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发表于 2017-1-10 11:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
本帖最后由 船舶新闻 于 2017-1-16 13:27 编辑

abandoned oil & gas  报废油气井  
abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力
above ground equipment  地面设备
abscissa    横坐标
absorbent formation 渗透地层
absorption well 漏失井
armoured cable 铠装电缆
accessory , accessories, accessary附件,辅助的
acceptance criteria 验收标准
acceptance of risks 承担风险
acceptance of the bid 中标
accident analysis 事故分析
accident free 无事故
accident potential 事故隐患
accident prevention 事故预防
acid fracturing 酸化压裂
acid job  酸化作业
acid-frac process 酸化压裂工艺
acid stimulation酸化增产
actual data 实测资料
actual data plot 实测曲线
actuating system 传动系统
assistant driller 副司钻
adapter substitute 转换接头,大小头
addendum 附录
additional well 补充井
adjacent well 邻井
adjustment well 调整井
adjust to zero 调零
adjuster sub  调整短节
adapter 适配器,接头
automatic fine tuning 自动微调
after-sale service 售后服务,后续服务         
after-treatment profile log 油井(增产)措施后生产剖面测井
hole azimuth 井斜方向
AL(acoustic logging)声波测井
acoustic amplitude log,amplitude log声幅测井
adjacent bed 围岩
apparent resistivity视电阻率
ACBL(acoustic cement bond log)声波水泥胶结测井
activation logging活化测井
ASC(after survey calibration)测后刻度
amplitude type cement bond log声幅水泥胶结测井
annular space log环空测井
array sonic tool阵列声波测井仪
acoustic wavetrain logging声波全波列测井
alemite gun 黄油枪 alligator wrench 活动管钳
alternator 交流发电机
A-mast  A形井架
amplifier 放大器
amplitude 振幅,声波幅度
analog cable signal 模拟电缆信号
anchor packer 卡瓦封隔器
annual survey 年检
annular blowout preventer环形防喷器
annular pressure 环空压力
annular pressure operated test valve环空压力控制测试阀
annular reversing valve环空加压反循环阀
annular space 环形空间
annular water detector环空找水仪
annular water injection反注,环空注入
annulus blow out 环空井喷
annulus completion fluid 环空完井液
annulus (flow)line 环空(出油)管
annulus fluid环空液体
annulus logging环空测试
annulus pack off环空封隔装置
annulus pressure firing system环空压力***
annulus pressure response tool  APR工具,(哈里伯顿)环空加压式测试阀
annulus sample catcher环空取样器
antiknock agent 防爆剂
API pup joint API标准油管短节
apparent wellbore radius有效井筒半径
appraisal well  评价井                  
aqueous saturation 含水饱和度  
APR(annulus pressure respondent)环空压力控制式测试工具
area operations superintendent 地区作业监督
armoured (electric) cable 铠装电缆            
artificial bottom hole 人工井底
artificial fracture  人造裂缝                  
artificial lift 机械采油
assessment of bids 评标
assessment well评价井
assistant driller  副司钻                       
assistant engineer助理工程师
associated gas 伴生气
assurance factor安全系数
atmospheric service常压作业
autocartograph 自动绘图仪
AVL(acoustic velocity log )声速测井
azimuth 井斜方位

bit 钻头,刀片                              
box 母扣,母接头
back flow反循环洗井
backup arm 推靠臂
backup copy 副本
bad earth 接地不良
bail 提环,提捞
back off 倒扣,解卡
bailing 提捞作业
bailing bucket 提捞筒
bar drop投棒
bar drop sub 投杆接头,撞击接头
barefoot completion 裸眼完井
barefoot interval 裸眼井段
barefoot well(bare hole)裸眼井
bar fishing 打捞点火棒
bar hydrostatic firing head 投棒压力***  
basement rock基岩
bastard connection 不合格的丝扣(接头)
bastard thread不合格的丝扣
behind completion date没有按期完工
bit diameter钻头直径
breakdown pressure 临界压力
bailed dry (把井)掏空
beam pumping unit 游梁式抽油机
beam well (深井泵)抽油井
bean up 放喷 bed of interest 目的层
belly band 安全带
bell nipple喇叭口短节
bottom hole fluid sampler井底流体取样器
bottom hole assembly 底部管柱结构
BHC(borehole compensated sonic log )井眼补偿声波测井
background radiation放射性本底植
banana plug香蕉插头
before calibration测前刻度
BHTV(borehole televiewer)井下(声波)电视
borehole fluid sampler井眼流体取样器         
bradenhead flange 井口法兰
bottom hole 井底,井下
big hole perforator大孔眼射孔器
borehole status井眼状况
bottom-hole pressure ,closed井底关井压力  
bottom-hole pressure,flowing井底流动压力
bottom-hole sample 井底取样,井下取样  
bottom hole sampler井底取样器
bid bond投标保证金,投标保证书
bidder 投标者
bidding documents投标文件,招标文件
bidding procedure 投标程序
bid opening开标
big-frac treatment(多层段)大型压裂
big repair大修
bill of materials材料清单
bit hook打捞工具
blank footage枪接头盲区
blank off 油层封住,封堵
blank tubing空油管,盲枪
blasting cap 起爆***
bleeding off pressure 放压
block and tackle arrangement起下用滑车系统  
block diagram方框图,结构图
blowing out井喷
blowing well自喷井
blowout capping 控制井喷
blowout hookup(井口)防喷装置
blowout preventer 防喷器
blank plug 丝堵,堵头
blowout-prevention equipment防喷设备
blowout-prevention procedure防喷措施
blue sky exploratory well预探井
back out(break out)卸开,松扣
bobtail packer裸眼井测试封隔器
bonding cable 接地电缆,地线
bore diameter孔径,井眼直径
bore frame井身结构
borehole correction井眼校正
borehole deviation井斜
borehole effect井眼效应
borehole face井壁
borehole log 测井曲线,录井图
borehole operation井下作业
borehole pressure井筒压力
borehole survey井下测量
borehole wall井壁
boring casing套管
boring tower井架
bottom hole turbine flowmeter井下涡轮流量计
bottom nose (下井仪)尾端,(射孔)枪尾
bottom-up firing枪尾***
box and pin公母接头
box coupling接箍
bridge plug桥塞
brake handle刹把
breakdown 故障,事故
break off pin type circulating sub断销式反循环阀
breaking out pipe卸扣
bridge plugging(打)桥塞封堵
bridge the hole (在井中)打桥塞
bring in a well完井投产
bring out production投产,进行开采
broken down 解堵
brought in well投产井
button switch按钮开关
bushing 套筒 basket 打捞篮,水泥伞
bottomed 下到井底
borehole televiewer井下电视
buffer减震器 build up压力恢复
bubble 气泡,水泡
bubble head泡泡头
bubble point pressure饱和压力
bucket rod抽油杆
buck up紧扣
build up of fluid液面恢复
build the pressure打压
build up of pressure压力恢复
bull dog wrench管钳
bullet gun射孔枪
bullet hole射孔孔眼
bumper spring 减震器弹簧
by-pass pipe旁通管

