楼主 |
发表于 2021-4-14 14:42
来自: 中国辽宁大连
我觉得你对ABS规范理解有误。ABS 认为对于有辅助推进器的barge可以给予NP(Non-propelled) 的船级符号,那么对于没有推进器的barge当然是NP(Non-propelled) 的,所以ABS从来不需要定义barge是non-propelled的。如果某个奇葩的设计人员非要设计一个self-propelled 的barge, 那么任何一个ABS或者其他船级社的人都会予以拒绝,这是指鹿为马。这就是为什么你所说的“自航甲板驳”,是俗称而不是术语,不是驳船。驳船就是非自航的。ABS MVR,1-5-2
5.35 MachineryMachinery and systems for barges are to comply with the applicable requirements of Part 4 of the BargeRules. Thruster machinery and systems used for short field moves (consisting of moving the unit from onework location to another location within the same area of operation, that takes no longer than 12 hours andis conducted in daylight hours) of non-propelled units and complying with the requirements of the MarineVessel Rules as applied to self-propelled units, manufactured and installed under ABS survey and foundsatisfactory after trials, will be distinguished in the Record by the notation ✠AMS-NP, as appropriate.
ABS barge rules. 4-1-1
1.1 Machinery and Equipment (2020)
In general, machinery, boilers, pressure vessels, pumps, piping, materials, electrical systems and fire
extinguishing systems are to be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the ABS Rules for
Building and Classing Marine Vessels (Marine Vessel Rules). Design review of machinery and electrical
equipment is to be in accordance with 4-1-1/9 TABLE 1 through TABLE 6 of the Marine Vessel Rules
except as modified herein.
ABS MVR,4-1-1
TABLE 2Certification Details -Propulsion, Maneuvering and Mooring Machinery (2019)
Section 4: Steering
10. Steering gears 5 4-3-4/19.1 - 19.7
11. Thrusters optional notations (APS, DPS or PAS notation) 4/5 4-3-5/1.3 and 4-3-5/13, DPSGuide
12. Other thrusters 375 kW (500 hp) or less 1 4-3-5/3.3.2