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Deadweight Certificate 证书,antifouling证书

发表于 2007-9-17 11:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 日本
Deadweight Certificate 证书,是哪儿出的?船级社?
buoyancy-lightweight=deadweight? after the incline test?证书


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发表于 2007-9-17 11:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-21 13:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 日本


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发表于 2007-9-21 13:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南通
  2001年10月5日,在IMO总部伦敦举行为期5天的外交大会结束前,国际控制有害船底防污系统公约(The International Convention on control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships)获通过。该新公约将禁止船舶使用含有机锡的有害船底防污油漆涂料,并建立一种机制来防止将来潜在使用含有其他有害物质的船底防污系统。该次大会由IMO的75个成员国和一个协会国参加,2个与IMO有合作协议的政府间组织代表及23个与IMO有协商关系的非政府组织代表与会。
  根据该新公约的条款,要求缔约方对悬挂其国旗的船舶或虽无资格悬挂其国旗但在其授权下营运的船舶及所有进入缔约方港口、船厂、近岸装卸站(offshore terminal)的船舶禁止/或限制使用有害船底防污系统。400gt及以上、从事国际航线的船舶(不包括固定或浮动式平台、浮动式储存装置(FSUs)和浮动式生产储存和排卸装置(FPSOs)将被要求在该船舶投入服务前或在其国际船底防污系统证书(the International Anti-fouling System Certificate)初次签署前经过初始检验;并且当该船底防污系统被改变或置换时要进行有关检验。长度为24m或以上但小于400gt、从事国际航线的船舶(不包括固定或浮动式平台、浮动式储存装置和浮动式生产储存和排卸装置)必须持有1份由船东或授权机构签署的船底防污系统申报单(a Declaration on Anti-fouling Systems)。该申报单将必须随附诸如油漆收据或承约人发票等合适单证文件。拟予禁止或控制的船底防污系统将被列入该公约的附件(附则Ⅰ),需要时该附则内容会被修正更新。IMO秘书长称该公约的通过标志着1992年在里约热内卢召开的环境和发展大会(Rio Conference on Environment and Development)提出的21议题第17章(Chapter 17 of Agenda 21)制定的目标取得了成果。该第17章呼吁各国采取措施来减少用于船底防污系统有机锡化合物造成的污染。其还称该次大会遇到激烈的争论,但体现在许多国际代表和观察员身上的友善、理解和妥协的IMO精神使对诸如该公约的生效标准等重要事宜得以达成一致协议。


参与人数 1 +1 金币 +3 收起 理由
supervision + 1 + 3


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发表于 2007-9-21 14:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
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发表于 2007-9-21 15:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
Antifouling Program
The Antifouling Program was a program under Oceans Policy of the Natural Heritage Trust. The program assisted with the development of natural alternatives to Tributyltin (TBT) and appropriate hull-cleaning systems, to monitor the environmental impact of TBT alternatives and to educate the community about these issues. Funding is no longer available from the Antifouling Program.

What was the Antifouling Program?
Why did we need an Antifouling Program?
What were the program's funding priorities?
What type of projects were funded by the program?
International Maritime Organisation Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships
Code of Practice for Antifouling and In-Water Hull Cleaning and Maintenance
What was the Antifouling Program
The Antifouling Program was a key platform in the Australian Government's Australian Oceans Policy to support the International Maritime Organisations recommendation to ban the antifouling chemical - Tributyltin in the Australian marine environment. The Program's overall goal was to support actions leading to: better approaches to antifouling practices; increase use of TBT free antifouling paints on all Australian shipping vessels and a ban on the use of TBT anti-fouling paint by 2006 on vessels being painted in Australian docks.

The Antifouling Program was allocated $650,000 to assist with the development of natural alternatives to TBT and appropriate hull-cleaning systems, to monitor the environmental impact of TBT alternatives and to educate the community about these issues. All funding has been allocated.

The Program also provides advice to help implement the ban on TBTs. In doing so, it aimed to meet the target recommendations of the International Maritime Organisation.

Why did we need an Antifouling Program?
Australia recognised the harmful effects of some antifouling paints on the marine environment and through this program tackled the problems of finding safer alternatives to the use of TBTs as an antifouling agent.

The Antifouling Program worked to overcome these problems by funding research into antifouling substitutes. The establishment of programs to protect the marine environment was one of the key initial actions identified in Australia's Oceans Policy

What were the program's funding priorities?
Funding is being directed to help industry and community stakeholders develop alternative antifouling agents and management options. The Program helped develop the best ways to eradicate the use of TBTs as an antifouling agent.

Funding priorities for the Program we:

implement technology and techniques that contribute to the ban of organotins (like TBT);

research the efficacy and environment effects of alternative antifouling agents;

increase community and industry awareness of and participation in banning dangerous antifouling agents (such as TBT); and
cooperate with the National Registration Authority (NRA) on the process of assessing and registration of antifoulants.
What type of projects were funded by the Antifouling Program?
The Program encouraged proposals that directly assisted with:

development of effective and environmentally safe antifouling control measures, and
awareness programs that facilitate industry and community participation in banning TBTs as an antifouling agent.
Antifouling links
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
International Maritime Organisation
Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS)
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发表于 2007-9-22 02:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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发表于 2007-9-22 02:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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