C&F (cost and freight)成本加运费价,到岸价
cement in place注水泥完毕
cable armour电缆外皮
cable bond(joint)电缆接头
cable conductor缆芯
cable configuration电缆规格
cable continuity电缆通断情况
cable core缆芯
cable drum(reel)电缆滚筒
cable duct 电缆槽
cable fishing tool顿钻打捞工具
cable formation test电缆地层测试
cable head电缆头
cable kinking电缆扭结
cable-laid rope钢丝绳
cable loop绳扣
cable oil电缆油
cable ringing电缆打结
cable slack电缆松弛
cable winch(work) 电缆绞车
co***act award date合同签定日期
calibrating jig刻度架
caliper logging井径测量
calling of bids招标
camp equipment野外作业设备
camp site施工现场
cap rock盖层
cap ***
capping bed,cap formation盖层
carbonate rock碳酸盐岩
cased hole套管井
cased hole completion 下套管完井
cased hole formation tester套管井地层测试器
case in 下套管
cased well下套管井
casing(case pipe)套管
casing/cementation report套管固井报告
casing cementing套管注水泥
casing collar(coupling) 套管接箍
CCL(casing collar locator) 套管接箍测井
casing grade套管钢级
casing gun 电缆输送套管射孔枪
casing head spool套管头四通
casingless completion 无套管完井
casing list 套管记录
casing over pressure套管加压,环空加压        
casing packer套管封隔器
casing perforation(套管)射孔
casing perforation operator射孔作业工
casing perforation service射孔作业
casing perforation tool射孔器材
casing perforation type射孔方式
casing point下套管深度
casing program套管程序
casing setting depth套管下入深度
casing shoe套管鞋
casing top spacing套补距
casing-tubing annulus油套环空
casing wear套管损坏
caution sign警告标志
core barrel取芯筒
CBL(cement bond logging)水泥胶结测井
carbon/oxygen logging碳氧比测井
carbon/oxygen spectral logging 碳氧比能谱测井
casing caliper log 套管内径测井
casing inspection log套管探伤测井
CBIL(circumferential borehole imaging logging system)环形井眼成象测井系统
CET(cement evaluation tool)水泥评价测井  
channelling detection找窜
check shots检验地震测井
completion date 完井日期
cellar connection(钻井)井口装置
cemented to水泥返至
cementing documentation固井设计
cementing truck水泥车
cement job quality固井质量
cement sheath水泥环
cement squeeze挤水泥
cement top水泥返高
centering device扶正器
casing fluid level套管液面深度
change over变扣接头
change over sub大小头
charge penetration射孔弹穿透深度
charge strip(射孔)弹架
charge type(射孔)弹型
chief operator主操
Chinese side中方
christmas tree采油树
christmas tree gauge井口压力表
co***act item合同条款
casing inside diameter套管内径
cement in place固井作业结束
closed-in pressure关井压力  
circuit tester万用表
clay  粘土
caliper log井径测井
claim 索赔
claim for breaking an agreement 违约赔偿
claim for payment 要求付款
claim indemnity索赔
claim rejection拒赔 claystone粘土岩,泥岩
clean out (清砂、清蜡)修井                 
clean-out of well 洗井
clean-out operation(service)洗井作业         
clean-out report修井报告
clear working place安全工作区 clip绳卡
closed-in well关闭井,停产井
closed-in casing pressure关井套管压力
closed-in tubing pressure关井油管压力
coarse adjustment(co***ol)粗调               
coarse -thread joint 粗扣接头
change of co***act合同变更
casing outside diameter套管外径
coiled rod 连续抽油杆
coiled tubing连续油管,小油管
coiled tubing service连续油管作业
coiled tubing unit连续油管作业机
coiled tubing operation小油管作业
collared hole下了表层套管的井
combination collar(coupling)转换接箍
combination tool组合下井仪
commercial accumulation(deposit)有开采价值的油气藏
commercial bed有开采价值的油气层
commercial field有开采价值的油气田
commingling production多层合采
commissioning trial试用投产
communication between zones窜层
compensated density log补偿密度测井
CDNT(compensated density-neutron tool)补偿地层密度中子测井仪
compensated formation densilog补偿地层密度测井
CNL(compensated neutron log)补偿中子测井
compensated sonic log补偿声波测井
conductivity log电导率测井
completion damage完井污染
completion date完井日期
completion evaluation完井评价
completion fluid完井液
completion operation 完井作业
completion perforating完井射孔
completion well test完井测试
completion factor完井指数
completion interval完井层段
completion string完井管柱
condensate field凝析气田
condensate pool凝析油藏
condensate well凝析油气井
conductor line 导线
conductor wire缆芯线
connection end接头
consent 插座 console面板
constant maintenance定期保养
consumable material消耗材料
consumable accessories耗损件
contact probe探头
contact sonde(井下仪器的)探头
container horizon(rock)含油层,储集层
continental shelf大陆架
contingency plan(procedures)应急措施
co***act area合同区
co***act award date 合同签定日期
co***act duration合同期限
co***acted block合同区
co***acted construction承包施工
co***act life合同有效期限
co***act item合同条款
co***ibuting zone生产层
co***ol fluid压井液
co***olled directional well定向井
co***ol of well kick and blowout井涌井喷控制
co***ol panel remote遥控面板
conventional DST常规地层测试
conventional gun普通射孔器
conventional operation常规作业
conventional overbalanced perforating 常规正压射孔  
conventional pumping unit普通抽油机
conventional well常规井
conventional workover rig常规修井作业
core barrel岩心筒
core bit取心钻头
CST(core sample taker)井壁取心器
cored well取心井
coupled tubing油管立柱
coupling tubing connection油管接箍连接  
cement plu***泥塞
casing pressure-closed关井套压
casing pressure-flowing开井套压
combination production logging组合测井         
crystal quartz gauge石英晶体压力
crown block天车
crooked stem 弯曲的管柱
cross over短节,变扣接头
cross over circulation 反循环
cross over sub(joint)变扣接头,转换接头
crowbar  撬杠                              
crown platform天车平台
CST(chronological sample taker,chronological sidewall core tool)井壁取心器
complete trip in hole 完成(仪器)下井作业
cable telemetry system电缆遥测系统
cable transmission system电缆传输系统
current maintenance 日常维修
cushion 液垫,测试垫
cut-off date截止日期

