Mad解释为:发疯。也可以说是:快气疯了。但是在这里mad是指非常生气。那么,钱怎么会生气的呢? 最开始的时候,mad money是年轻女子跟男朋友一起出去玩的时候自己身上藏的一点钱。万一她跟男朋友生气了,或吵架了,那她至少自己有钱叫出租车回家去。 现在,mad money的含义已经扩大了。Mad money是另外放出的一小部份现金,准备在紧急时候用的。 例句1: The other day we ran out of gas sixty miles from home. I had forgotten my wallet. But we were lucky - my wife remembered she had her mad money, so we were able to buy gas to get back home. 一个丈夫说:那天,我们在离家六十英哩的地方发现汽车里没有汽油了。我那天又忘了带钱包。但是,我们很幸运,因为我太太记得她有一些准备急用的现金,所以我们能买了汽油,开车回家。
下面是一个爸爸在说他女儿的经历。 例句2: Last Saturday, my daughter was invited to a dinner party and planned to buy a cake on her way. In the bakery, she found out that she'd forgotten her purse. Fortunately, she had her mad money in her pocket to pay for the cake, so it turned out all right.
这个爸爸说:上星期六,我女儿的朋友请她去吃晚饭。她准备在去的路上买一个蛋糕。她在蛋糕店里的时候发现她没有带钱包。还好她口袋里有一些应急用的现金可以付蛋糕钱,所以就没问题了. |