发表于 2011-2-25 14:23
来自: 中国江西南昌
1、Hardness salts 硬盐
Magnesium and Calcium react with CO2 forming
Calcium carbonate and –bicarbonate碳酸钙和氢氧化钙
Magnesium carbonate and –bicarbonate碳酸镁和氢氧化镁
2、Dissolved gases 溶解的气体
Carbon dioxide, CO2 二氧化碳
Oxygen, O2 氧气
CO2 and O2 are present in air that is absorb by water. The amount of gases present in water is dependent on the water temperature. In steam systems, without treatment CO2 and O2 will lead to corrosion.
CO2 and O2是从空气中溶解于水中的,溶解于水中的气体的量是取决于水温。在蒸汽系统中, CO2 and O2 是直接导致腐蚀的原因。 |