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Titanic ll Project

发表于 2012-7-19 09:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏扬州
Chairman explains preliminary plans & drawings for the Titanic II project devised by Finnish-based Del***arin
The Titanic II Preliminary General Arrangement Plan and Preliminary Midship Section Drawing depicts nine decks complete with first, second and third class, officer and crew accommodation as well as the insertion of a new ‘Safety Deck’.
Chairman of Blue Star Line, Professor Clive Palmer, indicated the plans from Del***arin for his shipping company Blue Star Line represent a significant milestone for the Titanic II project. “These plans underline the commitment and progression Blue Star Line has for the Titanic II project,” he said.
He said from deck D upwards Del***arin have managed to keep the public rooms, passenger stairs, cabins and other features in similar locati*** as in the original ship.
“The Preliminary General Arrangement plans depict the original separation between first, second and third class, which will be kept in the ship’s final design,” Professor Palmer said.
“To ensure Titanic II is compliant with all current safety and c***truction regulati***, a new ‘Safety Deck’ has been inserted between D and C decks and will feature proper lifeboats, safety chutes or slides as well as new common public rooms.
Palmer reaffirmed the first voyage remains set for late 2016, with the intention for Titanic II to sail from China, where CSC Jinling Shipyard is to c***truct the ship, to England before her maiden passenger voyage retracing its original journey.

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发表于 2012-7-19 12:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
Palmer reaffirmed the first voyage remains set for late 2016, with the intention for Titanic II to sail from China, where CSC Jinling Shipyard is to c***truct the ship, to England before her maiden passenger voyage retracing its original journey.

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