Deep-fat cooking equipment is to be fitted with the following:
i) (2006) an automatic or manual extinguishing system tested to an international standard
acceptable to ABS (see ISO 15371:2000 on Fire-extinguishing systems for protection of galley
deep-fat cooking equipment, or UL 300 Standard for Testing of Fire Extinguishing Systems for
Protection of Restaurant Cooking Areas);
ii) a primary and backup thermostat with an alarm to alert the operator in the event of failure of
either thermostat;
iii) arrangements for automatically shutting off of the electrical power upon activation of the
extinguishing system;
iv) an alarm for indicating operation of the extinguishing system in the galley where the equipment is
installed; and
v) controls for manual operation of the extinguishing system which are clearly labeled for ready use
by the crew.
1 个主恒温器和 1 个后备恒温器,以及 1 个在任一恒温器出现故障时引起操作人员警觉的报警装置;
如何来满足ABS关于这方面的要求? |