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FW:The World’s Most Powerful Bulk-Carrying Icebreaker Joins Fednav Fleet

发表于 2014-3-24 16:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 美国
The most powerful bulk-carrying icebreaker in the world, the MV Nunavik has arrived in Canada.
Built for Fednav at Japan Marine United’s (JMU) Tsu Shipyard, the ship will be used to export the concentrates produced at the Canadian Royalties owned Nunavik Nickel mine at Deception Bay in northern Quebec. The vessel will also supply the mine with equipment and fuel, year round.
Rated Polar Class 4, this highly specialized icebreaker is similar in design to the Umiak I, the Fednav ship servicing Vale’s Voisey’s Bay operation in Northern Labrador.
The Nunavik will sail unescorted in Arctic regions and will operate in the extreme winter conditions of the Canadian Arctic. It is capable of maintaining continuous progress of 3 knots in 1.5 m of ice.
[size=0.7em]MV Nunavik

The vessel was designed by Fednav and JMU, and will sail between Deception Bay and Northern Europe on a year-round basis. The engine produces 29,600 hp, three times the power of a conventional bulk carrier of the same size. The Nunavik will be supported by Enfotec Technical Services, a Fednav suBSIdiary to provide up to date information on ice conditions as well as technical support to the inhouse IceNav navigation system.
The arrival of this new ship represents Fednav’s commitment to mining development in the Arctic, as well as our dedication to technological development and energy efficiency,” says Paul Pathy, President and Co-CEO of Fednav Limited.
In naming this new ship Nunavik, Fednav wanted to recognize the inhabitants and the region in which it will operate as well as its project partner, Nunavik Nickel.
The Nunavik is equipped with the latest environmental technologies, such as a Tier II engine that reduces nitrogen oxide emissions by 20%, and the first ballast treatment system installed on a Canadian-owned vessel.

fednav, March 21, 2014

http://worldmaritimenews.com/arc ... joins-fednav-fleet/

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