drilling and production platform钻井采油平台
drift angle(定向井)倾角
data acquisition equipment数据采集装置
daily capacity(output,production,rate)日产量
daily servicing日常维护
damaged formation受污染地层
damaged well污染井
damaged well productivity污染井产能
damaged zone污染带
damaged factor污染系数
damage skin 损害表皮
damping spring减震弹簧
data readback数据回放
day to day operation日常业务
drill collar钻铤
dead time 停工时间
dead well停产井
dead work  准备工作,非生产性工作         
decenter 偏心
dece***alized casing 偏心套管                 
dece***alized gun偏心射孔器
dece***alized wellhead偏心井口
dece***alizing device偏心装置
decline factor递减系数
decline rate 递减速度
decline exponent递减系数
deep penetrating gun深穿透射孔枪
deep penetration charge 深穿透射孔弹
deep penetrator深井射孔弹
ILD(deep induction log),deep investigation induction log深感应测井
LLD(deep laterolog)深侧向测井            
depth mark of cable电缆深度记号
Dewar flask,Dewar thermos bottle测井保温瓶
default clause违约条款
defective casing/liner cementation固井不合格
defective insulation绝缘不良
deficient well低效井
deflected hole(well)斜井,定向井            
degree of damage污染程度
degree of dip倾角
degree of reserve recovery采出程度
degree of saturation饱和度
dehydrated crude脱水原油
delivery point供应点
demobilization cost遣散费
demonstrated reserves探明储量
demurrage charge(fee)延迟费
density log密度测井
depleted field枯竭油田
depleted oil sand枯竭油层
depth in下入深度
depreciation charge折旧费
depth correction校深
depth discrepancy深度误差
depth of bottom hole measurement井底测量深度,测量仪器下入深度
depth of plunger泵挂深度
depth of setting下入深度
depth out 起出深度
depth sounding测液面深度
derrick apples井架落物
derrick floor钻台
derrick guy(wire)井架绷绳
derrick lowering放倒井架
derrick raising立井架
desanding device除砂装置
description of reservoir油藏描述
design pressure 设计压力
desired flow rate 预期产量
desired location 预定位置
desired setting position预定坐封位置
detail design施工设计
detailed rules and regulations细则
detail specifications详细说明书
detecting head 探头,探针
detention time 停留时间
determining depth of fluid探测液面深度
detonating cord***
detonator ***
development program开发方案
development well开发井
deviated hole(well)斜井,定向井  
direct hydrocarbon indication直接油气显示
down hole power supply井下供电
DAL(digital acoustic log)数字阵列声波
difference between reservoir pressure and injection pressure 注水压差
differential pressure压差  
differential pressure firing head压差***
digital multimeter数字万用表
digital integrated circuit数字集成电路
DCBIL(digitally circumferential borehole imaging log)数字井周成像
diminishing pressure递减压力
diphasic flow 双相流动
diplog tool-4 arm四臂地层倾角测井仪
dipmeter地层倾角测井仪 dip倾角
DDL(direct digital logging)数控测井
distance of “zone”mark零长
dipping rod量油杆
dipping tub量油管
direct-current generator直流发电机
direct flushing正循环洗井
direct grounding直接接地
directional drilling定向钻井
directives for construction施工指令
director general 总裁,总监
disabling accident严重伤害事故
displaced well生产井
disruptive test击穿实验,耐压实验
distance between wells井距
distance between rotary table and wellhead联入
distance between tubing and bushing油补距
distance measurement遥测
distance of zero mark零长
distillate field凝析气田
division 刻度,分公司
dividing range (油水,油气)分界面
depth logger测井深度
dual lower casing 下部双层套管
DDL(dual laterolog)双侧向测井
dual induction focused log双感应聚焦测井
dual induction-laterolog双感应—侧向测井
dual induction-laterolog 8双感应—八侧向测井
DIL(dual induction log)双感应测井
dual laterolog-microspherically focused log双感应—微球形聚焦测井
dual-spaced density log双源距密度测井
DSN(dual-spaced neutron log)双源距中子测井
dual-spacing thermal decay time log双源距中子寿命测井
dual lower tubing下部双层油管
drilling mud钻井液
depth offset深度补偿
drilled out钻出,钻碎(水泥塞)
date of availability有效期限
drilling-out cement(plug)钻水泥塞
drilling-out depth钻水泥塞深度
dog house井口值班房
double O-ring seal双O形圈密封
double drum drawworks(hoist),double drum rope winch双滚筒绞车
dog shift夜班
double-shift work两班倒
downflow well注水井
downhole blow-out preventer井下防喷器
downhole calibration井下标定,现场调试   
downhole completion equipment井下完井装置
down hole completion fluid 井下完井液
down hole equipment井下工具
downhole instrument,downhole probe,
downhole tool下井仪器
downhole operation井下作业                  
downhole instrument cable井下电缆
down hole sampling井底取样
downhole string井下管柱
downhole television井下电视
downhole testing井下测试
downhole test string井下测试管柱  
downhole water flow regulator井下配水器
downhole test tool,downhole well test equipment井下测试工具
downhole remedial operation井下大修作业,修井作业
down hole tools installation井下工具连接
down setting packer stroke封隔器坐封下滑距离  
down time(downtime)停工时间               
draft agreement协议草案                     
draft co***act合同草本
drawworks unit绞车
drillable bridge plug可钻式桥塞
drift diameter gauge,drift size gauge tool通井规
drillable packer可钻式封隔器
drill collar stand钻铤立柱
drilled proved reserves钻井探明储量
driller's log 司钻记录,钻井记录
drilling completion program钻井完井方案
drilling crew 钻井队
drilling foreman钻井队长
drilling induced damage钻井引起的损害
drilling returns钻井返出流体
drilling rig,drill unit钻机
drilling supervisor钻井监督
drill pipe frozen卡钻
DST(drill stem test)钻杆测试
drowned well水淹井
drum spool绞车滚筒
dry well干井
dry pipe空油管
daily service report日报
DST interval(地层)测试井段
DST personnel测试人员
DST/TCP(drillstem test/tubing conveyed perforating)油管传输射孔与地层测射联作
DST string(地层)测试管串
DSTT(drillstem test tool)中途测试工具,地层测试器
duration of test测试周期
duration of the co***act合同期限
duty cycle作业周期
dynamic log动态测井,生产测井
early field life 油田开发初期
earth bar接地棒
earthing wire地线
ecce***ic annulus偏心环空
ecce***ic injection mandrel偏心配水器
edge water flood边缘注水
edge water incursion边水侵入
edge well边缘井
evacuation,escape and rescue   人员撤离,逃生和救护
engineering flow diagram工艺流程图
effluent pressure井口流体压力
egress pressure出口压力
external-internal upset内外加厚的(管子)
electrical logging电测
electrical detonator电***
electrical line unit电缆试井装置
electric line operation电缆作业
electric line set packer电缆坐封封隔器
electric monoconductor单芯电缆
electric wireline unit operation电缆绞车操作
EL(electric log)电法测井
ES(electric survey)电法勘探
electrode pad电极极板
electromagnetic flowmeter电磁流量计
electronic cartridge电子线路短节
elevator plug提升短节 elevator吊卡
emergency decree  安全技术规程
emergency measures应急措施
emergency escape应急出口
emergency shutdown紧急关井,紧急停工
employment co***act雇用合同
employment dismissal解雇
endless tubing连续油管
enhanced oil recovery强化采油,提高采收率
enhanced recovery scheme强化采油方案
enhanced water injection强化注水
environmental pollution环境污染
environmental conservation环境保护
environmental regulations环保规定
end of date截止日期
equipment component list设备元件明细表     
equipment list设备清单
equipment maintenance设备维修保养
equipment malfunction设备故障
equipment operating instructions设备操作说明   
equipment out设备发运
equipment specification manual设备技术手册
erected cost安装费用
erection of derrick立井架
erection schedule安装进程
error band误差范围
error correction误差校正
estimated reserves控制储量
external upset外加厚
evaluation criterion评价标准
evaluation of bid评标
evaluation reservoir油藏评价
evaluation well评价井
exploration well探井
examination and acception验收
exceptional well特殊井
excessive load超载
excessive pressure超压
executive cost施工费用
exhibit 展示,附加条款
expanded packer膨胀式封隔器
expected reserves预计储量
expendable gun一次性射孔器
expendable plug一次性桥塞
expiration of the co***act合同期满
expendable through-tubing perforator一次性过油管射孔器
exploitable reserve可采储量
exploitation plan开采方案
exploitation velocity开采速度
exploitation well开发井
exploitation drilling 勘探钻井
exploratory well探井
exploitation of oil and gas field油气田勘探
exploitation targets勘探目的层
explored reserves探明储量
explosive charge射孔弹,***
explosive deterioration***失效
extension coupling加长短节
extension mechanical firing head机械点火头
extension well扩边井
extent of formation damage地层损害程度
external thread 公扣
external upset tubing外加厚油管
extra security额外保险
extreme over balance超正压(射孔)
eye diameter孔眼直径
first aid 急救face of the wellbore井壁
facsimile传真 factor of porosity孔隙度
factor of saturation 饱和度
failure-free operation正常运行,安全操作
fault block断块
fault block hydrocarbon reservoir断块油藏
faulty operation误操作
flowing casing pressure 开井时套压
FBS(full-bore spinner flowmeter)全径涡轮流量计
fracture conductivity裂缝导流能力
fire co***ol equipment消防设备
FDL(fluid density log)流体密度测井
FDT(fluid density tool)流体密度测井仪        
flushed zone冲洗带
FIL(fluid identification log)流体识别测井,含水率测井
flow diagram 流程图
field development plan油田开发方案
feasibility study可行性研究
formation evaluation measurement-while-drilling随钻测试与地层评价
formation evaluation while drilling随钻地层评价
formation fluid sampler地层流体取样器         
formation fluid test地层流体测试
field acquisition现场采集
field adjustment现场调试
field analysis现场解释
field conduct现场实施
field connection现场连接
field environment野外条件
field lighting工地照明
field job design现场作业设计
field maintenance现场维护
field office值班室
field operation现场作业
field process现场施工
field record(notes)现场记录
field staff现场施工人员
field situation油气田位置
field type facility现场设施
field well生产井
field work野外作业
FIL(fracture identification log)裂缝识别测井
filling in well加密井
final work收尾工作
find bottom探井底
fine adjustment,fine turning微调
finish barefooted裸眼完井
finishing drilling完钻
fire escape,fire exit安全出口
fire extinction灭火
fire foam producing machine泡沫灭火器
fire protection防火
firing head点火装置
firing pin点火撞针
first aid急救
first-hand information第一手资料
first party甲方
fishing 打捞                                
fishing basket打捞篮
fishing job(operation)打捞作业              
fishing tool打捞工具
fishing grab打捞爪
fishing rod打捞棒
fishing service打捞作业队
fishing up打捞出
fissure 裂缝
fissured formation裂缝性地层
fissured oil field裂缝性油田
fissured reservoir裂缝性油气藏
fissure fault裂缝断层
fixed pulley定滑轮
flame damper(snuffer)灭火器
flame igniter点火装置
flank water drive边水驱动
flank waterflooding边缘注水
flank well油田边缘井
flare opening喇叭口
flexible connection揉性连接
flood development注水开发
flood effectiveness注水效果
flooding network注采井网
flooding well network注水井网
flow capacity地层系数,产能系数
flow head井口装置,测试井口
flow column油管柱
flowing bean(nipple)油嘴
flowing tubing pressure开井油压
flowing well自喷井
flow rate log流量测井
flow well开井测试,开井放喷
fluid column cushion测试液垫,水垫
fluid column pressure液柱压力
fluid level液面深度
flush collar平口接箍
flushing fluid洗井液,钻井液
field operation handbook,field operating manual现场操作手册
force outage事故停机
foreign side外方
formation caving井壁坍塌
formation contaminant地层污染
formation evaluation地层评价
formation fluid pressure地层流体压力           
formation fluid sampling地层流体取样
formation fracturing 地层压裂
formation of interest目的层
formation sand flow地层出砂
formation solid co***ol防砂
formation stimulation油层增产措施
formation tester地层测试器
FAL(formation - analysis log)地层分析测井
FDC(formation density compensated)补偿地层密度测井仪
formation density log地层密度测井
FDT(formation density tool)地层密度测井仪
formation to be tested测试层段,测试井段
formation water resistivity地层水电阻率
formation water salinity地层水矿化度  
fountain well自喷井
four-arm caliper四臂井径仪
four-way piece四通
fire plug消防栓
formation pressure gradient地层压力梯度
fracture fluid 压裂液   
fracture job压裂作业
fracture acidizing压裂酸化
fractured hydrocarbon reservoir裂缝油藏
fractured distribution裂缝分布
fractured well裂缝井,压裂井
fracture fluid压裂液
fracture permeability裂缝渗透率
fracture porosity裂缝孔隙度
FIL(fracture identification log)裂缝识别测井  
fracture log裂缝测井
fracturing technology压裂工艺
fracturing tool压裂工具
fracturing truck(unit)压裂车
freeze in卡钻,卡死
full bore(flow,opening,port)全通径
fullbore tool全通径工具
Geiger counter盖革计数管                    
gas condensate凝析油,凝析气
gamma ray spectrum log 自然伽马能谱测井
gas condensate field 凝析气田
gas condensate reservoir凝析油储量
gas condensate well凝析气井
gaseous well气井
gas injection(input)well注气井
gas lift气举
gas lift equipment气举设备
gas lift installation气举装置
gas lift production气举采油
gas lift string气举管柱
gas lift well气举井
gas mask防毒面具
gas/oil horizon(interface,surface)油气界面
gas-oil separation油气分离
gas prospecting天然气勘探
gauge cock压力表
gauge reading仪表读数
gauge ring通井规,通径规
gauging nipple测量短节
gun azimuth射孔枪方位
ground equipment地面设备
general purpose常用的,通用的
general safety hazard一般事故
general sketch(drawing)示意图
geological base map井位图
geological exploration地质勘探
geological information地质资料
geologic anomaly地质异常
geologic condition地质条件
geologic description地质描述
geologic feature地质特征
geologic framework(structure)地质构造
geologic interpretation地质解释
geologic profile(section)地质剖面
geologic reserve地质储量
geologic trap地质圈闭
geophysical exploration地球物理勘探
geopressured well高压井
geophysical prospecting,geophysical survey地球物理勘探,物探
general field engineer现场总工程师
go in the hole下入井内
go dead(油气井)停止自喷
gun offset射孔枪偏位
go fishing 进行打捞
general operating specification一般操作规程
gun perforation射孔
gun perforator射孔枪
gradient survey梯度测量
gradient sonde梯度电极系
grand slam大满贯测井解释方法
gravity logging重力测井
graph plotter绘图仪  
graveyard shift夜班
grease gun黄油枪  
grease oil润滑油
gamma ray log自然伽马测井
gross record原始记录
gross thickness总厚度
ground protection接地保护
ground support aquipment地面辅助设备  
good show of oil and gas油气显示良好
guard electrode logging屏蔽电极测井,聚焦电阻率测井,侧向测井
gun carrier弹架,枪身
gun perforated casing 射孔套管
gun perforated completion射孔完井
gun positioning射孔器定位
gun stand-off枪身扶正
gun system射孔设备
gusher well自喷井,失控井

