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[已结束招聘] 南通佳轩船务工程有限公司招聘电气工程师和质检员

发表于 2009-7-2 14:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏南通
We urgently require some electrical engineers Our requirements are as follows. 1. Electrical engineer (one person) Candidate should be able To look after all electrical activities To coordinate with CPL E & I inspectors. To coordinate electrical documentation in a proper manner To be well conversant with ABS rules To coordinate with all other departments of CPL atrucks group To liaise with sub contractors To be well conversant with ACAD, MS Office & all other relevant software for office use. To speak & write in English 2. Electrical inspectors (3 persons) Candidates should be able:- To do the inspection of all E&I work (should be an electrical engineer). To be well conversant with ABS rules To liaise with sub contractors To check & rectify the available electrical drawings & the E&I works. To speak & write in English To be well conversant with ACAD, MS Office & all other relevant software for office use. 请发送英文简历至ship-service@hotmail.com

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发表于 2009-7-16 08:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
fuck you 就是骗简历,骗个人信息的,头天投了简历,第二天就来了骗人的短信,我还纳闷呢,给我回email说是招满了。兄弟们,非常时期,谨慎啊!
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