bulkheads in line with the centre girder and may be fitted in line with side girders. Corrugated bulkheads may have vertical or horizontal corrugations with stiffening webs fitted at right-angles to the corrugations. Longitudinal stiffeners are arranged continuously through transverse bulkheads and are attached by brackets.
Transverse bulkheads must not be spaced greater than one-fifth of the ship's length apart. Where the tank length is greater than one-tenth of the ship's length, or 15 m, a perforated or wash bulkhead must be fitted.

Figure 8.7 Docking bracket

Wash bulkheads

A wash bulkhead is similar in construction to a transverse bulkhead but is not oil tight. Large holes or perforations exist in the plating. These hole, while allowing the oil to move through, do restrict the speed and force of its movement and provide additional transverse strength to the ship.

Framing at ends

Beyond the cargo tank length the vessel may be transversely or of combined framing construction and must have certain additional strengthening fitted. A deep tank or tanks is often fitted forward of the cargo tank space. Where transverse framing is employed, solid floors are fitted at very frame space. Inter-costal side girders of depth equal to the floors are also fitted in line with every other bottom shell longitudinal in the deep tank pace. The deep tank is fitted with web frames not more than five frame spaces apart. A centreline bulkhead must also be fitted, unless the main longitudinal bulkheads extend through the deep tank. With longitudinal framing, transverses are fitted in the deep tank not more than 3 m apart. Intercostal side girders are also fitted either side of the centreline. On larger vessels the cargo tank structure may extend into the deep tank itself. Panting and pounding arrangements are also necessary and will be similar to these described in Chapter 5.
All modern tankers now have the machinery pace and accommodation located aft. Web frames arc fitted not more than five frame spaces apart in the machinery space, with fixed or portable beams across the casing opening. Transverse framing of the bottom is usual in the machinery space and construction is similar to that mentioned in Chapter 5. Transverse or longitudinal framing of the sides and deck may be used from the machinery space to the after end of the ship. Deck longitudinals must extend into the machinery space a distance equivalent to one-third of the ship's breadth. Panting arrangements are also fitted in the after peak, as described in Chapter 5.


These are of much the same construction as described in Chapter 5. The load line rules require protective housings around openings in the freeboard and other decks and a forecastle extending 7% of the ship's length from forward. Because of a tanker's high bending stresses extra care must be taken with discontinuities at the superstructure ends.


Cofferdams are fitted between oil tanks and other compartments and must be at least 760 mm wide. Pumprooms or water ballast tanks may, subject to certain condition, be accepted instead of cofferdams. Special arrangements are necessary in tanker became of the reduced freeboard to clear the decks of water. Open rails are fitted for at least half the length of the weather deck. Solid bulwarks are usually fitted only at the forecastle and around the superstructure.


Access to the cargo tank spaces is by oil tight hatches. Circular or oval shapes are usually employed with coamings at least 225 mm high. Steel covers with suitable oiltight fastening arrangements are usual, Figures 8.8(a) and 8.8(b). Patented cover of other approved materials are also available. Other tanks and cofferdam spaces may have similar hatches or manholes for access (Figure 8.9).

Figure 8.8(a) Cargo tank hatch

Figure 8.8(b) Detail of hatch clamping arrangement

Figure 8.9 Manhole cover: (a) plate; (b) detail of securing arrangement


Ventilation arrangements are fully described in Chapter 9.

Inert gas plants

Inert gas plants are being fitted to an ever-increasing number of tankers to improve their operational safety. The plant provides an inert gas blanket over the surface of the cargo to stop the build-up of flammable vapours which might lead to explosions.
A typical system is shown in Figure 8.10. The plant uses exhaust gas which is drawn from the boiler flue uptakes, where available, or from a separate combustion chamber. The gas enters a scrubbing tower via a water seal which is circulated by sea water. The gas is cooled, solids and unwanted gases are scrubbed out and it then passes through a demister which removes water vapour. The inert gas which contains less than 5% oxygen is then pumped into the cargo tanks, using fan units to drive the gas along the supply main. A deck-mounted water seal is fitted in the main to prevent the back-flow of flammable gases from the cargo tanks.
During unloading the inert gas provides a positive pressure on the cargo surface which assists discharging in addition to ensuring a safe operation. Inert as is fed into tanks prior to loading and when full the fans are stopped. During loading the high velocity venting valves are opened to vent the inert gas to atmosphere. When loading is complete the valves are closed and inert gas is supplied to produce a light pressure in the tanks. During loaded passage the inert gas pressure is monitored and maintained.

Other outfit items

Special circular openings with removable gaslight covers are provided for tank cleaning operation. A number of fixed or portable tank-cleaning machines are lowered into the cargo space through these openings.
Tank sounding gauges, which give local and often remote readouts of liquid depths, are fitted to each cargo tank usually on to a 'pot' or cylindrical seat. Heating coils are fitted in many tankers to improve the discharging of the oil. Steam is passed through coils fitted on the tank bottom to heat the cargo nor to discharge. Gases will be released during heating and the venting system must therefore be open.

Liquefied gas carriers

The past 25 years have seen the emergence of the bulk transport of natural gases both for use as fuel and as a refrigerant. Specialist ships are now used to carry the various types of gas in a variety of tank systems, combined with arrangements for pressurising or refrigerating the gas.
Natural gas is found and released as a result of oil-drilling operation. It is a mixture of such gases as methane, ethane, propane, butane and pentane. The heavier gases, propane and butane, are separated by liquefaction and are termed 'petroleum gases'. The remainder consisting largely of methane are known as 'natural gas'. The properties and therefore the behaviour of these two basic groups vary considerably, thus requiring different means of containment and storage during transportation.
Natural gas is, by proportion, 75- 95% methane and has a boiling point of - 162°C at atmospheric pressure. Methane has a critical temperature of -82°C. The critical temperature is the temperature above which it cannot be liquefied by the application of pressure. A pressure of 47 bar is necessary to liquefy methane at -82°C. Thus, natural gas cannot be liquefied by pressure at normal temperatures. Liquid natural gas tankers are therefore designed to carry the gas in its liquid form at atmospheric pressure and a low service temperature in the region of -164°C. The problems encountered, therefore, deal with protecting the steel structure from the low temperatures, reducing the loss of gas and avoiding the leakage of gas into the occupied regions of the ship.
Petroleum gas consists of propane, propylene and butane or mixtures of these gases, all of which have critical temperatures above normal ambient temperatures. Thus they can be transported either as a liquid at low temperature and pressure or at normal temperature and under pressure. The design problems for this type of ship are similarly protecting the steel hull where low temperatures are employed, reducing gas loss and avoiding gas leakage, with the added consideration of pressurising the tanks.

Liquefied natural gas tankers

The tank types of LNG carriers are self-supporting and either prismatic. cylindrical or spherical in shape or a membrane construction which is supported by insulation. Materials used include aluminium, 90% nickel steel or membranes composed of stainless steel or nickel iron.
Tank designs are split into three categories, namely self-supporting or free standing, membrane and semi-membrane. The self-supporting tank is strong enough by virtue of its construction to accept any loads imposed by the cargo it carries. A membrane tank requires the insulation between the tank and the hull to be load bearing, such an arrangement being termed an integrated tank design. Single or double metallic membranes can be used, with insulation separating the two membrane skins. The semi-membrane or semi-integrated design is similar to the membrane, except that the tank has no support at its comers.
A double-hull type of construction ss used with each of the above designs, the space between being used for water ballast. The basic configurations are shown in Figure 8.11.

Comparison of tank types

Membrane and prismatic tanks use the underdeck cubic capacity most effectively. Cylindrical and spherical tanks involve constructional problems by penetrating the upper deck but provide greater safety in the event of collision or grounding. Membrane tanks are cheaper to build but the insulation which must be load bearing is more expensive. The insulation of spherical tanks need not be load bearing since it is only a partial secondary barrier, if needed at all in this respect. The hull and machinery costs are about equal for each type. All the different types are in service, with the firmly established designs being prismatic, spherical and membrane types.

Figure 8.11 Tank arrangements for liquefied natural gas: (a) prismatic tank; (b) spherical tank; (c) cylindrical tank; (d) membrane tank; (e) double-membrane tank; (f) semi-membrane tank


Liquefied natural gas is continually boiling in tank when transported by sea. There is therefore a need to release this gas to avoid a pressure build-up in the tank. It may be vented directly to atmosphere or burnt in boilers or in specially adapted dual fuel engines. Burning the boil-off gas in a flare mounted on a boom remote from the ship is another possible solution. Re-liquefication is not economical because of the large power and huge cost of the machinery necessary.

Liquefied petroleum gas tankers

Three basic type or liquefied petroleum gas tankers are currently used - the fully pressurised tank, the semi-pressurised partially refrigerated tank, and the fully refrigerated atmospheric pressure tank.
The fully pressurised tank operates at about 17.5-18.0 bar and requires heavy expensive tanks of carbon steel which are usually cylindrical in shape. This high pressure is equivalent to the vapour pressure of the cargo at the highest possible ambient temperature. Usually taken as 45°C. The tank domes. Penetrate the upper deck and have fitted all the necessary connection for loading, discharging, sampling, etc.

Figure 8.12 Cylindrical trunk tank arrangement

Semi-pressurised tanks operate at about 8 bar and a temperature of about -7°C must be maintained in the tanks. Insulation is therefore required around the tank and, since some cargo will boil off, a re-liquefaction plant is needed. Horizontal cylindrical tank configurations are again used. Low temperature steel for temperatures down to around - 45°C must be used for the tanks.
Fully refrigerated        atmospheric pressure        tank systems have        service temperatures about -50°C and maximum working pressures of 0.28 bar. The tanks are insulated, self-supporting and prismatic in shape. The tank material must be ductile at low temperatures and is usually a fine-grain heat-treated steel such as Arctic D or a low alloy nickel steel. A secondary barrier capable of retaining the cargo in the event of main tank fracture is required by classification society rules. Three tank types are used with fully refrigerated LPG ships:

(1) A central trunk runs along the top for the length of the cargo tank. Wing ballast tanks are fitted, their inner surface acting as the secondary barrier (Figure 8.12).
(2) A large dome is situated aft at the top of the tank and wing ballast tanks are fitted (Figure 8.13). The inner surface of the wing tanks acts as the secondary barrier.
(3) A large dome is situated aft at the top of the tank but no wing ballast tanks are fitted (Figure 8.14), Hopper tanks are used for ballast when necessary. The hull itself acts as the secondary barrier and must be of low temperature carbon steel in way of the cargo tanks.

Figure 8.13 Aft dome tank arrangement

Figure 8.14 Tank arrangement with hull as secondary barrier

Comparison of tank types

The reduction in weight of tank material in a semi-pressurised tank design is offset by the need fer refrigerating plant and insulation around the tank. The use of low pressure tanks does, however, permit better utilisation of the underdeck cubic capacity of the vessel. The fully pressurised tank has no need of insulation nor a secondary barrier.

Construction aspects of LNG and LPG carriers

The various regulatory bodies have rules for the construction and classification of ships carrying liquid gases in bulk. These rules follow closely the IMO code for this type of vessel.
A complete or partial secondary barrier is required in all but pressure vessels operating at ambient temperatures down to -10°C. This secondary barrier is a liquid-resisting outer skin which will temporarily contain any leakage of the liquid cargo from the primary barrier or tank. The secondary barrier should also prevent the structure temperature from dropping and should not fail under the same circumstances as the primary harrier.
Bulkheads or cofferdam arrangements are necessary between cargo tanks, depending upon the temperature of the cargo carried.
Cargo-pumping pipework systems must have no interconnection with other systems. Where a cargo tank has no secondary barrier a suitable drainage system must be provided which does not enter the machinery space. Where secondary barriers are used drainage must be provided to deal with any leakage, again from outside the machinery space.
Special ship survival arrangements are required which limit the width of tanks in relation to the ship's breadth. Double-bottom tank heights are also stipulated.
Arrangements of tank design or internal bulkheads where possible must be used to restrict cargo movement and the subsequent dynamic loading of structure. Membrane tanks, for instance, cannot have internal bulkheads and are tapered off in section towards the top.
Materials of construction and those used in piping systems are dealt with in considerable detail in the rules.

