演讲主题: 全球及中国LNG市场综述及LNG运输市场未来发展 LNG运输船及FSRU订单分析及发展趋势 中国中小型LNG运输船及LNG动力船市场需求与未来发展 致力于领先的LNG运输服务——日本邮船株式会社 中国大型LNG运输船关键技术进展与挑战 LNG加注、LNG运输船和动力船再液化解决方案——透平布雷顿突破技术 LNG运输行业的竞争与发展 绿动水运LNG动力船进展 广西LNG动力船运营现状与未来需求 疏浚行业LNG动力工程船关键技术研究 LNG燃料加注船舶规范及船舶与海上设施法定检验规则 LNG动力船示范项目进展与政策趋势 LNG动力工作船安全技术规范和案例分析 LNG动力船油改气市场现状与发展挑战 交通船舶行业的节能减排与顶层设计
演讲人来自: 中国产业海外发展和规划协会 Poten & Partners 中海油能源发展股份有限公司 沪东中华造船(集团)有限公司 大连船舶重工集团有限公司 日本邮船株式会社 液化空气先进技术公司 中海集团液化天然气投资有限公司 上海绿动水上运输有限公司 中交疏浚(集团)股份有限公司 中国船级社武汉规范所 交通运输部水运科学研究院 交通运输部科学研究院 美国船级社 昆仑能源长航(武汉)天然气有限公司 等
更多关于大会信息你,敬请联系: 东方尚能咨询机构 联系人:刘浩 电 话:010-5863 4346
New Opportunities and Challenges for LNG Ships
As a clean energy, natural gas is being valued by increasing countries and authorized Organizations. Gas will be a reasonable option to resolve emissions for Ship owners in coming years forced by new rules and policies from IMO and government bodies. Gas utilization will be expected to expand, which will stimulate the requirements for LNG carriers and LNG fueled ships.
As the largest energy consumer, China is facing serious environmental problems. In order to deal with these concerns, Chinese government is making more stringent laws on environment and air pollution and will invest over one trillion RMB on them. Transportation is an important industry involved in energy saving and emissions reducing. The suBSIdy from China MOT is one billion a year now, rising at a high rate every year. A new building LNG fueled ship will have access to apply up to RMB 1400, 000 from government. Rising consumption and utilization of gas will stimulate the requirements for LNG carriers too in future.
The 3rd Topco LNG Carriers & LNG Fueled Vessels Assembly is a good platform and opportunity for learning, exchanging, and networking with over 300 industry peers.
Main topics: Global and China’s LNG Market Outlook and the Future of the LNG Shipping Market LNG Carrier & FSRU Order Books, Forecasts & Trends China’s Market Outlook and Demand for Small-Mid Scale LNG Carriers Introduction of Advanced LNG Related Business at NYK Line Development of Key Technology China’s Large Scale LNG Carriers LNG Reliquefaction solution for bunker, carrier and LNG fueled ship–Turbo Brayton breakthrough technology Competition and Development of LNG Transportation LNG Fueled Ships Update from LNG Power Update and Requirements for LNG Fueled Ships in Guangxi Research on Key Technologies of LNG Fueled Work Boats in the Dredging Indutry Rules for LNG Bunkering and Legislated Inspection Rules for Vessel-Marine Facilities LNG Fueled Ship Demonstration Project Update and Policies Trends Cases Analysis and Technology Safety Rules on LNG Fueled Ships LNG Fueled Ships Status and Challenges Energy Saving & Emission Reduction and Top-Down Design in the Shipping Industry And etc.
Speakers from China Industrial Overseas Development & Planning Association Poten & Partners CNOOC Energy Technology & Services-Oil Production Services Co. Hudong-zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd. Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Co.,Ltd NYK Line Air Liquide Advanced Technologies (ALAT) China-Shipping LNG Investment Co. Ltd Shanghai LNG Power Shipping Co., Ltd. Guangxi Xijiang Investment Group CCCC Dredging (Group) Co., Ltd. CCS Wuhan Rules & Research Institutes China Watterborne Transport Research Institute, MOT American Bureau of Shipping Kunlun Energy & CSC (Wuhan) Natural Gas Company Limited China Academy of Transportation Sciences
For more information please contact:
Samuel Gao Topco T: 86-10-5863 4346 M: 86-134 3931 3603