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[招聘进行中] Dockwise 诚招 高级结构工程师

发表于 2012-5-15 13:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
道克怀斯扎根运输行业已逾 30年,是世界上最大的多功能半潜运输船队运营商,占据行业领导地位。道克怀斯的半潜式重型运输船队被行业公认为最有实力、功能完备,机动性最强的船队。在我们的旷世之作TYPE 0(超级半潜船--目前建造中)的帮助下,我们将有能力承运110000吨的货物。我们的服务领域包括:
v  重大件海运
v  运输 &安装
v  物流管理
v  海洋工程服务(深海固定结构/浮式系统设计/海洋安装)
v  海洋安装设备
v  游艇运输
“打造国际化的中国团队,为中国深海开发尽一份力!----Sheng Zeng----道克怀斯(中国)总经理
我们的核心价值----锐意创新   **无限   懂得尊重  诚信可靠
v  我们启用全球最顶尖的专家,引领行业风向。
v  我们为客户探求最优方案,安全、环保地执行项目。
v  我们为员工提供量身定做的职业规划和出国培训的机会。
v  我们提供完善的薪酬福利制度和一流的办公环境。
Senior Structural Engineer(Shanghai Office)
Analyze and design various offshore structures, including fixed and floating offshore structures, technical support for Heavy Marine Transport, as well as supporting ODL in various offshore projects. Help to manage offshore structural projects and lead the structural engineering team.

Resp***ibilities:- Structure design, analysis, calculation, sketch and report for offshore engineering projects.
- Manage some offshore engineering projects independently.
- Help the Lead Structural Engineer to lead and train structure engineers.

Requirements:- Master or higher degree in naval architecture or offshore engineering discipline from renowned universities is preferred.
- Above 5 years of offshore structural design/analysis work experiences with project management experience.
- Able to read drawing or sketch and do hand calculation for simple structures,
- Proficient with FEA analysis with ANSYS or Jacket design with SACS.
- Good written and verbal communication skills in both Mandarin and English.

Competences:- Analytical and conceptual skills
- Continuous Improvement
- Teamwork skills
- Communication skills.
- Sense of Resp***ibility
- Project management skills

We offer:- Engaging international working environment in a modern working location
- Challenging position with corresponding resp***ibilities
- Excellent remuneration package including an EVA bonus
- Wide range of career opportunities, personal and professional growth
公司地址: 上海市静安区铜仁路299号SOHO东海广场42楼

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