Halliburton turbine(flow)meter哈里伯顿涡轮流量计
hard-boiled hat,hard hat,hardhat helmet安全帽
hard disk硬盘
handling sub提升短节
hazard identification危险标志
hazardous area(location)危险区域
hazardous operation有害作业
hazardous situation report事故报告
hazardous substance有害物质
horizontal displacement水平位移
head space间距,安全距离
head well puller修井队长  
heavy crude oil,heavy oil重油,稠油
heavy oil recovery稠油开采
heavy weight tubing加厚油管
heavy weight drilling pipe加厚钻杆
HEGF(high energy gas fracturing)高能气体压裂
helical shot pattern螺旋布孔格式
hermetic seal,hermetization密封
high definition,high resolution高分辨率
high density pattern perforation高孔密射孔
high-inclination well,high-deviated well,high angle deviated hole大斜度井
high pressure gas well高压气井
high productivity well,high rate producing well高产井
HDT(high-resolution dipmeter tool)高分辨率地层倾角仪
HDIL(high definition induction logging)高分辨率阵列感应
high risk industry高危险行业
high service高技术服务
high-temperature service高温作业
high water-cut layer高含水油层
high-water-cut oil-producing well高含水产油井
high-water-cut producer高含水油井
high water-cut stage(油田)高含水期
high water-cut well高含水井
high wax content oil高含蜡原油
historical well analysis老井分析
hydraulically operated equipment液压驱动设备
hole anomaly井眼不规则
hole blow井喷
hole caliper井径仪
hole cleaning井眼清洗
hole condition井眼条件
hole deflection(deviation)井斜
hole gauge通井规
hole section井段
hole pattern井网
hole spacing井距
hole structure井身结构
hole toe 井底
hole top井口
hollow carrier射孔器枪身
hollow carrier gun有枪身射孔器
hook wrench钩头扳手
hoot-owl shift(tour)大夜班
horizontal deviation水平位移
horizontal drainhole,horizontal well 水平井   
horizontal hole section水平井段
horizontal well test水平井测试
horizontal drilling水平钻井
hot work operational guideline火工作业操作规程
hot work permitting procedure火工许可程序
high pressure high temperature well test高温高压井测试
hookwall packer卡瓦封隔器
hydra-cushion shock tool液压减震工具
hydraulically-powered winch液压绞车
hydrocarbon release油气泄漏  
hydrocarbon resources油气资源
hydrocarbon show油气显示
hydrocarbon trap油气圈闭

inspection & acceptance record验收记录  
initial depth起始深度
idle cost停工损失
idle equipment(unit)闲置设备
instrument engineer仪修工程师               
ignition voltage点火电压   
induction electrical log,induction electrical survey,induction log感应测井
immediate vicinity of wellbore近井地带
invitation for bid招标
igneous rock火成岩
igniter system,ignition system点火系统,点火装置
impact damper减震器
imperfect earth接地不良
impermeable rock不渗透岩石
improvised installation临时设施
inclination drilling定向钻井
incorporated company股份有限公司
increment tax增值税
index bed标准层
index well基准井
indication of oil and gas油气显示
indirect cost间接损失
indirect flushing反循环洗井
individual-well producing rate单井产量         
IGRS(induced gamma ray spectralog)感应伽马能谱测井
IL(induction log)感应测井
industrial accident生产事故
industrial reserves可采储量
infill drilling加密钻井
infiller,infill well加密井
infill wellsite加密井位
infinite-acting decline自然递减
inflatable packer膨胀式封隔器
in-hole fluid井内液体  
initial fluid column cushion测试液垫
injection into an aquifer边外注水
injection into an oil zone边内注水
injection life注水期
injection-production pattern注采井网
injection-production strategy注采方案
injection profile,injectivity profile,input profile,intake profile吸水剖面
injection well注水井
in one trip一次下井
inside drill侧钻
installation charge安装费用
installation cost安装成本
installation phase施工阶段
instruction book说明书
instrument cab仪器车
instrument cable仪器电缆
insurance amount保险金额
insurance cheater安全带
insurance claim保险索赔
insurance clause保险条款
insurance expense保险费
insurance indemnity保险赔偿
integral joint casing无接箍套管
integrated development program of oil field油田开发总体规划
integrated exploration综合勘探
intended interval目的层段
intercalated bed目的层
interborehole measurement井间测量
interfacial tension表面张力
interference of wells井间干扰
interfering signal干扰信号
intermediate belt过度带
intermediate casing技术套管
intermediate layer夹层
intermediate head中间接头
international arbitration国际仲裁
international conventions国际惯例
interpretation method解释方法
interpretation software解释软件
interpretation workstation解释工作站
interspaced well加密井
interstitial-oil saturation残余油饱和度
interval of interest目的层段
interwell tracer test井间示踪剂测试
in triplicate一式三份
invaded zone(area)侵入带
invalid contract无效合同
inverse water injection反注,环空注入
invitation for bid招标
invitation for tender招标
invitation to bid招标
invoice of withdrawals领料单
initial oil in place原油地质储量
ipso jure termination of a contract依法终止合同
Irish touchstone玄武岩
index of performance性能指标
isolated test分层测试
isolation of individual zones分层,封层
issue voucher发货单
instruction to proceed操作规程
injection-withdrawal ratio注采比

jack rabbit通径规
jack well抽油井
jagged hole有毛刺(射孔)孔眼
junk catcher打捞爪
job description 作业说明
job document作业资料
jet charge 聚能射孔弹
jet flow射流
jet gun聚能射孔器
jet perforating聚能射孔
jet perforator 聚能射孔器                     
jet perforator penetration聚能射孔穿透深度
junk joint打捞接头
job design施工设计
job execution作业施工
job location(site)施工现场
job management作业管理
job note工作单
job order派工单
job planning作业规划
job preparation施工准备
job specifications施工规范,操作规程
job specific questionnaire作业特别要求
job title职称
joint bidding 联合投标
joint capital,joint investment合资
joint length单根长度
joint operation联合作业
joint venture 合资经营
junk basket打捞篮

keep out切勿入内
KB(kelly bushings)补心高度
key post关键岗位
key project关键项目
key sample标准样品
kick-killing,kill,kill well压井
kill fluid(mud)压井液
kill job(operation)压井作业
kind of DST(drillstem test)地层测试类型
kink 打结,扭结

