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[2015年] 中国LNG船行业的顶层设计

发表于 2015-8-10 10:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
为实现政府报告提出的“出重拳强化污染防治,坚决向污染宣战”这一目标,中国需要在大气、水、土壤污染治理等方面投入数千亿美元。中国人民银行预计,2015到2020年未来五年污染防治总需求每年将达到2万亿元人民币(3300 亿美元),占中国国内生产总值的3%。


即将于2015年9月16-17日上海举办的2015第三届中国LNG运输船与动力船大会(LNGCV 2015)有幸邀请到交通运输部的智囊机构,交通运输部科学研究院和交通部水运科学研究院的专家就“LNG动力船示范项目进展与政策趋势”及“交通船舶行业的节能减排与顶层设计”做主题演讲。

LNGCV 2015是首个专注LNG运输船及LNG动力船的行业活动,将为业内提供一个了解最新动态、相关行业标准及产业政策、联络客户和发掘潜在商机的最佳平台。

电  话:010-5863 4346
邮  箱:liuhao@topcoevents.com

Chinese Top-Down Design for LNG Vessels Industry

To realize the goal of energy saving and emission reduction, China will invest USD 3,300 per year from 2015 to 2020, which will occupy 3% of GDP. As low carbon energy, natural gas is considered a reasonable choice to resolve emissions. A series of good policies has been issued by Chinese government to stimulate the gas consumption and utilization and there will be further favorable ones in coming years.

Transportation is an important industry involved in energy saving and emissions reducing. It is very valued and promoted for LNG transportation and as a fuel in China. What the current situation, what the challenges are, where to go and op-Down Design in coming 13th Five Plan from the government.

The above problems will be discussed at the 3rd Topco LNG Carriers & LNG Fueled Vessels Assembly (LNGCV 2015) taking place on September 16-17, 2015 in Shanghai China. There will be experts from China Academy of Transportation Sciences and China Watterborne Transport Research Institute, who are think tanks of China MOT to do presentation on ‘LNG Fueled Ship Demonstration Project Update and Policies Trends’ and ‘Energy Saving & Emission Reduction and Top-Down Design in the Shipping Industry’.

LNGCV is the leading and largest of its kind in China, will provide a good platform and opportunity for learning, exchanging, and networking with over 300 industry peers.

For more information please contact:

Samuel Gao
T: 86-10-5863 4346
M: 86-134 3931 3603
E: Samuel.gao@topcoevents.com


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