Bulk carriers
The bulk carriage of single-commodity cargoes has been a continually advancing trend with the development of specialist types of ship to suit. The desire for flexibility of operation has also led to various designs to enable different bulk cargoes to be carried on different voyages. Such vessels have become known as combination bulk carriers, oil/bulk/ore (OBO) and oil/ore (OO) are examples.
Some particular aspects of bulk carrier construction will now be examined in detail. A transverse section through a general-purpose bulk carrier is shown in 8.15. The cargo hold is seen to be shaped by the upper hopper or saddle tanks, the lower hopper tanks and the double bottom. A composite framing system is used in common with most bulk carriers. Transverse framing is employed in the machinery space, the side shell in way of the cargo tanks, the saddle tanks or upper hopper tanks, the main deck in side of the line of hatches, the forecastle deck and the fore and aft peak tanks. Longitudinal framing is employed at the bottom shell, the tank top and the upper deck outside of the line of hatches.
A section through a typical floor in a lower hopper tank is shown in Figure 8.16. The longitudinal framing structure can be clearly seen. Above the hopper tank can be seen the transversely framed hold with the bracket connecting the

Figure 8.15 Bulk carrier transverse section

Figure 8.16 Solid-floor arrangement in a lower hopper tank

Figure 8.17 Tapering-off of hopper tank at after end: (a) plan view on hopper tank end; (b) section on hopper lank end       
frame to the hopper tank. At the end of the hopper tank region a considerable change in section occurs. The construction used to reduce the effect of This discontinuity is shown in Figure 8.17. A large tapered bracket is used which is connected to the surrounding transversely framed structure as shown.
A section through an upper hopper tank or saddle tank is shown in Figure 8.18. The longitudinal framing under the deck can be seen as well as the bracket connecting the upper edge of the transverse frame to the tank. The side shell portion of the tank is transversely framed by offset bulb plates with plate webs, as shown in Figure 8.18, fitted at every fourth frame. A deep-flanged bracket joins the inner tank side to the hatch side girder.
Details of a bulkhead stool are shown in Figure 8.19. With a corrugated transverse bulkhead as shown, the stool arrangement is used to shape the forward and after lower regions of the cargo hold. This flush tapering shape permits easy discharge of bulk cargoes. and simplifies cargo hold cleaning. Shedder plates are fitted inside the 1roughs of the corrugated bulkhead for the same reason.





所有油轮都采用纵向或组合式骨架系统建造。长度大于198米的船舶必须纵向建造。一个完全纵向的结构系统将在整个舱长度上沿船舷设置纵向加强筋。这些纵骨通常用球扁钢,其尺寸向船底外板逐渐增大。也使用了由带对称面板的腹板组成的组合加强筋。边横骨与底部横骨成一直线安装,以支撑纵向构件抵抗压缩载荷(图8.1和8.2)。组合骨架系统使用舷侧肋骨, 舷侧肋骨中间布置较深的横向腹板。根据舱的深度,安装了许多纵材。肘板和弯头用于将舷侧肋骨连接到甲板下侧、底板和纵材(图8.3和8.4)。


图8.3油轮-中横剖面图(复合骨架) OBP=球扁钢








横向舱壁的间距不得大于船长的五分之一。如果舱长度大于船长的十分之一或15 m,则必须安装穿孔的或制荡舱壁。













按比例来说,天然气含有75- 95%的甲烷,在大气压下沸点为-162℃。甲烷的临界温度为-82℃。临界温度是指在施加压力时甲烷不能液化的温度。在-82℃液化甲烷需要47巴的压力。因此,在常温下,天然气不能通过压力液化。因此,液态天然气油轮被设计成在大气压力和-164℃左右的低工作温度下运输液态气体。因此,遇到的问题涉及保护钢结构免受低温影响、减少气体损失和避免气体泄漏到船的居住区域。

图8.10 典型惰性气体装置

















图8.17料斗舱后端逐渐变细a) 料斗舱末端的平面图;(b)料斗舱末端的截面



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An ocean-going ship is required to operate in a variety of very different climates. Air temperature may range from -15°C to 50°C and sea water temperatures from 0°C to 38°C. The moisture content of the air will vary considerably and solar radiation may affect one or more of the ship's exposed surfaces. All the various forms of good and bad weather will also be experienced. The air from the air-conditioning and ventilation plants is therefore required to provide an acceptable climate for the crew to live and work in, sufficient air for machinery use and to maintain temperature and humidity at acceptable levels to the cargo. All this must be achieved regardless of the conditions prevailing external to the ship. The design of suitable systems will therefore require information about the ship's trade routes, type of cargo and machinery installation.

Most ships' air-conditioning systems employ centrally situated units. These units are self-contained and supply the cabins and spaces within a particular area via trunking. The control possible in individual cabins or spaces depends upon the nature and complexity of the central unit. Three basic systems are in use- the single duct, the twin duct and the twin duct with reheat. In each case the central unit will clean, supply warm or cool humidify or dehumidify the air supplied to the cabins.

The single duct system
In the single duct system the central unit mixes outside air with some returned or recycled air. This air is then filtered, heated and perhaps humidified or cooled. This conditioned air is then distributed along a single duct to the individual supply units in the different space. The amount of supply air can be controlled within the particular cabin or space. Figure 9.1 shows the arrangement of the single duct system.

The twin duct system

Again, outside and returned air are mixed in the central unit then filtered, preheated and perhaps humidified. Some of the air leaves the unit before it reaches the cooler, to be reheated; the amount is increased as the outside temperature tails. The remainder of the all passes over the cooling coil. The two air supplies at different conditions are passed through separate ducts to controlled mixing units in the individual spaces. The air temperature and condition can then be selected for the particular space. Figure 9.2 shows the arrangement of the twin duct system.

Figure 9.1 The single duct system

Figure 9.2 The twin duct system

The single duct with reheat system
The central unit mixes outside and return air, filters, preheats and humidifies or cools the air to the lowest required temperature for any part of the system. The air then passes along one duct to individual units in the spaces. Within these units is a controlled heater over which the air passes. Heating may be achieved by circulating hot water or an electric heater. The air supply and its temperature may therefore be regulated. Figure 9.3 shows the arrangement of the single duct with reheat system.

Cargo spaces

The primary function of ships is to transport goods from place to place. The cargo must be delivered in good condition and, in addition to careful loading and discharging, the storage and ventilation must be suitable and satisfactory. Inadequate, poor quality air supplies can seriously damage most cargoes. Fairly simple systems of cargo ventilation and attendant procedures can prevent such damage. Different cargoes react to the climate on board in as complex a manner as the human body, with often irreparable damage as the result.
Certain general cargoes, some fruit and vegetable cargoes and hygroscopic (water-absorbing or emitting) cargoes are carried in non-insulated holds. As a result they are exposed to all climatic changes which may cause condensation on the hull or cargo. Ventilation of the holds in which they are carried is therefore necessary. Refrigerated and frozen cargoes are carried in insulated holds but because of the living, gas-producing nature of the cargo they also require ventilation.

Figure 9.3 The single duct with reheat system

Ventilation of non-insulated cargo holds

The purpose of ventilation in non-insulated holds is to remove surplus heat and humidity, to prevent the condensing of moisture on cargo or hull and to remove gases produced in the ripening process of some fruit and vegetable cargoes. Natural and mechanical ventilation systems are used for this purpose•

Figure 9.4 Natural ventilation of tween-deck space or workshop

Natural ventilation is accomplished by inlet and outlet pipes and trunking to each cargo space. These inlets and outlets consist of cowls or ventilators of various designs. Air is forced in by the action of the wind or drawn in as a result of an ejector type of exhaust drawing air out which is then replaced. Where the force of the wind is utilised the cowls must be manually positioned, and are large cumbersome fittings which must be well stayed to the deck. Figure 9.4 shows a natural ventilation arrangement for a tween deck or workshop. Most modern ship utilise mechanical ventilation for reliability, improved performance and the reduced size of cowls necessary.        •
Mechanical ventilation operates in two distinct systems- the open and the closed.
The open system uses axial flow fans fitted in the inlet and exhaust trunks. The trunks may have separate cowls or be incorporated into Sampson posts or masts. The air is supplied along trunking and duds to the bottom of the hold.
The air is drawn from the top of the hold just below the decks. The exhaust fans can be reversed if condensation is likely near the deckheads, for example with a low outside air temperature. Figure 9.5 shows the arrangement of the open mechanical ventilation system.
The closed system recirculates air and a controlled amount of fresh air can be admitted. The ventilating all is distributed around the hold and cargo, forming an insulating wall or curtain between the two. Exhaust air is drawn from the bottom of the hold. This system affords every possible mode of control and is widely used in somewhat varied forms. Figure 9.6 shows the closed ventilation system.

Figure 9.5 Open ventilation system (a) normal circulation; (b) reversed circulation - to prevent underdeck circulation at low outside temperature

Figure 9.6 Closed ventilation system (1 recirculating damper, 2 inlet air damper, 3 exhaust air damper)

Ventilation of refrigerated cargo holds
Refrigerated cargo holds require a carefully controlled air-replacing system for each individual space. Cooled air is supplied with the refrigerated hold where it gains heat from ripening cargos and entrains the cargo produced. This air is then exhausted and a careful balance must be maintained between inlet and exhaust gas quantities, regardless of the outside climate conditions.
One system achieves this by drawing outside air down to a bank of cooler tubes via a central unit. The dehumidified air then passes into the cargo holds. The exhaust gases are drawn from the hold through duct back to the central unit and then returned to the outside atmosphere. The linking of inlet and outlet values ensures a constant air supply at all times to the hold. Figure 9.7 shows the arrangement of such a system.

Particular types of ship have their associated cargo ventilation problems, e.g. ‘roll-on, roll-off’ ships, and the vehicle exhaust fumes during loading and discharging. Bulk carriers usually only require natural ventilation. The particular problems for each ship type must be considered early on at the design stage to ensure a suitable system is provided.

Figure 9.7 Balanced air renewal system for refrigerated cargo spaces

Machinery spaces

The machinery space requires an all supply for the operation of boilers, combustion engines, compressers, etc., and to maintain a satisfactory climate for the operating staff to work in.
Certain machinery consumes or requires air for its operation and sufficient air at as low a temperature as practically possible should be provided. Underpressure occurring in the machinery space will affect the efficiency and performance of internal combustion engines. Overpressure may lead to leakage of hot air into the accommodation. Ventilation is also necessary to remove the heat generated within the machinery space and thus provide a reasonable climate for staff to work in. This very difficult task is achieved by the provision of ducted supplies of filtered but uncooled air to as many regions as possible. Particular areas such as workshops and control rooms, being small, may be air conditioned and more readily provided with an acceptable working climate.
Various systems of air supply to the machinery spaces and casing are in use and are shown in Figures 9.8-9.10.
Figure 9.8 utilises a medium pressure axial now fan supplying air down a trunking, which is proportionally released at the various platform levels and exhausts through the top of the casing. Figure 9.9 uses a low pressure axial flow fan to supply air into the casing area. Also, a high pressure centrifugal fan provides air through ducts to outlets at the various platforms. Figure 9.10 uses medium pressure axial flow fans to provide a through trunking system to the various outlets at the various platforms. This method has proved to be the best. A diagrammatic arrangement of medium pressure axial flow fans and trunking in a machinery space is shown in Figure 9.11.

Control rooms

The provision of control rooms in most modern machinery spaces ensures close careful control of the climate in such spaces, often with the provision of air conditioning, in addition to ventilation. This climate control provides the personnel with a comfortable working area isolated from the main machinery space. Also, delicate equipment in need of careful climatic control is able to receive it. The satisfactory operation and continuous performance of modern control equipment requires a carefully controlled environment which, by using a control room, can be achieved.
A separate ducted supply is led into the control room and usually through a filtering air-conditioning plant or unit which is set to function automatically with controls located in the control room. A matched exhaust will remove stale warm air from the control room. Figure 9.12 shows such an arrangement.