letter of advice通知单
letter of authoyity授权书
lab house值班房
labour contract劳务合同
labour cost劳务费用
labour distribution chart工人出勤表
labour insurance劳动保险
ladder belt安全带
landing depth下入深度
landing nipple定位短节,提升短节
landing string下井管柱
land operation陆上作业
large producer高产井
laser-beam plotter激光绘图仪
laser printer激光打印机
last casing完井套管
lateral axis横坐标
lateral core 井壁取心                        
lateral drilling 水平钻井,侧向钻井
lateral segment水平井段
lateral well水平井,侧钻井
lead pig铅罐
lay tongs管钳
lost circulation洗井液漏失,井漏
LDL(litho-density log) leakage漏失
leak detection检漏,查漏
lease rent租赁费
lease term租赁期
leasing of equipment设备出租
legal person法人
legal personality法人资格
legitimate right合法权利
length overall总长
less permeable layer低渗透层
less waxy crude低含蜡原油
letter of guarantee担保书
letter of intent意向书
letter of introduction介绍信
level 1 maintenance一级维修保养
liability for breach of contract违约责任
liability of damage损坏赔偿责任
lift sub(nipple)提升短节
limitation of liability责任范围
liquid nitrogen液氮
lined-cavity charge聚能射孔弹
line the hole下套管
liquid damping液压减震器
liquid level test液面测试
liquefied petroleum gas液化石油气
lithic fragment  岩屑                        
lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir岩性油气藏
laterolog deep深侧向测井
laterolog shallow浅侧向测井
LDL(litho-density log)岩性密度测井
litho-porosity log岩性孔隙度测井
little slam小满贯测井法
LSS(long-spaced sonic log)长源距声波测井
log measured from测井起始深度
logging cabin测井房,录井房
logging cable测井电缆
logging gauge测井仪
logging interval测井井段
logging-while-drilling tool随钻测井仪
logging interpretation测井解释
long horizontal traverse well,high-angle deviated well大斜度井
look for bottom探井底
loosen a connection松扣
loss of gauge不合标准,不合规格
loss of well control井失控
lost item(井底)落物
lower sheave地滑轮
low productivity well低产井
low-water-cut well低含水井
letter report书面报告
lump sum contract总包合同
lump sum fee 一揽子费用
lump work包干作业
logging while drilling随钻测井

multi-arm caliper多臂井径仪
maiden field未开发的油气田
main layer主力油层
main office总公司
main producing horizon主力生产层
maintenance center维修基地
maintenance cost维修费用
maintenance crew维修队
maintenance gang维修班
maintenance man维修工
maintenance manual维修手册
maintenance overhaul日常维修
maintenance report维修保养记录
maintenance supply维修器材
major overhaul 大修
major reservoir主力油层
major terms常用术语
make a pull起钻
make a trip起下钻
male thread公扣
male and female joint公母扣接头
man –made fracture人造裂缝
man-made recovery人工开采
manual of operations操作手册
magnetic mark磁记号
maximum allowable operating pressure最大允许工作压力
marginal field边缘油田
marginal flood边缘注水
marine drilling platform海上钻井平台
marine operation海上作业
marine petroleum exploitation海上石油开采
master map原始资料图
master plan总体规划
maturing field老油田
maximum deviation最大井斜
maximum design pressure最高设计压力
maximum flow(rate)最大流量
maximum penetration最大穿透深度
maximum wellhead pressure最高井口压力
measurement depth实测井深
measured error测量误差
measured signal被测信号
measured value实测值
measurement precision测量精度
measurement range 测量范围
measurement well测试井
MWD(measurements while drilling)随钻测井   
MSFL(microspherically focused log)微球形聚焦测井
mechanical fault(failure)机械故障
mechanical performance机械性能
mechanical work机械作业
micro-resistivity log微电阻率测井
ministerial standard部颁标准
moving in pulling unit起油管作业机运进井场
moving in rig钻机运进井场
miscible phase混相
moving in service rig修井机运进井场
moving in tools仪器设备运进井场
magnetic mark depth磁记号深度
money order汇票
MOA(memorandum of agreement)协议备忘录  
mobile drilling rig车载钻机
mobile house 活动房
mobile operation流动作业
mobilization and demobilization fees动复员费
mobilization charge动员费
model contract标准合同
model machine样机
model number型号
moving out equipment设备运出井场
modern perforating practice现代射孔技术
monitor well监测井
monocable,monoconductor,monoconductor cable,monoconductor line单芯电缆
monkey wrench管钳,活动扳手
monthly report月报
morning shift早班
mothballed plant封存装置
movable pulley动滑轮
maintenance prevention安全设施
master repair schedule大修日程安排
margin of safety安全系数
material specifications材料规格
maximum surface pressure最高井口压力
minimum shooting interval最小射孔井段
mud cake泥饼
mud damage泥浆对地层的损害
mud filtrate泥浆滤液
mud fluid泥浆
mud logging泥浆录井                     
mud lubrication泥浆压井
mud pit泥浆池
mud socket捞砂筒
mud resistivity log 泥浆电阻率测井            
multi-cable,multi conductor ,multicore cable多芯电缆
multiple completion多层完井
multiple fracturing多次压裂
multiple runs多次起下作业
multizone –flooding多层注水
multizone reservoir多层油气藏
multi-finger caliper多臂井径仪
XMAC(multipole array acoustic log)数字交叉偶极子阵列声波

native pressure原始地层压力
natural completion 正常完井
natural decline(depletion)自然递减
natural gamma ray log自然伽马测井
NGS(natural gamma ray spectrometry log) 自然伽马能谱测井
natural potential自然电位 natural production decline 产量自然递减
neutron –gamma spectrum logging 中子伽马能谱测井
NLL(neutron-lifetime logging)中子寿命测井
neutron tub中子管
NML(nuclear magnetism log)核磁测井
NMRI(nuclear magnetic resonance imaging)核磁共振成象
nuclear magnetic resonance log核磁共振测井
numerical control数控
no cost item无价值项目
non-conventional well非常规井
nipple-down tree拆卸井口装置
near-surface layer表层
negative pressure perforation负压射孔
near gauge hole井径规则的井
near wellbore formation damage近井地层损害
negotiated bidding协商招标
negotiated price协商价格
negotiation of contract terms合同条款的协商
net cost成本价
net porosity有效孔隙度
night operation 夜间作业
night shift夜班
nitrogen cushion氮气垫
nitrogen displacement替氮
nitrogen service液氮作业
notice of change更改通知单
no-go guide扶正套
nominal power额定功率
nominal voltage额定电压
non-commercial pool无开采价值的油藏
non-damaging drilling无损害钻井
non-essential stipulation非主要条款
non-fractured reservoir非裂缝性油藏
nonoperator party非作业方
non-paraffinous oil不含蜡石油
nonpay zone非产油层
non-perforated interval非射孔井段
nonproducing reserves未动用储量      
nonproductive petroleum reservoir无开采价值的油藏
non-recurring repair临时修理
nonreusable gun一次性射孔枪
non-routine procedure非常规方法
non-routine sampling非常规取样
nonupset tubing平式油管
normal inspection正常检查
normal maintenance日常维修
normal production test常规生产测试            
none run未下井,未测
near surface completion表层测井
normal shutdown正常停产
no show oil and gas无油气显示
nipple up tree安装采油树
nipple up wellhead安装井口

occupational injury工伤
oil base mud油基泥浆
objective interval目的层段
overall development program总体开发方案
off-angle drilling钻斜井
office operation室内作业
official copy正本
off-job accident岗位外事故
offset data 邻井资料                        
offset information对比资料
offsetting injector(与生产井)对应的注水井
offsetting well补偿井,邻井
offshore activities(operation)海上作业
offshore boring 近海钻探
offshore completion海上完井
offshore drilling海上钻井
offshore drilling platform海上钻井平台
offset log补测的测井曲线
offshore shelf近海大陆架
offshore oil exploration海上石油勘探
offsite surveillance现场外监督
off-take rate开采速度
off-take well 生产井
oil and gas bearing basin含油盆地
oil-gas contact油气界面
OH&S(Occupational Health and Safety)职业健康与安全
operation instructions操作说明书
oil initially in place原始石油地质储量
oil gas accumulation油气聚集
oil-base drilling fluid油基钻井液
oil-bearing basin含油盆地
oil-bearing block含油区块
oil-bearing horizon(zone)含油层
oil-bearing reservoir储油层
oil-bearing sand含油砂岩
oil-bearing structure含油构造
oil column thickness含油层厚度
oil damper液压减震器
oil detection石油勘查
oil-displacement mechanism驱油机理
oilfield experience现场经验
oil field production capacity油田产能
oil-filled cable oil电缆绝缘油
oil finder石油勘探工作者
oil-gas-water three-phase separator油气水三相分离器
oil recovery technique采油工艺
oil reservoir engineering油藏工程
oil potential潜在储量
oil producing region采油区
oil property原油性质
oil productivity index采油指数
oil saturation含油饱和度
oil seepage油苗
oil shale油页岩
oil ship油轮
oil source rock生油岩
oil truck油罐车
oil viscosity油的粘度
oil well casing油井套管
oil well paraffin removal equipment油井清蜡设备
oil well performance data 油井动态资料
oil well pump抽油泵
oil well testing油井测试
offshore installation manager平台经理
old-well deeper drilling老井加深钻井
old well worked over老井大修
one trip run起下一次管柱作业
on-site calibration现场调试
on-site interpretation现场解释
on-site maintenance现场维修
on-site validation现场验收
on-stream maintenance不停工维修
on-the-job training在职培训
on-the-job accident操作事故
open bidding公开招标
open fire明火
open-flange flow cross法兰四通
open-front tower  A形井架
open hole bridge plug裸眼桥塞
open hole caliper井径仪
open hole completion裸眼完井
open hole DST,open hole test裸眼井地层测试
open hole fishing裸眼打捞
open hole formation(section)裸眼井段
opening of tender开标
open tender公开招标,公开投标
operating agreement作业协议
operating charges操作费用
operating company甲方,作业公司
operating cost作业费用
operating crew施工队,作业班
operating efficiency作业效率
operating failure操作失误
operating license操作许可证
operating personnel操作员
operating platform操作平台
operating program作业程序
operating repair小修
operating risk作业风险
operating tool string施工管柱
operating well测试井,作业井
operational base工作基地
operational contract作业合同
operation license营业执照
operation room操作室
operation study操作培训
operation through tubing过油管作业
operator party作业方
operator's license操作证
optimal field development program最佳油田开发方案
optimizing fracturing treatment design优化压裂设计
optimum completion design完井优化设计
optimum feasible program最佳可行方案
oral agreement口头协定                     
oral contract口头协议
organic rock有机岩
orientation spool定位短节
orientation well定向井
orientation well survey定向井测量
original drawing原图
original field recording现场原始记录
O ring O形圈,密封圈
oriented perforating定向射孔
over time加班
outer armour(电缆)外缆皮
out-of-round oversized hole大肚子井
out of order有故障
output well生产井
overall development plan(program)总体开发方案
overall injection-withdrawal ratio综合注采比
overbalanced perforation正压射孔
overhaul charge 修理费
overhead charge 管理费,杂项开支
overtime pay加班费
old well plugged back老井封堵
old well sidetracked老井侧钻
old well worked over老井大修

