发表于 2011-1-24 23:10
来自: 中国上海
Significant Wave Height, Hs (sometimes found as Hm0)
The significant wave height is fundamental. It may be estimated in several ways, usually depending on the form of recording. It represents the energy of a given sea state and was originally described as the mean height of the highest one third of the waves in a given record, height being expressed as the vertical distance from crest to trough. It is now usually defined from the energy spectrum as,
Hs=4 * sqrt(m0)
Where, m0 is the zeroeth moment of a ‘half-amplitude’ squared spectrum
This definition leads to an increasingly preferred symbol for significant wave height of Hm0.
It is usually assumed that the sea state is stationary for a given time and over a given sea area and can be approximated by one representative sample in those intervals. |