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DNV GL 授予燃拓动力高低压供气系统原理性认可(AiP)证书

发表于 2020-7-8 18:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
7月8日,DNV GL船级社在其大中国区上海总部为浙江燃拓动力有限公司设计研发的双燃料动力船高低压供气系统(Gas-Fuelled Large-Scale Ship HP/LP Fuel Gas Supply System)颁发了原理性认可证书(AiP)。
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DNV GL大中国区技术中心总经理Falk Rothe

浙江燃拓动力、广船国际与DNV GL在2020年签署了就该双燃料动力船高低压供气系统的联合开发项目协议。浙江燃拓动力严格按照IGF规则、DNV GL规范及气体燃料动力船协会的相关要求进行系统设计,在工艺流程、系统原理、电气控制、安全可靠性、设备选型等方面与DNV GL、广船国际进行了多次深入交流。

经过DNV GL上海与挪威两地审图专家严格会审后,该系统最终获得原理性认可证书(AiP);同时广船国际LNG技术团队结合油轮实船项目,对该燃气系统设计方案和综合布置进行了技术论证及图纸审查。这标志着燃拓动力具备了向大型船舶提供双燃料高低压供气系统(FGSS)的能力与资格。
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DNV GL awarded AiP to FGPD for HP/LP Fuel Gas Supply System

On July 8th 2020, DNV GL awarded Approval in Principle (AiP) to ZheJiang Fuel Gas Power Deploitation Co., Ltd. (FGPD) for their HP/LP Fuel Gas Supply System (FGSS) at DNV GL Shanghai Head office.

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In this project, FGPD signed the agreement about the joint development project with DNV GL and GSI in 2020,FGPD has designed the fuel gas supply system strictly accordance with IGF code, DNV GL rules and SGMF. For this system, FGPD had conducted in-depth exchanges with DNV GL & GSI actively on Process, P&ID, E&A, safety, reliability and comprehensive arrangement plan etc.

And finally, FGPD obtained HP/LP FGSS AiP certificate after joint reviews of FGSS experts from DNV GL Shanghai and Norway. Meanwhile, the LNG experts from GSI have completed the technical drawing review, and comprehensive arrangement optimization for the new building project. With all these achievements and recognition, we can proudly announce that FGPD does have the capability and qualification to provide HP/LP Gas Supply System (FGSS) for various gas-fuelled ships.

After FGPD obtained AiP, it can supplement the professional principle design business area of FGPD’s group company YADA Piping System Co., Ltd. And achieved the development planning of YADA Group, which to provide one-stop service of dual-fuel gas supply system to customer from research & design, calculation & analysis, module integration, prefabrication & installation to commissioning & maintenance.

At the award ceremony, every party agreed on further strengthen cooperation and would provide more professional and safer FGSS for shipowners and shipyards in the application of gas-fuelled ship.


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