package bid一揽子投标
package of equipment成套设备
package of service总承包服务
packer setting depth封隔器坐封深度
packer sealing element封隔器胶筒
packer inflation封隔器膨胀
packer location封隔器位置
packer rubber封隔器胶皮筒
packer setting封隔器坐封
packer setting pressure封隔器坐封压力
packer setting tool封隔器坐封工具
packer unsetting封隔器解封
packer slip封隔器卡瓦
PAL(pipe analysis log)套管分析测井
pump and flow抽汲和自喷
porosity and permeability孔隙度和渗透率
paraffin cutting刮蜡
paraffin deposit结蜡
paraffin removal(treatment)清蜡
paraffin-troubled well结蜡井
paraffin plugging蜡堵
parameter well参数井
partial completed well部分射孔井
partially penetrated well部分射开井
partial penetration部分射开油层
party in breach 违约方
party in default未履约方
party responsible责任方
party manager队长,经理
pattern modification井网调整
pay bed(formation,horizon)产油层,生产层
paying well高产井
pay string油层套管
plugged back total depth人工井底深度
production logging combination tool生产测井组合下井仪
production engineering采油工程
pumping equipment抽油机
penetrating charge射孔弹
penetration depth穿透深度
perforated casing射孔套管
perforation diameter射孔孔径
perforation length射孔段长度
perfect combustion完全燃烧
perforated casing completion,perforated completion,perforation completion射孔完井
perforated interval(zone)射孔段
perforated joint筛管
perforated string射孔管柱
perforated tubing筛管
perforating application射孔操作
perforating damage射孔损害
perforating debris射孔碎屑
perforating density,perforation density孔密
perforating depth,perforation depth射孔深度
perforating fluid,perforation fluid射孔液
perforating gun,perforation gun射孔枪
perforating gun designation射孔器标记
perforating job,perforation job(operation)射孔作业
perforating nipple射孔短节
perforating overbalance正压射孔
perforating parameter射孔参数
perforating quality射孔质量
perforation channel射孔孔道
perforation design射孔设计
perforation efficiency射孔效率
perforation pattern孔眼排列方式
perforation penetration射孔穿透深度
perforation adding补孔
perforation spacing孔眼间距
perforation cable射孔电缆
perforation coring device射孔取心器
perforation truck射孔车
performance evaluation动态评价,动态分析
performance index性能指标
peripheral water flooding,perimeter flood边缘注水
periodic maintenance定期维修保养
period of depreciation折旧年限
permanent repair日常修理
permit card许可证
perpendicular hole垂直井
personal accidental death and injury insurance人身意外伤害保险
personal protective equipment人身防护设备
per-well production单井产量
petroleum accumulation zone油气聚集带
petroleum and gas geology and exploration油气地质勘探
petroleum composition石油成分            
petroleum deposit(pool)油藏
petroleum fraction石油馏分
petroleum prospecting石油勘探              
petroleum reserves石油储量
petroleum reservoir engineering油藏工程
petroleum reservoir performance油藏动态        
petroleum trap石油圈闭
petroliferous basin含油气盆地
process flow diagram工艺流程图
photoelectric electron-multiplier tube,photomultiplier tube 光电倍增管
pick up sub提升短节
pick up wireline lubricator system起下电缆防喷管装置
PAL(pipe analysis log)套管分析测井         
pipe elevator油管吊卡
pipe grip管钳 pipe in pipe casing双层组合套管结构
pipe nipple(wrench)短节
piston travel 活塞冲程
production log生产测井
parts list零部件明细表
plain tubing普通油管
planned well depth设计井深
plugged perforation堵塞孔眼
plugging with cement注水泥,打水泥塞
production logging stack生产测井组合下井仪
project management tem项目管理组
project number工程项目编号
pull out of the hole起钻
pool description油藏描述
pool evaluation油藏评价
poor-boy job一揽子承包作业
poor combustion不完全燃烧
poor well 低产井
positioning arm推靠臂
positioning dowel定位销
positive anomaly正异常
positive pressure perforation正压射孔
postfracture response压裂效果
posthole well 浅井,干井
post-test packer套管井测试封隔器
potential disaster潜在事故
potential safety hazard安全隐患
potential test产能测试
power well(hole)干井
powered caliper device 带推靠器的井径仪
producing oil well pumping抽油井
predicted cost预计成本
prefracture production test压裂前生产测试
pre-job preparation施工准备
preliminary acceptance初步验收
preliminary work准备工作
preliminary design初步设计
premature setting提前坐封
premium service优质服务
potential electrode测量电极
pressure build-up well testing,pressure build-up survey压力恢复测试
pressure control equipment井控设备
pressure maintenance by water flooding注水保持压力
pressure measurement 压力测量
pressure relief卸压
pressure up加压,打压
pressure up annulus,pressurize at the annular space环空加压
pre-test safety meeting测试前安全会
preventer equipment防喷设备
preventive safety预防性安全措施
primary cement evaluation固井质量评价
primary cement job固井作业
primary depletion(exploitation,oil recovery)一次采油,一次开发
principal of operation工作原理
principal producing formation主力产层
probe handle探针,探测电极
producing casing生产套管
producing well生产井
producing sand出砂
producing water cut产液含水量
PLT(production logging tool)生产测井仪
production log service生产测井作业  
PCT(production combination tool)生产测井组合仪
production profile产出剖面
production reduction减产
production report生产报表
production rig修井作业机
production surveillance生产监测
profile-log of water injection注水井吸水剖面
production tree采油树
production packer油层封隔器
project evaluation项目评价
project feasibility项目可行性
prospecting borehole,prospecting well探井
prospective reserves远景储量
protection casing(string)技术套管
protective clothing工作服
protective footwear工鞋
protector platform井口平台
proved reserves探明储量
pump revolutions per minute泵每分钟冲数
pump stroke泵的冲程
public tender,public bidding公开招投标
pulley blocks滑车
pulling tool打捞工具,起出工具
pulling unit作业机
pumper,pumping well抽油井
pumping rod抽油杆
pumping unit抽油机  
push button按钮
pump inspection检泵
pump setting depth泵挂深度
punch core井壁取心
put on production投产
pyrogenetic rock火成岩

quartz crystal石英晶体
quadded cable四芯电缆
qualitative analysis定性分析
qualitative interpretation定性解释
quality assurance provision质量保证措施
quality standard质量标准
quality supervision质量监督
quantitative analysis定量分析 quarterly account季度报表
quartz crystal pressure gauge石英晶体压力计 quartzite石英岩
quotation of prices报价单 quota配额,限额