Figure 9.11 Machinery space ventilation - diagrammatic arrangement

Figure 9.12 Control room ventilation

Figure 9.13 Pumproom ventilation


Tanker pumprooms require ventilation to carry away poisonous cargo fumes resulting from leaking glands or pipe joints. The working climate in this space well below deck level must also be comfortable for any personnel present. Mechanical exhausting of air is achieved by the use of axial flow fans and trunking. The trunking draws from the pumproom floor and emergency intakes at a height of 2.15 m from the working platform. These emergency intakes must be filled with dampers which can be opened or closed from the weather deck or the working platform. The fan motors are located in the machinery space and drive the fans through gastight seals in the bulkhead. Supply is through cowls or louvres at the top of the pumproom. An arrangement is shown in Figure 9.13.

Double-bottom tanks

Ventilation of double-bottom tanks is provided by means of an air pipe situated remote from the filling pipe and usually al the highest point in the tank to avoid unventilated pockets. The air pipe is led up to the weather deck to a gooseneck or patent type of head. Air pipes from fuel tanks are positioned in low risk areas and have flame screen gauzes fitted (Figure 9.14).

Figure 9.14 Air pipe head

Cargo tanks

Ventilation of cargo tanks avoids over pressure or partial pressure conditions which could occur during loading and unloading of cargo. Temperature fluctuations during a voyage could have a similar effect. Vapour pipelines from the cargo hatch are led to pressure/vacuum relief valves which are usually mounted on a standpipe some distance above the deck. Individual vent lines are fitted for each tank on large tankers and a common venting line is led up a mast or Sampson post on smaller vessels.
During loading and discharging of the cargo the ventilation requirements are considerable. Air must be drawn in or removed in quantities equivalent to the cargo oil discharged or loaded. In addition, during the loading operation the hydrocarbon vapours issuing from the tank must be dispersed well above the deck. This is achieved by the use of high velocity gas venting valves. One type is shown in Figure 9.15. The arrangement consists of a fixed cone around which is a movable orifice plate. A counterweight holds the orifice plate closed until sufficient gas pressure builds up to lift the plate. The gas is throttled through the orifice and issues at high velocity, dispersing into the atmosphere well above the deck. During discharge the cover is opened and a linkage from the cover holds the orifice plate in the fully open position.

Types of ventilator head

Various different types and arrangements of ventilator head are in use. Figure 9.16 shows a selection of the more common designs.

Figure 9.16 Ventilator heads: (a) gooseneck type; (b) mushroom type; (c) fixed mushroom type





























图9.15 高速排气阀



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Organisations and regulations

The construction of merchant ships is considerably influenced and regulated by a number of organisations and their various requirements.
Classification societies. with their rules and regulations relating to classification, provide a set of standards for sound merchant ship construction which have developed over many years. These rules are based on experience, practical knowledge and considerable research and investigation.
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO formerly IMCO) is an international organisation which is attempting to develop high standards in every aspect of ship construction and operation. It is intended ultimately to apply these standards internationally to every ship at sea.
A vast amount of legislation is applied to ships and is usually administered by the appropriate government department. The load line rules and tonnage measurement are two particular legislative requirements that are outlined in this chapter.

Classification societies

A classification society exists to classify or 'arrange in order of merit' such ships as are built according to its rules or are offered for classification. A classed ship is therefore considered to have a particular standard of seaworthiness. There are classification societies within most of the major maritime nations of the world and some are listed below:

Lloyd's Register of Shipping (UK).
American Bureau of Shipping (USA).
Bureau Veritas (France).
Det Norske Veritas (Norway).
Germanischer Lloyd (Germany).
Registro Italiano (Italy).
Register of Shipping (USSR).
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japan).

Consultation between the societies takes place on matters of common interest through the lnternational Association of Classification Societies (IACS).
The classification societies operate by publishing rules and regulations relating to the structural efficiency and the reliability of the propelling machinery and equipment. These rules are the result of years of experience, research and investigation into ship design and construction. They are in fact a set of standards. There is no compulsion on a shipowner to have his ship classified. However, the insurance premiums depend very much upon the class of a ship - the higher the standard the lower the premium. Also, by being classified a ship is shown to be of sound construction and a safe means of transport for cargo or passengers. There is no connection between the insurance companies and the classification societies.
The operation and organisation of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, the oldest classification society, will now be considered. Throughout this book all references to classification society rules are to those of Lloyd's Register of shipping. This society is run by a general committee composed of members of the world community and the industry which it serves. National committees are formed in many countries for liaison purposes. A technical committee advises the general committee on technical problems connected with the society's business and any proposed alterations in the rules. The society publishes its 'Rules and Regulations for the Classification of ships’ in book form, which is updated as necessary, and also 'Extracts' from these rules and 'Guidance Note’ relating to more specific structures and equipment. The society employs surveyors who ensure compliance with the rules by attendance during construction, repairs and maintenance throughout the life of classed ships.
To be classed with Lloyd's, approval is necessary for the constructional plans, the materials used and the constructional methods and standards, as observed by the surveyor. The rules governing the scantlings of the ship’s structure have been developed from theoretical and empirical considerations. Lloyd’s collect information on the nature and cause of all ship casualties. Analysis of this information often results in modifications to the rules to produce a structure which is considered to be adequate. Much research and investigation is also carried out by the society, leading likewise to modifications and amendments to the rules.
The assigning of a class then follows acceptance by the general committee of the surveyor's report on the ship. The highest class awarded by Lloyd's is + 100 A1. This is made up as follows:
100 A         refers to the hull when built to the highest standards laid down in the rule.
1                 refers to the equipment, such as the anchors and cables, being in good and efficient condition.
+                 indicates that the vessel has been built under the supervision of the society's surveyors

It is also usual to name the type of ship following the classification, e g. +1 00 A 1 Oil Tanker. Machinery is also surveyed and the notation LMC (Lloyd's Machinery Certificate) is used where the machinery has been built according to the society's rules and satisfactorily proved on sea trials. This information regarding the classification of a ship is entered in the Register of Ships. The Register of Ships is a book containing the names, classes and general information concerning the ships classed by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, and also particulars of all known ocean-going merchant ships in the world of 100 tons gross (a capacity measure) and upwards.       
The maintaining of standards is ensured by the society in requiring all vessels to have annual surveys or examinations. Special surveys are also required every four years from the date of the first survey for classification. More detail with regard to these surveys is given in Chapter 12.
The society is also empowered to act as an assigning authority. This means that it acts as the agent for the government in administering certain of the mandatory requirements for shipping, e.g. the load line rules.

The international nature of seaborn        trade has led finally to the organisation of an international body to provide intergovernmental cooperation on matters concerning ships, shipping and the sea. Under the auspices of the United Nations the International Marine Organisation (IMO), formerly IMCO was found. Following its formal approval by 21 states, the first assembly met in London in 1959.
IMO is responsible for carrying out many studies, producing detailed recommendations, developing standards and providing, following conventions, mandatory requirements for ship construction, outfitting and operation. The requirements such as those of the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sta only become mandatory when adopted by the government of the vessel’s registered country. Some of the many areas of involvement by IMO can be seen in the following list:
(1) Navigational equipment.
(2) Life-saving equipment.
(3) Personnel training.
(4) Tanker construction and equipment.
(5) Fire safety in ships.
(6) Radio communications.
(7) Search and rescue techniques.
(8) Subdivision and stability.
(9) Carriage of dangerous goods.
(10) Marine pollution.
Items (4) and (5) will now be examined in some detail, since they embody many aspects affecting the construction of merchant ships.
Tanker construction and equipment
The construction and equipment of oil tankers will continue to be a source of much investigation since large quantities of oil have been, and are still being, discharged from damaged or foundered ships. Efforts are being made with the object of preventing or limiting pollution of the sea (and shore) by oil. Two particular avenues of approach are currently being adopted. The first deals with preventing the escape of the cargo oil in the event of a collision or grounding. The second approach is to attempt to limit sizes of centre tanks and wing tanks.
The first arrangement utilises segregated or clean ballast tanks (SBT or CBT). Proposals for the fitting of double-bottom tanks over the cargo tank length and wing ballast tanks have been put forward. These tanks are to be segregated, that is, for the carriage of clean water ballast only. The second method aims at restricting cargo tank sizes to 50 000 m3 for centre tanks and 30 000 m3 for wing tanks. This would limit the extent of pollution in the event of damage to a particular tank..
Other proposals following the 1973 Marine Pollution. Convention which are now in force include:
(1) For new crude carriers over 20 000 deadweight tonnes, segregated ballast tanks (SBT), crude oil washing (COW) and an inert gas system (IGS) will be required.
(2) For existing crude carriers over 40 000 deadweight tonnes, CBT, SBT or COW will be required.
(3) For existing crude carriers over 70 000 deadweight tonnes, IGS will be mandatory.
(4) For products carriers over 20 000 deadweight tonnes, IGS will be required.
(5) For products carriers over 30 000 deadweight tonnes, SBT will he required

Crude oil washing

With this system, cargo tanks are equipped with fixed washing machines through which crude oil (cargo) is pumped. The oil        pray impinges on the tank extremities and frees the sludge which has separated out during shipment. Crude oil washing can therefore mean more efficient discharge of cargo, while also being a useful aid to the load-on-top cleaning system.

Fire Safety in ships

Fire at sea is an ever-present and much feared hazard. For passenger ships the recommendations, rules and regulations following the 1974 International Conference on the Safety of Life at Sea are extensive. They cover the many aspects of detection, restriction and extinguishing of fires. Cargo ships, particularly in the accommodation areas, must likewise have arrangements to deal with fires.
The arrangements for fire protection, by virtue of details of arrangement of construction, as detailed in the 1974 international Conference on Safety of Life at Sea and Lloyd's Rules, are applicable to passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers and cargo ships of more than 4000 tonnes gross. The following principles are the basis of the regulations:
1. The use of thermal and structural boundaries to divide the ship into main vertical zone .
2. Thermal and structural boundaries are used to separate the accommodation spaces from the rest of the ship.
3. The use of combustible materials is to be restricted.
4. Any fire should be detected, contained and extinguished where it occurs.
5. Access must be provided to enable fire fighting and a protected means of escape.
6. Where inflammable cargo vapour exists the possibility of its ignition must be minimized.

Various definitions are given for the special terms used. Nun-combustible material means a material which neither burns nor gives off inflammable vapours in a sufficient quantity to self-ignite when heated to 750°C in an approved test. Any other material is combustible. A standard fire test is when specimens of the relevant bulkheads or decks are exposed in a test furnace to a particular temperature for a certain period of time.
The 'A' Class division are those division formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with the following:
1. They shall be constructed of steel or other equivalent material.
2. They shall be suitably stiffened.
3. They shall be constructed to prevent the passage of smoke and flame for a one-hour standard fire test.
4. They must be insulated such that the unexposed side will not rise more than 139°C or any point more than 180°C above the original temperature within times as follows: Class A-60, 60 minutes; A-30, 30 minutes; A -15, 15 minutes; A-0, 0 minutes.

The 'B' Class division are those divisions formed by bulkheads which are constructed to prevent the passage of flame for a half-hour standard fire test. They must be insulated so that the unexposed side will not rise more than 139°C or any point more than 225°C, above the original temperature within times as follows: Class B-15, 15 minutes; B-0, 0 minutes.
The 'C' Class division are made of non-combustible material but meet no other requirement.
The main vertical zones are those sections into which the hull, superstructure and deckhouses are divided by 'A' class divisions, the mean length of which should not exceed 40 m.
The hull, superstructure, bulkheads, deck and deckhouses must be of steel or other material which has structural and fire integrity properties equivalent to steel. Pipe materials affected by heat must not be used for outlets near the waterline. The use of combustible materials should be kept to an absolute minimum. Paints, varnishes, etc., with a nitrocellulose base must not be used.
The hull, superstructure and deckhouses must be subdivided into main vertical fire zones of 40 m length or less. 'A' Class fire-resisting divisions are to be used from deck to deck and shell or other boundaries. 'A' Class boundary bulkheads above the bulkhead deck should, where possible, be in line with watertight bulkheads below.
Any openings in 'A' Class bulkheads must be made good for fire-resisting purposes. Dampers must be fitted in vent trunks and ducts and should be operable from either side of the bulkhead: indicators should also be fitted. Doors in 'A' Class bulkheads must be as fire resistant as the bulkhead and should be capable of being opened from either side by one person. Fire doors must he self-closing, even in an inclined position of 3.5°.
Other bulkheads in main vertical fire zones must he of 'B' Class fire-retarding material. Boundary bulkheads and decks separating the accommodation from holds or cargo spaces or machinery spaces must be A-60 Class fire-resisting divisions. Deck coverings within the accommodation spaces should be of non-ignitable material.
Stairways and lifts are to be steel-framed and within enclosures formed by 'A' Class divisions. Self-closing doors with positive means of closure should be fitted at all openings, and be as effective as the bulkhead in which fitted, for fire containment. Control stations, such as the radio room, bridge, etc. must be surrounded by 'A' Class divisions. Skylights in machinery spaces should have means of closing from outside the space and also steel shutters permanently attached.
Ventilation systems other than cargo and machinery spaces must have two independent control points where all machinery can be stopped in the event of a fire. Machinery space ventilation must be capable of being stopped from outside the space. All inlets and outlets must be able to be closed from outside the space. Air spaces in the accommodation behind ceilings, linings, etc., must be fitted with draught stops not more than 14 m apart.
The above arrangements are made to ensure that in the event of a fire on board ship it will be contained within the zone in which it occurs. Attempts can then be made to extinguish the fire or, at worst, escape. Stairways and lift trunks act as chimneys which encourage the fire and 'A' Class bulkheads are used here to ensure that this does not occur.

