forgiveness means bending without breaking, being strong enough to withstand the heavy weight of injury but resilient enough to recover. Be forgiving!
Life is never perfect and often unfair. Forgive life's inevitable failures.
Forgive yourself: for what you regret doing and for what you wish you had done, for not being fully for yourself and for being only yourself.
Self-forgiveness cleanses the soul, washing away shame and guilt. Out of self-forgiveness comes the power to extend forgiveness to others.
You have the right to feel sad, betrayed, angry, resentful when you've been injured. Understand, accept, and express your feelings. Pushing them below the surface only means they will erupt in another place, at another time.
Confront those who have hurt you; tell them how you feel. When that's impossible or when that could harm you or someone else, speak to them in your imagination.
Forgiveness does not mean accepting further abuse or continuing destructive relationships. Establish boundaries for what is acceptable to you and make those boundaries clear to others. Hold them accountable for their actions.
Justice may right the wrongs, but forgiveness heals the hurt. Seek forgiveness beyond justice.
Sometimes people hurt you because, like you, they are learning and growing. Forgive their incompleteness, their humanness.
To refuse to forgive is to continue to hurt yourself. Victimed once, your lack of forgiveness keeps you stuck as a victim, holding on to a victim's identity. Instead, claim the identity of one who forgives.
Recognize how you've refused to forgive. Keeping inner monsters at bay requires energy. Instead ,use your energy to affirm and embrace life.
Victims are helpless, at the mercy of the offender. By showing mercy to an offender, you put yourself back in control. Take charge by forgiving.
宽恕能实现在最疼痛的伤口,在泛泛之辈、在最厌恶的 人身上。这是上天赐给我们的能耐。
Know that forgiveness is possible even in the most hurtful circumstances, even toward someone you may not trust or respect, even when someone doesn't seem to deserve forgiveness. It is a testimony to the goodness your creator instilled within you from the first moment of your being. |