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English Zone 今日: 0|主题: 3898|排名: 23 

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船舶强度课程设计 - [售价 3 金币] attachment wang780003 2013-11-9 12:49 29920 船海填坑人 2022-3-1 16:39
towed propulsion test 新人帖 石语泉馨 2022-2-23 09:43 06872 石语泉馨 2022-2-28 08:15
TRIBON帮助文件对船人有用否? xjsyw 2010-10-27 11:27 811429 长江1 2022-2-21 15:12
Particle emissions from ships reduced by up to 99% with marine scrubber and wet electrostatic precipitator 船舶新闻 2022-2-18 19:08 07209 船舶新闻 2022-2-18 19:08
《造船专业英语》(由HEU0811725翻译) attach_img 我本英雄 2020-7-7 12:16 213403 李强 2022-2-17 11:51
ABB Marine Academy supports customers with Blended Learning 龙船新闻 2021-5-12 16:06 112283 李强 2022-2-17 11:50
船电专业英语 attachment 我本英雄 2020-7-22 13:07 45659 李强 2022-2-17 11:07
Shell 企鹅FPSO 项目简介 attachment 贝勒爷1 2019-10-10 11:34 66796 xiaoachao 2022-2-11 20:33
I can speak english attachment ltx95 2021-1-5 08:53 713294 arthur.hui 2022-1-28 10:05
求以下工具的英文 船舶里的弟弟 2021-6-2 10:16 725009 风_MWcte 2021-12-30 23:30
Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard attachment stephen_J 2021-12-24 13:40 03516 stephen_J 2021-12-28 10:27
练习船舶英语听力有什么好平台啊 船舶里的弟弟 2020-12-9 13:35 107797 sdcloud2018 2021-12-11 09:47
MacGregor introduces the next generation electric crane - the preferred choice for sustainable cargo handling attach_img 船舶新闻 2021-11-16 10:46 13695 sanshandaobojue 2021-11-17 12:40
ABB to equip twelve Himalaya Shipping bulk carriers with shaft generator solutions for maximum efficiency 船舶新闻 2021-11-16 10:47 06595 船舶新闻 2021-11-16 10:47
上交大《船舶与海洋工程专业英语》及翻译 attachment 我本英雄 2020-7-7 12:04 43440 rex56 2021-11-12 08:48
Navigating decarbonisation: understanding the EU-ETS attach_img 船舶新闻 2021-10-11 13:25 13706 5522332 2021-10-25 15:11
Foreship’s battery ‘E-House’ supports green and efficient inland shipping attach_img 船舶新闻 2021-10-11 13:23 05089 船舶新闻 2021-10-12 08:33
走遍美国总词汇(完整版) 我本英雄 2021-8-27 13:24 26016 不戒 2021-10-6 15:28
海商法翻译常用词汇 我本英雄 2020-7-9 08:54 13090 labilaoxin 2021-10-1 16:38
Flexible and functional decking helps designers realise their vision 船舶新闻 2021-8-25 16:08 05616 船舶新闻 2021-8-25 16:08
ClassNK releases “Handling of the use of biofuels on ships” 船舶新闻 2021-8-13 09:02 16014 jymsa 2021-8-24 22:59
“焊业”的英文翻译 新人帖 Samuel(老齐) 2021-6-30 12:22 58640 hongfeiooo 2021-8-9 14:39
Docking engineering (坞修工程) attachment 我本英雄 2020-7-8 08:09 42464 贝勒爷1 2021-8-8 17:28
涂装常用英语 attachment 我本英雄 2020-6-27 23:06 14660 毅落凡尘 2021-8-7 10:44
大家一起学英语啊 用的看看 attachment heatlevel  ...2 qqliuxun888 2011-4-25 21:58 2510945 贝勒爷1 2021-8-4 13:48
Vestdavit wins contract for US Navy Expeditionary Sea Base duo 船舶新闻 2020-5-29 11:57 23694 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:51
高手帮我指点下类,不会翻译……  ...2 stool 2008-11-26 15:54 205601 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:51
英语能速成吗--俞敏洪答学英语热点六问(别处转的) agree 我本英雄 2020-7-16 08:47 28249 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:50
无损检测专业词汇 attachment hongfeiooo 2020-7-27 08:27 33026 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:49
MacGregor receives EUR 18 million RoRo orders from Japan 船舶新闻 2020-8-13 16:06 17805 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:49
Ecochlor Expands Service Support Network in Singapore 船舶新闻 2020-8-13 16:00 12278 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:48
Data sharing points to proactive loss prevention attach_img 船舶新闻 2020-8-14 10:32 13439 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:48
MacGregor receives EUR 13 million orders from Asia and Scandinavia attach_img 船舶新闻 2020-9-14 16:15 35858 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:47
Vestdavit wins contract for new U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker 船舶新闻 2020-12-9 13:34 14159 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:45
Cyber risk management in US ports attachment zkx 2021-1-1 11:09 24343 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:45
ONE is added to ISO9001 certification registry of ClassNK attach_img 龙船新闻 2021-4-16 10:36 37496 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:42
VIKING acquires unique HydroPeTM container firefighting system 龙船新闻 2021-5-6 09:17 12080 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:42
HEMEXPO brings impetus to shipping’s collaborative agenda attach_img 龙船新闻 2021-5-27 12:33 19707 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:42
Samskip supports forest revitalisation and offsets carbon footprint through Ecobal initiative 龙船新闻 2021-6-4 11:02 16585 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:41
李阳疯狂英语365句 attachment 我本英雄 2021-6-24 11:24 27012 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:40
求助 ZHQIANJIN 2021-6-29 14:53 16287 贝勒爷1 2021-8-3 16:40
放样是loft吗? 新人帖 MichaelLyu 2021-5-26 11:47 114288 JOSH佳賢 2021-8-2 16:59
新闻翻译 - 行业表示支持甲醇作为船舶清洁燃料 新人帖 老柴 2019-6-22 16:00 22340 wudi888_2000 2021-7-20 13:23
吐血推荐——网上英语学习资源大整理 digest agree  ...23 zhaoxiuguo 2007-12-27 16:12 5319836 mBeatles 2021-7-16 11:12
VIKING signs contract for five more Hellenic Coast Guard ambulance boats 龙船新闻 2021-6-15 08:54 08268 龙船新闻 2021-6-15 08:54
ClassNK and 22 industry players kick off studying ammonia as an alternative marine fuel 龙船新闻 2021-6-15 08:52 06502 龙船新闻 2021-6-15 08:52
IS MODULAR CABIN PREFABRICATION POSSIBLE WITHOUT OWNING A CABIN FACTORY? attach_img 龙船新闻 2021-6-9 09:08 07098 龙船新闻 2021-6-9 09:08
Bolidt hosts inaugural Design Challenge for the cruise sector 龙船新闻 2021-6-9 09:00 06957 龙船新闻 2021-6-9 09:00
ABB future-proofs sustainable operation of Monterey Bay ocean research vessel 龙船新闻 2021-6-9 08:58 07962 龙船新闻 2021-6-9 08:58
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