回复 1# qunli1983
CCS规范(2009版) 第一篇 第四章 第三节 “舱室密性试验”
CSQS 也就是CBT4000-2005版 第一篇 第4节 “密性试验”
DNV规范 Pt 2, Ch3, Sec 8 “Structural and tightness testing” Regulation B.202
BV规范 Pt B, Ch12, Sec 3 "Testing“ Regulation 2.4,CCS基本上翻译了BV规范原话。
GL规范 Pt 1,Sec12 H "Testing for Tightness"
LR 规范引用。要求其实和BV,CCS基本上一样,先定义保护涂层(底漆不包括),然后在要求中提到在保护涂层运用前做密性,遗憾意思是可以有底漆。6.2 Definitions 6.2.1. For the purpose of these procedures the following definitions apply: (a). Protective coating is the coating system applied to protect the structure from corrosion. This excludes the prefabrication primer. 6.5 Leak testing 6.5.5. Leak testing is to be carried out, prior to the application of a protective coating, on all fillet welds and erection welds on tank boundaries, except welds made by automatic processes and on all outfitting penetrations. |