发表于 2011-8-10 19:39
来自: 中国安徽滁州
本帖最后由 395364996 于 2011-8-10 20:08 编辑
回复 12# 马甲马甲
you just said that her or his english is not really good,but now i wanna ask you where the wrong sentences are,please point them out for us<..has a project which is started in jingjiang county,jiangsu province>even if there are a little mistakes in her or his writings,but we can understand the meaning of her or him,i think is good for us to know,----by the way,i wana say that even though your english is so good even teriffic,but you ought to be modest,ok....just be modest do everything and wish you have a great job and salary in your bright future...if i have a litte bit offend to you ,i just feel so sorry about it...maybe we can be the best friends |