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[外语学习] 船舶性能常用英语

发表于 2012-9-13 09:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国广东深圳

angle of vanishing stability 稳性消失角
buoyancy 浮性
buoyancy curve 浮力曲线
capsizing lever, upsetting lever 倾覆力臂
capsizing moment, upsetting moment 倾覆力矩
center of buoyancy 浮心
center of floatation 漂心
center of gravity 重心
curve of areas of waterplanes 水线面积曲线
curve of section areas 横剖面面积曲线
curve of volumes of displacement 排水量曲线
dynamical stability(curve) 动稳性(曲线)
entrance angle 进水角
floodable length 可浸长度
force of buoyancy, buoyant force 浮力
free surface 自由液面
heaving 垂荡
heeling angle 横倾角
heeling moment 横倾力矩
hogging 中拱
hogging condition 中拱状态
hogging moment(stress) 中拱力矩(应力)
hydrostatic curves 静水力曲线
initial metacenter 初稳心
initial stability 初稳性
insubmersibility 抗沉性
longitudinal inclination; list; heel 纵倾
longitudinal stability 纵稳性
panting (波浪对船体的)冲击
period of rolling 横摇周期
pitching 纵摇
pounding 波浪冲击
maneuverability 操纵性
margin line 限界线
metacenter 稳心
moment to change trim one centimeter 每厘米纵倾力矩
permissible length 许可长度
potential head 势头
pressure head 压头
restoring moment, righting moment 复原力矩
restoring lever, righting lever 复原力臂
rolling 横摇
sagging 中垂
sagging condition 中垂状态
sagging moment(stress) 中垂力矩(应力)
seaworthiness 适航性
stability 稳性
stability at large angles 大倾角稳性
stability criterion numeral 稳性横准数
static head 静压头(力)
statical stability (curve) 静稳性(曲线)
surging 纵荡
swaying 横荡
tons per centimeter of i海洋工程与船舶网--好网站!ersion 每厘米吃水吨数
total head (pressure) 总压头(力)
transverse inclination, trim 纵倾
transverse (longitudinal) metacenter 横(纵)稳心
transverse (longitudinal) stability 横(纵)稳性
trim by the bow (stern) 首(尾)倾
turning quality (circle) 回转性(圈)
velocity head 速头
weigh curve 重力曲线
yawing 艏摇


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发表于 2013-1-5 11:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连
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