rack earth机架接地
radioactive pup放射性校深短节
radioactive tracer 放射性示踪剂            
radioactive-tracer flowmeter放射性示踪流量计
radioactive tracer log放射性示踪测井           
radioisotope log放射性同位素测井
radioactive tracers logging放射性同位素示踪测井
radioactivity log ,radioactivity well logging放射性测井
rated power额定功率
rat hole(rathole)井底口袋
raw log data 原始测井数据
recoverable reserves可采储量,工业储量
retrievable bridge plug,recoverable bridge plug可回收桥塞
running casing下套管
rigged down拆卸
round trip一次起下
real-time interpretation现场解释
reassignment clause转让条款
recorder carrier压力计托筒
red lead 铅油,丝扣油
reduction or exemption of tax减免税
reeled tubing连续油管
reel truck电缆绞车
referendum agreement  草签协议
regional evaluation区域评价
regional exploration区域勘探
released position丢手深度
release of pressure放压,卸压
releasing tool解卡工具,丢手工具
remaining oil saturation剩余油饱和度
remaining reserves剩余储量
remedial 修井作业
remedial acid job补救性酸化作业
remedial action补救措施
remedial cementing挤水泥
remedial well treatment修井
remote control 遥控
repeated test重复测试
RFT(repeat formation tester)重复式地层测试器
replicate run重复作业
requested time 要求到达井场时间
reserve forecasting储量预测
reservoir monitoring油藏监测
reservoir rock储集岩
reservoir description油藏描述
reservoir evaluation油藏评价
reservoir fracturing地层压裂
reservoir lithology储集层岩性
reservoir performance analysis油藏动态分析
reservoir performance assessment油藏动态评价
reservoir test地层测试
reservoir trap储集层圈闭
responsibility contract包干合同
responsibility contracting承包
responsible official负责人
retractable backup arm可复位推靠臂
retrievable hook wall packer可回收卡瓦封隔器
retrievable hydraulic set packer可回收液压坐封封隔器
retrievable mechanical set packer可回收机械坐封封隔器
retrievable perforator可回收射孔器
retrievable wire perforator可回收电缆射孔器
retrievable through-tubing perforator可回收过油管射孔器
reverse circulation valve,reversing valve反循环阀
reverse-pressure perforating负压射孔   
resistivity log 电阻率测井
reversing tool  倒扣(打捞)工具              
RFT(repeat formation test)重复地层测试
rig floor钻台
right hand thread正扣
rig crew钻井队
rig helper(hands)钻工
rig personnel井队人员
rig site钻井现场
rig supervisor井场监督  
rig toolpusher钻井队长
run in hole(将仪器)下入井中  
rotary kelly bushing补心海拔
road tanker油罐车
rock cap盖层
rotation bases倒班
routine inspection例行检查                    
routine job日常作业
routine of work工作制度                     
reserve-production ratio储采比
run bridge plug下桥塞                       
run gauge cutter通井
running against pressure强行下钻
running and pulling tubing起下油管
running casing 下套管
safeguard clause保护条款
safe operation 安全作业 s
afe practice安全规章
safety audits安全检查
safety awareness安全意识
safety cap安全帽
safety code安全规程
safety detonator安全雷管
safety education安全教育
safety equipment安全设施
safety footwear劳保鞋
safety harness安全带
safety in production安全生产
safety measure(practice)安全措施         
safety meeting安全会
safety notice(precaution)安全注意事项
safety operation area安全工作区
safety personnel安全员
safety training安全培训
sand bailer捞砂筒
sand control application防砂作业
sand control liner(screen)防砂筛管
sand control result防砂效果
sand face(sandface)井底
sand up,sand fill,sand plug砂堵
sand problem well completion出砂井完井
sand production(油井)出砂
sand well出砂油井 stand by等待费
saturation 饱和度
scalloped steel carrier带有凹坑的钢制射孔枪枪身
schedule of payment付款清单
schedule of prices价格清单
schedule of quantities数量清单
schematic diagram(drawing,figure)原理图,示意图
scope of project项目范围
scope of work工作范围
screen pipe筛管
screen sub筛管短节
screw bolt螺栓
screw cap螺帽
screw thread丝扣
service contract服务合同
search head探测头
secondary depletion(exploitation)二次采油
secondary flood注水二次开采
secondary units二级单位
secrecy and confidentiality clause保密条款
sedimentary basin沉积盆地
sedimentary rock沉积岩
segregation test分层测试,检验层间窜流测试
seismic section地震剖面
segregated completion分层完井
self aging自然老化
self potential自然电位
self-checking equipment自检设备
separated-layer stimulation分层增产作业
separated layer water-flooding分层注水
separated-layer fracturing分层压裂
separated zone water plugging分层堵水
separated zone production分层开采            
sequence of events作业顺序,施工记录
service charge(fee)服务费
service agreement服务协议
service centre维修基地
service contract服务合同
service equipment(facility)服务设施
service machine(rig)修井机
service market劳务市场
service table服务项目表
set down 下放
set packer封隔器坐封
set position坐封位置
settlement of loss损失处理
settlement price结算价格
settlement term支付条款
severance pay遣散费
SFT(sample formation tester)取样地层测试器
SGR(spectral natural gamma ray log)自然伽马能谱测井
slim hole小井眼
shale content泥质含量
shallow well浅井
shallow layer浅层,薄层
shaped charge聚能射孔弹
shaped charge perforator聚能射孔器
shaped-charge shooting聚能射孔
shearing pressure剪切压力
shear pin剪切销钉
shift change 倒班
shipping data装船日期
shipping list发货清单
shipping tag货运标签
shock absorber(damper,reducer)减震器
shock sub震击器
shock attenuation device减震装置
shoot-and-test TCP(tubing conveyed perforation)油管传输射孔和测射联作
shooting density射孔密度,孔密
shop order工作单,派工单
short casing joint套管短节
short notice临时通知
short-time forecasting短期预测
shot density射孔密度
shot depth射孔深度
shot-depth correction射孔深度校正
shot gun射孔枪
shot phasing射孔相位分布
shut-down inspection停工检查
shut down time  停工时间                    
shut-in well停产井,关闭井
sample interval采样间隔
side entry sub旁通接头
sidetrack drilling侧钻
sidetracked hole侧钻井 sidetrack(ing)侧钻,套管开窗
side-tracking bit侧钻钻头 side tracking point侧钻点
side-tub旁通管 sidewall contact device推靠器
SWC(sidewall coring(sampling))井壁取心
sidewall acoustic log井壁声波测井             sinker bar加重杆
sidewall neutron log井壁中子测井 signal amplification信号放大
signal attenuation信号衰减 signal distortion信号失真
signalling信号传输 signal man现场指挥
significant depth有效深度
single conductor cable(line),single core cable单芯电缆
single-interval test单层测试
single joint单根
sinker bar加重杆                          
site acceptance现场验收
site emergency plan现场应急计划
site of work工地
site work现场作业
size of the hole井眼尺寸
skin damage井壁污染
slant section of hole井眼的斜井段
slickline service钢丝测试服务
slick line operation钢丝作业
slick line unit钢丝绞车
sliding ring滑环
slimhole completion小井眼完井
slim-hole core barrel小井眼取心筒
slim hole drilling小井眼钻井
slimhole tool小井眼下井仪
slipper-actuated firing equipment活塞撞击激发点火装置
slip-type packer卡瓦封隔器
slit-side solid sampler井壁取样器
special list of equipment设备清单
slope angle倾角
sluffing,slump in井壁坍塌
slush pit泥浆池
snubbing in强行下入(钻杆或油管等)
snubbing out强行起出(钻杆或油管等)   
snubbing service强行起下钻作业,不压井修井作业
state of the art目前工艺水平
standard operating procedure标准施工步骤     
suspension of production暂停生产
speed of rotation转速                        
sound out artificial bottom hole探人工井底
spare part 备件                              
spare production capacity闲置生产能力
spud开钻 special clause特殊条款
specified criterion技术规范
specific items具体项目
specialist equipment特种设备
sonic porosity声波孔隙度
spinner flow meter,spinner-type flowmeter转子流量计
SP(spontaneous potential)自然电位
spooler,spooler device盘绳器
spot check抽样检查
surface pressure read-out地面压力直读装置
surface pressure read-out wireline地面直读试井绞车
spud data 开钻日期
spud in开钻
squeeze cement job挤水泥作业
squeeze cementing挤水泥
slip ring滑环
source rock生油岩
supplementary requirement补充要求
supplementary regulations补充规定            
sieve residue log岩屑录井
surface read out system地面直读装置           
string shot解卡爆震
sample taker井壁取心工具
stabilized voltage supply稳压电源
stack tool组合下井仪                        
stage acidizing分级酸化
stage cementing分级注水泥
stage gas lift多级气举
starll(combination of borehole resistivity tool/acoustic imaging tool)微电阻率扫描(电成象)
standard clause标准条款                     
standard contract form标准合同
stand-by equipment备用设备
stand-by loss停工损失
standby rate待命费
stand-by time等候时间
stand of drill pipe钻杆立根
stand off扶正器
statement of dishonour拒付声明
statement of planned tasks计划任务书
statement报表 starter调度员
static analysis静态分析
static electricity静电
static reservoir pressure油气层静止压力
static test静态测试
steam paraffin vehicle蒸汽清蜡车
steel band tape钢卷尺
steel brush钢丝刷 steel cable钢丝绳
sticking,sticking of tool卡钻,钻具卡住
sticking point卡点
stimulated completion增产措施完井
stimulation treatment增产措施
storage charge 存储费
storage cost保管费
straddle DST跨隔地层测试
straddle test in casing套管井跨隔测试
straight cross四通
straight hole(well)直井
strata profile地层剖面
stratification sampling分层取样
stratification testing 分测试
stratified waterflooding 分层注水               
stratigraphic analysis地层分析
stratigraphic dip地层倾角
stratigraphic trap地层圈闭
SHDT(stratigraphic high resolution dipmeter tool)高分辨率地层倾角测井仪
stratigraphic unconformity hydrocarbon reservoir地层不整合油气藏
stream time连续工作时间
stream-to- stream time停工检修时间
strict performance of contract严格遵守合同条款
string elongation管柱伸长
stringing grip绳卡
string of casing 套管柱
string of tubing油管柱
string shot backoff爆炸松扣
stripper field低产油田
stripper well低产井
structural hydrocarbon reservoir构造油气藏
surface test tree试油井口
stuck fish(井中)被卡的落物
stuck-point indicator tool卡点指示仪
stuffing box防喷盒,盘根盒
submission of tender投标
submission to arbitration提请仲裁
suBSIdiary company(corporation)子公司
subsidiary condition附加条件
substructure 井架底座                  
subsurface equipment(tool)井下仪器,井下工具
subsurface information井下资料
subtle reservoir(pool)隐蔽油气藏
successful bid 中标                          
successful bidder中标者
success ratio成功率
sucker pole(rod)抽油杆
sump hole井底口袋
superdeep well超深井
superficial tension表面张力
supplementary contract补充合同
supplementary instrument辅助仪器,备用仪器
supplementary provisions补充规定
supplementary unit辅助单位
supply base供应基地
supply contract供应合同
supply order供货定单
support base后勤基地
support equipment辅助设备,备用设备
support services后勤服务
surface casing(pipe,string)表层套管
surface casing pressure井口套压
surface equipment地面设备
surface facility地面设施
surface layer表层
surface pressure井口压力
surface tension表面张力
surface-tubing pressure油压
surface testing equipment(unit)地面测试设备
surface test package地面试油设备
surface well control equipment地面井控设备
survey instrument测量仪器
suspense payment暂付款
suspension of operation暂停作业
suspension of work停工
SWC(sidewall coring tool)井壁取心器
swabbing well抽汲井
swept layer水淹层
swing-jet gun悬挂式聚能射孔器
system failure 系统故障
system chart系统流程图
system of job responsibility岗位责任制
system simulation系统模拟

