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Introduction to Singaporean requirements/interpretations.

发表于 2009-9-14 20:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏南通
When found relevant for input in the specific catalogue in IMO-Vega for Panamanian requirements / interpretations to an international instrument - and of technical and operational character, the origin, e.g. Merchant Shipping Regulations, Marine Notices, Circulars etc. is stated in the top of the document, if the origin is known. There might be some occasions of previous (older) requirements with unknown origin.

Whether the origin is linked to, or an extract has been created, depends on the type of the origin, i.e. if the clue of the requirements / interpretations can be extracted, and this extract is found reasonable.

It is emphasised that that this collection of flag state requirements should be regarded as selections with the basis of the catalogues as presented for this flag state here in IMO-Vega (the main safety - and environmental conventions related to the ships, and that several other safety messages as presented on the flag states web-site, in the form of e.g. circulars, guidelines, notes etc. have not been presented in this database.

Likewise IMO circulars as reported from the flag administrations, e.g. SLS.14/Circs (SOLAS 1974 Equivalent arrangements accepted) are, except for some few editions, not inserted or referred to in IMO-Vega. These circulars as well as some other circulars of reporting character from some flag administrations (e.g. FAL2 Circs, SN.1 Circs, MEPC.1/Circs.) are generally not included or referred to in IMO-Vega.

To see these circulars, go to IMO Web site http://www.imo.org. Then select "Circulars".

See  Status of Conventionsfile:///C:/Program%20Files/DNV/IMO%20Vega%2013.0/graphics/Reader-16.gif, clarifying which states that accept different IMO conventions as of 2007-03-31. To obtain an updated version of this information, see IMO Web site and select; "Conventions" and further "Status of Conventions by country".

See Status of ILO Conventions clarifying which states that accept different ILO conventions as of 2006-12-05. To obtain an updated version of this information, see ILO Web site www.ilo.org, and select;

"ILO Library", "ILO Databases" and further "ILOLEX".
Address to this flag administration:

See Singaporean web-site http://www.mpa.gov.sg for complete and updated information.

See also addresses where this flag administration is included.

*  *  *

The introduction to Shipping Circular No. 14 of 2005 of 18-03-2005 is quoted beneath;


1          The Facilitation Committee of IMO developed a list of certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships together with a brief description of the purpose of the certificates and other relevant documents.

2          For the guidance of shipowners, the Annex to this circular file:///C:/Program%20Files/DNV/IMO%20Vega%2013.0/graphics/Reader-16.giflists the certificates, documents and publications required to be carried on board Singapore-registered ships. The list includes the certificates and documents listed by the Facilitation Committee. These are marked with an asterisk (*).

3          This circular supercedes Marine Circular No. 2 of 2001, dated 4 January 2001 (Revised List of certificates, documents and publications required to be carried on Singapore ships).

4          Any queries relating to this circular should be directed to Mr Ong Hua Siong (Tel: 6375 6210).


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发表于 2010-12-7 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁
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