The load line rules freeboard
Freeboard is the distance measured from the waterline to the upper edge of the deck plating at the side of the freeboard deck amidships. The load line rules set out the requirements for a minimum freeboard which must be indicated on the ship's side by a special load line mark. This minimum freeboard is a statutory requirement under the Merchant Shipping Loadline Rules of 1968. These rules are based on the 1966 International Loadline Convention called by IMCO and ratified by each of the countries taking part.
A minimum freeboard is required principally to ensure that the ship is sea-worthy when loaded. The minimum freeboard provides the ship with a reserve of buoyancy which enables it to rise as it passes through waves and thus remain largely dry on its decks. This reserve buoyancy also improves the vessel's stability and in the event of damage will enable it to remain afloat indefinitely, or at least for a time, to effect the escape of the crew.
The assigning of freeboard follows a calculation which considers the ship's length, breadth, depth and sheer, the density of the water and the amount of watertight superstructures and other features of the ship. Additional conditions of assignment are also made relating to certain openings and fittings. The ship is assigned a basic minimum freeboard on the assumption that it is correctly loaded, with adequate stability and strength. A number of terms and dimensions are used in the computation of freeboard.
Freeboard deck.        This is the uppermost continuous deck exposed to the weather and the sea which has permanent means for the watertight closure of all exposed openings on the deck and in the side hell below.
Deck Line.        This is a horizontal line 300 mm long and 25 mm wide which is positioned amidships port and starboard. The upper edge of the line is located level with the upper surface of the freeboard deck plating on the outer shell.
Length.        The freeboard length is the greater of the following two measurements: (1) on a waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth, 96%of the length along the waterline; or (2) on the same waterline, the distance from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock.
Breadth.        Measured at amidships, this is the maximum breadth to the moulded line.
Depth moulded.        This is the vertical distance between the upper edge of the keel and the upper edge of the freeboard deck beam measured at the ship's side.
Displacement.        This is the moulded displacement of the ship, excluding bossings, measured at 85%of the least moulded depth.
Block coefficient.        This is determined using the values of displacement, length, breadth and a value of draught which is 85% of the least moulded depth, i.e.
Block coefficient, Cb = Displacement / (Length * Breadth * Draught)
Superstructure.        This is a structure of adequate strength on the freeboard deck which extends transversely to at least within 0.04 times the breadth from the ship's side. The superstructure length, S, is taken as the mean length of that part of the superstructure within the freeboard length of the ship.

Freeboard categories
In order to assign freeboards, ships are divided into Types A and B. Type A ships are those designed specifically for the carriage of liquid cargoes in bulk. The cargo tanks have only small openings for access which are closed by watertight covers of adequate strength. Type B ships are all those which are not of Type A. The greater freeboard required for the Type B ship may be reduced in certain circumstances. In ships where steel hatch covers are fitted, special subdivision arrangements exist, improved water freeing arrangements are provided and better protection for the crew is given, a reduced freeboard is permitted. This reduction can result in an almost equivalent value to that of a Type A ship. Where this value is almost equivalent the notation Type B-100 is used, indicating a 100% reduction of the freeboard difference between Types A and B. The notation Type B-60 is used where a 60 reduction of freeboard difference is obtained. Bulk carriers particularly benefit from this reduction in freeboard.
The freeboard is determined from a calculation where a tabular freeboard figure based on the ship's length and type is adjusted by several corrections. These corrections are to account for the variations between the actual ship and the standard ship on which the tabular freeboard is based.

Flush deck correction
A Type B ship of less than 100 m length having superstructures with an effective length, E, of up to 35% of the freeboard length, L, may have its freeboard increased by
7.5 (100-L) (0.35 – E/L) millimetres
where E is the effective length of the superstructure, in metres. With the superstructure length, S, known the effective length, E, may be found from the load line rules.

Block coefficient correction
Where the actual block coefficient, Cb, of the ship exceeds 0.68, the freeboard amended by the flush deck correction, if relevant, is multiplied by the ratio
(Cb + 0.68) / 1.36
Cb is obtained as defined earlier.

Depth correction
The formula for the freeboard depth, D, is given in the rules. Where D is greater than the freeboard length, L, divided by 15, the freeboard is increased by
(D – 15/L) R
where R = L/0.48 for ships less than 120 m in length, or 250 for ships greater than 120 m in length. If D is less than L/15 no deduction is made, except where there is an enclosed superstructure extending 0.6L at midships. This deduction would be determined as for the flush deck correction.

Superstructure correction
For an effective length of superstructure, E, of 1.0 times the freeboard length, L, the freeboard may be reduced by 350 mm for a 24 m ship length, 860 mm for an 85 m ship length and 1070 mm for all ship lengths greater than 122 m.
Intermediate length deductions are obtained by interpolation; with effective lengths less than 1.0L the deduction is a percentage of the values given.

Sheer correction
The differences between the actual sheer profile and a standard sheer profile are determined. The correction is then the deficiency or excess multiplied by
(0.75 – S/2L)
where S is the mean length of the superstructure.
For a deficiency of sheer, the correction is added to the freeboard. With an excess, a deduction is permitted where the superstructure covers 0.1L aft and 0.1L forward of midships. For lesser lengths of superstructure, the deduction is obtained by interpolation. A maximum deduction of 125 mm per 100 m of ship length is permitted.
With the tabular value amended by the corrections, the freeboard value will be that for the maximum summer draught in sea water. This value may be further amended if, for instance, the bow height is insufficient as defined in the rules, cargo ports or openings are fitted in the sides below the freeboard deck or the shipowner requests a freeboard corresponding to a draught less than the maximum permissible.

Load line markings
The maximum summer draught, as determined above, is indicated by a load line mark. This consists of a ring of 300 mm outside diameter and 25 mm wide, intersected by a horizontal line 450 mm long and 25 mm wide. The upper edge of this line passes through the centre of the ring. The ring is positioned at midships and at a distance below the upper edge of the deck line which corresponds to the assigned minimum summer freeboard. This value may not be less than 50 mm.
A series of load lines are situated forward of the load line mark and these denote the minimum freeboards within certain geographical zones or in fresh water. The summer load line is level with the centre of the ring and marked S. The tropical T and winter W load lines are found by deducting and adding, respectively, 1/48 of the summer moulded draught. For a ship of 100 m length or less a Winter North Atlantic (WNA) zone load line is permitted. This line is positioned at the winter freeboard plus 50 mm. The fresh water freeboards F and TF are found by deducting from the summer or tropical freeboard the value
Displacement in salt water / (4 X TPC) millimetres
where TPC is the tonnes per centimetre immersion in salt water at the summer load waterline.

Figure 10.1 Load line markings (all lines 25 mm thickness)

These markings are shown in Figure 10.1. In all cases, measurements are to the upper edge of the line.

Conditions of assignment
Mention was made earlier of the conditions of assignment relating to freeboard. These are certain requirements which must be met to ensure the watertightness of openings and the ability of the ship to rapidly free itself of water on its decks. Reference will be made to two particular positions which are now defined.
Position 1.        Exposed freeboard, superstructure and raised quarter decks within one-quarter of the ship's length from the forward perpendicular.
Position 2.        Exposed superstructure decks outside one-quarter of the ship's length from the forward perpendicular.

Structural strength and stability
The ship is required to have the necessary structural strength for the freeboard assigned. Certain criteria with regard to stability must be met and an inclining experiment must be carried out in order to ensure compliance.

Superstructure end bulkheads
Such bulkheads for enclosed superstructures must be adequately constructed. Any openings must have a minimum sill height of 380 mm above the deck.

Portable covers secured by tarpaulins
Substantial coamings of mild steel or equivalent material must be fitted to all hatchways. Minimum heights are 600 mm in Position 1 and 450 mm in Position 2. Requirements must be met in respect of thickness of covers, strength, loading of covers and beams, carriers or socket design, cleats, battens, wedges, number of tarpaulins and securing arrangements.

Watertight steel covers
There are similar requirements for coamings, but these may be reduced in height or dispensed with where the safety of the ship is not affected. Again requirements must be met in respect of cover strength, construction and watertight securing arrangements.

Machinery space openings
Machinery space openings in Position 1 or 2 must be efficiently framed and plated for strength. Openings are to have watertight doors with sill heights of 600 mm in Position 1 and 380 mm in Position 2. All other openings are to have attached steel covers which can be secured weathertight if required.

Other openings in freeboard and superstructure decks
Manholes and scuttles (portholes)must have covers fitted to efficiently secure them. All doorways are to have a minimum sill height of 600 mm in Position 1 and 380 mm in Position 2. All openings other than hatchways, machinery space openings, manholes and scuttles, where in an exposed position, must be enclosed by a structure of equivalent strength and watertightness to an enclosed superstructure.

Coamings on ventilators must be 900 mm above deck in Position 1 and 760 mm in Position 2. Where exposed to severe weather or in excess of 900 mm high, coamings are to be suitably bracketed to the surrounding structure or deck.
Some means of permanent closure, either attached or close by, is required for all ventilators except those of height in excess of 4.5 m in Position 1 or 2.3 m in Position 2.

Air pipes
These pipes must be of efficient construction and have a permanently attached means of closing. The opening height must be a mininum of 760 mm on the freeboard deck and 450 mm on the superstructure decks.

Cargo ports and similar openings
Any cargo ports must be fitted with doors and frames which maintain the structural and watertight integrity of the ship. No door is to be fitted with any part of its opening below the load line decks.

Scuppers, inlets and discharges
All discharges from above or below the freeboard deck from enclosed spaces are to have an efficient non-return arrangement fitted. Arrangements and their control are specified according to the discharge distance from the summer load waterline. Manned machinery space inlets and outlets are to have readily accessible controls and valve position indicators. Scuppers from open spaces may be led directly overboard.

Side scuttles (portholes)
Every side scuttle below the freeboard deck is to be fitted with a hinged cover-plate or deadlight which may be securely closed and made watertight. No side cuttles may be fitted below 2.5% of the ship's breadth or 500 mm, whichever is the greater, above the load waterline.

Freeing ports
Where bulwarks on any exposed decks form wells they must be provided with sufficient means for rapidly freeing the decks of water. Special formulae are given or the determination of the freeing area in relation to the length of the bulwark, its height and the sheer of the deck. The lower edge of the freeing-port should be as close to the deck as possible. Two-thirds of the freeing area should be located near the lowest point of the sheer curve where sheer exists on the deck. Openings are restricted in height to 230 mm by bars being placed across them. Where shutters or flaps are fitted to these openings they should be prevented from jamming.

Protection of the crew
All exposed freeboard and superstructure decks must have bulwarks or guard rails fitted at their perimeter with a minimum height of 1 m. Where rails are fitted the deck and lower rail spacing must not exceed 230 mm and other rails 380 mm. Effective protection and safety in the form of gangways, passages and other means of access requited in the course of their work must be provided for the crew.

