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[轮机] 请各位热心人帮忙,求DNV 轴系较中指南或规范

发表于 2008-11-28 17:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
求DNV 轴系较中指南或规范

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发表于 2008-11-28 17:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江宁波
H 300 Shaft alignment
301 The shaft alignment shall be within the tolerances given
in the shaft alignment specification.
302 When shaft alignment calculations are required (see
A403 and F400) the measured values such as gap and sag,
straightness/slope of stern tube bearings, jacking loads with
force-displacement diagrams, shall be reported.
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发表于 2008-11-28 17:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江宁波
402 Shaft alignment calculations are always to be submitted
for approval for propulsion plants with:
— intermediate shaft diameters of 400 mm or greater for single
screw and 300 mm for multi screw
— gear transmissions with more than one pinion driving the
output gear wheel, even if there is only one single input
shaft as for dual split paths
— shaft generator or electrical motor as an integral part of the
low speed shaft in diesel engine propulsion.
Upon request, shaft alignment calculations may also be required
for other plants when these are considered sensitive to
For required content of the of shaft alignment calculations, see
403 For all propulsion plants other than those listed in 402,
only a shaft alignment specification shall be submitted for information.
The shaft alignment specification shall include the
following items:
— bearing offsets from the defined reference line
— verification data with tolerances (e.g. gap and sag) and
jacking loads (including jack correction factors) and conditions
(cold or hot, submerged propeller, etc.).
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发表于 2008-11-28 17:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江宁波
F 400 Shaft alignment
401 The subsequent items under F are only valid for propulsion
plants for which approval of alignment calculations are required,
see A402.
For geared plants, the calculations are only applicable for the
low speed shaft line, which shall include the output gear shaft
radial bearings.
402 The shaft alignment calculations shall include the following
items for all relevant operating conditions, see 403:
— equipment list, i.e. manufacturer and type designation of
prime mover or gear
— input data, including reference to relevant drawings. For
direct coupled plants, the crankshaft calculation model
shall be according to the engine designer's guidelines. The
origin of the applied hydrodynamic propeller loads shall
be stated (whether detailed calculations based on measured
wake field have been carried out or if they are simply
assumed, see Guidance Note to 404)
— list of operating conditions and the respective influence
parameters, see 403 and 404
— bearing clearances
— bearing offsets from the defined reference line
— calculated bearing loads and pressures
— bearing reaction influence numbers
— graphical and tabular presentation of the shaft deflections
with respect to the defined reference line
— graphical and tabular presentation of the shaft bending
stresses as a result of the alignment
— difference in slope between shaft and bearing centrelines
in aft sterntube bearing and if applicable, details of proposed
— appropriate acceptance criteria, see 404
— verification data with tolerances (e.g. gap and sag and
jacking loads including jack correction factors) and condition
(cold or hot, submerged propeller, etc.).
403 The shaft alignment calculations have to include the following
Rules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 2008
Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.1 – Page 21
— alignment condition (during erection of shafting)
— cold, static
— hot, static (representative for operation at zero pitch, dead
slow or with turning gear)
— hot running (MCR)
— for multi prime mover plants, all relevant combinations of
prime mover operation.
404 The shaft alignment calculations shall take into account
the influence of:
— buoyancy of propeller
— hydrodynamic propeller loads (horizontal and vertical
forces and bending moments, as applicable, see Guidance
note 1 below)
— thermal rise of machinery components (including rise
caused by heated tanks in double bottom and other possible
heat sources)
— gear loads (horizontal and vertical forces and bending moments)
— bearing clearances and angular working position in gear
bearings (if necessary to consider the consequential vertical
lift), see Guidance note 2 below
— sterntube bearing wear (for bearings with high wear acceptance
e.g. with water or grease lubrication)
— load distribution within sterntube bearings (in order to determine
representative bearing reaction point(s))
— bearing stiffness (if substantiated by knowledge or evaluation,
otherwise infinite)
— hull and structure deflections (caused by e.g. draught
changes and aft peak tank filling).
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 18:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
谢谢mifei ,请问DNV考虑船体变形了吗,是用什么方法计算船体变形的,想请教你。
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