本帖最后由 黄豆浆 于 2014-12-31 16:49 编辑
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Wärtsilä Ship Design (WSD) acquired world first class design companies; VIK SANDVIK (including Skipskonsulent) from Norway, SCHIFFKO from Germany and CWA from Singapore a few years abck. Having 300+ staffs located in Norway, Poland, Serbia, Singapore, China and the US. WSD has extensive experience in designing ships and in providing ship design related services, successfully delivered 3,000+ designs to the clients. We have deep expertise in optimizing vessels to achieve cost efficiencies and environmental performance.
In view of the increasingly stringent regulations, WSD can add value to client’s business by creating ships capable of complying with future legislation without need of major reconstruction. WSD can support the clients by providing ship design, as well as new-building and consultancy services.
As a ship design solutions provider with full in-house capacity and capabilities, WSD’s core offering comprises both basic and detailed design packages. 联系人:Figosta.Zhou