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[Tribon] Tribon肘板源文件定义

发表于 2011-12-10 12:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏南京
        /TYPE           =10
        /END1_FLANGE    =11
        /END2_FLANGE    =11
        /H              =(75, 100, 160, 220, 280)
        /RULE           =1

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发表于 2011-12-12 16:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南通
TYPE Number that specifies the flange type to be used in this set. Must be selected from one of the types defined in the flange control facility of Tribon.
If left out the default flange type will be used.

END1_FLANGE Number that specifies the flange end type to be used in end one of the flange (close to arm A of the bracket). Must be selected from one of the flange end types defined in the flange control facility of Tribon.
If left out the default flange end type will be used.

END2_FLANGE Ditto end 2.

H Specifies allowable flange heights. The heights should be sorted in increasing order.

RULE The flange height is selected based on the length of the free edge (=L), divided by 10. I.e. the flange height should be picked from the set of heights, assigned to H based on its relation to L/10.

= 1 Select closest height to L/10
= 2 Select closest to L/10 but smaller
= 3 Select closest to L/10 but larger
Creation of the actual geometry of the flange is controlled by the normal flange control facility as described in the document referred to above.
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