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发表于 2009-5-12 14:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏无锡

旅行, 不必在乎目的地,在乎的是眼中的风景和看风景的心情……



Ratatouille, 中文名 《料理鼠王》,07年夏天在全球热播. 法餐再次成为注目的焦点, 主角自然是小老鼠做的拯救了整座饭店的Ratatouille.

    Ratatouille是法国的一道名菜么? 回答是否定的, 大家看到电影中那位美食家在品尝了第一口Ratatouille后的表情, 菜肴的味道令他想起了小时候平凡的日子里妈妈做的这道日常菜. 事实上, Ratatouille是法国尼斯的一道当地菜, 从前法国的农民和所有地方的农民一样穷, 养的家畜都是拿出去卖的, 自己吃肉是件奢侈的事. 于是穷人们就发明了Ratatouille这道什锦蔬菜. 法语里Touiller是搅拌的意思, 其实就是蔬菜大杂烩啦. 最早的尼斯Ratatouille里不放茄子(Eggplant/Aubergine)的, 因为Ratatouille属于夏令时菜,茄子还没有上市,只有西葫芦(Zucchini/Courgette), 番茄, 青椒(Bell pepper/Poivron), 洋葱和大蒜. 吃的时候可以配米饭, 面包或土豆.
    法式的Ratatouille烹饪过程要求把每样蔬菜用橄榄油先分开煸炒一遍。首先把茄子切丁,用中大火翻炒至颜色变深,盛出放在垫有餐巾纸的盘中, 否则这道菜会很油。把洋葱和大蒜放在一起煸炒一会儿,然后加入去了皮和籽的番茄丁。烧到番茄变酥,再加入西葫芦(Courgette/Zucchini)和青椒和普罗旺斯香草(Herbes de Provence) 和罗勒(Basilic/Basil)烧十分钟。

   Here's what a real Ratatouille looks like....

     电影里我们看到的Ratatouille是大厨Thomas keller在传统Ratatouille的基础上发明的Confit biyaldi。这个名字取自土耳其的一道菜Imam bayildi,炒茄子和时蔬。这位美国著名的厨师在自己的菜谱书籍The French Laundry Cookbook中把蔬菜片竖起摆放的Ratatouille取名为”Confit Bayaldi”。Pixar的电影监制Brad Lewis在寻找Ratatouille的电影素材是去Thomas Keller的饭店里寻找了两天灵感。Lewis问Keller,如果有一位最著名的美食家去他的电里吃饭,他会怎样做Ratatouille,之后我们就在电影里看到了Keller当时的回答。
    Ratatouille电影里的做法,是把蔬菜每片都切的很一样薄,一片一片叠加在烤盘上,盖上锡纸,放在烤箱里烤几个小时。最后在堆砌好的蔬菜才浇上用 新鲜罗勒挑出的醋汁。尽管Ratatouille的烹饪时间已经很长,这道菜要在冰箱里放个几天,会更好吃。但是这样的话营养价值就打折了。

Baked Ratatouille (Fırında Ratatouille)

Cumin-Scented Ratatouille with Halibut Filets

A vegetable stew, usually made with eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and onions, seasoned with herbs and garlic, and served hot or cold.

Ratatouille Niçoise is a traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish, originating (as the name implies) in Nice. The dish, already popular, became even more so as a result of the Pixar movie of the same name.It can be served as a meal of its own (accompanied by rice, potatoes, or French bread),  as a side dish or appetizer along with crusty bread.

   The word ratatouille comes from touiller, which means to toss food, an appropriate name as the ingredients are tossed into the pan . Originally ratatouille was a dish for poor farmers, prepared in the summer with fresh vegetables. The original ratatouille niçoise used only courgettes (zucchini), tomatoes, poivrons (bell peppers), onion, and garlic. Most modern versions add aubergine (eggplant) to that mixture.

In France ratatouille is usually served as a side dish, but also may be served as a meal on its own (accompanied by rice, or une baguette). Ratatouille can be used as a filling for savory crêpes or in an omelette.

This Niçoise dish(Ratatouille) is much more than a vegetable soup. It can be prepared fairly quickly by cooking everything together at the same time, but that needs to be done in the correct sequence to not miss out the art and the flavour of the dish. It's also true that the recipe can legitimately vary (somewhat) according to tastes, but the variations should be based on experience. The volume is also very variable.
"Too much" doesn't apply to ratatouille. Cook it the first time, and eat it hot as the main course; then have it again later as a cold hors-d'oeuvre. In the summer time, it's great as a cold main-course dish. It keeps for several days in the refridgerator. Ratatouille is good served with couscous grain (semoule) or rice.

There are many ways to make a ratatouille, the Provençal vegetable ragout with eggplant, zucchini, peppers, onions and tomatoes. In Provence, they just cooked everything together in the pan. But in this lighter version you can use less olive oil, because you roast the eggplant before cooking it with the rest of the vegetables. Ratatouille really benefits from being made the day before you wish to serve it.


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发表于 2009-5-12 14:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南通
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