楼主 |
发表于 2010-10-6 15:03
来自: 中国湖北武汉
C Centigrade 度
CABADD Cable Address 电报挂号
CAPT. Captain 船长
CAL Caliber 口径
CAP Containerized at pier 在码头装箱
CBN Container booking note 集装箱订舱单
CC Carbon copy (to) 抄送
CC Convertible currency 兼用货币
CC Current cost 时价
CC Civil commotions 内乱
CC Continuation clause 连续条款
CC Chamber of Commerce 商会
CCPIT China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会
CCS Convertible Container ship 兼用集装箱船
C&D Collected and delivered 运费收讫和货物交毕
CDI Course deviation indicator 航偏指示器
C/D Commercial dock 商业码头
C/D Cancelling date 销约日
CD Consular declaration 领事声明
CF Cargo fall 吊货索
CUBF,C.F. Cubic feet 立方英尺
CFM Confirm 确认
CFS Container freight station 集装箱货运站
CG Coast guard 海岸警备队
CGA Cargo's proportion of general average 共同海损的货物分摊额
CHENG,C/E Chief engineer 大体
CHOP Charterer's option 租方选择
CHOFF,C/OFF Chief officer 大副
CHQ Cheque 支票
CHRTRS Charterers 租船人
CI Cargo insurance 货物保险
CI Crew Insurance 船员保险
CI Consular invoice 领事签证
C & I Cost and insurance 货价加保险
C/I Certificate of insurance 保险证书
CIA Cash in advance 现金借支
CIF Cost, insurance and freight 到岸价格
CIF & E Cost, insurance, freight and exchange 到岸价格加汇费
CIMT Convention of international Multimodal Transport 国际多式联运公约
CLD Cleared 办清出口手续
CL Clause 条款
C/L Crew list 船员名单
CLC Civil Liability Certificate 油污证书
CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经互会
CMT Custom marine towage 海上习惯拖带
CN Contract number 合同号码
CN Cover note 认保单
CN Credit note 货款通知单
CN Consignment note 发货通知单
CN Certificate of nationality 船籍证书
CNEE Consignee 收货人
C/O Care of 由。。。转给
C/O Certificate of origin 原产地证
CO. Company 公司
C/O Cash order 现金汇单
CO2 Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
COA Contract of affreightment 运输合同
COD Cash on delivery 现金交货(货到付款)
CONT Continued 继续
COW Crude oil washing 原油清洗
CO-OP Cooperation 合作
C/P,CP Charter party,Custom of port 租约,港口惯例
CPA Closestpoint of approach 最接近距离
CPD Charterers pay dues 租船人负责租金
CQD Customary quick despatch 港口习惯快速装卸(班轮条款)
CR Current rate 现行费率
CR Cost of repair 修理费用
CR Carriers risks 承运人奉贤
CS conventional ship 普通货船
CS Cargo subrogation 货物代位求偿(转让书)
CS Chamber of shipping 航运协会
CSC The International Convention for Safe Containers 国际集装箱安全公约
CT Containerized traffic 集装箱运输
CT Container terminal 集装箱码头
CT Combined transport 联运
CTA Communicate ot all address 不保密(分送电)
CTC Contact 联系
CTL Constructive total loss 推定金额
CTN Carton 纸箱
CTNR Container 集装箱
CUD Could 能,可以
CUN The Charter of the United Nations 联合国宪章
CW Clock wise 顺时针方向 |