发表于 2015-5-27 08:48
来自: 中国江苏南京
本帖最后由 AHTS-PSV 于 2015-5-27 08:56 编辑
1. DNV规范对此的规定是:For diesel engines supplied and installed in assembled condition, there are no requirements for opening up after
testing unless there is any reason to suspect any abnormal wear of, or damage to, engine components. (Pt.4 Ch.3 Sec.1, I 800)有不少船海试后都没有吊缸拆检。
2. DNV规范对此的规定是:After the full load test, or after the sea trial, all teeth shall be checked for possible failures as scuffing,
scratches, grey staining, pits, etc. Shrunk-on rims shall be checked for possible movements relative to the hub. (Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.2 I 105)船上常见的做法是滑油取样化验,检查齿间啮合情况(齿轮箱齿上通常涂有红丹粉等,海试后可通过红丹粉的分布情判断齿间啮合情况)。