Starting Price: USD 14,700,000.00
Deposit: USD 1,470,000.00 or RMB10,000,000.00
Increment:≥USD 10,000.00
Find more information
about the ship at the we
All thestatic information about the ships are for reference only, bidders can makeinspections for the ship at the prescribed location within the announcementperiod.
I. Qualifications and Registration of Bidders
Anycitizen, legal person and organization with full civil capacity may participatein this bidding.
Interestedbidders shall visit to register amember account and become a qualified bidder.
The following documents are required to upload:
1. Scanned copy of Fund Escrow Confirmation(Only for RMB deposit bidders).
2. Vouchers of the deposit payment from the bank.
3. Identity documents of the bidder. Scanned copy of ID card or passport is needed for a natural person; scanned copy of the business license (sealed), scanned copies of the legal person and agent’s ID card, Power of Attorney are needed for a domestic legal person to participate. For an oversea bidder, scanned copies of Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation, passport copy of Director and Power of Attorney are needed.
4. ID documents and Power of Attorney are needed for a broker commissioned to participate.
Deadline for online bidding registration:
16:00 March 18, 2019(Beijing time)
Aqualified bidder refers to the bidders remit the deposit, complete the processof online registration and assigned with a bidding number. A qualified biddershall be deemed to be fully aware of, accepting and complying with the contentsof this announcement and the measures for the implementation of the bidding ofGSE.
II. Deposit/Letter of Guarantee
Bidders shall remit the deposit of USD1.47million or RMB10,000,000.00 to the account of GSE before 12:00 on March 18, 2019(Beijing time). In the event that thedeposit is remitted from a third party account on behalf of the bidder, thename of the third party shall be consistent with the name stated in Power ofAttorney.
a. RMB Account:
Account Name: CS PIONEER
Bank Nme: Industrial And Commercial Bank of China Guangzhou Nansha Branch
Bank Address: No.3,Wangjiang 2nd street,Huangge Town,Nan Sha District,Guangzhou,China
Account No.:3602056935000004144
b. USD Account:
Account Name: Guangzhou Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd.
Bank Name: Industrial And Commercial Bank of China Guangzhou Nansha Branch
Bank Address: No.3,Wangjiang 2nd street,Huangge Town,Nan Sha District,Guangzhou,China
Account No.: 3602056929200307229
Bid Bond/Tender Guarantee is acceptablefrom oversea bidders (in form of SWIFT ONLY), find reference at .
Recipient Bank information:
Any bidders failing to remit the deposit asrequired will be deemed as invalid bidders. The USD deposit paid by the bidderwho wins the bidding (the “Winning Bidder”) will be used to pay for the priceof the Ship automatically, the final selling price shall refer to the MOA.For a domestic Winning Bidder, GSE shall provideassistance for currency purchase exchange(According to the bidding transaction on the day of The People's Bank ofChina RMB/US dollar exchange rate midpoint calculation), after the remittance offull amount of the final price (deposit deducted) is made to the account of GSEwithin 10 working days after signing the “Memorandum of Agreement”.Foran oversea winning bidder, Other bidders’ deposits will be refunded in fullamount within 10 working days without interest.
III. BiddingTime and Rules
Thefixed time bidding:16:00 to 16:30, March 19, 2019(Beijing time),the extension time bidding begins from 16:30.The last valid bidder shall be the “winning bidder”. The termination of this bidding come in to force when no bidder bids during thefixed time bidding.
This online bidding is organized at
by GSE. The first bid shallnot be lower than the starting price, the increment of this bidding is USD10,000.00.The countdown shall automatically accumulate 2 minutes based on the remainingtime when a bidder bids in the extension time bidding stage. At the end ofcountdown, the latest bidder who offers the highest price shall become theWinning Bidder.
Theserver time of is deemed asthe official time of this bidding. GSE and the Entrusting Party assume noresponsibility when reasons lead to the failure of bidders participating in thebidding due to personal time inconsistency, terminal device or network failure.
GSEand the Entrusting Party assume no responsibility when website anomaly andsuspension of bidding occurs due to force majeure or (and) the cause of thirdparty. GSE will release a supplement announcement for the suspension ofbidding. A new bidding announcement will be released after the website servicecomes back up.
Thisbidding is organized by GSE, Guangzhou Shipping Exchange is only responsiblefor the maintenance of the website system, both Guangzhou Shipping Exchange andthe Entrusting Party shall not be held liable for all commercial disputesarising from the bidding service.
