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发表于 2020-5-27 10:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏苏州
外资船企拟在国内寻找长期合作伙伴,出artist impressions,联系QQ284921980

On the long term it may be an option to investigate if wecould do this artist impression work in China in order to save costs? AlsoConcordia is very much interested in finding a cheaper and reliable solutionfor artist impressions and we will join forces. It should be a company that isused to do maritime work, otherwise we willspend a lot of time in supporting them with information and data and answeringquestions.  May be a company that is only familiar with land basedconstructions is not the most favorable. Following the questions below:

  • This artist impressions will be made based on original design or     design also is in our scope? à design is Yard scope
  • Concept abstraction or close to realistic? à both, depends very much on the project
  • Long term cooperation? How many pictures per month or per year? à Yes, we are looking for long term cooperation after a few     successful “one of try outs”. First test runs.
  • How many pictures for one project and budget per picture.  à varies per project, and the pricing is to be discussed as it varies     with the required level of detail.
  • The artist impressions will be based on electronic design or actual     model, electronic design will be CAD or solidworks or other software? à CAD and when available a Tribon model
  • The purpose of this artist impressions are for bidding? à yes, or for press releases, magazines, commercial documentation
1.      效果图基于原始设计还是设计也要外包?答:设计由国外负责
2.      概念抽象图还是接近实物图?答:两者都会有,看项目要求
3.      长期合作吗?每月/每年多少张?答:我们寻求长期合作伙伴,当然这基于一些成功的试单以后。
4.      每张图多少预算?答:有很多项目,价格按具体要求的等级谈价。
5.      效果图基于电子还是实物模型,电子设计的话是CAD还是SOLIDWORKS或者其他软件?答:CAD,也会有TRIBON模型
6.      效果图目的用于竞标?答:是的,或者新闻稿,杂志,商业文件等。


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发表于 2020-5-27 11:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
上海龙振船舶技术有限公司  可以长期合作! QQ:33705838   电话 :13585667547  微信同号
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发表于 2020-5-27 11:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
头像上的 就是之前的 案例!
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