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English Zone 今日: 0|主题: 3895|排名: 6 

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舾装英语 attachment heatlevel ly050104016 2011-11-1 23:32 156111 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:15
吊耳割除后的外板表面必须磨平,求翻译指正 我本英雄 2019-1-6 22:32 52826 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:14
绝对有用的纯面试急用的英语 heatlevel  ...23 Nirvanababy 2008-5-31 03:15 5115396 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:08
全球海事问题观察2018版(纯英文) attachment 老柴 2019-6-25 16:32 112538 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:07
船检英语 attachment 贝勒爷1 2019-10-11 09:14 52243 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:05
Do well, but do good too. yaomin1971 2019-8-14 09:11 103165 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:04
三角板怎么说 SCZX 2019-9-11 19:02 82946 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:01
学英语的好材料,外刊分享 raychina 2020-2-27 15:43 11003 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 09:00
hinged deck怎么翻译,求指点 新人帖 jygdsb 2020-2-17 12:07 51723 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:59
船体结构英语  ...2 xiarichanming 2009-11-12 13:36 207800 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:57
船舶常用英语单词汇总 新人帖 attachment agree hosealee1984 2019-8-10 16:58 95001 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:54
船体结构英语 Wellson 2020-1-9 16:24 21513 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:53
请教海洋工程英语 新人帖 sweig722 2017-7-20 13:19 77073 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:34
海洋石油名词术语 第1、2、3部分 新人帖 1335171089 2019-1-7 14:49 42624 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:32
船厂生活英语 attachment assinass 2012-11-11 21:23 52701 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:30
这么甜的英语,你敢和谁说? kanvic 2012-11-12 10:24 32937 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:30
毕业喽, 才LOVE娜 2012-6-25 14:29 21739 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 08:26
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(3) attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-11 19:30 62027 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 07:51
[人间美文]大学期间读的两篇经典英语文章 agree 我本英雄 2020-5-14 10:54 41729 crazybo_y 2020-7-7 07:51
GTMaritime offers customisable news service to support crew welfare 船舶新闻 2020-5-26 17:02 11026 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:31
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(4) attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-12 17:31 21520 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:30
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(6) attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-14 13:43 51858 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:25
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(5) attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-13 16:23 21682 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:19
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(7) attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-15 20:06 21606 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:15
内装的英文是什么,谢谢 attach_img Karl.Golden 2019-5-15 10:33 114794 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:12
North completes integration of Sunderland Marine 船舶新闻 2020-7-1 10:43 1868 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:11
沈阳大学,焊接专业英语教案, attachment 我本英雄 2020-7-3 11:10 21415 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:10
航运船舶航海英语缩略语 我本英雄 2020-7-3 15:33 11412 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:09
ClassNK releases amendments to class rules 船舶新闻 2020-7-6 10:18 1925 crazybo_y 2020-7-6 16:08
中英文对照船体结构 attachment dlmuzj 2013-5-8 18:05 114437 hongfeiooo 2020-7-5 07:36
ClassNK releases Annual Report on Port State Control 船舶新闻 2020-7-2 17:08 0816 船舶新闻 2020-7-2 17:08
关于涂装的单词 我本英雄 2020-6-28 13:22 11402 hongfeiooo 2020-7-2 13:09
一万小时定律(10,000 hours rule) agree 我本英雄 2020-6-29 11:08 52423 kongyongjia 2020-7-2 12:42
VIKING reaps Shipowner Agreement reward after Marine Fire Safety restructure 船舶新闻 2020-7-1 10:42 0848 船舶新闻 2020-7-1 11:07
Welfare 2.0 report investigates the role of technology in enhancing crew safe... 船舶新闻 2020-6-25 17:12 0906 船舶新闻 2020-6-25 17:12
ClassNK wins the Safety Initiative Award at the Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia... 船舶新闻 2020-6-24 17:31 0979 船舶新闻 2020-6-24 17:31
陈冠希英文道歉信解析,非常地道。对学习英语很有帮助 attachment 我本英雄 2011-6-26 17:07 73068 dklship 2020-6-23 16:01
The 10 Secrets to Speaking English-Advice from native speakers 我本英雄 2020-6-22 16:49 2891 395364996 2020-6-23 14:17
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(2) attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-10 23:17 102920 一船幽梦 2020-6-22 22:21
为什么要学专业英语? 新人帖 attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-9 11:20 112724 一船幽梦 2020-6-22 22:21
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(8) attach_img 一船幽梦 2020-6-16 22:00 11723 crazybo_y 2020-6-22 19:45
现场和海工业主的日常对话记录(1) attach_img agree 一船幽梦 2020-6-10 10:16 63283 seaibanez 2020-6-19 14:20
Atlantic Offshore protects against cyber threats with Fleet Secure Endpoint 船舶新闻 2020-6-19 09:15 0826 船舶新闻 2020-6-19 09:15
高手请进 attach_img heatlevel  ...23 asdwsvd 2010-12-9 19:57 426849 minizhuzhu 2020-6-19 09:08
造船专业英语培训,中远的资料 attachment agree 我本英雄 2019-12-27 19:05 113420 ly4399191 2020-6-14 16:15
North resilient in the face of large claims 船舶新闻 2020-5-29 11:58 1974 lls203 2020-6-13 10:07
YSA Design partners with Scenso to deliver cleaner air on cruise ships 船舶新闻 2020-6-11 08:59 0764 船舶新闻 2020-6-12 07:54
ABB marine software to boost ship safety and efficiency for Roll Group 船舶新闻 2020-6-8 15:03 0805 船舶新闻 2020-6-10 08:09
YSA Design lends expertise to cruise industry comeback 船舶新闻 2020-6-5 15:15 0899 船舶新闻 2020-6-5 15:15
ABB partners with Vigor to pave the way for Washington State Ferries' shift t... 船舶新闻 2020-6-5 15:01 0804 船舶新闻 2020-6-5 15:01
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