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发表于 2007-5-21 03:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
无意看到一则新闻: http://news.qq.com/a/20070520/000125.htm 因为提及深海勘探这种极其复杂的工程,就查查看"美国奥德赛海洋勘探公司" 原来这家公司03年就已经中过大奖 http://news.xinhuanet.com/collection/2003-08/19/content_1032971.htm "上个世纪90年代中期,两个志同道合的年轻人——格雷格·斯特默和约翰·莫里斯,变卖了所有的家当,并且摇动三寸不烂之舌说服亲朋好友,东挪西凑搞到了一笔钱,成立了“奥德赛海洋勘探公司”,开始了他们的探宝生涯。" 基本上搜不到这个公司正确的英文名 没关系,看到一个国家地理的记录片就是关于打捞这条船的事,不过好像目前无法下载了: http://cool.vagaa.com/info_41555.html 幸运的是这个文章写船名叫"S.S.Republic", google一下,终于在搜索结果里出现奥德赛公司的正确英文拼写"Odyssey Marine Exploration" google一下,主页是: http://shipwreck.net/ 还是美国证券交易所AMEX上市公司,代码OMR,实时行情: 三个月内行情: 注意到最近大幅暴涨,当然是因为他们捞到了价值连城的宝藏船咯 这么牛的公司,肯定是牛人开的,看高管:
Mr. John C. Morris , 58 Co-founder, Co-Chairman, Chief Exec. Officer and Pres$ 32.50万$ 14.50万
Mr. Gregory P. Stemm , 49 Co-Founder, Co-Chairman and Exec. VP$ 32.50万$ 14.50万
Mr. Michael J. Holmes , 58 Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Davis D. Howe , 47 Chief Operating Officer
Mr. George Becker Jr., 72 Exec. VP and Pres of Odyssey Marine Entertainment Inc$ 15.60万$ 27.90万
John Morris
[size=+1]John C. Morris is the President/CEO and Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors and is also a Co-founder of Odyssey Marine Exploration. Prior to that, Mr. Morris was an officer and director of Seahawk Deep Ocean Technology, Inc. ("SDOT") from March 1989, until January 1994. As President of SDOT, Mr. Morris was in charge of the company which completed the first archaeologically sound recovery of a deep water shipwreck, salvaging a Spanish shipwreck from approximately 1,500 feet of water near the Dry Tortugas. The recovery yielded nearly 17,000 artifacts consisting of gold, silver coins, pottery, pearls, jewelry, and numerous other artifacts. Mr. Morris was also President of Seahawk, Inc., an Alabama corporation engaged in leasing the Research Vessel "Seahawk", a deep water search and inspection vessel. From 1992 until 1997, Mr. Morris served on the Board of Directors of the Florida Aquarium, a not-for-profit corporation engaged in the operation of a $90 million aquarium facility in Tampa, Florida. Prior to his involvement with Seahawk, Mr. Morris was engaged in the real estate and construction business.
Greg Stemm
[size=+1]Greg Stemm is the Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors and also Odyssey Marine Exploration's co-founder, along with his partner, John Morris. He has been a pioneer in the emerging field of deep ocean exploration and has played a primary role in the development of new technologies and the development of private sector standards for underwater cultural heritage resource management. Stemm was responsible for directing the archaeological team and operations that accomplished the world's first complete remote robotic archeological excavation, on a Colonial Spanish shipwreck in a depth of 1,500 feet. The two year operation resulted in the excavation of 17,000 artifacts to precise scientific standards, and still stands as the deepest complete archaeological excavation ever accomplished. He has directed operations resulting in discovery of hundreds of shipwrecks, including ancient Roman and Phoenician shipwrecks in waters a half mile deep. Odyssey's dynamic executive has authored many papers and articles on deep ocean shipwreck exploration and archaeological excavation, and has given over 100 lectures on the subject to a variety of venues including the Explorer's Club, Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Young President's Organization, World President's Organization, World Business Council, Association of Dive Contractors, The UK National Shipwreck Conference, and BMC Software. He is a frequent enrichment lecturer for Cunard and Seabourn Cruise lines. A panelist at the 1998 Law of the Sea Institute, Stemm was appointed for four consecutive terms to the United States delegation to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) expert meeting to negotiate the "Draft Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage." Stemm has appeared on many television programs including The Today Show, Inside Edition, Real TV, Discovery Channel Canada and all the major network News Shows. He has written for Maritime Heritage Magazine, Anthropology Newsletter, Ocean News & Technology Magazine and authors a column on shipwreck exploration for Underwater Magazine. He was selected as a Fellow of the Explorers Club, and was the founder, past-president and is currently a Director of the Professional Shipwreck Explorers Association (ProSEA). ProSEA is a non-profit group that provides a forum through which private sector explorers, archaeologists and governments cooperate to promote ethical policies for dealing with shipwreck resource management. Stemm served as a founding director (1986-93) and international president (1992-93) of YEO (Young Entrepreneurs Organization), the world's largest international entrepreneur's organization with over 4,000 members in 74 chapters in 24 countries. YEO members average 33 years of age and together represent $46 billion in sales annually. He was also a founder of the Florida Aquarium and a member of MENSA, Nautical Archaeology Society, Marine Technology Society and the World Entrepreneurs Organization, where he served on the International Board of Directors (1997-98). Greg Stemm lives in Tampa, Florida, with his wife Laurie and two sons, Nicolas and Adam. Greg Stemm's Publications and Presentations Greg Stemm's home page.
看公司主页: http://www.shipwreck.net/pr120.html 原来Morri曾经在05/06年左右不幸患"head and neck cancer",经康复后又重返CEO岗位,骠悍 说了那么多,打捞局的弟兄们前途有谱了,交大的ST机器人有着落了 对两位牛人的青年时代经历有点兴趣,不早该睡了,下次再查

