金秋十月,桂花飘香。第五届亚太FPSO&FLNG&FSRU大会暨展览会在中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院、Bumi Armada Berhad, Exmar, 缅甸国家石油和天然气行业服务协会等机构的大力支持下,于10月19日在上海圣诺亚皇冠假日酒店胜利闭幕!大会汇聚超过全球380位FPSO&FLNG&FSRU行业系统的领袖和精英,共同探讨中国以及巴西、西非、缅甸等新兴市场的浮式生产系统的机遇和挑战。 在经历了2015 年油价危机后,浮式生产市场在2017 年开始复苏并继续增长。自油价暴跌后,订单种类发生了变化,越来越多的新造船体在EPC 基础上订购,例如Equinor 在挪威Johan Castberg 的FPSO 项目,以及Energean 在以色列的Karish 项目。石油巨头们首次订购了由中国船厂建造的FPSO,包括BP 在西非的Torture 发展项目(通过TechnipFMC), Shell 在英国的Penguins油田项目(通过Flour),和ExxonMobil 在圭亚那的Liza 超级油田(通过SBM)。这些都代表了石油巨头对中国制造商的建造能力持有极大信心,同时也向中国船厂为国际客户按时、按预算交付这些复杂的项目提出了巨大的挑战。预期市场活动将持续增长,其中包括巴西,西非,印度和澳大利亚在内的多个FPSO 项目。 今年FFA 将关注在建的重要FPSO,FLNG 和FSRU 项目,同时将聚焦于计划中的潜在发展项目。 与会嘉宾讨论了浮式生产系统的最新技术趋势、项目对接前景和展望,尤其深入探讨了中国南海流花16-2油田群、巴西近海油田区块以及东南亚和安哥拉油气区块的浮式生产系统的应用。近来油价的反弹给浮式生产装备营运与建造的市场带来了极大的提振,同时也带来了新的机遇和挑战。近几年来,浮生生产系统的行业从业者通过技术创新和效率提升,降低装备的建造成本和维护费用,提升设计、建造、营运水平,加大数字化等创新技术的的应用,优化融资结构等措施提升了生产竞争力。 来自中海油深圳、湛江分公司、中海油能源发展采油服务分公司、中石化上海海洋石油局、安哥拉国油、SBM Offshore、Bumi Armada Berhad、Exmar等公司和机构的领导和专家分享中国及全球浮式生产系统最新行业发展趋势以及未来合作展望。西门子(中国)有限公司、博洛尔集团物流中国有限公司、浙江四兄绳业有限公司、南通太平洋、圣泰阀门、海虹老人涂料、中远船务、tigerLIFTIGER、凯道起重设备(上海)有限公司、无锡康宁防爆电器有限公司等超过20个展商与现场展示了产品和技术。 此外,与会者还就创新FPSO项目投融资汇报、FSRU项目进展和前景、FLNG技术发展展望等问题进行了交流。此次会议由上海决策者会议策划集团主办。
October comes with the coolish air which isimpregnated with osmanthus' sweet fragrance, presenting a pleasant autumnpicture in Shanghai. The 5th FPSO&FLNG&FSRU summit and exhibition was successfullyaccomplished with the support of MARIC, Bumi Armada Berhad, EXMAR, MOGSS andother important partners on Oct. 19th. The event brought more than 380 decisionmakers and experts under one roof to talk about regional cooperationopportunities in China, Southeast Asia and other emerging markets. After a difficult period after the 2015 oil pricecrash, the floating production market began to recover in 2017 and continues togrow. However, there have been a number of changes in the types of orders sincethe crash with many more newbuilt hulls ordered on an EPC basis such as FPSOsfor Equinor’s Johan Castberg in Norway and Energean’s Karish in Israel. For thefirst time, major oil companies have ordered FPSOs that will be built in Chinaincluding for BP’s Tortue development in West Africa (via TechnipFMC), Shell’sPenguins field in the UK (via Fluor), and ExxonMobil’s Liza mega-field inGuyana (via SBM). This represents great confidence in the capabilities ofChinese fabricators as well as a significant challenge to deliver these complexprojects on time and on budget for international clients. Market activity isexpected to continue to grow, with a number of possible awards includingmultiple FPSOs for Brazil, West Africa, India, and Australia. This year’s FFA showcasedkey FPSO, FLNG, and FSRU Projects under construction as well as potentialdevelopments being planned. There were discussions on technical solutions,particularly digitalization, in addition to coverage of commercial issues suchas financing and contracting models. The delegates and speakers spent two days deep indiscussion over the pressing issues in promoting floating production systemdevelopment in China and emerging markets. Interesting topics included"Floating Production Systems: On the Rebound", " Latin AmericaFloating Platform Market Prospects", " Challenges and Solutions ofLH16-2 Oilfields FPSO", " Explanation & Production for MarginalOil Field Development in South China Sea", "Latest TechnicalApplication in FSRU Projects", which was not only thought-provoking butalso helpful for decision makers to solve the problems. Speakers comes fromCNOOC, CNPC, SBM Offshore, Bumi Armada, EXMAR and other companies share thelatest project updates. More than 20 Exhibitors including Siemens, Hempel, SOE,SNY VALVE,、tiger LIFTIGER, Kito Group and KNEX showcasedtheir state-of-art products & solutions in FPSO&FLNG&FSRU industry. Besides,the participants also discussed over the theme of FPSO financing, FSRUprospects and FLNG research progress. The event is produced by CDMC Group.