本帖最后由 HS_ZHENGZZ 于 2009-10-9 15:37 编辑
please translate youself or others signature in following format.
for example myself,
name: hs_zhengzz
chn sign: 明日之视今,尤今之视前,
eng sign: the day of tomorrow look at today, as same as today reviewing past.
for example others,
name: jamesxu
chn sign: 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。,
eng sign: i shall strictly focus on and no matter how long and how difficulty the route it will be.
ok, can do? let me selecte top 10 participator, base on the difficulty,creativity,accuracy etc. all participator will be selected if has not enough 10.
latter on, these guys will be voted openly to creat only one winner, as such its the only one finally grain the reword.
this game should brings fun to us and participators also, please lets do it positive.
answer close on 22:00 hrs 15 oct
same time voting will be opened and close on 22:00 hrs 20 oct
the valid signature should be existingly use in tribon.com by youself or others,
like draftman
or like jamesxu
name: gongtou
chn sign: 十年树木,百年树人。
eng sign: It takes three generations to make a gentleman。