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English Zone 今日: 0|主题: 3898|排名: 8 

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船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard) attachment agree  ...2 zhaoxiuguo 2008-1-4 10:46 305600 441809638 2008-6-11 14:04
谁有软件性质的电气英文词典么??? tanyanbo 2008-6-9 07:22 11264 youni098 2008-6-10 12:25
NO.39 老于: too many agree 三生石 2008-6-9 11:48 91896 Nirvanababy 2008-6-9 14:52
如何用英语跟上司说话? agree stronglive 2008-6-9 08:26 21702 三生石 2008-6-9 10:36
中国代表团驳斥部分国家在西藏问题上的片面言论 玉娇龙 2008-6-9 08:09 11472 玉娇龙 2008-6-9 08:09
希拉里宣布退出竞选全文(英文) agree Nirvanababy 2008-6-7 23:08 51940 yuanbo92 2008-6-9 02:06
双语:什么引起了地震? agree 玉娇龙 2008-5-25 14:00 31962 南通船人 2008-6-8 08:35
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 阿明 2008-6-5 14:46 192397 大T 2008-6-7 15:07
To my students in Beijing agree lucyyixing 2008-6-3 08:14 31580 sdcrship 2008-6-7 14:10
Enough is as good as a feast! 阿明 2008-6-4 19:02 91641 阿明 2008-6-7 12:16
Wen Jiabao went to oversee the safety of the Tangjiashan quake-formed lake agree 玉娇龙 2008-6-7 07:54 21921 玉娇龙 2008-6-7 07:55
工作任务分配状况和报告相关的英语术语 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:41 01766 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:41
经典英文广告词 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:38 01462 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:38
医务人员常用英语 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:36 01505 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:36
足球术语中英对照 agree 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:35 01423 南通船人 2008-6-6 15:35
就快下雨了 attachment crane 2008-5-24 14:09 31597 sdcrship 2008-6-6 13:13
一个建议  ...23 yuanbo92 2008-5-27 14:17 405640 fangqilei 2008-6-5 16:56
moving thoughts。 attachment agree 卡勒 2008-6-5 16:39 01640 卡勒 2008-6-5 16:39
No. 38 Lao Yu - Love has no limit...... agree 大T 2008-5-30 14:54 41621 sfpower78 2008-6-5 10:37
Give advice! 阿明 2008-6-4 15:11 132459 阿明 2008-6-5 08:20
紧急求助 相思无用 2008-6-3 19:21 122366 21lovesee 2008-6-5 02:26
英语口语集锦 attachment yuxiang48 2008-6-3 16:46 31760 REJECT 2008-6-4 17:31
温家宝总理亮相Facebook 玉娇龙 2008-6-2 21:48 31955 玉娇龙 2008-6-3 11:26
Children's Day 玉娇龙 2008-6-2 21:49 21758 王者到达 2008-6-2 22:39
No. 39: to Dalian 三生石 2008-5-31 09:56 21827 三生石 2008-6-1 23:57
英语迷津-相似词语辨析 attachment agree NONO 2008-4-19 09:29 11738 coolhao 2008-6-1 18:05
提高英语口语的四大要素 agree 南京炎的 2008-3-28 21:01 61853 coolhao 2008-6-1 18:04
请问,体育比赛上常说的‘3平’,怎么说? fzhrxy 2008-6-1 10:35 31859 Nirvanababy 2008-6-1 10:49
这句话怎么翻译?‘总包’和‘分包’ fzhrxy 2008-6-1 09:37 33115 三生石 2008-6-1 09:52
超级实用的口语要素228句(1-31) 水平 2007-9-22 17:53 42080 64934674 2008-5-31 21:37
妙语速记3000英文单词(超级完整版)! 哈哈哈哈 2007-12-28 10:53 152921 64934674 2008-5-31 21:32
Hanger Type cableway 和 tray type cableway 国内术语的一般叫法? 船电设计 2008-5-30 14:16 01542 船电设计 2008-5-30 14:16
Lovely Bear tell you what life is~~~ attachment Nirvanababy 2008-5-30 12:23 21747 大T 2008-5-30 13:51
吸砂工程船用英语怎么说。。。 xf2872 2008-5-28 22:28 21863 xf2872 2008-5-29 09:14
首楼上的companion是什么? fzhrxy 2007-11-28 16:38 31654 marty 2008-5-28 20:59
How do I love thee 老于 2008-2-19 09:48 152476 龙的船人ABC 2008-5-28 11:47
Doctor's Orders 玉娇龙 2008-5-26 07:47 31636 玉娇龙 2008-5-28 11:20
英语 attachment TK000 2008-5-25 21:25 11657 akiko 2008-5-27 22:51
Amazing Calculations ... agree 大T 2008-5-27 16:36 01711 大T 2008-5-27 16:36
英语学习 attachment TK000 2008-5-25 21:30 41971 王者到达 2008-5-26 22:43
The Mean Man's Party 吝啬鬼的聚会 王者到达 2008-5-24 22:33 01684 王者到达 2008-5-24 22:33
The doctor lives downstairs 王者到达 2008-5-24 22:14 01536 王者到达 2008-5-24 22:14
I taught the teacher 王者到达 2008-5-23 20:56 42179 crane 2008-5-24 11:24
personality with blood type 王者到达 2008-5-23 22:41 01986 王者到达 2008-5-23 22:41
Future is now agree  ...2 marshall 2008-5-12 13:12 233476 marshall 2008-5-22 15:56
DOCUMENTED /ATTESTATION 有什么区别? alphasen 2008-5-22 14:45 21890 Nirvanababy 2008-5-22 15:40
Absolutely amazing! attachment agree 大T 2008-5-14 13:33 72331 鱼上冰 2008-5-22 01:50
NO.34 老于in sales 三生石 2008-5-4 16:09 42461 dong78526 2008-5-21 20:03
NO.28海盗,小于 And Donkey:don't try to please everyone agree 哈哈哈哈 2008-3-31 16:47 133710 wison 2008-5-21 20:01
No.35 Lao Yu - A letter to Ex-Girl Friend agree 大T 2008-4-23 14:24 42877 mydob 2008-5-21 16:08
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