Special conditions of assignment for Type A ships

Machinery casings
An enclosed poop, bridge of standard height or a deckhouse of equivalent strength and height must protect the machinery casing. An exposed casing is allowed without doors or with a double-door arrangement, provided it is of weathertight construction.

All exposed hatchways are to have efficient watertight covers of steel or equivalent strength material.

Freeing arrangements
Open rails must be fitted for at least half of the exposed length of the deck. The upper edge of the sheer strake should be kept as low as possible. Where a trunk connects parts of the superstructure, open rails should be fitted at the perimeter of the deck in way of the trunk.

Protection of the crew
Where separate superstructures exist they should be connected by a raised gangway at the level of the superstructure deck. An acceptable alternative would be a passageway below deck. With a single superstructure, adequate safe arrangements should exist for access to all work areas on the ship.

Tonnage, as discussed in this section, is a measure of cubic capacity where 1 ton represents 100 ft3 or 2.83 m3. Tonnage is a measure of the ship's internal capacity, with two values being used. The gross tonnage is the total internal capacity of the ship and the net tonnage is the revenue-earning capacity.
Tonnage values are also used to determine port and canal dues, safety equipment and manning requirements and are a statistical basis for measuring the size of a country's merchant fleet. All ships prior to registry must be measured according to their country's tonnage regulations. The differences in the various measuring systems have led to ships having several tonnage values and to unusual designs which exploited aspects of tonnage measurement. The 1969 IMO International Conference on Tonnage Measurement of Ships led to an international review of the subject and a system which will ultimately be universally adopted. Reference will now be made to the British tonnage measurement system and also the 1969 Convention measurement system.

British tonnage
The current regulations governing tonnage measurement are the Merchant Shipping (Tonnage) Regulations 1967(11). The measurement of tonnage follows from various specialist terms and values which will now be defined in turn.
Tonnage deck.        This is the second deck, except in single-deck ships.
Tonnage length.        An imaginary line is drawn across the ship at the stem and stern on the inside of the hold frames or sparring. The tonnage length is the distance between these lines measured along the ship's centreline on the tonnage deck.
Tonnage breadth.        The breadth of the ship to the inside of the hold frames or sparring.
Underdeck tonnage.        This is the tonnage of the space below the tonnage deck. It is found by dividing the tonnage length into a specified number of parts. At each cross-section formed by this division, the tonnage depth is similarly divided up. The tonnage breadths at these points are then measured. The measured distances are then put through Simpson's rule to provide the underdeck volume which is converted into a tonnage value.

Gross tonnage
This is the total of the underdeck tonnage and the tonnage of the following spaces.
(1) Any tween-deck spaces between the second and upper decks.
(2) Any enclosed spaces above the upper deck.
(3) Any excess of hatchways over 0.5% of the gross tonnage.
(4) At the shipowner's option and with the surveyor's approval, any engine light and air spaces on or above the upper deck.
The term gross register tonnage (GRT) is also used.

Exempted spaces
These are spaces which are not measured for the gross tonnage calculation.
Such spaces may be above or below the tonnage deck and include.
(1) Wheelhouse, chartroom, radioroom and navigation aids room.
(2) Spaces fitted with and for the use of machinery or condensers.
(3) Safety equipment and battery spaces.
(4) Stability tanks and machinery.
(5) Galley and bakery spaces.
(6) Skylights, domes and trunks
(7) Washing and sanitary accommodation forming part of the crew accommodation.

Deducted spaces
The tonnage of these spaces must first be measured and may then be deducted from the gross tonnage of the ship to give the net tonnage. Examples of deducted spaces are:
(1) Master's accommodation.
(2) Crew accommodation and an allowance for provision stores.
(3) Chain locker, steering gear space, anchor gear and capstan space.
(4) Space for safety equipment and batteries below the upper deck.
(5) Workshops and storerooms for pumpmen, electricians, carpenter, and boatswain.
(6) Donkey engine and donkey boiler space if these are outside the machinery space.
(7) Pump rooms, where these are outside the machinery space.
(8) Water ballast tanks, where they are for the exclusive carriage of water ballast; a maximum limit of 19% of the gross tonnage is imposed.
(9) Propelling power allowance - this is the largest deduction and is determined according to certain criteria, as follows:
If the machinery space tonnage is between 13% and 20% of the gross tonnage, the propelling power allowance is 32% of the gross tonnage.
If the machinery space tonnage is less than 13% of the gross tonnage then the propelling power allowance is the amount expressed as a proportion of 32% of the gross tonnage.
Where the machinery space tonnage is more than 20% of the gross tonnage, the propelling power allowance is 1 3/4 times the machinery space tonnage. There is a maximum limit of 55% of the gross tonnage tot the propelling power allowance. If any part of the light and air space is included in the gross tonnage then it may also be included in the machinery space tonnage.

Net tonnage
This is the tonnage value obtained by deducting from the gross tonnage the total value of the deducted spaces. The net tonnage is considered to represent the earning capacity of the ship. The term net register tonnage (NRT) is also used.

Tonnage mark scheme
The tonnage mark scheme was devised to exempt from tonnage measurement the tween deck space between the uppermost complete deck and the second deck, provided a special tonnage draught mark was not submerged. The position of this mark on the ship's side was to generally correspond to the draught which would be obtained if the freeboard had been calculated for the second deck being the freeboard deck. A special mark is used and is shown in Figure 10.3. The position of the mark on the ship's side is given in the amendment to the load line rules dealing with the tonnage mark scheme.

Figure 10.2 Tonnage mark (all lines 25 mm thickness)

When the tonnage mark is at or above the waterline the ship is considered to have a modified tonnage. When the tonnage mark is below the waterline the ship is considered to be at its full tonnage.

1969 Tonnage Convention

Two tonnage values, the gross and the net, are used. The various position and extent of measurements of length, breadth and depth are defined and differ slightly from the British tonnage system. Excluded spaces, a cargo space and other terms are clearly defined.
The gross tonnage is computed from an empirical formula, the terms of which relate to the defined tonnage distances or to constants which are determined from the formulae given. Net tonnage is similarly found by another empirical formula consisting of measurements and constants.
The Convention advocates the use of the terms ‘UMS Gross’ and 'LMS Net' as dimensionless values instead of gross and net tonnages in tons. The acceptance of this convention will remove the tonnage mark scheme which has been the subject of much controversy.

Consequences of the 1969 Convention

Gross tonnage measurements or UMS Gross are, in general, fairly close to those value determined from current regulations. Ships with large exempted spaces will have somewhat larger gross tonnages under the new rules. Net tonnages do show significant variations between the measured values for individual ships. Ore and bulk-carriers with their high density cargoes will have a reduced net tonnage under the new rules. Again, ships with large exempted spaces will have larger net tonnages under the new rules.
Apart from the purely quantitative aspects, the universal adoption of the new rules will provide for safer ships. This is because constructional methods and unusual design features will no longer be influenced by tonnage measurement. The task of measurement will be simpler, since the necessary information can be taken directly from plans. The levies drawn from tonnage measurement will require some adjustment but will ultimately provide all concerned with a clear, precise basis for their charges.



Germanischer Lloyd(德国)。
日本Kaiji Kyokai(日本)。

随后,验船师的验船报告获总用委员会接纳后,该船会被授予相应的入级符号。劳氏颁发的最高等级是+ 100 A1。这由以下内容组成:
100 A是指船体按照规则中规定的最高标准建造。
1        指设备,如锚和缆绳,处于良好和有效的状态。
+        表明船只是在船级社验船师的监督下建造的。

通常也将船舶类型名称加在入级符号后,例如+1 00 A 1油轮。机器亦须接受检验,如机器是按照船级社的规则建造,并在海上试航中获得令人满意的证明,则使用LMC(劳氏机器证书)的标记。这一关于船只入级的信息记入船只登记簿。船舶登记簿是一本包含由劳氏船级社入级的船舶的名称、等级和一般信息,以及世界上所有已知的总吨位为100总吨(一种容量度量)及以上的远洋商船的详细信息的书。       




4.它们必须绝缘,以便未暴露侧不会在如下时间内升高超过139°C或在任何点超过原始温度180°C:A级-60,60分钟;A-30,30分钟;A -15,15分钟;0分钟后。


方形系数,Cb =排水量/(船长*船宽*吃水)

为了分配干舷,船舶分为A型和B型。A型船舶是专为运输散装液体货物而设计的船舶。货油舱只有很小的入口,由足够强度的水密盖封闭。B型船舶是指所有不属于A型的船舶。B型船舶所需的较大干舷在某些情况下可以减小。在装有钢舱口盖的船舶上,存在特殊的分舱布置,提供改进的排水布置,并给予船员更好的保护,允许降低干舷。这种减少可以产生与A型船几乎相等的值。如果该值几乎相等,则使用B-100型符号,表示A型和B型之间的干舷差减少了100%。如果干舷差减少了60 %,则使用B-60型符号。散货船尤其受益于干舷的减少。


(Cb + 0.68) / 1.36

其中长度小于120米的船舶R = L/0.48,长度大于120米的船舶R = 250。如果D小于L/15,则不作扣除,除非有一个在船中部延伸0.6L的封闭上层建筑。这种扣除将根据齐平甲板校正来确定。



盐水中的排水量/ (4 X TPC)毫米

图10.1载重线标记(所有线的厚度均为25 mm)




围封上层建筑的此类舱壁必须充分建造。任何开口都必须具有高于甲板380 mm的最低门槛高度。



位置1或2的机舱开口必须有效地加框和板以增加强度。开口应配有水密门,位置1的门槛高度为600 mm,位置2的门槛高度为380 mm。所有其他开口应附有钢盖,如有需要,可防风雨固定。

检修孔和舷窗(舷窗)必须装有盖子,以有效地保护它们。所有门道在位置1的最低门槛高度为600 mm,在位置2的最低门槛高度为380 mm。除舱口、机舱开口、人孔和舷窗外,所有处于暴露位置的开口必须用强度和水密性与封闭上层建筑相当的结构封闭。

通风装置上的围板在位置1必须高于甲板900 mm,在位置2必须高于甲板760 mm。在暴露于恶劣天气或高度超过900毫米的地方,围板应适当地用肘板固定在周围的结构或甲板上。












本节中讨论的吨位是立方容量的量度,其中1吨代表100 ft3或2.83 m3。吨位是船舶内部容量的量度,有两个数值。总吨位是船舶的总内部容量,净吨位是创收能力。




如机舱吨位超过总吨位的20%,则推进动力余量为机舱吨位的1 3/4倍。总吨位的55%作为推进功率的最大限度。如果光舱和空气舱的任何部分包括在总吨位内,则它也可包括在机舱吨位内。








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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-18 23:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
Corrosion and its Prevention

The prevention of corrosion on board ship is an immense ongoing process demanding the attention and skills of considerable number of personnel. The ship because of its size, its physical environment and the materials used in its construction is subject to attack from the various forms of corrosion.


Corrosion is the wasting of metals by chemical or electrochemical reaction with their surroundings. Erosion is a term often associated with corrosion and refers to the destruction of a metal by abrasion. Erosion is therefore a mechanical wastage process that exposes hare metal which can then corrode.
Iron and steel corrode in an attempt to regain their oxide form which is in a balanced state with the earth's atmosphere. This oxidizing, or rusting as it is commonly termed, will take place whenever steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture. The prevention of corrosion therefore deals with the isolation of steel from its environment in order to stop this oxidation taking place.
In addition, the presence of a ship almost constantly in sea water enables an electrochemical reaction to take place on unprotected steel surfaces. A corrosion cell is then said to have been formed. This often referred to as a 'galvanic cell', since its current flow is a result of a potential difference between two metals (not necessarily different) in a solution such is sea water. This current flow results in metal being removed from the anode metal or positive electrode, while the cathodic metal or negative electrode is protected from corrosion. Most common metals can be arranged in what is known as a galvanic series, according to their electrical potential in sea water, as shown in Table 11.1.
A simple example of a corrosion cell would be a plate of copper and one of iron placed in a sea water solution and joined by a wire. Reference to Table 11.1 will show that copper will become the cathode in protected end and the steel will become anodic and corrode. This shown in Figure 11.1. The chemical reactions taking place and the electron flow occurring will result in the anodic metal combining with dissolved oxygen to form its stable oxide form (rust).
Corrosion can also occur as a result of stress, either set up in the materials during manufacture or as a result of its 'working' in the sea. The effects of stress and fatigue are to provide areas where cracking may occur, but even these some-times minute cracks create conditions under which galvanic corrosion will proceed. The combined action of the two has a considerable effect on the material.

