U 船舶 船舶总体 1 GB/T 2884.1-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江3000吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for the changjiang-3000DWT 2 GB/T 2884.2-1996 长江水系节驳船型尺度系列 长江2000吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjaing waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for the Changjiang-2000DWT 3 GB/T 2884.3-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网1000吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes of the middle-downstream of the changjiang and waterway network-1000DWT 4 GB/T 2884.5-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网500吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes of the middle-downstream of the changjiang and waterway network-500DWT 5 GB/T 2884.7-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网300吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes of the middle-downstream of the changjiang and waterway network-3000DWT 6 GB/T 2884.8-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江支流200吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for branch routes of the Changjiang-200DWT 7 GB/T 2884.9-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江支流100吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for branch routes of the Changjiang-100DWT 8 GB/T 2884.12-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网400吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways --Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes of the middle-downstream of the Changjiang and waterway network-400DWT 9 GB/T 3221-1996 柴油机动力内河船舶系泊和航行试验大纲 Code for dock and sea trials of diesel-driven inland ships 10 GB/T 3471-1995 海船系泊及航行试验通则 General provisions for programming mooring and sea trials of sea going ships 11 GB/T 4273-1984 分节驳名词术语 Glossary of integrated barge 12 GB/T 4451-1984 工业自动化仪表振动 (正弦) 试验方法 Methods of vibration (sinusoidal) test for use in industrial process measurement and control instrument 13 GB/T 4595-1984 船上噪声测量 Measurement of noise on board vessels 14 GB/T 4964-1985 内河航道及港口内船舶辐射噪声的测量 Measurement of noise emitted by vessels on inland water ways and harbours 15 GB/T 6298-1986 钢丝网水泥船舶体质量要求 Hull quality requirements for ferrocement ships 16 GB/T 7312-1987 钢丝网水泥船检验方法 Inspection methods for hull of ferrocement ship 17 GB/T 11575-1989 海洋运输船舶机修设备配备基本定额 Standard of machine tools facility and outfits for the machinery of ships 18 GB/T 11576-1989 中小型船舶压缩空气、舱底水、淡水及卫生水系统自动控制装置试验方法 Methods of test on automatic control of compressed air , bilge, fresh water and sanitary systems for smaller ships 19 GB/T 11631-1989 潜水器和水下装置耐压结构制造技术条件 Technical specifications of manufacture of pressure hull structure for submersibles and underwater equipments 20 GB/T 11632-1989 潜水器和水下装置耐压结构材料技术条件 Technical specifications of material of pressure hull structure for submersibles and underwater equipments 21 GB/T 12302-1990 钢筋混凝土船船体质量要求和检验方法 Quality requirements and inspection methods for reinforced concrete hulls 22 GB/T 13412-1992 赛艇、皮艇、划艇及其附件技术条件 Specification of rowing, kayak, canoe and theirs accessories 23 GB/T 14205-1993 玻璃纤维增强塑料养殖船 Cultivating boat of glass fiber reinforced plastics 24 GB/T 14696-1993 船舶振动测量规程 Code for the measurement of ship vibration 25 GB/T 14697-1993 船舶局部振动测量规程 Code for the measurement of local vibration of ship 26 GB/T 15627-1995 水泥船船体制图 Drawings for hull of concrete ships