ABS MODU 4-2-1 9.11 Collision-bulkhead Penetrations
Pipes piercing the collision bulkhead on ship type units are to be fitted with suitable valves operable
from above the bulkhead deck and the valve chest is to be secured at the bulkhead generally inside the
forepeak. Cast iron is not to be used for these valves. The use of nodular iron, also known as ductile
iron or spheroidal-graphite iron will be accepted, provided the material has an elongation not less than
2.据行业内前辈介绍,舷侧阀还需要耐火试验,根据ABS 含油软管耐火试验,要求至少800度温度,但球铁的不能耐800度,这是否表示球铁不能用于舷侧阀?
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