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mechanical pilot hoist

发表于 2007-11-4 15:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
SOLAS, Ch V, Reg 23, 6 mechanical pilot hoist

6 Mechanical pilot hoists 6.1. The mechanical pilot hoist and its ancillary equipment shall be of a type approved by the Administration. The pilot hoist shall be designed to operate as a moving ladder to lift and lower one person on the side of the ship, or as a platform to lift and lower one or more persons on the side of the ship. It shall be of such design and construction as to ensure that the pilot can be embarked and disembarked in a safe manner, including a safe access from the hoist to the deck and vice versa. Such access shall be gained directly by a platform securely guarded by handrails.

6.2. Efficient hand gear shall be provided to lower or recover the person or persons carried, and kept ready for use in the event of power failure.

6.3. The hoist shall be securely attached to the structure of the ship. Attachment shall not be solely by means of the ship’s side rails. Proper and strong attachment points shall be provided for hoists of the portable type on each side of the ship.

6.4. If belting is fitted in the way of the hoist position, such belting shall be cut back sufficiently to allow the hoist to operate against the ship’s side.

6.5. A pilot ladder shall be rigged adjacent to the hoist and available for immediate use so that access to it is available from the hoist at any point of its travel. The pilot ladder shall be capable of reaching the sea level from its own point of access to the ship.

6.6. The position on the ship’s side where the hoist will be lowered shall be indicated.

6.7. An adequate protected stowage position shall be provided for the portable hoist. In very cold weather, to avoid the danger of ice formation, the portable hoist shall not be rigged until its use is imminent.


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