Cathodic or noble materials
(protected material)

Anodic or ignoble metals
(corroding material)
Passive stainless steels
Passive high nickel alloys
Passive nickel
Silver solders
Copper-nickel alloys
Brass (70/ 30)
Active nickel alloys
Active nickel
Mill scale
Naval brass and brass (60/40)
Lead-tin solders
Active stainless steels
Cast iron
Iron and steel
Aluminium alloys
Cadmium Aluminium
Magnesium alloys

Figure 11.1 Corrosion cell

Corrosion prevention

The prevention of corrosion deals in the first place with the provision of an adequate protective coating for the ship's structural steel and its continued maintenance. Secondly, a means of preventing electrochemical wastage is required, which is known as cathodic protection. The two distinctly different types of corrosion prevention are usually complementary to one another in that both are normally fitted on modern ships. Finally, it should be noted that a knowledge of the processes of corrosion can ensure the reduction or prevention of corrosion on board ship, particularly on the internal structure, by the use of good design and arrangement of structural members.


Protective coatings refer to the application of a suitable paint system. Paint is a mixture of three ingredients - the pigment, the binding agent or vehicle and the solvent. The pigment is responsible for the colour and covering capacity and may also refer to certain additives, depending upon the properties required of the final product. The binding agent or vehicle, depending on its proportion in the paint, will decide the consistency and ease of application of the paint. The solvent or thinner is added to make the paint now easily.
Most paints consist of solid pigments, usually in a finely divided form, suspended in a liquid binder or vehicle which when spread thinly over a surface will eventually dry out. A thin dry film is then left adhering to the surface. The 'drying' process associated with ships' paints is usually the evaporation of the solvent from the vehicle. Good ventilation is therefore essential and moisture-laden atmospheres are to be avoided during the drying process. The coating applied must also be thin to ensure that it dries out correctly. The appropriate solvent is essential to ensure the correct drying time; too quick and blistering can occur, too slow and the paint may end up immersed before it is dry.
The common vehicles in use are:
(1) Bitumen or pitch - bitumen or pitch in a white spirit solvent, or blends of pitch with other materials.
(2) Oil based - vegetable drying oils. e.g. linseed oil. dehydrated castor oil.
(3) Oleo-resinous - natural or artificial resins mixed into drying oils.
(4) Alkyd-resin - a special type of (3).
(5) Chemical resistant - chlorinated rubber, epoxide resins and coal tar/ epoxide are examples.

All the above vehicle types are suitable for above-water use. Only types (1) and (5) and certain types of (3) are suitable for underwater use, because of the need to resist alkaline deposits formed at the anodes of corrosion cells.

Anti-fouling paint

Fouling is the covering of a ship's underwater surface with marine organisms such as green slime, weeds and barnacles. Fouling occurs usually only when the ship is at rest and is dependent on water temperature, salinity, the season, the place. etc.
The slower speeds of the larger tankers and bulk carriers has resulted in increased fouling problems, since some marine organisms can survive and grow at speeds of 10- 15 knots. The result of fouling is increased hull resistance and subsequent loss of the ships' speed or increased fuel consumption.
Anti-fouling paints function by slowly releasing a poison into the laminar sea water layer surrounding the ship. This sea water soluble poison is toxic to marine organisms which must pass through this laminar layer in order to attach themselves to the ship. The poison is released at a controlled rate, determined by the type of toxin and also the degree and rate of solubility of the binder.
Two basically different types of anti-fouling paint currently exist - non-polishing and self-polishing.
Non-polishing anti-fouling may have either a soluble or insoluble matrix. The soluble matrix consists mainly of rosin (colophony) which is slightly sea-water soluble. The bio-active materials (poisons) are released in sea water together with the binder. The insoluble matrix type uses a large proportion of polymeric binders which are insoluble in sea water. The bio-active materials are released together with other components which act as leaching aids. This leaves behind a released layer of insoluble binder. The release rate of the bio-active materials in each type will decrease with time in service of the vessel. The bio-active materials will include cuprous oxide and organotin compounds.
The amount or 'loading' of these materials is varied according to the vessel's requirements. Small amounts would be used for vessels trading in cold and temperate climates with short idle periods and long sailing times. Large amounts would be used for a vessel trading world-wide in warm climates with short-to-medium idle time and varied sailing periods. Different strengths of binder result in the use of one-or two-coat systems to achieve a particular dry film thickness. The dry film thickness determines the quantity of bio-active materials available and the system life time. For any particular dry docking interval a suitable life time must be selected. It should be noted that the bio-active materials in the system are consumed faster during high speed sailing.
Self-polishing anti-fouling is designed to wear down slowly while maintaining a bio-active interface between the coating and the water. One type of this paint uses a tributyltin copolymer binder and reinforcing bio-active compounds which produce a synergistic (assisting one another) effect with tributyltin anti-foulants.
The tributyltin copolymer produces tributyltin oxide (TBTO)in a hydrated form by hydrolysis (ionic dissociation) with sea water. The reinforcing bio-active compounds are comprised of cuprous oxides and organotin compounds. They leach as the tributyltin copolymer releases its tributyltin content. The copolymer then becomes water soluble and is washed off. This renews und activates the next layer of tributyltin molecules.
The self-polishing rate is determined during paint manufacture by the nature of the copolymer binder. One manufacturer provides three self-polishing rates which, together with two possible degrees of fouling protection, results in six possible types of coating. The fouling protection may be either normal or severe.
The three self-polishing rates relate to low-to-medium speed, medium-to-high speed and very high speed hulls. The degree of hull roughness acceptable increases in the same order and dry film thicknesses are 100 μm,80 μm and 60 μm per coat minimum respectively. The self-polishing rate will increase with speed and average hull roughness.

Figure 11.2 Principal painting areas

Painting the ship

The paint used must be appropriate for the degree of protection required at the particular area or section of the ship. The principal areas requiring, different forms of treatment are the underwater plating and boot topping region, the top sides, the superstructure and the weather decks (Figure 11.2).

Preparation and priming

The surface preparation of the steel plate must first be good in order to ensure the successful operation of the applied painting system. The steel plates used in ship construction are first shot-blasted to remove all traces of rusting and mill scale which may be present. The plating is then immediately primed with a quick-drying prefabrication primer. This all takes place as part of a continuous undercover process under controlled conditions. This coating is usually adequate to protect the plate during the various fabrication processes leading to its incorporation into the hull of the ship. Final painting will progress with the construction of the ship.

Underwater areas

The underwater and boot topping plating region will have paint types applied after consideration of the presence and type of cathodic protection applied to the hull and the degree of anti-corrosive and anti-fouling paint which is required. Highly alkaline conditions are to be found near the anodes of cathodic protection systems, and paints of an epoxide type are therefore required to resist these chemical conditions. Anti-fouling properties are also required for paints used in this region to emit poisons that will kill the marine organisms which tend to collect on ships' hulls. While fouling in the main increases ship resistance there are certain bacteria which reduce sulphates in sea water and release oxygen which can then take part in the corrosion process. The anti-fouling properties of a paint for the underwater regions are therefore important. The actual choice of paint type and its particular composition is usually made by the shipowner bearing the above factors in mind.
Modern practice makes little or no distinction between the paint used on the bottom shell and that used around the boot topping region. The boot topping region is, however, more likely to suffer damage due to mechanical abrasion (erosion) and the action of waves. Some suitable vehicle types of paint for this region would be bitumen in pitch, oleo-resinous epoxide, coal tar/epoxide resin and chlorinated rubber. A compatible primer would be applied first, then the particular paint type and a final coat of anti-fouling paint if it is to be used.

Topsides and superstructures

Topsides and superstructures are usually adequately coated with primer, an undercoat and a finishing paint. Paint based on alkyd resins, modified alkyd resins and enamels are used in this region. Since appearance is of some importance, good colour- and gloss-retaining properties of the paints used on these parts is essential.

Weather decks

The paint for the weather deck area requires exceptionally good resistance to wear and abrasion and some non-slip quality. The deck coating should also be resistant to any oils or chemicals carried as cargo or fuel. Initial protective coatings topped by grit-reinforced oleo-resinous paints have been used success fully, as have primers and chlorinated rubber deck paints. Certain metallic final coats have been tried with considerable success, more particularly on naval vessels. The constant abrasion on weather decks from traffic, cargo handling and general ship operation makes long-term protection by paint alone almost impossible. Self-sealing coatings utilising epoxide resins have been used with some success on top of epoxide resin paint for a hard-wearing deck covering.


Ballast, cargo/ballast and fresh water tanks require special coatings, depending upon the nature of their contents. Treatments used include two coats of epoxide resin or a three-coat phenolic resin-based paint, with care taken to ensure compatibility with the tank contents. Fresh water tanks can be satisfactorily protected by bitumen or tar paint. Drinking water tanks must have a non-taint coating such as artificial bitumen to BS 3416 Type 2.

Cathodic protection

When a metal is in contact with an electrolyte, e.g. the steel of a ship's hull in sea water, small corrosion cells may be set up due to slight variations in the electrical potential of the metal's surface. Electric currents flow between the high and low potential points, with the result that metal is corroded from the point where the current leaves the metal (the anode). At the point where the current re-enters the metal (the cathode) the metal is protected. Cathodic protection operates by providing a reverse current flow to that of the corrosive system. With current then entering the metal at every point, i.e. the whole metal surface becomes a cathode, it is therefore cathodically protected.
When the potential over the immersed hull surface is 0.80-0.85 V more negative than a reference silver/silver chloride electrode in the water nearby, then the hull is adequately protected. Current density of the order of 20-100 mA/m2 is usually sufficient on a painted hull to reverse any corrosion current and cease further metal corrosion. Current density necessarily increases for a poorly painted hull and therefore cathodic protection should be regarded as an additional protection to painting and by no means a substitute.
Two means of cathodic protection are in general use on ships - the sacrificial anode type and the impressed current type. The sacrificial anode type of cathodic protection uses metals such as aluminium and zinc which form the anode of a corrosion cell in preference to steel (see Table 11.1). As a consequence, these sacrificial anodes are gradually eaten away and require replacement after a period of time. The impressed current system provides the electrical potential difference from the ship's power supply through an anode of a long-life highly corrosion-resistant material such as platinised titanium.

Sacrificial anode system

Sacrificial anodes are, in practice, arranged as blocks and are securely bolted or welded to the ship's hull by their steel core to give a good electrical connection. Their metal composition is aluminium or zinc, usually in alloyed form. They are designed to ensure uniform wearing away and to provide a constant current to the protected steel. The amount of sacrificial anode material fitted to a ship's hull is based on the wetted surface area of hull and a measure of the hull's electrical potential. The amount of anode material should provide a protective current of 12- 20 mA/m2. Modern sacrificial anodes have a life of 3-4 years before requiring replacement.

lmpressed current system

The impressed current system consists of a source of direct current, anodes, apparatus for measuring and controlling the current and a high quality inert protective coating around the areas of the hull nearest to the anodes. Continuous control of the impressed current requited for adequate protection varies with the immersed area, the ship speed, the salinity of the water and the condition of the hull paintwork. Modern equipment is capable of automatic current control under all of these conditions. This control is usually obtained by the use of reference anodes positioned some distance from the operating anode. If too great a current were to flow it could actually blister or destroy paint coatings on the ship's hull. Around the anodes a protective shield of epoxy resin is applied directly to the hull for a radius of 1 m or more, since highly alkaline conditions arise near the anodes. An impressed current system for a ship is shown in Figure 11.3. Details of an anode and a reference anode together with the cofferdam cable arrangements are given in Figures 11.4 and 11.5. A propeller shaft bonding arrangement must be fitted with impressed current systems to ensure propeller protection (Figure 11.6).

