上海德创海洋环境科技有限公司上海德创海洋环境科技有限公司(以下简称“德创海洋”)作为浙江德创环保科技股份有限公司(股票代码:603177)的全资子公司,是一家专业从事海洋环境科技、船舶清洁排放技术开发和成套设备供应和工程改造总包的科技型企业。公司成立于2019年1月,凭借母公司烟气治理、废水处理、固废处理等业务板块丰富的工程经验及创新的解决方案,主要从事船舶尾气脱硫系统EGCS、船舶SCR催化剂、船舶GRE玻璃钢管件研发、生产及相关服务。Shanghai TUNA Marine Environment Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "TUNA Marine"), the suBSIdiary of Zhejiang TUNA Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 603177), is a scientific and technological enterprise specialized in development of marine environmental science & technology, marine clean discharge technology, and supply whole set of anti-pollution equipment. TUNA Marine established in January 2019, with rich engineering experience and innovative solutions of the parent company, mainly engaged in the research and development, production and related services of EGCS, SCR catalyst and GRE GRE pipelines for ship and offshore project.
EGCSExhaust Gas Cleaning System
德创海洋EGCS(TMOU、TMOI)可提供开式、闭式、混合式三种系统,满足船舶在不同排放控制区域航行要求,已获得美国ABS船级社、英国劳氏LR船级社、法国BV船级社的AIP认证。同时,公司拥有10万㎡现代化洗涤塔制造厂房和2万㎡船用电器生产车间,EGCS行业各类技术工程师30余名,是一家国际知名的船舶烟气综合处理方案提供商。TUNA Marine can provide shipowner all kinds of EGCS(TMOU、TMOI) including open- loop,closed-loop and hybrid system, which can make the ships comply with the related emission regulation inside or outside the ECA area. TUNA Marine has already obtained the EGCS AIP certificate by class ABS,LR and BV. Further more, TUNA Marine has workshops of area 10000㎡ and 20,000 ㎡ for manufacturing of marine scrubber tower and electrical cabinets respectively,which makes TUNA Marine become a famous scrubber supplier in the world.
卓越的技术团队、严谨的设计方案、完备的供应体系、全球化的服务网络为船东提供EGCS的现场测绘、设计、送审、安装调试和全球售后等“一站式”服务提供了有力保障。With an excellent team , complete equipments purchase and supply system and global after service support,TUNA Marine can provide shipower the turn key solution of scrubber system including 3D scanning,retrofit design and class approval,installation and commission and so on.
SCR Catalyst
根据2011年的MARPROL附则VI修正法案,2016年1月1号及以后建造的船舶,在排放控制区航行时,必须满足Tier III排放标准。催化剂是主流脱硝技术—选择性催化还原脱硝技术的核心,在船用SCR系统中,在催化剂的作用下,NH3将NOx优先还原为N2和H2O,以此使船用柴油机的NOx达标排放。According to MARPOL Annex VI and latest resolution MEPC 291(71), On 1st Jan 2016 IMO Tier III limits were required for all new building vessels. Catalyst is the core of the selective catalytic reduction denitrification technology. In this marine SCR system, NOx is adsorbed in the micropores of the catalyst and reacted with N2 and H2O, So as to make NOx of marine diesel engine meet the emission standard.
德创环保拥有脱硝催化剂危险废物经营许可证,是国内唯一一家集蜂窝催化剂(挤出式、涂覆式)、平板催化剂及废催化剂再生的公司。德创海洋已与中科院、清华大学、上海交通大学签署战略合作,在船用SCR催化剂性能评估和寿命预测、动力学试验与模拟和催化剂再生等关键技术设计完成40余项发明专利技术。TUNA have obtained hazardous waste business license for catalyst, and it is the unique enterprise in China that can provide honeycomb catalyst(Extruded honeycomb catalyst,Coating honeycomb catalyst), plate catalyst and waste catalyst regeneration.TUNA Marine has established strategic cooperation relationship with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and has owned more than 40 patent technologies in key technologies such as performance evaluation and life prediction of SCR catalyst, dynamic test and simulation and catalyst regeneration.
目前船舶SCR催化剂已通过主流船舶主机、发电机的性能、振动、高温、老化等多项实验,且装载公司催化剂产品的相关SCR系统已通过ABS、LR、CCS、DNV-GL等多家船级社型式认可。值得一提的是,德创海洋已向客户交付2000余方船舶SCR催化剂,是国内首家完成发动机台架实验和实船安装企业。Up till now,TUNA Marine SCR catalyst available for main engine and diesel generator has already passed through the performance, vibration, high temperature, aging and other experiments and The SCR system fitted with TUNA Marine brand catalyst has already obtained class type approval certificate by ABS, LR, CCS and DNV-GL. It is worth knowing that TUNA Marine has delivered more than 2,000 m³ SCR catalyst for ocean going vessel diesel engines, TUNA Marine is the first Chinese enterprise which have already completed shop test and onboard installation for SCR catalyst.
Marine GRE Product
德创海洋依托母公司10余年的玻璃钢制品研发、检验、标准化、产业化、系列化、规模化的综合优势,投资数千万人民币从事船舶GRE玻璃钢管件的研发、生产和安装服务,目前公司拥有中高级技术人员40余名、各类熟练技术工人250多名、10套全自动缠绕生产线,具有年产3万米直管、2万个管件的生产和现场服务能力。TUNA Marine has invested tens of millions of RMB to engage in R&D, production and installation services of marine GRE products, depending on comprehensive advantages of its parent company for more than 10 years in R&D, testing, standardizing, industrializing and large-scale. Nowadays, TUNA Marine has over 250 skilled workers and 10 sets automatic winding production lines, so that TUNA Marine has already production capability of 30000m GRE pipelines and 20000pcs fittings.
目前,公司船舶GRE玻璃钢管件已通过内外压、负荷、轴向拉伸、热变温度、耐冲压、老化、疲劳、抗腐蚀、3级耐火、烟毒性等各项性能试验,满足IMO Res(A)753(18)标准和各船级社标准要求,可广泛应用于空舱及压载舱压载系统、船舶机舱海水系统、空气管、通风除气、上建排污和全船的次要系统。At present, TUNA Marine’s GRE products have pass through the class type approval test such as internal and external pressure, load deformation, Axial tensile test, heat distortion temperature Test, impact resistance test, Ageing resistance test,fatigue pressure test,erosion resistance,fire endurance L3, smoke generation and toxicity and so on. The GRE products mainly used for ballast system, seawater system, vent line, sewage outfall and secondary system of the whole vessels.
德创海洋已与全球各大船级社、船舶设计院、船厂和船东广泛合作,将继续完善美国、印度、泰国、印度尼西亚、新加坡、韩国等全球服务网络,为全球客户提供无与伦比的服务。未来,德创海洋秉承“敢为、大气、合作”的理念,持续关注并投资于船舶海洋环保技术及产品,执行好母公司从电力向非电力领域、从陆用向船舶和海洋领域的战略部署,助力全球船舶节能减排,推动中国船舶和海洋工程装备行业的发展。TUNA Marine has already created cooperation with classification societies, ship design institutes, shipyards and ship-owners, and will continue to improve global service networks in the US, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, etc., and will provide unparalleled services to global customers. In the future, TUNA Marine will adheres to the concept of “be first, bighearted, cooperation”, and invest in marine environmental protection technology and products, implement strategic deployment of parent company from power to non-power industry and from land to marine. TUNA Marine always believe that we can boost energy conservation and emission reduction on ships around the world, and promote the develop marine and offshore industry of China.
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