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Anthony says

发表于 2011-5-4 11:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
[ 高106米     一圈15分     52个舱        你     在世界的顶端      抱住了我 ]

106M Height  , 15min per round ,  52 gondola. You grip me without notice  when we come up to the top of sky .

[这些 是你给我的爱]

These are the love which you put in my heart.

[ 阳光充足的     三千高尺      我突然明白了     我不能坐在 悲伤的你     身旁 ]

I just can't sit by your side , to see your sorrow under such beautiful sunshine.

{He will do anything he can to see her smile.}

[ 他说 如果我为你偷来全世界的云朵       你会爱我吗 ]

[ 她说 不 ]

If I bring all the cloud of the world for you .. ...will you ...love me?


[ 我要去     有你的未来 ]

I am on my way to future , where you are there.

[ 我把喜欢你的那些     小心思     抽成了驼绒      在想你的时候      织成了围巾 ]

[ 谁知道     最后只是     温暖了自己 ]

Do you know that I love you?

[是的 我很清醒 不论是公转还是自传 潮涨还是潮退 不论是暖流改变气温带来鱼群或者海水淹没岛屿失去踪迹 不论是我的世界车水马龙 繁华盛世还是它们都瞬间消失化为须

臾 我都会坚定地走向你 不迷惑 不慌张 不犹豫 ]

My mind is clear. No matterwhat happens ,I well always walk towards you, unwavering,unhurried, and unhesitating.

[你出现的时候“哔”的一声 世界就只剩下我们了 ]

When you show up, it seems only you and me left in the whole world.

I wish there's no end in every street if I walk with you.

一起看电影时买的薯片 放到保鲜袋里干燥保存 两天过期

一起逛花街买的清香栀子 天天浇水晒太阳 花开一季

一起拍的宝丽来相片 小心翼翼的藏进相册里 几十年后过期

那么 一起制造的回忆 只剩下我一个人保管 多久……会过期呢?

You left me alone in my memory.

Spring tickles your nose.

Summer whooshes through your sleeves.

The sky stands high in the fall.

By the time we realize,most of the winter has passed.

如果你喜欢的人 不喜欢你

那么就算全世界的人都喜欢你 还是会觉得很孤独吧

If the person you like doesn't like you,

wouldn't it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you?

If you can't find it,don't be too sad.

We can't always have what we want…it's just life


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