发表于 2009-5-9 09:36
来自: 中国香港
How about following webpage? Is it suitable and useful?
I found it is useful for us in maritime industries.
MARINE LOG is America's most respected marine industry monthly. It is dedicated to providing marine industry professionals with the information they need to enable them to design, build and operate vessels, rigs and offshore structures, profitably, safely, legally and in an environmentally responsible manner.
MARINE LOG provides this information not only through the pages of the monthly print magazine, which is now also available on-line in an enhanced digital version, and through this website, but through iits organization of conferences and trade shows.
These events allow key industry topics to be explored in greater depth than is always possible in the magazine. Most significantly, they enable direct, face-to-face contact between industry professionals and those who work with them, including members of the legislative and regulatory communities. |