V.GSE shall release the result of thisbidding at the bidding day. The Winning Bidder must sign the “PurchaseConfirmation” within the same day after the bidding. The Winning Bidder mustsign the “Memorandum of Agreement” with the Entrusting Party within 10 workingdays from the date of releasing the bidding result. In case of the WinningBidder refusing to sign the “Purchase Confirmation” and (or)“Memorandum ofAgreement” shall be deemed as the behavior of default, the Winning Bidder mustcompensate for the loss, assume legal liability and the deposit will not berefunded. GSE has the right to reorganize the bidding. In the case ofre-bidding, the original Winning Bidder shall pay the commission for the firstbidding. Should the price of a re-bidding be lower than the price of theoriginal bidding price, the original Winning Bidder shall pay for the balance.
VI. Commission
Agreedby the Entrusting Party, the Winning Bidder will pay the commission of thisbidding at 1% of the final price (subject to the final USD bidding price, thepayment must be made to GSE within 10 working days from the date of signing the“Purchase Confirmation”.
TheEntrusting Party must submit ship documents and pay the attestation charges ofthe ship to Guangzhou Shipping Exchange within 3 working days after thedelivery of the ship. Guangzhou Shipping Exchange will issue the shiptransaction invoice and the ship transaction certificate.
VII.Payment of Balance
The Winning Bidder must remit the fullamount of the ship price to the regulatory account designated by GSE within 7working days after signing the “Memorandum of Agreement”, overdue will bedeemed as default, the Winning Bidder shall not be entitled to demand therefund of the deposit.
VIII. Delivery of the Ship
The time limitation, place and condition ofdelivery will be issued in “Memorandum of Agreement” which is based on“Memorandum of Agreement Norwegian Sale Form 1993” (NSF’93),but excludingthe clause 6 – Dry Docking / Diver Inspcetion. After the delivery of the ship,receiving the PODA and the formal notice of remittance,GSE will remit the full amount of the shipwithout interest to the Entrusting Party’s account within 3 working days.
IX.TheEntrusting Party will not issue invoice of the ship and the remaining fuel. Alltaxes and fees arising from the transfer shall be borne by the Winning Bidder.The ship need to be imported in People's Republic of China, the Winning Bidderis responsible for the import procedures, all the expenses shall be borne bythe Winning Bidder. The Entrusting Party is only responsible for providingrelevant documents and cooperating with the procedures handling. Any penaltyand other expenses arising from the overdue of the import formalities will beat the Winning Bidder’s account.
X.Theremaining fuel ,and auxiliary equipment such as fenders,the oil hose , the nacelleand orther leased equipment(if any),are not included in this bidding. Auxiliaryequipment will be taken back bythe Entrusting Party before delivery of theship .The value of the remaining fuel is subject to the invoice amount of thelast time refueling of this ship. The Winning Bidder shall remit the value ofremaining fuel in full amount directly to the Entrusting Party's account on thedelivery day.
XI.Allexpenses and custodial responsibility related to the ship is for the EntrustingParty’s account before the signing of “Ship Delivery Agreement”. After signingthis “Ship Delivery Agreement”, all the expenses, custodial responsibility andrisks of the ship will be borne by the Winning Bidder. Before signing theagreement, the Winning Bidder must clear the full payment of the ship and otherrelated charges.
All description,video andpictures provided about the ship is for reference only, GSE does not constituteany guarantee for the ship.
The Entrusting Party sells this ship under existingcircumstances. A bidder remits deposit to GSE is deemed as fully understood allthe circumstances of the ship, including but not limited to certificates,status and all known and unknown defects of the ship. Bidders shall not demurto the quality and defects of the ship with any reason.
Obstructing other bidders from bidding, manipulatingor monopolize the bidding price and collusion of bidders are prohibited. Oncediscovered, the bidder will be disqualified, investigated, and affixed legalliabilities.
GSE, the Entrusting Party and the Winning Bidder maynegotiate matters not mentioned herein.
Thisannouncement is described in both Chinese and English. If any discrepancybetween the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.
XIII. Inspection
Inspection Time: (Beijing time)Febuary 1,2019—March18,2019
Contact: Capt Wisdom +65 98196716 (by appointment)
Mr. Zhou +8615918795024
Inspection and delivery location: At off TG Pelepas( Johor port limit ), Malaysia.
Mr. Zhou: +86 15918795024
Ms. Qin: +86 13802779424
Here by notice.
Guangzhou Shipping ExchangeCo., Ltd.
Febuary 1st ,2019