发表于 2019-8-9 17:07
来自: 新加坡
江海直达 发表于 2019-8-9 17:01
MSC Circulars
As obvious, MSC circulars are related to the maritime safety. The MSC has divided ...
值得再普及一下MEPC 通告的分类:
MEPC Circular
Again as obvious, MEPC circulars are related to information on matters concerning maritime pollution. MEPC circulars are divided into seven sub-categories. These categories are numbered from one to seven. Any circular issued by MEPC would look like this
MEPC circular number
In this MEPC denotes that the circular is issued by Maritime environmenta protection committee.
The number next is the number of sub-category that the circular belongs to. The letters ‘Circ’ detones that it is a circular and finally the number is the circular number which is in chronological order.
The seven Sub-categories that MEPC circulars are divided into are
MEPC.1 : Circular relating to general information disseminated by the MEPC on pollution matters
MEPC.2 : Circular relating to Provisional categorization of liquid substances
MEPC.3 : Circular relating to Facilities in ports for the reception of oily wastes from ships
MEPC.4 : Circular relating to Facilities in ports for the reception of noxious liquid substances (NLS) residues from ships carrying chemicals in bulk
MEPC.5 : Circular relating to Pollution prevention equipment required by MARPOL
MEPC.6 : Circular relating to List of national operational contact point or points responsible for the receipt, transmission and processing of urgent reports on incidents involving harmful substances including oil from ships to coastal states
MEPC.7 : Circular relating to Maritime Environment Protection Committee on pollution matters
We have only discussed the MSC and MEPC circulars. But there are more than 50 categories in which IMO circular are divided.
Each category has again different sub-categories like we have for MSC and MEPC circulars.