tank body truck油罐车
target depth 目的层深度
target stratum目的层
task contract任务合同
task management作业管理
task time工时定额
tubing-casing pressure difference油套压差
thru-tubing bridge plug过油管桥塞
test pit of depth深度刻度井
TCP(tubing conveyed perforating)油管传输射孔
TCP gun油管传输射孔枪
TCP gun HSD油管传输高密度射孔枪
TCP package油管传输射孔系统
technical casing技术套管
technical consulting service技术咨询服务
technical description技术指标,技术说明
technical feasibility技术可行性
technical manual技术规范,技术手册
technical service技术服务
technical staff技术干部,技术人员
technical title技术职称
technological transformation技术改造
technology import(introduction)技术引进
technology transfer技术转让
telemetered signal遥测信号
temperature log井温测井
tender 投标
tender for投标
tender price投标价格
tender specification标书规范
tentative method暂行办法
tentative standard暂行标准
termination of contract合同终止
tester valve测试阀
test facility测试设备 test foreman测试队长(班长)
testing crew测试队,试油队 testing for oil试油
testing job测试作业 testing of well测试
testing personnel测试人员 testing string leaking测试管柱泄漏
testing string running and pulling起下测试管柱
testing technique测试工艺 testing tool(instrument)测试工具(仪器)
testing well测试井
testing string components测试管串结构
testing string diagram测试管柱结构一览表
test supervisor试油监督,测试监督
test target测试层段,射孔、试油层段  
thick threads粗丝扣                 
thin bed薄层
third party第三方 thread off脱扣
thread slipping滑扣
three-core cable,three-conductor cable三芯电缆
through tubing completion过油管完井         
through tubing job过油管作业
through tubing gun过油管射孔枪
through tubing perforating(perforation)过油管射孔
through tubing technique过油管技术
through tubing well servicing operation过油管修井作业
tie in(电缆)打结
tight rock低渗透岩石,致密岩石
time delay hydraulic firing head延时液压点火头
transnational corporation 跨国公司  
tag on cement探水泥塞面
tool out of hole起出井下工具
tool housing仪器外壳
tool outfit全套工具
tool string下井仪器串
temporarily out of service暂停服务
tour of inspection巡回检查
tour sheet值班日志
tracer flow survey示踪剂流量测井
traced perforating coring unit跟踪射孔取心仪
tractor hoist通井机
trap 圈闭
trap assessment圈闭评价
trap structure圈闭构造                     
tripping operation起下钻作业,起下管柱作业
truck tank油罐车
tubing-casing annulus油套环空
tubing catch,
tubing fishing operation油管打捞作业
tubing elevator油管吊卡
tubing gauge油压表
tubing hanger萝卜头
tubing hook油管大钩
tubing leak油管泄漏
tubing length variation油管伸长或缩短
tubing power tongs油管液压钳
tubing pressurization油管打压,油管内加压
tubing pup joint油管短节
tubing record油管记录
tubing with external upset ends外加厚油管
tubing with internal upset ends内加厚油管
tubing with plan ends平式油管
turbine flowmeter涡轮流量计
turnkey company承包公司
turnkey contract总承包合同
twenty-four hours basis 24小时值班
two-drum hoist(winch)双滚筒绞车
type-curve graph解释图版

uncased hole(well)未下套管井,裸眼井
undamaged perforation无污染射孔
underbalanced perforation负压射孔
underground work井下作业
unexpected pay(expenses)不可预见费用
unopened perforation堵塞的射孔孔眼           
unrecoverable bridge plug不可回收桥塞
unscheduled event意外事件                  
unscheduled shutdown计划外停工
unscrew松扣,卸扣 unset packer封隔器解封

validity of the contract合同的效力            
validity of treaty协议的效力
VDL(variable density log)变密度测井         
venture analysis风险分析
verbal agreement口头协定         
vernier caliper gauge游标卡尺
vertical oriented perforation垂直定向射孔
vertical well直井
virgin formation 未射开的地层               
virgin reservoir未开采的油气藏
viscosity粘度 viscous crude 稠油
viscous crude oil production,viscous oil recovery稠油开采
void contract无效合同 VSP(vertical seismic profiling)垂直地震剖面

wall rock围岩
warning board警告牌
warning notice警告标志
washing fluid洗井液
wash over洗井
water-based mud水基泥浆
water-based drilling fluid水基钻井液     
water-bearing bed(formation,layer,zone)含水层
water cushion水垫,测试垫
water cut meter含水率测量仪
water detector for annular log环空测井找水仪,环空测试仪
water breakthrough(生产井)见水,出水
water drive水驱
watered-out zone,water flooded layer水淹层
waterflood front水驱前缘
waterflood injection well,water injection well,water input well注水井
water flush水循环洗井
water injection profile注水剖面,吸水剖面
waterflood project注水方案
water injection well stimulation注水井增注措施
water injection well testing注水井测试      
water injection response注水效果
water-out reservoir水淹油层
water percentage含水率
water producer水淹井,油井出水
water tanker水罐车
wax-bearing crude含蜡原油
wax removal清蜡
weak bonding胶结不好
wireline entry guide喇叭口
weight bar,weight section加重杆
wellbore damage井筒污染
well bore configuration井身结构
wellbore effect井筒影响
wellbore gauging井径测量
wellbore quality井身质量
well-calipering apparatus井径仪
well-cased perforating套管射孔
well cementing operation固井作业
well clean up,well cleanout洗井
well completing test完井测试
well completion practice完井作业
well completion fluid完井液
well control device井控装置
well control fluid压井液
well control operating压井作业
well head,well head assembly,wellhead device井口,井口装置
well head duty house井口值班房
well head shut-in井口关井
well kick井涌
well killing job(operation)压井作业
well logging gauge测井仪
well measurement井下测量
well on the beam抽油井
well placement井位
well pulling machine(unit),well service hoist,well servicing rig(unit)修井机
well pumping unit抽油机
well service work修井作业
well repair修井
well sampling井下取样
well screen井下筛管
well site illumination井场照明
well site layout井场布置
well site surveillance井场监督
well testing operation测试作业
well testing service测试服务
well testing supervisor试油监督           
well testing truck测试车
well test planning试油计划
well thermometer井温仪
well-to-well tracer test井间示踪剂测试
well workover修井
wet connector湿接头
WFT(wireline formation test)电缆地层测试
wellhead platform井口平台
winch 绞车
winch barrel(drum)绞车滚筒
winch brake绞车刹车
winchman control panel绞车控制面板
winch truck吊车
wireline blowout preventer钢丝绳防喷器
wireline clamp电缆绳卡
wireline hitch电缆绳套
wireline perforation gun电缆射孔枪
wireline plug电缆桥塞
wireline-set packer电缆坐封封隔器
wireline trip电缆起下作业
wireline truck,wireline winch unit电缆绞车
wireline telemetry cartridge电缆遥测短节
wire rope钢丝绳
wire-stripping pliers剥线钳
workover rig修井机
work order工作定单
water oil contact油水界面
work accident操作事故
work flow工作流程
working cloths工作服
working drawing施工图
working index工作指标
working instruction(specification)操作规程
working operation工序
working quarter作业区
working rule操作规则
working site现场
work injury工伤
workover job(operation修井作业)
work sheet施工单,明细表
work the pipe free活动管柱使之解卡
written contract书面合同
written report书面报告

zero clearing清零
zero length零长
zonal injection分层注水
zonal testing分层测试
zone 1 hazardous area一级危险区
zones classification危险区域划分
Z-density log  Z—密度



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