艉铸钢件后端面砂孔修补工艺 杨工 13761876561 AFTER STERN BOSSBLOW HOLD REPAIR PROCEDURE 说明:上述砂孔将使用环氧树脂厂家推荐的密封剂PHILLYBOND ORANGE来封堵。 Note: The said blow hold to be plugged upby the sealant of PHILLYBOND ORANGE according to the epoxy resin maker’srecommendation. 步骤如下:THE PROCEDURE ASFOLLOWS: 1. 将艉铸钢件后端面砂孔内表面用粗砂纸磨砂处理。 Grinding the inner surface of blow holdon after stern boss use the coarse sand paper. 2. 将碎屑清洁干净,再用丙酮清洁内孔和孔的外边缘,确保孔内没有任何油脂、锈迹和油漆等,然后用压缩空气将孔内及边缘吹干。Clean the scrap,and then clean the inner surface and side edge of blow hold use the acetone toensure all grease, rust and paint should be removed from the surface beforeapplication. Exsiccate the blow hold by compressed air. 3. 由环氧树脂服务工程师用小铲子将PHILLYBOND ORANGE搅拌均匀。 Mix roundthe sealant ofPHILLYBOND ORANGE well-proportioned by service engineering of epoxy resin. 4. 用手将粘合物(橡皮泥状)塞入砂孔内,重复挤压以确保粘合物均匀布置在孔内。 % |