本帖最后由 tsenamei 于 2016-10-10 21:44 编辑
We are now looking to acquire ONE or TWO more tankers form China. We wanted find out that there are few ship yards that have un-finishedchemical tankers since the buyer has abandoned or left the new building project or the buyer could not find moneyto finish the ship. Such chemical tankers are just lying in ship yards. We could consider buying such a ship. ALSO there are few Chinese owners who have built chemical tankersbut do not know how to run them commercially. We can take such ship on commercialmanagement and run the ship commercially for the owner.
The tanker required is of about 13,000 DWT and tanks maybe ofstainless Steel (SS) or coated with Marine Line / Epoxy. 有意向者请留联系方式,谢绝中介。