机器人历险记 Robots
1. You can shine no matter what you are made of.
2. If I could do it over again, I would follow my dream.
3. See a need, fill a need.
4. A dream that you don’t fight for can haunt you for the rest of your life.
5. I believe in you. From the second you were born.
6. There’s another day coming tomorrow.
1. Tell him we really need him come back.
2. Here is one robot you will never get.
3. He is the only one that can fix us.等等很多从句
当然这部电影中,还有一首改编于雨中曲Singing In the Rain的歌曲, 名字叫Singing In the Oil.歌词这样写道:
I am singing in the oil.
I am singing in the oil.
After all that hard work and toil, I am just slipping in the oil.
I know where I ‘ve been sent, I am covered by lubricant.
My life has turned around, from now on, I am a winner.