Cathodic protection of tanks

The cathodic protection of ballast and cargo/ballast tanks is only ever of the sacrificial anode type using aluminium, magnesium or zinc anodes. The use of aluminium and magnesium anodes is restricted by height and energy limitations to reduce the possibility of sparks from falling anodes. Magnesium and aluminium anodes are not permitted at all in cargo oil tanks or tanks adjacent to- cargo oil tanks. The anodes are arranged across the bottom of a tank and up the sides, and only those immersed in water will be active in providing protective current flow. Current density in tanks varies from 5 mA/m2 for fully-coated, surfaces to about 100 mA/m2 for ballast-only tanks. Deckheads cannot be cathodically protected, since tanks are rarely full; they are therefore given adequate additional protective coatings of a suitable paint for the upper 1.5 m of the tank.

Figure 11.4 Anode arrangement: (a) anode; (b) section through anode

Corrosion prevention by good design

The third method of corrosion prevention is by good design based on a knowledge of the corrosion processes. Good design. therefore, should avoid the trapping of corrosive agents or the setting up of corrosion cells in places which cannot be reached, are poorly ventilated, or rarely protected or maintained.
Small pockets, crevices, etc., where salt spray, water, etc., can collect will result ultimately in severe rusting. Since this involves an increase in volume of the material it will be followed by distortion or fracture of the structural members. Scaling of such crevices by welding or concrete, or their avoidance in the design stage, should be ensured. Dripping water as a result of poorly designed discharges or scuppers should be avoided. Condensed moisture on the underside of enclosed structures will cause corrosion and good design should ensure adequate ventilation of these areas. Steel decks covered by wood will corrode unless the steel is suitably protected and the wood is 'sealed' by a bitumen coating. All joints should be sealed by a suitable filler and any bolts through the wood should have washers under the nuts to prevent the entry of water. Paint, to be an effective protection, requires an adequate thickness over the metal surface. The surface should be made as accessible as possible to enable good coverage and a uniform dry paint thickness. Welding can be used to fill small crevices; however, any welded surface must be suitably prepared prior to painting to ensure protection against corrosion. Smooth rounded surfaces are always easier to paint and less liable to damage and subsequent corrosion.
The atmosphere of machinery spaces and boiler rooms, with the presence of heat, moisture, vibration and foul air, presents ideal conditions for the corrosive process to take place. Surfaces should therefore be kept water-free and as cool as possible by good drainage, insulation of steam pipes, etc., and good ventilation. Inaccessible places such as machinery seats should be well protected by painting before any machinery is fitted. Double-bottom tanks under boilers are some-times left empty and specially coated with heat-resistant paint. All double-bottom tanks should be regularly inspected and maintained but only after adequate ventilation has been ensured. Maintenance should take the form of painting with bitumastic paint mixtures or in some cases cement wash. Any double-bottom tanks regularly used for oil will have little or no need for corrosion protection.
Two different metals in contact in the presence of an electrolyte such as rain, spray or condensation, can result in a corrosion cell. This can create problems in areas where light alloy members such as aluminium are in contact with steel, as in the superstructure of passenger ships .Modern practice with such joints is to use insulating ferrules, such as neoprene or some inert filler, between the metal surfaces. Problems do still arise where such joints are made by bolting or riveting, and regular maintenance and attention is required.
Where stainless steel is used in a marine environment the passive mode should be selected, since it is almost immune to electrochemical action.





黄铜(70/ 30)








较大的油轮和散装货船的较慢速度导致了更多的结垢问题,因为一些海洋生物可以在10- 15节的速度下生存和生长。结垢的结果是增加了船体阻力和随后的船速损失或增加了燃料消耗。







压载舱、货物/压载舱和淡水舱需要特殊涂层,这取决于其内容物的性质。使用的处理包括两层环氧树脂或三层酚醛树脂基涂料,注意确保与舱内容物的兼容性。用沥青或焦油涂料可以令人满意地保护淡水舱。根据BS 3416类标准,饮用水舱必须有无污染涂层,如人造沥青。

当浸没的船体表面上的电位比附近水中的参比银/氯化银电极负0.80-0.85 V时,则船体得到充分保护。20-100 mA/m2数量级的电流密度通常足以在涂漆船体上逆转任何腐蚀电流并停止进一步的金属腐蚀。对于油漆质量差的船体,电流密度必然增加,因此阴极保护应被视为油漆的附加保护,而绝不是替代品。

实际上,牺牲阳极排列成块状,并通过其钢芯牢固地栓接或焊接在船体上,以提供良好的电气连接。其金属成分是铝或锌,通常是合金形式。它们旨在确保均匀磨损,并为受保护的钢材提供恒定电流。安装在船体上的牺牲阳极材料的量基于船体的润湿表面积和船体电势的测量值。阳极材料的量应该提供12- 20 mA/m2的保护电流。现代牺牲阳极在需要更换之前有3-4年的寿命。

外加电流系统由直流电源、阳极、测量和控制电流的仪器以及靠近阳极的船体区域周围的高质量惰性保护涂层组成。充分保护所需的外加电流的连续控制随浸没面积、船速、水的盐度和船体油漆状况而变化。现代设备能够在所有这些条件下进行自动电流控制。这种控制通常通过使用与工作阳极有一定距离的参考阳极来实现。如果电流过大,实际上可能会起泡或破坏船体的油漆涂层。由于阳极附近会出现高碱性条件,所以在阳极周围,半径为1 米或更大的范围内,直接将环氧树脂保护罩应用于船体。船舶的外加电流系统如图11.3所示。图11.4和11.5给出了阳极和参考阳极以及隔离空舱电缆布置的细节。螺旋桨轴粘合装置必须配备外加电流系统,以确保螺旋桨保护(图11.6)。

压载舱和货物/压载舱的阴极保护仅是使用铝、镁或锌阳极的牺牲阳极类型。铝和镁阳极的使用受到高度和能量的限制,以减少坠落阳极产生火花的可能性。货油舱或与货油舱相邻的舱中根本不允许使用镁和铝阳极。阳极排列在舱的底部和侧面,只有浸入水中的阳极才能提供保护电流。舱中的电流密度从全涂层表面的5 mA/m2到只用于压载的舱的约100 mA/m2不等,舱顶不能被阴极保护,因为舱很少是满的;因此,在舱上部1.5米处,为它们提供了适当的额外保护涂层。


图11.5 参考阳极a)阳极;(b)穿过阳极的截面
图11.6 螺旋桨轴接地装置

Surveys and Maintenance

In common with all machinery a ship requires regular overhaul and maintenance. The particularly severe operating conditions for an almost all-steel structure necessitate constant attention to the steelwork. The operations of berthing, cargo loading and discharge, constant immersion in sea water and the variety of climatic extremes encountered all take their toll on the structure and its protective        coatings. The classification        societies have        requirements for examination or survey of the ship at set periods throughout its life. The nature and extent of the survey increases as the ship becomes older.

Periodical surveys

All ships must have an annual survey, which is carried out by a surveyor employed by the classification society. This survey should preferably take place in a drydock but the period between in-dock surveys may be extended up to 2 1/2 years. Such an extension is permitted where the ship is coated with a high resistance paint and an approved automatic impressed current cathodic protection system is fitted. In-water surveys are permitted for ships which are less than 10 years old and greater than 38m in breadth and have the paint and cathodic protection systems already referred to. Special surveys of a more rigorous nature are required every 4 years. Continuous surveys are permitted where all the various hull compartments are examined in rotation over a period of 5 years between consecutive examinations.
During an annual survey the various closing appliances on all hatchways and other hull openings through which water might enter must be checked to be in an efficient condition. Water-clearing arrangements, such as scuppers and bulwark freeing port, must also operate satisfactorily. Guard rails, lifelines and gangway are also examined.
When surveyed in drydock the hull plating is carefully examined for any signs of damage or corrosion. The sternframe and rudder are also examined for cracks, etc. The wear in the rudder and propeller haft bearings is also measured.
The fire protection, detection and extinguishing arrangements for passenger ships are examined every year and for cargo ships every two years.
For a special survey, the requirement> of the annual survey must be met together with additional examinations. A detailed examination of structure by removing covers and linings may be made. Metal thicknesses at any areas showing wastage may have to be checked. The double-bottom and peak tanks must be tested by filling to the maximum service head with water. The decks, casings and superstructures, together with any areas of discontinuity, must be examined for cracks or signs of failure. All escape routes from occupied or working spaces must be checked, Emergency communications to the machinery space and the auxiliary steering position from the bridge must also be proved.
For tankers, additional special survey requirements include the inspection of all cargo tanks and cofferdam spaces. Cargo tank bulkheads must be tested by filling to the top of the hatchway of all or alternate tanks. The greater the age of a ship the greater will be the detail of examination and testing of suspect or corrosion-prone spaces.
Liquefied gas tankers have requirements for annual surveys, as mentioned earlier, and several additional items. All tanks, cofferdams, pipes, etc., must be gas freed before survey. Where the maximum vapour pressure in the tanks is 0.7 bar or less the inner tank surfaces are to be examined. In addition, the tanks must be water tested by a head of 1.45 m above the top of the tank. All lank level devices, gas detectors, inerting arrangements, etc., must be proved to be operating satisfactorily. The special survey requirements are as previously stated, together with the examination internally and externally where possible of all tank areas. Tank mountings, supports, pipe connections and deck sealing arrangements must also be checked. Samples of insulation, where fitted, must be removed and the plating beneath examined. Pressure-relief and vacuum valves must be proved to be efficient. Refrigeration machinery, where fitted, must be examined.

Hull surveys of very large crude carriers

The very size of these ships necessitates considerable planning and preparation prior to any survey. Large amounts of staging is necessary to provide access to the structure. Good lighting, safe access and some means of communication are also required. Surveys are often undertaken at sea, with the gas freeing of the tanks being one of the main problems. In-water surveys of the outer hull are also done. Some thought at the design stage of the ship should enable the stern bush, pintle and rudder bush clearances to be measured in the water. Provision should also exist for unshipping the propeller in the water. Anodes should be bolted to the shell and therefore easily replaced. Blanks for sealing off inlets should be carried by the ship, to enable the overhaul of shipside valves. The frame markings should be painted on the outside of the ship at the weather deck edge to assist in identifying frames and bulkheads. An in-water survey plan should be prepared by the shipbuilder. The hull plating surface must be clean prior to survey. This can be achieved by the use of rotary hand-held brushes which may be hydraulically or pneumatically powered. In-water cleaning of the hull is possible, with divers using these brushes or specially designed boats is with long rotating brushes attached .
One particular system uses a 'Brush Kart'. This is a hydraulically-powered vehicle with three brushing heads. It is driven by a diver over the surface of the hull to clear the plating of all forms of marine fouling. The Brush Kart is shown in Figure 12.1. The shell plating may then be surveyed by using an underwater survey vehicle such as the 'Scan' unit shown in Figure 12.2. The various camera units enable close scrutiny of all the areas of the shell plating by the surveyor observing the monitoring units. The Scan unit is fully manoeuverable over the hull surface.

Figure 12.1 'Scan' underwater survey vehicle (from 'Wet-docking of large ships', in ln-Water Maintenance Conference, 1975, by D.F. Jones)

Examination in drydock

The drydocking of a ship provides a rare opportunity for examination of the underwater areas of a ship. Every opportunity should therefore be taken by the ship's staff, the shipowner and the classification society to examine the ship thoroughly. Some of the more important areas are now listed.

Shell plating

The shell plating must be thoroughly examined for any corrosion of welds, damage, distortion and cracks at openings or discontinuities. Any hull attachments such as lugs, bilge keels, etc., must be checked for corrosion, security of attachment and any damage. All openings for grids and sea boxes must also be examined.

Cathodic protection equipment

Sacrificial anodes should be checked for security of attachment to the hull and the degree of wastage that has taken place. With impressed current systems the anodes and reference anodes must be checked, again for security of attachment. The inert shields and paintwork near the anodes should be examined for any damage or deterioration.


The plating and visible structure of the rudder should be examined for cracks and any distortion. The drain plugs should be removed to check for the entry of any water. Pintle or bearing weardown and clearances should be measured and the security of the rudder stock coupling bolts and any pintle nuts should be ensured.


The surface should be carefully checked for cracks, particularly in the areas where a change of section occurs or large bending moments are experienced.


