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[招聘进行中] Dockwise现诚招海运工程师(Transport Engineer)

发表于 2013-3-29 09:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
道克怀斯扎根运输行业已逾 30年,是世界上最大的多功能半潜运输船队运营商,占据行业领导地位。道克怀斯的半潜式重型运输船队被行业公认为最有实力、功能完备,机动性最强的船队。在我们的旷世之作TYPE 0(超级半潜船--目前建造中)的帮助下,我们将有能力承运110000吨的货物。我们的服务领域包括:

v  重大件海运

v  运输 &安装

v  物流管理

v  海洋工程服务(深海固定结构/浮式系统设计/海洋安装)

v  海洋安装设备

v  游艇运输


“打造国际化的中国团队,为中国深海开发尽一份力!”----Sheng Zeng----道克怀斯(中国)总经理

我们的核心价值----锐意创新   激情无限   懂得尊重  诚信可靠


v  我们启用全球最顶尖的专家,引领行业风向。

v  我们为客户探求最优方案,安全、环保地执行项目。

v  我们为员工提供量身定做的职业规划和出国培训的机会。

v  我们提供完善的薪酬福利制度和一流的办公环境。


Technical evaluation of transports.Gathering data from various disciplines and sources. Develop a report and send it to the person requiring this information. Providing “up to date” transport engineering advice and support to Projects.
Impact on Business:
·         Prepares a transport and having documents for load-out, transport and discharge checked and approved.
·         Presents the transportation proposal to client, Support the HMT potential project or T& I project. (not only in country but also overseas project)
Internal & External Customers/Suppliers as well as Third Parties:
·         Provides transport engineering advice and support to other disciplines, using industry standard.
·         Discusses with procurement what needs to be purchased for a specific transport.
·         Assists in load-out.
·         Answers enquiries through collection, analysis and use of all necessary information needed for a successful acquisitions process or project.
·         Offers (un)requested advice to ensure a safe and successful project execution.
Innovation and Change:
·         Executes feasibility studies and identification of major costs in materials to be used.
·         Gives support to contribute to the development, implementation and maintenance of the business processes within the section.  
·         Discusses lessons learnt with all disciplines involved and shares this knowledge with colleagues.  
·         Analyzes processes and working methods and initiating improvements.
·         Programming to improve the working tools (software; excel sheet etc.)
People Leadership:
·         Is an interface between different disciplines (e.g. client, marine Warranty Surveyor, commercial affairs, contract operations, purchase, project management, fleet supervision, vessels, etc).
·         Makes sure that all disciplines are up to speed and information is in line.
Educational Background:
Bachelor or above degree
Professional Knowledge:
·         Specific knowledge about offshore.
·         Trained in the field of naval architecture or Offshore.
·         Basic knowledge of ship construction, Structure & Marine.
·         Social and communication skills.  
·         Preferably: experience with GHS and Shipmo; Rhinoceros; Moses.
·         Intercultural awareness.
Other skills:
·         MS Office.
·         Fluent in Mandarin and English, both verbally and in writing.
·         Analytical and conceptual skills
·         Continuous Improvement
·         Teamwork skills
·         Communication skills.
·         Sense of Responsibility
We offer:
·         Engaging international working environment in a modern working location
·         Challenging position with corresponding responsibilities
·         Excellent remuneration package
·         Wide range of career opportunities, personal and professional growth




公司地址: 上海市静安区铜仁路299号SOHO东海广场42楼

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