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发表于 2020-7-3 15:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏泰州
AB: Able Bodied Seaman

AE: Auxiliary Engine

AIS:automatic identification system

ARPA   :Automatic Radar Plotting Aid; or Agent Reporting Plan

Aux.: Auxiliary

B.V.: bureau(办事处)veritas

BA: Breathing Apparatus

BCH:Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying

Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk [IMO]

BPG:InternationalChamber(会所)of ShippingBridge Procedure Guide

CCS: chinaclassification society

CDI:     ChemicalDistribution Institute

CMS:  Continuous Survey Cycle of Machinery

CPG:Contingency Planning Guide    [ ICS/OCIMF/SIGTTO]

CO:  Chief Officer

COW: crude oil washing

CSO: company security officer

CSR: continuous synopsis record

COLREGS:International Regulations for  Preventing Collisions at Sea

DOC: documentof compliance

DPA: designated person ashore

DOS:declaration of security

D&A: Guide Lines for the Control of Drugs andAlcohol on Board

D/B:  Double Bottom

D/F: Direction Finder

D.O.: Diesel Oil

DWT:   Dead Weight Tonnage

EDP:  Electronic Data Processing

E.R.: Engine Room

Ex.com: Executive Committee

EPIRB: emergency position indication radio beacon

ETA: estimated time of arrival

ETD: estimates time of departure

FFA: Fire Fighting Appliances

F.O.:Fuel Oil

FW:Fresh Water

GM:General Manager

GRT:Gross Registered Ton

GRB:  Garbage Record Book

GMDSS:Global Maritime Distress and Safety System [IMO]

GPS:Global Positioning System

HFO:Heavy Fuel Oil

HSO:Guide to Helicopter Service

HP/Rpm:Horse power/Revolutions per minute

HT:High Temperature

ICS:InternationalChamber of Shipping

ILO:   InternationalLabor Organization

IMO Res.: InternationalMaritime Organization Resolution

IOPP:InternationalOil Pollution Prevention [Certificate]

IPP NLS:International Pollution PreventionNoxious Liquid Substances [Certificate]

ISF:International Shipping Federation

ISGOTT:  International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals

ISO:   International Standardization Organization

IMDGC:InternationalMaritime Dangerous Goods Code

IMO   :   international Maritime Organization

IBC:International Code for the Constructionand Equipment of Ships           CarryingChemicals in Bulk [IMO]

ISM :InternationalSafety Management

ISPS: internationalship and port facility security code

INMARSAT:international maritime satellite organization

ISSC: internationalship security certificate

LL:Load Line Convention

L.O. :Lubricating Oil

LOF 95:Lloyd's Open Form 1995

LOH:Loss of Hire

LRC:  Local Rescue Center

LSW:Light Ship Weight

LT:     Low Temperature

LOA:Length Overall

LSA:Life safetyAppliances

LOA: length overall

LBP     :Length Between Perpendiculars

Lloyd’s: Lloyd’sregister of ship

MCR:Maximum Continuous Rating

ME:   Main Engine

MFAG:Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods [IMO]

MRC:Medical Research Council

MSC:MarineTechnical Committee [IMO]

MERSAR:  Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual [IMO]

MARPOL:MarinePollution Convention [IMO]

MMSI: maritime mobile servise identify

MRCC: maritime rescue coordination center

N/A:Not Applicable

NSS:Next Special Survey

NOR:Notice of Readiness(备装通知)

NRT:  Net Register Tonnage

NAVTEX:Navigational Warning Service Receiver

NTM:Notice toMariners

OCIMF:Oil Companies International Marine Forum(论坛)

ODME:Oil Discharge MonitorEquipment

OPM:Office Procedure Manual

OS: Ordinary Seaman

OOW: officer on watch

ORB: Oil Record Book

OSC: on-scene  coordinator

P.O.  Port Operations

PSS:Perils at Sea and Salvage [ICS/OCIMF]

PT:Port Side

PSC: port state control

PSCO: port state control officer

Q.A.:Quality Assurance

Q.C :Quality Control

QM:Quality Manager, Quality Manual

QMS:Quality Management System


RDF:Radio Direction Finder

ROB: Remaining On Board

RCC: rescue coordinated center

SATCOM:Satellite Communication Receiver/Transmitter

SMP:Safe Mooring Practices [OCIMF]

SMT:Ship Management Team

SIM:Shipboard Instruction Manual :

SOP:Shipboard Operation Procedure

SSSCL:Ship/Shore Safety for Safe Transport,Handling And Storage of

SOLAS:Safety Of Life At Sea Convention [IMO]

STCW:Standards of TrainingCertification and Watch keeping Convention for seafarers [IMO]

SOPEP: shipboardoil pollution emergency plan

STBD   :Starboard

SSP: ship security plan

SSA: ship security assessment

SWL: safe working load

SAR: search and rescue

SART: search and rescue transponder

SMS:Safety Management System

SMC:Safety Management Certificate

TSG[C]:Tanker Safety Guide [Chemicals]

TEU: twenty-foot equivalent unit

UTC: universaltime coordinated

VTS: vessel traffic service

VHF:Very High Frequency

WS:Work Station

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发表于 2020-7-6 16:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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