The cone should be checked for security of attachment and also the rope guard. The blades should be examined for corrosion and cavitation damage, and any cracks or damage to the blade tips. It is usual to examine any tailshaft seals and also measure the tailshaft weardown.


The shell plating should be examined for areas of paintwork which must be repaired. The whole surface of the shell will then be cleaned and prepared for recoating with paint. In some instances the hull may be cleaned down to the bare metal and completely recoated; most situations, however, will only require preparation of the surface for recoating.


Several methods are used for cleaning the ship's hull prior to recoating. Some of the more common ones will now be discussed.
Manual wire brushing and scraping with steel scrapers usually takes place on the wet surface as the water level drops in the dock. The finish is poor, the operation slow and the effectiveness varies according to the skill and effort of the operatives involved.
Power discing or wire brushing uses either an electrically or pneumatically driven machine which is hand held. The method is slow but provides a relatively good finish.
High pressure water jetting is being increasingly used for hull cleaning. Water at pressures of 150-500 bar is directed on to the hull by a tubular steel lance. The lower pressure is sufficient to remove weed fouling growths, while higher pressure will clean the hull down to the bare metal. The results from this method are excellent and very fast, although time is lost while waiting for the hull to dry. It is, however, a skilled operation requiring competent trained personnel for efficient safe performance.
Shot-blasting or abrasive-only cleaning utilises a jet of abrasive at 5-7 bar pressure fired from a nozzle on to the ship's hull. This method rapidly produces a clean dry surface ready for painting. The dusty, dirty nature of the work, however, stops any other activities in the area.
Abrasive and water-blasting combines in effect the foregoing two methods and claims the advantages of each. The method is fast, clean and effective, the abrasive speeding the cleaning and the water suppressing the dust. With this method and water jetting, corrosion inhibitors are added to the water to allow time between cleaning, drying and painting.


The successful application of paint requires the correct technique during painting and suitable conditions during which the application takes place.
Painting should take place in warm dry weather but not in direct sunlight. The presence of moisture in the air or on the metal surface may damage the paintwork or slow down its curing process. Where poor conditions are unavoidable, specially formulated paints for curing under these conditions should be used. The use of shelters or awnings perhaps supplied with warm air will greatly improve curing and adhesion of the paint. Any scuppers, discharges or overflows which may direct water on to the surface to be painted should be blocked or diverted before work is begun.
The principal methods of paint application are the airless spray, the air-assisted spray, the roller and the brush. Brush and roller application is employed where rough surfaces exist and small often inaccessible areas are to be covered. The method is slow, labour intensive and difficult with certain types of paints. Air-assisted spraying has been largely replaced by the airless spray technique for which most modern paints are formulated. Airless spray is the fastest and cleanest application method. High build materials are suitable for this method of application with dry film thicknesses up to 300 μm possible in one application.
Throughout the preparation and painting of a ship the need for good, safe, suitable means of access is paramount. Freedom of movement to maintain the appropriate distances for water jetting and paint spraying, for example, is essential. Free-standing scaffolding is used to some extent and also hydraulically operated mobile platforms.
A final mention on the subject of safety is required. Paints in their various forms can be poisonous, skin irritants and of a highly inflammable nature. Adequate protection and ventilation is therefore necessary. In addition, care is required in the location and operation of equipment to avoid the possibility of fires and explosions. Most manufacturers apply their own symbols to paint containers to indicate the various hazards, in addition to any mandatory requirements on labelling.






图12.1“扫描”水下勘测船(摘自D.F. Jones于1975年召开的“大型船舶的湿船坞”水下维护会议)










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Principal Ship Dimensions and Glossary of Terms

Principal ship dimensions
A ship is defined and described in size, shape and form by a number of particular terms, which are listed below and some of which are shown in Figure 13.1.
Forward perpendicular. An imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the waterline at the point where the forward edge of the stem intersects the summer load line.
After perpendicular. An imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the waterline, either (1) where the after edge of the rudder post meets the summer load line, or (2) in cases where no rudder post is fitted, the centreline of the rudder pintles is taken.
Length between perpendiculars (LBP). The distance between the forward and after perpendiculars, measured along the summer load line.
Length overall (LOA). The distance between the extreme points of the ship forward and aft.
Amidships. The point midway between the forward and after perpendiculars. A special symbol is used to represent this point (Figure 13.1).
Extreme breadth. The maximum breadth over the extreme points port and starboard of the ship.
Extreme draught. The distance from the waterline to the underside of the keel.
Extreme depth. The depth of the ship from the upper deck to the underside of the keel.
Moulded dimensions are measured to the inside edges of the plating, i.e. they are the frame dimensions.
Base line. A horizontal line drawn along the top edge of the keel from midships.
Moulded breadth. The greatest breadth of the ship, measured to the inside edges of the shell plating.
Moulded draught. The distance from the summer load line to the base line, measured at the midship section.
Moulded depth. The depth of the ship from the upper deck to the base line, measured at the midship section.
Half-breadth. At any particular section half-breadth distances may be given since a ship is symmetrical about the longitudinal centreline.
Freeboard. The vertical distance from the summer load waterline to the top of the freeboard deck plating, measured at the ship's side amidships. The uppermost complete deck exposed to the weather and the sea is normally the freeboard deck. The freeboard deck must have permanent means of closure of all openings in it and below it.
Sheer. The curvature of the deck in a longitudinal direction. It is measured between the deck height at midships and the particular point on the deck.
Camber. The curvature of the deck in a transverse direction. Camber is measured between the deck height at the centre and the deck height at the side.
Rise of floor. The height of the bottom shell plating above the base line. Rise of floor is measured at the moulded beam line.
Bilge radius. The radius of the plating joining the side shell to the bottom shell. It is measured at midships.
Flat of keel. The width of the horizontal portion of the bottom shell, measured transversely.
Tumblehome. An inward curvature of the midship side shell in the region of the upper deck.
Flare. An outward curvature of the side shell at the forward end above the waterline .
Rake. A line in dined from the vertical or horizontal.
Parallel middle body. The ship length for which the midship section is constant in area and shape.
Entrance. The immersed body of the ship forward of the parallel middle body.
Run. The immersed body of the ship aft of the parallel middle body.
Displacement. The weight of the ship and its contents, measured in tonnes. The value will vary according to the ship's draught.
Lightweight. The weight of the ship, in tonnes, complete and ready for sea but without crew, passengers, stores, fuel or cargo on board.
Deadweight. The difference between the displacement and the lightweight at any given draught, again measured in tonnes. Deadweight is the weight of cargo, fuel, stores, etc., that a ship can carry.
Tonnage. A measure of the internal capacity of a ship where 100 ft3 or 2.83 m3 represents 1 ton. Two values are currently in use - the gross tonnage and the net tonnage.




Glossary of terms

Aft. in the direction of, at, or near the stern.
Aft peak. A watertight compartment between the aftermost watertight bulkhead and the stern.
Athwartship. ln a direction across the ship, at right-angles to the fore and aft centreline.
Ballast. A weight of liquid positioned in a ship- to change the trim, increase the draught or improve the seaworthiness.
Bilge. Rounded region between the side and shell plating; the space where water collects after draining down from cargo holds, etc.
Bitter end. The end of the anchor cable which is secured in the chain locker by the clench pin.
Bollard. A pair of short metal columns on a rigid baseplate which are used to secure the mooring ropes or wires.
Bow. The forward end of a ship.
Bracket. A plate which is used to rigidly connect a number of structural parts; it is often triangular in shape.
Break. The point at which a side shell plating section drops to the deck below, such as the poop or forecastle.
Bulkhead, aft peak. The first major transverse watertight bulkhead forward of the sternframe.
Bulkhead, collision or forepeak. The foremost major watertight bulkhead.
Cofferdam. A void or empty space between two bulkheads or floors which prevents leakage from one to the other.
Cowl. The shaped top of a natural ventilation trunk which may be rotated to draw all into or out of the ventilated space.
Deep tanks. Tanks which extend from the shell or double bottom up to or beyond the lowest deck. They are usually arranged for the carriage of fuel oil or water ballast but may be fitted with hatches and used for cargo.
Devil's claw. A stretching screw with two heavy hooks or claws. It is used to secure the anchor in the hawse pipe.
Dog. A small metal fastener or clip used to secure doors, hatch covers, etc.
Erection. The positioning and temporary fastening together of units or fabricated parts of a ship prior to welding.
Fabrication. The various processes which lead to the manufacture of structural parts for a ship.
Fair. To smoothly align the adjoining parts of a ship's structure or its design lines.
Fairlead. An item of mooring equipment used to maintain or change the direction of a rope or wire in order to provide a straight lead to a winch drum.
Flange. The portion of a plate or bracket bent at right-angles to the remainder; to bend over at right angles.
Flat. A minor section of internal deck often without sheer or camber, also known as a platform.
Forepeak. A watertight compartment between the foremost watertight bulkhead and the stem.
Forward. ln the direction of, at, or near the stem.
Frame. A transverse structural member which acts as a stiffener to the shell and bottom plating.
Gasket. A joint, usually of flexible material, which is positioned between metal surfaces to prevent leak age.
Goose neck. A fitting on the end of a boom or derrick which connects it to the mast or post and permits a swivel motion.
Grommet. A ring of soft material positioned beneath a nut or bolthead to provide a watertight joint.
Gudgeon. A solid lug on the sternframe or rudder which is drilled to take the pintle.
Gusset plate. A bracket plate usually positioned in a horizontal or almost horizontal plane.
Holds. The lowest cargo stowage compartments in a ship.
Inboard. In a direction towards the centreline of the ship.
Intercostal. Composed of separate parts, non-continuous.
Offsets. The coordinates of a ship’s form.
Outboard. In a direction away from the centreline of the ship.
Panting. The in and out movement of a ship’s plating.
Pintle. The hinge pin on which certain types of rudder swing.
Port. The left-hand side of a ship when facing forward.        .
Samson post.        A rigid vertical post use in place of a mast to support derricks.
Scantlings. The dimensions of the structural items of a ship, e.g. frames, girders, plating, etc.
Scupper. Deck drains to remove sea water, rain water or condensation.
Seat. The structural support for an item of machinery equipment.
Seaworthy. A term used to describe a ship which has adequate strength, freeboard and stability in order to carry and deliver its cargo in good condition.
Spectacle frame. A large casting which projects outboard from the ship and supports the end of the propeller shaft in a twin screw ship. The casting is plated into the surrounding shell.
Starboard. The right-hand side of a ship when facing forward.
Stays. Wires or ropes from the deck to the head of a mast, Sampson post or boom to provide support or prevent movement.
Stealer strake. A single wide plate which replaces two narrow plates in adjacent strakes.
Stern. The after end of a ship.       
Stiffener. A flat bar, section or built-up section used to stiffen plating.
Tarpaulin. A tough waterproof canvas-type cloth cover used to cove r non-watertight hatch covers.
Tiller. A casting or forging which is keyed to the rudder stock and used to turn the rudder.
Topping wire. A wire used to raise, lower or fix the position of a boom and to support it.
Transverse. A direction at right-angles to the centreline of the ship or an item of structure in this position.
Tripping bracket. A flat bar or plate fitted to a deck girder, stiffener, beam, etc., to reinforce the free edge.
Trunk. A passage extending through one or more decks to provide access or ventilation to a space.
Tunnel. A watertight access passage surrounding the propeller shaft which is fitted on a ship where the machinery space is positioned towards midships.
Tween decks. The upper cargo stowage compartments or the space between any two adjacent decks.        .
Uptake. A metal casing or large bore piping which carries exhaust gases up through the funnel to the atmosphere.
Web frame. A deep-section built-up frame which provides additional strength to the structure.
Well. A space into which bilge water drains.
Winch. A machine which utilises the winding or unwinding of rope or wire around a barrel for various cargo and mooring duties.
Windlass. A machine used for hoisting and lowering the anchor.


The girth of the ship decreases toward the ends and so the width of plates must be decreased in these parts. To save making the plates too narrow at the ends of the ship, it is usual to run a number of pairs of adjacent strakes into one. This is done by means of a stealer plate. The end-plate of a strake of outside or inner-bottom plating which is dropped out as the girth of the vessel narrows toward the ends.
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