先说法规对控制站的定义,以下位置是控制站,驾驶室,海图室,无线电台室,应急电源间,防火控制间,设置在机舱外的推进控制站,应急广播站(定义:Control stations are those spaces in which the ship's radio or main navigating equipment or the emergency source of power is located or where the fire recording or fire control equipment is centralized. Spaces where the fire recording or fire control equipment is centralized are also considered to be a fire control station. );对于货轮来说,消防控制室,作为有人值守的控制站以及整艘船的消防部署以及指挥中心,至少以下配置要考虑:张挂安全图,风机油泵切断控制点,消防泵启动装置,消防灭火系统的启动如气体灭火水雾灭火或泡沫灭火(不同船不同配置),机舱就地水雾控制和指示,全船火灾探测报警板,对外的通信装置,消防队长与消防指挥之间便携式对讲机,风闸遥控关闭(若有),快关阀遥控装置,弃船报警器及应急弃船发令点(根据设计需要),气体船的应急关闭点,气体船化学品船甲班喷淋启动,滚装船汽车甲班灭火系统启动装置,等。至于客轮,要求设计全船安全中心,消防控制站就设立在安全控制中心里,安全控制中心的设备配置更多,主要保证客轮安全需要。
Central control station is a control station in which the following control and indicator functions are centralized:
.1 fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems; .2 automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems; .3 fire door indicator panels; .4 fire door closure; .5 watertight door indicator panels; .6 watertight door closures; .7 ventilation fans; .8 general/fire alarms; .9 communication systems including telephones; and .10 microphones to public address systems.