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[Load Line] B-60相对于B的特殊要求

发表于 2013-4-16 23:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连
请教B-60相对于B的特殊要求,比如船员保护类的,freeing arrangement类的等等,我想知道两种船型之间不同的地方,谢谢!

补充内容 (2013-4-17 23:46):
具体的要求我只找到了一个:Reg 17.Machinery space openings
(2) Where machinery casings are not protected by other structures, double doors (i.e. inner and outer doors complying with the requirement...

补充内容 (2013-4-17 23:49):

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发表于 2013-4-17 09:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
ICLL 1966中都有了。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-17 23:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连
本帖最后由 keypad 于 2013-4-17 23:32 编辑
hugh777 发表于 2013-4-17 09:20
ICLL 1966中都有了。

你说的是Regulation 27吗?我只找到这些。
Regulation 27    Types of ships
(8) Any type 'B' ship of over 100 m in length may be assigned freeboards less than those required under paragraph (7), provided that, in relation to the amount of reduction granted, the Administration is satisfied that:
(a) the measures provided for the protection of the crew are adequate;
(b) the freeing arrangements are adequate;
(c) the covers in position 1 and 2 comply with the provisions of regulation 16(1) through (5) and (7); and
(d) the ship, when loaded in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (11), shall be able to withstand the flooding of any compartment or compartments, with an assumed permeability of 0.95, consequent upon the damage assumptions specified in paragraph (12), and shall remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph (13). In such a ship, if over 150 m in length, the machinery space shall be treated as a floodable compartment, but with a permeability of 0.85.

比如说 上面(a): 具体的措施是什么?我想知道B-60和B的区别在哪里?例如两种船型都有护栏,都是一样的吗? 上面(d): 都是钢制风雨密舱盖,我怎么才能知道哪个是B的要求,哪个是B-60的要求?
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发表于 2013-4-18 00:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁盘锦
keypad 发表于 2013-4-17 23:29
你说的是Regulation 27吗?我只找到这些。
Regulation 27    Types of ships
(8) Any type 'B' ship  ...

我帮你查了查你对着MSC.143(77) 依据UILL7,23,33,50,63,65,69,74仔细读吧,这些条款均涉及B-60,可能还有漏了的!!!
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发表于 2013-4-23 14:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南通
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发表于 2013-4-23 16:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东青岛
首先明白:B-60 是指的B型船舶,B-60又是其中的干舷比较低的一种船舶,没有门及防火门之说
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