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发表于 2007-5-21 08:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-21 09:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海


今天起来想起一问题:这样的公司怎样防止内幕消息交易? 比如勘探船的大副通过GPS电话“喂,老婆,宝藏后天差不多就能捞上来了,赶紧买啊”,哈哈 这种探险公司股价信息敏感性太强了 最近中国也在干这种事情: http://news.qq.com/a/20070507/000284.htm http://www.nmgnews.com.cn/inform ... 070519/93313_1.html
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发表于 2007-5-21 14:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏镇江


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-13 12:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 美国公司18日宣布打捞到5亿美元财宝[龙的船人怎样看新闻?]

西班牙扣查美国奥德赛公司寻宝船(图)http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月13日11:08 中国日报网站
美国奥德赛海洋勘探公司公布的打捞上来的钱币。 新华社/路透
美国奥德赛海洋勘探公司公布的打捞上来的钱币。 新华社/路透
  中国日报网环球在线消息:据美国媒体报道,西班牙警方7月12日在直布罗陀附近海域将美国深海沉船打捞巨头奥德赛探险公司的一艘探宝船“海洋警报”号扣押,西班牙政府正试图将“海洋警报”号等探宝船从一艘沉没古船中打捞的价值数亿美元的财宝收回。   今年5月18日,奥德赛探险公司对外宣布:他们公司的“海洋警报”号等探宝船只在大西洋某处地点的一艘代号“黑天鹅”的沉船上发现了人类有史以来收获的最大宗沉船宝藏,价值超过5亿美元,外界根据奥德赛探宝船当时所处的位置认为打捞财宝的地点位于西班牙附近,此后西班牙政府就宝藏的归属问题和美国公司产生争论。   6月,西班牙法庭下令搜查奥德赛公司这次收获了5亿美元财宝的3艘探宝船,并称探宝船可能是在西班牙水域中或西班牙古船中“非法”打捞起这些财富的。奥德赛公司的探宝船此后就一直躲避在西班牙南端的英国殖民地直布罗陀,7月12日“海洋警报”号冒险出港被等候了多日的西班牙警方逮个正着。   西班牙国民警卫队在一份声明中说,他们的警员登上了美国探宝船“海洋警报”号并发出搜查令,探宝船随后被带到西班牙阿尔赫西拉斯港。   奥德赛公司的说法是,他们在本月初和西班牙方面达成共识,安排船只“海洋警报”12日驶出直布罗陀让西班牙警方在公海中对船只进行检查,不想西班牙国民警卫队违背先前的约定,要求探宝船驶往西班牙港口进行检查。   奥德赛公司称,“海洋警报”号船长拒绝了西班牙警方的让船只进入西班牙港口接受检查的要求,西班牙警方随后用武力威胁登上“海洋警报”号,西班牙警方的这些举动在公海区域是非法的。有消息说,美国探宝船在阿尔赫西拉斯港已经被警方搜查,但船员还没有被逮捕,现在也不清楚探宝船是否会被西班牙查抄。   直布罗陀地方政府发表声明对美国探宝船被西班牙警方扣押一事表示关切。英国政府官员也说,英国将就此事向西班牙外交部提出质疑,因为西班牙警方没有得到探宝船注册地巴拿马的许可,就不应该在公海区域扣留船只。西班牙外交部尚未就此事对外界做出声明。   奥德赛公司的律师说,西班牙方面没有就扣押探宝船一事向巴拿马做沟通,奥德赛公司已经就探宝船被扣一事和巴拿马海事部门取得联系,努力寻求解决问题的合理方案。(谷雨)
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发表于 2007-7-13 14:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏镇江


最近我正在搞关于军舰碰撞与搁浅的研究 把这种理论运用于民用船舶 加强船舶结构与强度 以后事故就少了 哈哈 宝藏就更少了
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-5 20:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳

回复: 美国公司18日宣布打捞到5亿美元财宝[龙的船人怎样看新闻?]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-5 20:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳

回复: 美国公司18日宣布打捞到5亿美元财宝[龙的船人怎样看新闻?]

给个PDF ,介绍海洋打捞之王mike hatcher hatcher.rar (244.01 KB, 下载次数: 1297)
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